"Or maybe you are afraid of my fighting power and want these ninth-level evil spirits to consume me completely, but I have to disappoint you. After all, these ninth-level evil spirits failed to be promoted and were not fully promoted to the tenth-level evil spirits. So what? Maybe it will consume me?"

Wu Tao's thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he had already thought of this. Faced with this situation, he was not afraid at all.

However, he will still try his best to kill this ninth-level evil spirit, because he is sure to snatch the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform next.

Therefore, Wu Tao didn't care that the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eighteenth Realm did not try their best to assist him. He still surrounded himself with six red flame divine fire shields to form the third line of defense.

He has a total of three defenses on his body. The six red flame divine fire shields are the third defense. After this defense is broken, there are also fourth-level advanced defense robes, which are the second defense, and the third defense is His star body.

As a physical practitioner, his body is the strongest defense. Now his Star Yuan Body is no weaker than the fourth-level advanced defensive magic weapon.

18 offensive magic weapons kept falling on the ninth-level evil spirits. The ninth-level evil spirits seemed to have completely lost their minds at this moment. For evil spirits, they were not able to have the same spiritual integrity as human immortal cultivators. They devoured the soul. Spirits, devouring immortal cultivators, and improving one's own strength are actually more of an instinct.

Now that Wu Tao and other ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators have blocked its path to promotion to the 10th-level evil spirit, and it has gone through so many battles, this ninth-level evil spirit that failed to advance is still crazy after all, and has identified an obsession. , that is, Wu Tao must be killed no matter what.

Its hatred for Wu Tao seems to have surpassed all the eighteen realms of Nascent Soul cultivators.

Wu Tao didn't care that this ninth-level evil spirit was the most powerful evil spirit in the evil spirit frenzy, so what?

Although they are in the frenzy of evil spirits, other evil spirits have been attracted by the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform. In addition, this level 9 evil spirit has been blinded by hatred and has little spiritual will. Evil spirits have forgotten to rule.

So for a moment, the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Eighteen Realms were greatly relieved. Only a few evil spirits around them would attack them instinctively, but they could be easily resolved.

Now there are only two things they have to do. One is to wait for Wu Tao to kill this level 9 evil spirit that failed to advance, and the second is to wait for the level 5 Pure Spirit Lotus Platform to mature.

Therefore, they have time to recuperate and recuperate. If the level of evil spirits around them is not high, they will start to use Nascent Soul Skills, swallow pills, and restore their magic power and spiritual thoughts.

This ninth-level evil spirit that failed to be promoted became more and more frenzied and fierce in its attacks. Wu Tao was even more delighted, because this ninth-level evil spirit had neglected defense and only wanted to attack Wu Tao. Therefore, Wu Tao's 18 magic weapons were used every time. It falls on it every moment, weakening its aura.

In just a few minutes, Wu Tao would be sure to wipe out this ninth-level evil spirit that had failed to advance.

Wu Tao's 18 magic weapons bloomed with magic light under his control, and every attack was swift and spiritually powerful.

The 18th realm Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivator who was assisting Wu Tao in attacking the 9th-level evil spirit was shocked. Logically speaking, Wu Tao's mana and spiritual energy should have been consumed to a great extent by attacking to this point. Why? Instead, the attacks became stronger and stronger.

With each attack, the ninth-level evil spirit was driven back step by step, and its aura became weaker and weaker. Now it is equivalent to an ordinary ninth-level evil spirit.

Sure enough, the aura of the level 9 evil spirit that failed to be promoted this time declined to the level of an ordinary level 9 evil spirit. Wu Tao shouted, and eighteen streams of light bombarded the body of this level 9 evil spirit in an instant. Only the level 9 evil spirit was reduced to ashes.

The level 9 evil spirit that failed to be promoted this time has been wiped out. Wu Tao recalled the 18 magic weapons and surrounded the six red flame divine fire shields around him. His face was calm and he said to the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator of the Eighteenth Realm: "Thank you very much. Please help me, this level nine evil spirit has been killed by Li."

Such calm words made the faces of the nine-level Nascent Soul cultivators in the Eighteenth Realm become extremely complicated, and their hearts were already shaking.

Especially the ninth level Nascent Souls of the nine ninth-level immortal cultivating sects such as Tianjue Sect, their calculations have failed. They originally thought of using this ninth-level evil spirit that failed to advance to consume Wu Tao's mana and spiritual will, but Today, Wu Tao's magic power and spiritual power seem to be still strong.

Such a powerful person will be a formidable enemy if he later robs the fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform. Based on individual battles, who can rob Wu Tao?

In fact, not only the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from nine ninth-level immortal cultivation sects such as Tianjue Sect think so, but also the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from the other eighteen realms.

Their eyes wandered back and forth between Wu Tao and the maturing fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform. This fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform would probably be fully mature in a little while.

The seven Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators from the Blood Sect were also standing outside. They also joined in the siege and cooperation against the ninth-level evil spirit that failed to advance. They were also very aware of the current situation.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, the situation is not good. Why do I feel that our immortal cultivators from the 18th realm want to take action against Friend Daoist Li?"

Seeing such a situation, a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator from the Blood Sect sent spiritual messages to the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Huang and other Blood Sect immortal cultivators.

The ninth-level immortal cultivator of the Nascent Soul surnamed Huang did not immediately reply when he heard his voice transmission. He then heard other blood sect cultivators' spiritual communication through voice transmission.

"Here are the hundreds of nine-level Immortal Cultivators from the Eighteen Realms of Nascent Soul. After the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform matures, it will not be a sect battle, but a personal battle. But in a personal battle, Li Daoyou's strength is too great. Stronger."

"If it is a personal battle, this fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform will definitely be captured by Fellow Daoist Li. This is not what the Eighteenth Realm Immortal Cultivators want to see. Therefore, I feel that the Eighteenth Realm Nascent Soul Immortal Cultivators will unite and expel Fellow Daoist Li first. !”

At this time, the ninth-level immortal cultivator of the Nascent Soul surnamed Huang began to communicate with his spiritual thoughts: "You are right. Fellow Daoist Li's combat power is too strong. If a tree is as beautiful as a forest, the wind will destroy it.'6''9''s'' h''u''x''.''c''o''m'”

"Fellow Daoist Huang, what will we choose next? Should we choose to be neutral or should we choose to side with Daoist Li?"

The ninth-level immortal cultivator named Qian from the Blood Sect asked the ninth-level immortal cultivator named Huang.

As for why there is no other third option, join the side of the ninth-level immortal cultivators of the 18th Realm Nascent Soul to besiege Wu Tao.

Previously, their Blood Sect only had 9 members of the ninth level of Nascent Soul. They failed to besiege Wu Tao, but were controlled by Wu Tao with a life-strangling lock and killed two of them. But now hundreds of Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators from the entire 18th world are besieging Wu Tao. Even if there is interference from the frenzy of evil spirits, which disperses a lot of combat power, they still feel that Wu Tao will definitely die under this siege.

Unless he is not the True Monarch of Nascent Soul but the Divine Monarch of Transformation.

The question asked by the Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Qian is exactly the question of the other Blood Sect Nascent Soul cultivators. They also have to make a choice, because above their Nascent Soul cultivators, Wu Tao is controlling them with a life-killing lock.

The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Huang was also thinking about what he should choose later. He pondered for a moment and finally made a decision. He sent his thoughts to the six ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators of the Blood Sect: "We are now being Fellow Daoist Li is under control with the life-strangling lock. The cultivators from the Eighteenth Realm will definitely force Fellow Daoist Li out. Fellow Daoist Li is outnumbered, so he might ask us to fight with him against the Immortal Cultivators from the Eighteenth Realm."

"So we might as well take the initiative to stand on Fellow Daoist Li's side. We have no choice but to have our lives in Fellow Daoist Li's hands. We can only take a gamble and bet that Fellow Daoist Li is still strong and can create miracles."

Seeing that the Ninth Level Nascent Soul surnamed Huang gave this choice, the other six Ninth Level Nascent Souls of the Blood Sect thought for a while and then agreed.

Liu Hai and Xiang Ziheng of Xuyang Sect are also considering it. There are four Nascent Soul cultivators of Xuyang Sect beside them.

However, Liu Hai and Xiang Ziheng were already free, so they decided to remain neutral and not attack Wu Tao with the immortal cultivators from the Eighteen Realms, nor did they stand in the same camp as Wu Tao.

They have seen how powerful Wu Tao is, and they know that even if they encounter all the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eighteen Realms, they will probably dare to fight. By then, many Nascent Soul ninth-level cultivators from the Eighteen Realms will surely die in Wu Tao's hands.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little solemn, and Wu Tao naturally felt the microexpressions of these ninth-level Immortal Cultivators of the Eighteenth Realm Nascent Soul. Naturally, he was well aware of the current situation.

If it were him, he would still be afraid of such a powerful himself. After all, every ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator is extremely eager to obtain such a rare person as the fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform.

The atmosphere was solemn for a while, and the ninth-level Nascent Soul of Tianjue Sect finally offered his hand to Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Daoist Li is really powerful. Without Friend Daoist Li, it would be really difficult to kill this ninth-level evil spirit."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform, and he was getting closer and closer to the maturity of the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform.

He was very afraid of Wu Tao in his heart. Once the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform matured and Wu Tao entered the competition, he would not have any share, so he made a decision in his heart.

And his decision will definitely be supported by all the 18 realms of Nascent Soul cultivators.

Wu Tao looked at the ninth level of Yuan Ying of Tian Jue Sect who was thinking, and knew what he was thinking, so he said with a smile: "Fellow Taoists, the fifth level pure spirit lotus platform is about to mature, then it depends on everyone's destiny. Got it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ninth-level Immortal Cultivator from Tianjue Sect took a step forward, faced Wu Tao and said, "Young Daoist Li is not a cultivator from the 18th realm, right?"

Wu Tao looked at him, knowing that the other party was looking for an excuse to expel him, but he didn't care and said: "Yes, I am not an immortal cultivator from the Eighteenth Realm. Why, I am not a cultivator from the Eighteenth Realm and I can't snatch this fifth-level pure spirit." Lotus platform?"

The ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of Tianjue Sect's Nascent Soul said calmly: "Friend Daoist Li, your fighting power is too strong. If we fight individually according to the rules set before, no one here can be the opponent of Friend Li. This fifth-level pure If Fellow Daoist Li of the Linglian Terrace wants to join the fight, it would be better to directly give up the fifth-level Pure Spiritual Lotus Terrace to Fellow Daoist Li."

Wu Tao smiled when he heard this and said: "That's good. We are too lazy to take action and hurt the harmony. Don't fight for it. Just give this fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform to Li!"

"What an arrogant tone. You are just one person, and hundreds of us from the 18th Realm, the 9th level of Nascent Soul, are here." As soon as Wu Tao finished speaking, several 18th realm 9th level Nascent Soul cultivators shouted angrily.

"What, what do you want to do? Are you going to unite to deal with me?" Wu Tao had a smile on his face, without any fear, and glanced at a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator from the Eighteen Realms.

The ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of Tianjue Sect's Nascent Soul bowed his hands to Wu Tao and said: "Fellow Daoist Li, I'm sorry. First of all, I would like to thank you very much, Friend Li, for working with us to kill this ninth-level evil spirit that is being promoted. But Friend Li's strength It’s too powerful, and it would be very unfair to us if we join the fight for the fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform.”

"So I have no choice but to ask fellow Taoist Li to leave this place!"

As soon as his words fell, the atmosphere became more solemn, and there was a feeling that a war was about to break out at any time.

Wu Tao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform, and then looked at a ninth-level immortal cultivator of the Eighteenth Realm Nascent Soul. At this moment, he could feel that their cohesion was unprecedentedly high. The level of evil spirits is even higher when promoted to level 10 evil spirits.

So Wu Tao laughed and said: "What, you are going to attack me together?"

The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator of Tianjue Sect took a deep breath, looked behind him and the other 18th-level Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators around him, and said: "If Fellow Daoist Li leaves here, we will not take action against Fellow Daoist Li! The fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform is about to mature, I will give Fellow Daoist Li 10 breaths to think about it."

When Wu Tao's eyes circled around and landed on the seven Blood Sect members, led by the ninth-level Immortal Cultivator surnamed Huang, they immediately came behind Wu Tao, bowed their hands to Wu Tao and said, "Friend Daoist Li, my Blood Sect is willing to cooperate with Wu Tao." Fellow Daoist Li, we share the joys and sorrows together."

"You're a blood sect, you eat everything inside and out, you really don't know how to live or die." A nine-level Nascent Soul cultivator from the 18th realm saw the seven blood sects actually falling towards Wu Tao, and he immediately cursed.

The ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Huang and the other seven members of the Blood Sect ignored the words and just looked at Wu Tao. How could they know their own difficulties? If they were not controlled by Wu Tao with a life-strangling lock, who would take such a big risk? The risk of standing behind Wu Tao.

Wu Tao looked around and then landed on Xiang Ziheng and Liu Hai. The expressions of Liu Hai and Xiang Ziheng changed slightly. Xiang Ziheng took a step forward and offered his hand to Wu Tao: "Fellow Taoist Li, fellow Taoists from the Eighteen Realms, Our Xuyang Sect withdraws from the competition for the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform."

This is the decision reached by Xiang Ziheng and Liu Hai after convincing the other four Nascent Soul cultivators of the Xuyang Sect.

Because no matter with Wu Tao or without Wu Tao, the chance of the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform being succeeded by their Xuyang Sect is not very high. It is better to go neutral directly to avoid dying in the fight.

"Okay!" Seeing that Xuyang Sect did not participate in the fight for the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform, Wu Tao and the immortal cultivators from the 18th realm had no objections.

Wu Tao looked at the seven ninth-level Nascent Souls of the Blood Sect. He also knew that the seven ninth-level Nascent Souls of the Blood Sect were afraid that he would blackmail them into joining his camp, so he made this decision in advance.

But one code after another, he would not threaten the blood sect's seven Yuan Ying ninth-level immortal cultivators with a life-strangling lock. He said to them: "Have you captured the remaining Yuan Ling?"

The ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Huang named Nascent Soul was stunned when he heard this. Is now the time to ask this? But Wu Tao asked him and still replied: "Go back to Fellow Daoist Li, we have captured enough!"

Because of the emergence of the source of Yuanling, the seven members of the Blood Sect have collected the remaining 10 level 9 Yuanlings, and there are even more. They are waiting for the source of Yuanling to disappear this time and the craze of evil spirits to dissipate. The remaining Yuanlings were handed over to Wu Tao, who asked Wu Tao to remove the life-stricken locks on them.

Wu Tao heard this and said, "Okay, leave it to me."

The ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Nascent Soul surnamed Huang immediately handed it over to Wu Tao. Wu Tao counted the number and asked them to release the Nascent Soul and remove the life-stricken lock on the Nascent Soul.

At this moment, the practitioners of the Eighteen Realms knew why the seven members of the Blood Sect made such a choice, and their lives fell into Wu Tao's hands.

At the same time, I also felt that it was very absurd that the life-strangling lock that the Blood Sect had refined by itself was actually controlled by someone else with the life-strangling lock.

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