Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 726 Spells at the Nascent Soul Level

"It turns out that this is the consummation of Xingchen's true body, so strong.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao's consummate state of the true star body was finally completely stabilized, and there was no way forward. If he went any further, he would have broken through the Yuan Ti state.

The Yuan Ti realm is comparable to the Nascent Soul realm of Dharma cultivation.

He felt the power of the Xingchen Real Body that had been cultivated to perfection. This kind of power made him feel that if he had a close fight with a perfect cultivator of the Golden Core, he would be able to smash it into slag with one punch, ignoring any defensive spells and spells of the other party. Defense weapon.

And the surprise isn't just that.

Wu Tao felt his spiritual thoughts. With the help of the coffin nails, his spiritual thoughts had already exceeded 3,000 miles, which was the same length as the new Nascent Soul Lord.

But just now, he had cultivated the real body realm to perfection, and actually increased his spiritual thoughts by 100 miles, reaching a terrifying 3100 miles of spiritual thoughts.

Relying on 3100 miles of spiritual power, Wu Tao has the confidence to face the newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivators without fear.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao opened his personal information and started checking it.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 108/859】

[Realm: Nine levels of golden elixir]

[Kung Fu: The ninth level of Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Kung Fu (41%)]

[Spell: Brief, True Technique·A Point of Invisible Sword Grandmaster (Perfect) (Golden elixir natal), Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing Golden elixir stage·Sixth level (100%), Ninth refining of the nine golden elixirs (99%) , the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), Grandmaster of Xuanguang Smoke and Cloud Escape (100%), Grandmaster of Tianxuan Xuling Sword Technique (100%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the techniques: Master of Lingxu True Fire Technique (100%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (60%)

Master the prohibitions: brief, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition·(20%), intermediate true prohibition stage of falling treasure money】

[Sub-career·Physical Training: Zhou Tian Xing Chen Body Training·Real Physique Chapter: Ninth Level (100%), Witch Tao War Technique Breaking God·Grandmaster (100%), omitted]

Wu Tao looked at the life span column. He had reached 108 years old. It had been one year and one month since he came to Lingxu Immortal Sect.

In this year and one month, the task of refining weapons in Lingxu Immortal Sect is actually relatively easy. The demons in the demon world support the remnants of the demonic path and do not invest a lot of power at once. Therefore, Lingxu Immortal Sect does not need too much effort. More power to fight against the demons and the remnants of the demonic world.

Therefore, the group of weapon refiners they came from the Star Immortal Palace usually have a lot of time to spend on cultivation.

In the one year and one month at Lingxu Immortal Sect, Wu Tao gained a lot. Not only did he break through the realm of the real body to perfection, he also included the fourth-level low-level weapon refining method into his personal information, and in this year During this time, he had the guidance of his master Wen Xingrui, a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, from time to time. In just one year, he had already increased the progress of the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner to 20%.

Based on this calculation, in five or six years, he should be able to fully understand the fourth-level low-level weapon refining method.

Let’s come to Lingxu Immortal Sect. Lingxu Immortal Sect equips every third-level senior weapon refiner in Xingchen Xing Palace with fourth-level low-level spiritual veins. Wu Tao uses the fourth-level low-level spiritual veins to cultivate the Nine-Yao Fusion Yangode. For Zhen Gong, the monthly practice progress has improved a bit, reaching a progress of 1.6.

Now he has reached 41% in cultivation. According to this progress, it will only take three years for Wu Tao to cultivate to the perfection of the golden elixir. Then he can look for opportunities to break through the Nascent Soul and advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

Calculated in this way, after he breaks through the Nascent Soul stage, he will naturally be able to thoroughly understand all the methods of the fourth-level low-level weapon refining, and he can quickly ignite the fire of the soul and be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refining master.

"In terms of spells, there is only 1% progress left for the ninth refinement of the golden elixir to complete the ninth refinement. It should only take a month to increase the mana of the golden elixir for the ninth time."

Wu Tao pondered in his heart, after completing the ninth increase in the golden elixir's mana, his golden elixir's mana will be extremely powerful. Far superior to those who have perfected the golden elixir and cultivated immortality at the same level.

As for other spells, there is no need to practice them. He already has enough methods. It is just a waste of time for him to practice spells at the golden elixir level. He might as well try to practice the spells at the Nascent Soul stage.

"Yes, practicing the magic of the Nascent Soul stage relies on the mana of the Nascent Soul and the mind of the Nascent Soul. Now, I don't know if my mana has reached the level of the Nascent Soul, but my mind must have reached it. I will look for it tomorrow. Master, see if you can go to Lingxu Immortal Sect to learn a Nascent Soul-level spell."

Wu Tao thought to himself.

As for the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique, he would temper it every day with the energy of the Nine-Xuan Tiangang, as well as the brilliance of stars and the true fire of refining weapons.

After tempering until now, when he looked inside the golden elixir in his dantian, he could already find that there seemed to be a shadow in the golden elixir. Although the shadow did not show the outline of a human shape, it had more or less effect.

It is only a matter of time before the Nascent Soul is born.

Wu Tao continued to look down, and came to the aspect of weapon refining. In terms of weapon refining, being promoted to the fourth level of weapon refining master to ignite the fire of the soul is the same as being promoted to the third level of weapon refining master. It also requires practicing a method. When he was a weapon master, he practiced the True Fire Technique, and when he was a fourth-level weapon refiner, he practiced the Divine Fire Technique.

The Divine Fire Technique must ignite the Soul Fire before it can be practiced. Although Wu Tao now has 3100 miles of Divine Sense, he still cannot ignite the Soul Fire, because igniting the Divine Fire must use the Nascent Soul's mana as energy to ignite the Soul Fire. .

The reason why Wu Tao felt that his golden elixir magic power was still not as good as the new Yuanying True Monarch's Yuanying magic power after eight increases was because he could not ignite the fire of Yuanshen.

Of course, he didn't try it, because if he didn't have such confidence, his life might be in danger if he tried it rashly.

To ignite the fire of the soul is to ignite one's own divine thoughts and sea of ​​divine thoughts. It is one of the two most important places for a cultivator, the other is the Dantian.

If the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts is ignited and there is no strength to support it, then the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts will be burned out and Wu Tao will die.

Therefore, even though he felt that his golden elixir mana, which had been enhanced by the ninth golden elixir refinement, could rival the mana of the new Nascent Soul Lord, he would still be cautious and would definitely wait until he broke through the Nascent Soul stage before igniting the fire of the soul.

For him, he shouldn't be too anxious about igniting the fire of the soul and being promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner. Anyway, he has no shortage of training resources now.

During this year, Wu Tao also took the time to raise the Luobao Money deduction to a higher level, reaching the third-level intermediate level.

As for the art of weapon refining and fighting, Wu Tao is now 60% progressed and can already control 36 third-level high-level real weapons.

It has completely broken the limits of this weapon-refining and fighting method.

Wu Tao is extremely happy about this. When he completes the remaining 40% of the progress, the number of real weapons that the imperial envoy will have will definitely reach a terrifying 40 or 50.

"The weapon refiner can be so terrifying."

Wu Tao thought, and streams of light flew out from his storage bag, floating in front of and behind him. In front of him were 12 defensive weapons, and behind him were 24 offensive weapons.

"With these numbers of defensive and offensive weapons, I won't be afraid of a group battle."

Wu Tao thought like this and put these 36 third-level high-level real weapons back into his storage bag.

He wielded these 36 third-level high-level real weapons, and with his 3100 miles of divine will, he was able to handle them with ease without any pressure.

Finally, his eyes fell on the body cultivation column. Now he has successfully cultivated the star body to perfection. If he can break through it later, he will reach the Yuan Ti realm.

He does not lack the physical cultivation skills of the Yuan Ti realm, because when Senior Wang Jing gave him the Zhou Tian Xing Chen physical cultivation technique, it already included the real body realm, the Yuan Ti realm and the divine body realm. Cultivation techniques for three major realms.

He only needs to understand the body cultivation techniques of the Yuan Ti realm to be able to break through the Yuan Ti realm.

"To break through the Yuan Ti realm, you not only need the opportunity to break through, but also need to prepare the heavenly materials and earthly treasures to break through the Yuan Ti realm. When the time comes, go to Lingxu Immortal Sect to take a look."

When they do things in Lingxu Immortal Sect, they naturally have merits issued by Lingxu Immortal Sect, and they can exchange them for the cultivation resources they need in Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Wu Tao closed his personal information and looked at the time. There was still more than an hour before dawn, so he began to use the Jiu Xuan Tiangang's energy to practice the Jiu Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique.

Try to complete the practice of the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique when the golden elixir is perfect, and give birth to a complete Nascent Soul.

After practicing the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique, the sky was already bright.

Wu Tao stopped practicing, stood up and walked out of the practice room.

At this time, Chen Yao also completed her training and came out of the lobby.

Seeing Chen Yao, Wu Tao said: "Ayao, I'm going to the weapon refining hall. Do you want to stay here and practice, or come with me."

"I'll just practice here." Chen Yao said. She didn't have to go to greet her master Wen Xingrui every day. Immortal cultivators don’t have this set of skills.

Wu Tao nodded, then left his residence and headed to the weapon refining hall.

After arriving at the weapon refining hall, he went directly to Wen Xingrui's main hall.

The disciples on duty outside the hall master's hall did not need to report him when they saw him, because they knew that Li Mo, the weapon refiner from Xingchen Immortal Palace, was a frequent visitor to their hall master and would come here every now and then. They could just let him in without asking for permission.

"Master Nephew, Hall Master Wen has come to the Hall Master's Hall?" Wu Tao asked the disciple on duty.

The disciple on duty replied respectfully: "Back to Master Li, Hall Master Wen has been here early in the morning and is currently handling daily affairs in the hall."

Wu Tao nodded and thanked him, then stepped through the threshold and arrived at the door of the main hall. Without saying a word of greeting, he gently opened the door and saw Wen Xingrui handling some things at the desk. .

When Wen Xingrui heard the footsteps, he knew that his disciple Wu Tao was coming, so he did not raise his head to continue processing.

When Wu Tao saw his master Wen Xingrui, he should handle matters urgently, so he was not in a hurry to disturb him. Instead, he sat aside and started boiling water and making tea.

After a while, Wen Xingrui had finished handling the daily affairs at hand.

Seeing this, Wu Tao quickly stood up and said, "Master, I have already prepared the tea."

Wen Xingrui came over and sat down, picked up a cup of spiritual tea on his desk and drank it in one gulp, saying, "Disciple, what's the matter?"

"Master, I want to obtain a Nascent Soul-level spell from Lingxu Immortal Sect, and I still need the master to come forward." Wu Tao said with his hand, and with his current status as Li Mo of Xingchen Immortal Palace, he can go to Lingxu Immortal Sect in exchange for daily life. He has training resources, but when it comes to spells that are not taught outside the Lingxu Immortal Sect, master Wen Xingrui needs to come forward.

Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and said: "Only those at the Nascent Soul True Lord level can successfully practice Yuanying level spells. It is just a waste of time to forcefully practice Yuanying level spells before reaching the Yuanying stage."

Although his disciple's cultivation talent is very evil, he still needs to give advice to prevent his disciple from going astray.

Wu Tao naturally knew that what Wen Xingrui was thinking was for his own good, but in order to reassure Wen Xingrui, he immediately released his divine thoughts, but he hid a hundred miles of divine thoughts and only released three thousand miles of divine thoughts. read.

Wen Xingrui sensed Wu Tao's three thousand miles of spiritual energy, his pupils trembled, and he said in shock: "Your spiritual energy has reached 3,000 miles?"

Wu Tao withdrew his three thousand miles of divine thoughts, nodded respectfully and said, "Yes, Master. I practiced the secret technique of the soul that you gave me, Tian Yan Shen Lian Sutra, and because of some chance and coincidence, I reached three thousand miles of divine thoughts."

"It's amazing, it's amazing. At the golden elixir level, you can reach three thousand miles of spiritual thoughts. It's really amazing. I also practiced the Tianyan Shenren Zhenzhen Sutra, but when I was at the perfect state of the ninth level of the golden elixir, my spiritual thoughts were also It’s only more than 2,000 miles.” Wen Xingrui was amazed.

"Master, how do you think my three thousand miles of divine thoughts compare to the newly promoted Nascent Soul Lord?" Wu Tao asked.

This is what he has always wanted to ask. He feels that his 3,000 miles of spiritual consciousness, which have been completed by the nail in the coffin, should be comparable to the newly promoted Nascent Soul Lord.

When Wen Xingrui heard this, he remembered that he had just felt Wu Tao's three-thousand-mile divine will. That divine thought was very condensed. If he didn't know that his disciple was still at the Golden Core stage, and he just sensed this spiritual thought, he would really think that This belongs to a Nascent Soul Lord.

Therefore, he said: "The intensity of your spiritual thoughts is indeed the same as that of the new Yuanying True Lord. However, although the new Yuanying True Lord has three thousand miles of divine thoughts, it is different due to the cultivation techniques or other skills he has cultivated. The secret skills of the soul will also increase."

"Therefore, even if you have three thousand miles of divine thoughts, you should not be arrogant and compete with immortal cultivators at the level of True Lord Yuanying, because True Lord Yuanying transforms not only the divine thoughts of Yuanying, but also the magic power of Yuanying."

"As well as their magic weapons and the spells they practice, they are far more than those of the golden elixir stage immortal cultivators."

After hearing Wen Xingrui's reminder, Wu Tao quickly said: "Master, don't worry, if I really meet the True Lord Nascent Soul, I will run away if I can."

Seeing that Wu Tao had remembered it, Wen Xingrui did not repeat it again. He also knew that his disciple's character was very cautious and low-key.

"Okay, your spiritual consciousness has reached 3,000 miles, which is no different from the new Yuanying True Lord. Then I will help you find a spell at the Yuanying level. You can practice it and have a look. If you can't get started with it, , we should give up in time, and don’t waste the time to understand the knowledge of the fourth-level low-level weapon refining method." Wen Xingrui said.

Wu Tao was overjoyed and immediately thanked him: "Thank you, Master."

Wu Tao then returned to the weapon refining room in the weapon refining hall. When these Starry Immortal Palace weapon refiners come to Lingxu Immortal Sect, they can only have a weapon-refining room for each of them, allowing them to refine real weapons.

And Wen Xingrui said that he would tell him when he got the Nascent Soul level spell.

Three hours later, Wu Tao had completed today's refining task in the refining room. Just as he was about to leave, he received a message from Master Wen Xingrui, saying that the Yuan Ying level spell had been obtained and asked him to go to the hall master's hall. take.

Wu Tao immediately went to the main hall and met Wen Xingrui.

When Wen Xingrui saw Wu Tao, he turned his wrist, and a piece of jade appeared in his palm and floated towards Wu Tao. He said: "This is the Nascent Soul level spell I found for you. It is also more suitable for the practice of weapon refiners. This spell is called the Red Flame Cover Fire God Technique.”

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