Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 754 Today, I am the Nascent Soul Lord

The evil spirit of the Five Elements fell on the body of the Nascent Soul villain, and the aura of the Nascent Soul villain became stronger and stronger.

Wu Tao's Nascent Soul aura is getting stronger and stronger, and his magic power and spiritual thoughts are growing. When these two grow to the level of Nascent Soul realm, they will undergo a transformation.

Only the mana and divine thoughts after transformation can be called Yuanying mana and Yuanying divine thoughts.

At the edge of the third-level advanced defense attack and kill formation, Chen Yao also sat cross-legged on the futon. During this period of time, she did not practice, but focused all her attention on her senior brother's breakthrough.

Next to her lies a big insect. The big insect is more than three meters tall and exudes the aura of a third-order early stage monster. It is the White-haired Tiger of Tongxue.

Chen Yao had already broken through to the golden elixir realm at this time. She was practicing the Foundation Building Technique of Lingxu Immortal Sect. Before leaving Lingxu Immortal Sect, she asked her master Wen Xingrui to get another Foundation Building Technique. The accompanying follow-up golden elixir exercises.

Therefore, she now has no shortage of golden elixir skills and can practice them.

But at this time, when the senior brother is making a breakthrough, why would Chen Yao focus on cultivation? Let's wait for senior brother to make a breakthrough.

Time passes day after day.

The aura on Wu Tao's body became stronger and stronger.

The aura on his body has penetrated the spirit gathering array and the third-level advanced defense and attack array, and spread over the entire island.

On the island, although there are no monsters, there are animals. These animals also feel the Nascent Soul breath after Wu Tao's breakthrough, and this breath also exudes spiritual energy.

Although the animals on the island have not opened their spiritual intelligence, the attraction of spiritual energy to them seems to be instinctive.

Therefore, all kinds of beasts, tigers, bears, cheetahs, lions, etc. all ran towards the place where Wu Tao broke through. They surrounded the double formation and did not dare to get close. Their instinct told them that getting close would be dangerous.

But even at this distance, these jackals, tigers and leopards can feel the breath between their breaths, which gives their bodies a sense of pleasure as they cut away their hair and cleanse their marrow.

Therefore, it was rare that all the animals, even the natural enemies, did not attack each other. Instead, they all surrounded the place where Wu Tao broke through, quietly feeling the aura emanating from Wu Tao and absorbing the spiritual energy.

They don't know how to practice, but they are attracted by instinct.

Just like mortals are attracted to better surroundings.

The moment these animals gathered, Chen Yao had already felt it, and the Tongxue White-haired Tiger had also felt it. The Tongxue White-haired Tiger gave a low cry and wanted to walk out of the formation to drive away the animals, but Chen Yao stretched out her hand Stopped the Tongxue white-haired tiger.

The gathering of these animals will not interfere with the senior brother's breakthrough, so Chen Yao does not intend to let Tongxue White-haired Tiger drive them away.

Chen Yao also knows the attraction of spiritual energy to living beings. There is spiritual energy in the spiritual gathering array arranged by the senior brother, and it radiates out with the breath of the senior brother's breakthrough.

At first, the spirit gathering array that had just been set up had a large amount of high-grade spiritual food, and the spiritual energy was as thick as mist. However, as the senior brother successfully broke through the pill and became an infant, the spiritual energy was almost absorbed, and the mist was thin enough to be able to see the senior brother. figure.

Thinking of this, Chen Yao took out some high-grade spiritual stones and put them into the spirit gathering array. Suddenly, the spiritual energy mist in the spirit gathering array became thicker.

"It should take ten days and a half for senior brother to complete the breakthrough. I hope everything goes well." Chen Yao thought to herself.

Another seven days later.

Wu Tao has consumed four parts of the Five Elements Evil Spirit, leaving only the last part of the Five Elements Evil Spirit. At this time, the Nascent Soul villain has become very condensed, and the breath seems to have reached its peak.

And his mana and spiritual power have also reached their peak and are no longer on a growth trend.

With a slight movement of his spiritual thoughts, he could clearly feel that his spiritual thoughts had grown by a thousand miles.

The new Nascent Soul Lord’s spiritual thoughts have three thousand miles, which is the first level of Yuanying. After breaking through to the second level of Yuanying, the spiritual thoughts will increase by another 1,000 miles, and can reach four thousand miles of spiritual thoughts.

At this time, Wu Tao's spiritual consciousness had reached 4,700 miles, which was 700 miles more than a second-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

When the mana and spiritual power reached their peak and stopped growing, Wu Tao felt that the mana and spiritual power were undergoing transformation. This transformation was to increase the intensity, that is, the transformation of quality.

Feeling that the Nascent Soul villain seemed to have reached his peak, Wu Tao did not stop training.

There was also a part of the Five Elements evil spirit, and Wu Tao used this Five Elements evil spirit to continue to hone the Nascent Soul villain.

This Nascent Soul villain was conceived using the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Method, which consumed an unknown amount of the Nine-Xuan Tiangang's energy, the radiance of stars, and the true fire for refining weapons.

This time, I have gone through five rounds of the Five Elements Evil Spirits, and there is no problem at all if I want to travel during the day or night.

During this day and night tour, Wu Tao was not worried. He thought that such a powerful Nascent Soul villain should be able to smoothly enter the Tiangang layer, and collect the brilliance of stars without fear of the invasion of Tiangang energy from the Tiangang layer.

This is for him to practice the Zhou Tianxing body training technique and accelerate the cultivation of the Yuan Ti realm.

Three days later, Wu Tao finally consumed the last part of the Five Elements evil spirit. The aura of the Nascent Soul villain has really reached its peak. Of course, it is the peak of the current realm. As it breaks through the small realm of the Nascent Soul stage, the Nascent Soul villain will continue to growing up.

At this time, the last of the five elements of evil energy had been consumed, and the sky had just entered dusk.

"Just wait until dusk falls, and then you can go on a night tour."

Wu Tao felt the Nascent Soul villain, as well as the mana and spiritual thoughts that were undergoing transformation.

The mana in Dantian is like a sea, and the sea of ​​divine thoughts in the sea of ​​divine thoughts is surging like a tide. The sea of ​​divine thoughts has also expanded several times. If the previous sea of ​​divine thoughts cannot be called a sea, it can only be called a lake. , then the current Shen Nian Sea is a well-deserved 'sea'.

Time flies, and a piece of black cloth is pulled from the west to the east, instantly covering the bright sky and entering the dark night.

At this time, the Nascent Soul sitting cross-legged in Wu Tao's dantian jumped out of Wu Tao's dantian, jumped into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, and then jumped out of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and rushed out of the Tianling Cap.

After the Nascent Soul came out of the body, Wu Tao felt that the night world was suppressing the Nascent Soul. He had also seen several immortal cultivators break through the Nascent Soul realm. At that time, when he saw Duan Mulei breaking through the Nascent Soul realm, night travel seemed very simple. But now that his real Nascent Soul left his body and went on a night tour, he discovered the invisible pressure of heaven and earth on the Nascent Soul.

"If the Nascent Soul has not been tempered by the evil spirit of the five elements, it will inevitably collapse and dissipate under this kind of suppression."

Wu Tao finally understood why after the Nascent Soul broke through the elixir and became an infant, he still had to use the evil energy of the Five Elements to temper the Nascent Soul, because the suppression in the world was too strong.

Wu Tao controls Yuanying, and Yuanying is like Wu Tao himself. When Yuanying shakes slightly, the suppression of the surrounding heaven and earth will instantly dissipate.

This is the advantage of Nascent Soul that has been tempered with 5 copies of the Five Elements' evil spirits.

The little Nascent Soul emitted golden light, instantly flew into the air, and traveled through the night sky.

After the Nascent Soul emerged from the body, Wu Tao's body sat quietly in the double formation.

If the body is attacked, even the Nascent Soul flying out of the body and flying in the night sky can sense it instantly, so the Nascent Soul can turn around to meet the enemy.

"Senior brother has started a night tour." Chen Yao also clearly saw Wu Tao's Nascent Soul leaving the body, flying out of the double formation, flying into the sky above the island, and quickly disappeared.

As a Taoist companion of Wu Tao, Chen Yao is naturally well-informed and has an understanding of the realm of Yuanying. She knows that when a Yuanying cultivator has just made a breakthrough and reaches the stage of night travel and day travel, the body left on the ground is the most vulnerable to being destroyed. People take advantage of others' danger.

So she guarded her mind, released her spiritual thoughts, and observed the situation thousands of miles away in all directions.

Then the Soul-eating Insects were released and asked to go to the outside world to explore the situation.

The Nascent Soul carried Wu Tao's thoughts. At this moment, Wu Tao felt that the Nascent Soul was his own body. He roamed freely in the night sky and flew into the sea of ​​clouds. At this moment, he felt the freedom of the immortal cultivator between heaven and earth.

The world is so vast for me to roam.

Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly.

That's the feeling.

The Nascent Soul villain flies very fast. It can even be said to be thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye, and it can also teleport.

But Wu Tao would not let Yuanying fly too far away, because his body was still on the island. If there was any crisis, he would be able to return to his body in time and respond to the crisis in time.

Therefore, Nascent Soul only flies in the Southern Wilderness Sea, and of course it will not fly all over the Southern Wilderness Sea. After all, the Southern Wilderness Sea is very large.

Following the night tour of the Yuanying, the aura of the Yuanying became more condensed and powerful after the night tour.

Time flies, and when a bright light shines in the east, it's like a human eye blinking its eyelids, and it's dawn in an instant.

As the sun rises in the east, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul is suspended high in the sky. The first ray of sunlight shines on Wu Tao's Nascent Soul, and the Nascent Soul instantly feels a little sting.

This is the power of the sun.

The sun is a natural product of heaven and earth, and even the God-Transforming God-Monarch cannot fight against the nature of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth naturally represent the will of this world of immortality. In the eyes of immortality practitioners, they represent the way of heaven.

Although cultivators have never seen the so-called way of heaven.

If it had not been tempered by the evil spirits of the five elements, if this Nascent Soul were illuminated by the sun, it would be like the first snow melting.

At first, the Nascent Soul villain felt a little uncomfortable when he was exposed to the sun's rays, and needed to mobilize the power of the Nascent Soul to resist. However, after noon, the Nascent Soul villain was already able to handle it with ease and was completely unafraid of any strong sunlight.

There is still half a day left to complete the day trip. By then the Nascent Soul villain will return to Wu Tao's body, and he will truly break through to the Nascent Soul realm.

"I wonder if Yuanying can enter the Tiangang layer with the half-completed day trip now." The palm-sized Yuanying villain gently raised his head and looked higher into the sky. Above the sky, there is the Tiangang layer.

The Tiangang layer is a high altitude that only those who can transform into gods and cultivate immortals can enter.

"Forget it, to be on the safe side, let's complete the day tour before entering the Tiangang layer to collect the star streamers." The Nascent Soul villain quickly made a decision and continued the day tour.


A sharp scream sounded, and the pain inside could be heard in this sharp scream.

The one who screamed sharply was an early-stage fourth-order flying monster. The aura of this early-stage fourth-order flying monster was sluggish, and its steel-like feathers were bald in several places. Its 20-meter-long wings were in tatters, and there were blood stains everywhere.

It was obvious that this fourth-level early-stage flying monster had just experienced a great battle.

He obviously failed. One party was expelled from the original territory and fled for his life to the southern wilderness sea area.

Suddenly, this fourth-level early-stage flying monster sensed strong spiritual energy emanating from a small island below.

As soon as his wings turned, he immediately flew towards the place where the spiritual energy was emitted below.

Flying in mid-air, the flying monster at the early stage of the fourth level sensed the situation on the island clearly.

"There is actually a tiger monster in the early stage of the third level, a human golden elixir cultivator, and a Yuanying stage cultivator who has just broken through. The Yuanying is not in the body. It is a good opportunity to kill this tiger monster. And these two human immortal cultivators will definitely be able to heal my injuries after swallowing the refining."

This fourth-level early-stage flying monster secretly thought in his heart.

Immortal cultivators eat the flesh of monster beasts to enhance their own cultivation, and the same monsters will also eat the flesh of immortal cultivators to enhance their own cultivation.

This fourth-order early-stage monster knew that the Yuanying cultivator Yuanying below, who had just broken through the Yuanying realm, was not in his body, so it was a good opportunity for a sneak attack.

Thinking of this, it immediately swooped down from an altitude of more than 1,000 miles, and hit the third-level advanced defense attack and killing formation like lightning.

"Boom" a loud noise.

The defenses in the third-level advanced defense attack and kill formation were immediately passively activated, forming a defensive mask.

At the same time, Chen Yao and Tongxue White-haired Tiger also looked up and saw the fourth-order early-stage flying monster attacking the third-order advanced defense attack formation.

"Oops, this aura is that of a fourth-level monster. The third-level advanced formation cannot defend against its attacks." Chen Yao secretly thought, "Oops." At this time, his senior brother's Nascent Soul had already left his body.

Hey, a formation was actually set up... The flying monster in the early stage of the fourth level was surprised in his heart, but the formation shook with just one impact. Apparently, after a few more hits, the formation broke down on its own.

So it lifted its injured body and continued to attack the formation.

"Senior brother must be notified." Thinking of this, Chen Yao immediately used his mind to communicate with the soul-eating insects in the outside world, and asked the soul-eating insects to notify his senior brother's Nascent Soul.

At the same time, she was extremely nervous. This was a fourth-level flying monster, equivalent to the Nascent Soul Lord of the Immortal Cultivators. It was not something she, a Golden Pill Immortal Cultivator, could handle.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, there is an injured fourth-level flying monster in the early stage. Hey, it seems to be attacking the big formation. In the big formation, there is a fellow Taoist who has just broken through the Nascent Soul realm and is traveling on a daily basis."

"This fellow Taoist is going to be in a bad situation."

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you and I will kill these early stage fourth-level flying monsters, help the fellow daoist who is traveling in the day, and then invite him to join our Tianheng Chamber of Commerce."

Just when the flying monsters at the early stage of the fourth level attacked the formation, a low-level fourth-level flying boat flew over. On top of the flying boat stood the figures of eight immortal cultivators. The two at the front showed the aura of the Nascent Soul Lord.

On the fourth-level low-level flying boat, there is a flag with four big characters written on it - Tianheng Chamber of Commerce.

"Okay, as Daoist Friend Wu said, we will kill these early-stage fourth-order flying monsters." Nascent Lord Chen, surnamed Yuanying, nodded and said.

The two of them no longer hesitated, and with a movement of their bodies, they had already exited the fourth-level low-level flying boat and were heading towards the early-level fourth-level flying monster.

The flying monster beast in the early stage of the fourth level sensed the breath of the two human Nascent Soul Lords, and was immediately startled. It did not care to continue attacking the formation, spread its wings and flew away quickly.

The flying speed of the flying monster is extremely fast. Even if the flying monster has been injured, it is not something that these two human Nascent Soul Lords can catch up with. Seeing this, they stopped and looked at the formation.

"Thank you two fellow Taoists for helping me expel that beast." At this moment, a stream of light fell from high in the sky and landed on top of the formation, manifesting a palm-sized Nascent Soul villain.

It was the Nascent Soul that Wu Tao was visiting on a daily basis.

When a large array of monsters at the early stage of the fourth level attacked, Nascent Soul who was traveling in Japan had already sensed it and rushed back immediately.

With his speed, when the fourth-order early-stage monsters break through the formation, he can return to his body with his Nascent Soul and fight against the fourth-order early-stage monsters.

But unexpectedly, he was rescued by two Nascent Soul Lords who were passing by.

"Fellow Taoist, you haven't finished your day tour yet. You can continue. We will help you protect the Dharma." Chen Yuanying looked at Wu Tao's Yuanying figurine and said.

"Okay, then I would like to thank the two fellow Taoists from Tianheng Chamber of Commerce."

Wu Tao had also heard of Tianheng Chamber of Commerce, a chamber of commerce composed of casual cultivators. It had a very good reputation and had business contacts with Xingchen Immortal Palace every year.

The immortal cultivator from this chamber of commerce can still be trusted.

So Wu Tao continued his day trip.

But he won't stay too far away, and he must be on guard against others. As long as the two Nascent Soul Lords from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce have malicious intentions, his Nascent Soul will be able to return to the body immediately.

As night fell, Wu Tao finally completed the day tour. After the day tour, the Nascent Soul turned into a stream of light and passed through the formation, flying into the body from the Tianling Cap.

The next moment, Wu Tao stood up from the futon, and the realm of Nascent Soul was fully revealed.

"Today, I am the True Lord of Nascent Soul."

Wu Tao muttered to himself, and then with a flash of his body, he was already standing in front of the two Nascent Soul Sovereigns from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce. He smiled and bowed his hands and said: "Thank you to the two Taoist friends from the Tianheng Chamber of Commerce for protecting me. "

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