After sighing, Wu Tao silently came to the sky above the fourth-level trap and kill array arranged by Xiang Ziheng, because he wanted to pass by here. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

Xiang Ziheng, who was controlling the formation to attack the ninth-level Yuanling while using magic weapons to kill the ninth-level Yuanling, suddenly felt a powerful Yuanying aura coming, and his heart suddenly tightened.

At such a critical time, if other Nascent Soul cultivators appear, they will most likely start competing for the ninth-level Yuanling, because in this Yuanling secret realm, the ninth-level Yuanling is too rare.

Therefore, he had to stop attacking the ninth-level Yuanling. When he looked up, he saw Wu Tao in the sky above him.

When he saw it was Wu Tao, he was still shocked. He put on a forced smile, bowed to Wu Tao and said, "It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Li."

He prayed in his heart that Wu Tao must not rob him of this ninth-level Yuanling. If it were other ninth-level Yuanying cultivators, Xiang Ziheng would not be afraid.

But he had understood how powerful Wu Tao was. If Wu Tao really wanted to snatch it, this level 9 Yuanling would definitely be snatched away by Wu Tao.

Wu Tao looked at the expression on Ziheng's face and knew what he was worried about. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't steal your ninth-level Yuanling."

"By the way, do you need help?"

"Ah?" Hearing Wu Tao's words, Xiang Ziheng looked stunned. He thought he heard the last sentence wrong. After thinking about it, he felt that his nervousness was unnecessary. Wu Tao's character had been verified by him. , how could he snatch this level 9 Yuanling from him?

Hearing Wu Tao say that he could help, and thinking of Wu Tao's cultivation strength, he couldn't help but opened his mouth and said, "Can, can you? Fellow Daoist Li?"

After saying this, he regretted it. In this secret realm of Yuan Ling, everyone was rushing to capture Yuan Ling to improve their cultivation. Asking Fellow Daoist Li for help would not be a waste of Fellow Daoist Li's time.

Naturally, Wu Tao didn't know that Xiang Ziheng was thinking so much at that moment. Seeing his request, he immediately reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and 18 attack magic weapons rushed into Xiang Ziheng's formation. , instantly surrendered the level 9 Yuanling, surrounded it with a large net woven with mana and spiritual thoughts, and floated in front of Xiang Ziheng.

"You surrendered now, with just one move? Fellow Daoist Li is stronger than before." Xiang Ziheng was stunned. The power of the attack just now made him feel that he was even more powerful when he fought against Fellow Daoist Li for the first time.

The next second, Xiang Ziheng came to his senses and quickly bowed to Wu Tao to thank him: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Li, thank you, Fellow Daoist Li."

"Okay, put it away. I have to say that you are very lucky. You met three ninth-level Yuanlings in this Yuanling Secret Realm." Wu Tao said to Xiang Ziheng.

Xiang Ziheng put away the ninth-level Yuanling and explained to Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li, I have encountered not 3 level Yuanlings in this Yuanling Secret Realm, but 5. So far."

Wu Tao's face froze when he heard this, he touched his forehead with one hand and said, "I shouldn't talk to you about this matter. Okay, let's go find Yuan Ling."

"Fellow Daoist Li, please be patient..." Xiang Ziheng was about to say that Friend Li, please go slowly, but before the word 'go' was uttered, the two of them suddenly had a plan in mind, and both turned their heads to look into the depths of the Yuanling Secret Realm.

Just now, they felt an unprecedented vibration, which made their hearts feel and throb.

In the next moment, the entire secret garden shook and stopped again.

"What on earth happened?" Xiang Ziheng exclaimed.

Wu Tao also immediately frowned, and then he released his 14,400 miles of spiritual thoughts. The next second, his expression changed slightly, he grabbed Xiang Ziheng on one side, pulled Xiang Ziheng to the ground, and then sacrificed The mana shield covered him and Xiang Ziheng together.

"Fellow Daoist Li, what's wrong?" Xiang Ziheng was stunned. When he was pulled by Wu Tao just now, he had an instinct to resist, but thinking that Friend Li would not harm him, he gave up resisting and when he saw Friend Li coming to the ground, he resorted to He also imitated the defensive magic weapons and mana shields.

Wu Tao whispered: "It's the craze of evil spirits."

"What kind of evil spirit craze?" After hearing Wu Tao's words, Xiang Ziheng's expression changed drastically.

In the Yuanling Secret Realm, a craze of evil spirits rarely occurs once in thousands of years. They didn't expect that they would encounter it this time.

The frenzy of evil spirits is like locusts. Wherever it passes, no immortal cultivator can resist it. Once it is hit head-on, it can instantly devour the immortal cultivator.

But as long as they don't block the road, the evil spirit craze will not devour the passing immortal cultivators casually, because the emergence of the evil spirit craze means that there is a big opportunity, but it depends on whether the immortal cultivators who enter the Yuanling Secret Realm can grasp this big opportunity. Everyone's strength.

At this moment, Xiang Ziheng finally felt the great evil power thousands of miles away. In an instant, a swarm of evil spirits flying over the sky and covering the sun.

The space was densely filled with evil spirits. Some evil spirits below discovered the existence of Wu Tao and Xiang Ziheng, and immediately grabbed Wu Tao and Xiang Ziheng. Wu Tao and Xiang Ziheng immediately took action to attack these evil spirits.

After all, there are only a few evil spirits attacking Wu Tao and Xiang Ziheng. The craze of evil spirits occurs because the source of Yuanling is formed in the Yuanling secret realm. These sources of Yuanling are the source of Yuanling. If a Yuanling is found, The source of spirits will become stronger after being devoured by evil spirits, so it will attract all the evil spirits to form a wave and rush towards it together.

As for devouring human immortal cultivators like Wu Tao and Xiang Ziheng, evil spirits still prefer resources like Yuan Ling and will not waste time on human immortal cultivators like Wu Tao and Xiang Ziheng.

Therefore, after Wu Tao and Xiang Ziheng killed a few evil spirits, the frenzy of evil spirits had gone away.

Wu Tao looked at the direction where the evil spirits were retreating, and removed his body's defenses.

Regarding the craze of evil spirits, Wu Tao also knew that all the information was obtained from the Yuanling Secret Realm guide given to him by the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall.

Evil spirit crazes often herald opportunities, but also risks.

The source of Yuanling is also a great opportunity for human immortal cultivators, but they must compete with evil spirits, not with one evil spirit, but with tens of millions of evil spirits. The risk will multiply.

As a cultivator in the 18th realm, Xiang Ziheng naturally knew about the craze of evil spirits. He also looked in the direction of the craze of evil spirits and said to Wu Tao: "Friend Li, when the craze of evil spirits occurs, it must be accompanied by the source of Yuanling. But Want to compete?"

Wu Tao turned his head to look at Xiang Ziheng and before he could say anything, he felt a stream of Yuanying aura flying from behind. Each Yuanying aura represented a ninth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator. Their divine thoughts swept across and concluded that, He glanced at Wu Tao and Xiang Ziheng, not paying attention to Wu Tao and Xiang Ziheng, but chasing the evil spirits away.

Obviously, these ninth-level immortal cultivators of Yuanying are going for the source of Yuanling.

When you come to Yuanling Secret Realm, how can you not give it a try?

The occurrence of the evil spirit craze has shaken the entire Yuanling Secret Realm, so this change can be felt by the Nascent Soul cultivators who enter the Yuanling Secret Realm. Therefore, any Nascent Soul cultivators who want to give it a try are moving towards the evil spirit. Flying in the direction of the spiritual craze.

Seven rays of blood flew in unison, and they were the seven Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators from the Blood Sect. They also felt Wu Tao below, and immediately flew towards Wu Tao, landed in front of Wu Tao, and raised their hands to Wu Tao and said: " Fellow Daoist Li."

"Hello, everyone from the Blood Sect." Wu Tao looked at the seven Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators from the Blood Sect and said, "You also want to brave the craze of evil spirits?"

A nine-level Yuanying cultivator named Huang from the Blood Sect replied: "Back to Fellow Daoist Li, yes, we still owe you 10 level 9 Yuanlings. If we break through this evil spirit craze, maybe we can kill 10 of them today." The level 9 Yuanling is handed over to Fellow Daoist Li so that we can redeem our lives."

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Okay, then go ahead and break in. As long as you hand over 10 level 9 Yuanlings, I will remove the strangulation lock for you, and your grievances for besieging, trapping and killing me will be wiped out."

"We believe in Fellow Daoist Li's character." The seven ninth-level Immortal Cultivators of the Blood Sect bowed to Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, let's go first."

Wu Tao nodded, and the seven ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from the Blood Sect transformed into a bloody escaping light and chased in the direction of the evil spirit craze at extremely fast speeds.

Xiang Ziheng looked at him, and he felt a little anxious, so he said to Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Li, don't you go and have a try?"

Wu Tao took a look and said to Ziheng, "Of course I'm going to try it out!"

The craze of evil spirits may be extremely dangerous for other ninth-level immortal cultivators of the Nascent Soul because there are many ninth-level evil spirits. But for Wu Tao, he is not afraid of the siege of evil spirits. No matter how many evil spirits there are, he can't even think of harming him. he.

Maybe he can take advantage of this craze of evil spirits and compete with evil spirits for the source of the Yuanling in the craze of evil spirits, and he has great hope of breaking through to the eighth level of the Nascent Soul.

Upon hearing this, Xiang Ziheng said with great joy, "What about Fellow Daoist Li, shall we come together?"

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Of course."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them performed their respective Nascent Soul Escape Techniques. At this moment, a familiar voice behind them shouted: "Fellow Daoist Xiang, Friend Daoist Li, wait for me."

The two didn't need to look back to know that it was Xiang Ziheng's fellow student Liu Hai. Sure enough, Liu Hai transformed into a ray of light and soon came to Wu Tao's left side and said: "Fellow Daoist Li, Daoist Xiang, the craze of evil spirits is very dangerous." , it will be safer if we form a group and go out together."

Xiang Ziheng said: "Okay, Fellow Daoist Liu, I am about to send you a summons."

Wu Tao was not very interested in forming a group or not, so he said: "Let's go!"

After saying that, he used his Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape with all his strength and chased in the direction of the evil spirit craze. Liu Hai and Xiang Ziheng beside him also used their Yuan Ying Escape with all their strength, following Wu Tao closely.

But Wu Tao's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape speed was faster than Liu Hai and Xiang Ziheng's, and he quickly threw Liu Hai and Xiang Ziheng far away.

Liu Hai sighed and said, "It seems like Fellow Daoist Li doesn't want to form a group with us anymore."

Xiang Ziheng said: "With the strength of fellow Daoist Li, he is not afraid of the siege of evil spirits. It is in line with his style not to form a group with us. Let's go to the evil spirit frenzy first and wait for my other fellow Taoists from Xuyang Sect. ." Liu Hai nodded and said, he also knew that with Wu Tao's strength, they were taking advantage of Wu Tao and dragging him down.

Therefore, the best choice is to fight against the craze of evil spirits with their fellow sect Yuanying from the Xuyang Sect.

Wu Tao was extremely fast and soon caught up with a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator. Seeing that Wu Tao's Nascent Soul Escape Technique was so fast, these ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators all looked sideways and looked at him with thoughts in their hearts. Startled.

The people who came to the Yuanling Secret Realm this time were all Nascent Soul cultivators from the 18th realm. If they were the best among the nine-level Nascent Soul cultivators, they would naturally know these ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators, but they were surprised when they saw Wu Tao. Very.

"Maybe it's a hidden guy from some sect, a dark horse." Some ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eighteen Realms thought this way.

In the 18th Realm, there are always some immortal cultivators who are late bloomers. Perhaps their cultivation strength in the early stage is mediocre, but in the later stage, they advance by leaps and bounds, surpassing the talented people one after another.

This is not an unusual thing.

At the same time, they also memorized Wu Tao's face and breath, and tried to avoid any friction if they were going through the craze of evil spirits.

The evil spirits' frenzy was extremely fast, and the escape skills of Wu Tao and the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators were also extremely fast, closely chasing after the evil spirits' frenzy.

Feel the evil composed of the frenzy of evil spirits.

If in normal times, as soon as the evil spirits find out, these human immortal cultivators will definitely trigger their instinctive ferocity and want to devour human immortal cultivators like Wu Tao.

But now the craze composed of evil spirits is attracted by the source of Yuanling, but it ignores Wu Tao and other human immortal cultivators.

An hour later, the frenzy of evil spirits finally stopped.

They flocked to a circular lake. The circular lake exuded the pure atmosphere of Yuanling. There was a fountain in the center of the lake, and pure Yuanlings appeared one after another. These Yuanlings were just born. There is no consciousness, just pure Yuanling power.

The evil spirits that made up the frenzy were like hungry wild dogs. They rushed towards the circular lake in an instant, covering the circular lake.

"What a pure Yuanling breath!"

One after another, the immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage finally said that they rushed into the frenzy of evil spirits and competed with the evil spirits for the newly born Yuan Spirit.

Wu Tao also immediately rushed into the frenzy of evil spirits. As soon as he entered the frenzy of evil spirits, the evil spirits around him attacked him. He activated the defensive robe on his body, and six red flame divine fire shields surrounded him, forming another layer of Defend and burn the surrounding evil spirits.

He also used 18 attack magic weapons to open the way and kill some evil spirits in the way.

The battle to snatch Yuanling has officially begun.

Wu Tao spent a lot of effort and finally reached the center of the lake.

He was the first batch of immortal cultivators to break into the center of the lake. Several other ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators also broke into the center of the lake. They looked at Wu Tao and instantly became wary and wary of Wu Tao.

Because in the frenzy of evil spirits fighting for the newly born pure soul, one must not only guard against the attacks of evil spirits, but also guard against human cultivators.

Wu Tao ignored these ninth-level Yuanying immortal cultivators, but looked towards the center of the lake. He saw a pure Yuanling being chased by an evil spirit just after it was born. He immediately launched 18 attacks. He used a magic weapon to kill the evil spirit, and then weaved a large web of mana and spiritual thoughts to cover the head of the pure spirit.

In an instant, Wu Tao took the newly born pure Yuanling into his bag and felt the breath of the pure Yuanling. Wu Tao felt happy in his heart.

"This newly born pure Yuanling has a purer breath, comparable to a level 7 Yuanling."

Next, the entire lake was in chaos, with not only evil spirits but also human Nascent Soul cultivators.

The evil spirits were raging, and soon Wu Tao heard a scream. It was a cultivator at the ninth level of Nascent Soul who was swallowed by the evil spirits.

Such is the risk of riding a wave of evil spirits.

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