Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 720 The truth of the world, innate gods and demons

The being guarding the path to the gods turned his eyes at this moment and glanced ahead.

Wang Jing and Tianmo Guquan, who were next to the Emperor Shenjun, were glanced at by the being, and they suddenly panicked. However, after just a glance, the being on the road to the gods did not seem to notice that they were hiding outside the road to the gods, but turned his gaze. On the Yinli plague puppet.

Wang Jing and Tianmo Guquan looked at the calm Emperor Shenjun standing in front of them, and said in their hearts: "It seems that the existence of Emperor Shenjun's hidden magical power cannot be discovered at all,"

At the same time, Wang Jing was secretly shocked. Just by glancing at the existence of the beheaded person on the way to reach the gods, he felt a great pressure. No wonder there are so many God-Transforming God Lords and Demon Realm Demon Lords who have broken through the path to reach the gods. There is no return.

This person is too strong.

"It must be a being above the gods!" Wang Jing was shocked.

At this moment, the man in black robe wielding a knife looked at Yin Li Bing's puppet and said, "Yin Li Bing, show up."

After the sword-wielding man in black robe finished speaking, the aura of the puppet in front of him began to change, becoming sinister and more powerful, and finally it was a completely different aura, none other than Yin Liying.

Yin Liying once again raised his hand and saluted the man in black robe holding the knife, and said: "Guardian Tianguan Yin Liying pays homage to Ying Tianshou."

Ying Tianshou, Tianshou is the head of the Heavenly Officials, and is the superior of all the Heavenly Officials who guard the Heavenly Officials.

Ying Tianshou said: "Yinli Bing, what are you doing here?"

Yin Liying raised his hands and said, "Ying Tianshou, I wonder if there has been any reply to the memorial to the Immortal Dynasty?"

Ying Tianshou lowered his eyes slightly and said: "Yin Li Bing, you also know the rules of our Immortal Dynasty. To submit a petition to the Immortal Dynasty, you must first go through the Gods and Demons Management Department. After reading it, the superior of the Gods and Demons Management Department will approve it." Approved, stamped, and then submitted to the local order. After the local order approved, it was uploaded to the Yuezou Pavilion. The Yuezou Pavilion had to go through layers of approvals by thirteen Shangguan officials. After approval, there were another seven or eight procedures before it could finally reach the immortal. In the hands of the Prime Minister."

"Based on time, it will take twenty or thirty years to reach the hands of the Immortal Prime Minister."

"So, this matter cannot be rushed."

Yin Liying felt his scalp numb. He also knew that the process of Xian Dynasty was like this. Seriousness and meticulousness were the unique style of Xian Dynasty.

But there has to be a better way. He looked at Ying Tianshou and said respectfully: "Ying Tianshou, you also know that after twenty or thirty years, when it comes down from the top, it will take another twenty or thirty years, that is sixty or seventy years." , At that time, I am afraid that only half of the strength has been restored. At that time, I think, Lord Ying Tianshou, I am afraid that you are not Zhi's opponent."

Hearing Yin Libing's words, Ying Tianshou also flashed his eyes, with a look of worry in his eyes. He said helplessly: "Then what can I do? I'm just a little Tianshou. The process is like this, and it's not what I can do. changed.

Yin Libing turned his eyes, took a step closer, and whispered: "As far as I know, Lord Ying Tianshou seems to have a relationship with Yuezou Pavilion. Can you just go through the relationship with Yuezou Pavilion and skip Yuezou Pavilion?" This step can save at least ten years.”

When Ying Tianshou heard the words, there was some movement in his eyes, but soon he shook his head crazily and said: "No, no, it's a serious crime to report beyond the level. It is absolutely not allowed in the Immortal Dynasty. Reports must be made layer by layer. I It has something to do with the Yuezou Pavilion, but you can't break the rules. If you break the rules, you will be beheaded. The rules are bigger than the law of heaven."

Yin Libing was furious and said: "If you break the rules, you will be beheaded. When you regain your strength, you will be beheaded. No matter what, you will be beheaded. It is better to just leave here and become a refugee in the Immortal Dynasty."

Upon hearing this, Ying Tianshou immediately thrust his sword forward and said sternly: "If you escape from here, I will kill your head right now."

Yin Libing paused after hearing the words, and all the anger in his heart disappeared. He smiled and raised his hands to Ying Tianshou and said: "Lord Tianshou, I was joking just now. I hope you don't take it seriously."

"It's best to joke, we must abide by our duties." Ying Tianshou put down the knife.

Yin Libing said: "What should we do? If this continues, we heavenly officials, including you, Ying Tianshou, will be in great danger. Moreover, there is not only the danger from the resuscitation, but also other dangers."

"What other dangers are there?" Ying Tianshou heard this and looked at Yin Liying and asked.

Yinli Bing immediately spoke out about being threatened by nails in the coffin in the Lost Sea.

Hearing the nails in the coffin, Ying Tianshou's eyes were startled, and he said with some dejection: "That is really too dangerous, but if that senior wants to pass the road to the gods, I will definitely not stop him, let him go directly, and let the higher-ups go. Just deal with him."

"Ying Tianshou, if you let people pass through the path to the gods, aren't you afraid that the higher-ups will kill you?" Yin Liyi said at this time.

Ying Tianshou snorted coldly and said: "If I don't let that senior pass, I will be beheaded immediately. If I let him pass, I can survive for a few days, or I can escape here and become a refugee in the fairy world."

Seeing Ying Tianshou with such a double standard, Yin Liban was unconvinced, but he had no choice, because Ying Tianshou was his boss, and he couldn't beat him even if he was beaten.

The latter is the most critical.

At this moment, Ying Tianshou moved his eyes, sat up from the stone, looked into the depths of the path to the gods, and suddenly said: "An immortal talisman from the upper realm has come down."

"Could it be that the Immortal Talisman was summoned to return? Yes, it caused a great chaos at that time and exhausted the Immortal Dynasty's manpower and material resources, so it was not completely killed and suppressed here. The adults above saw our petition. The Immortal Talisman will definitely be processed as quickly as possible, or it will be reported directly to the Immortal Prime Minister. Yin Libing was also very happy at this time.

In their eyes, at the deepest point of the road to the gods, there was indeed a ray of light shooting out from there. The speed was very fast. In a blink of an eye, it was in front of the two of them. It was floating quietly. It was a memorial. Immortal Talisman.

"Lord Tianshou, take a look quickly." Yin Libian urged anxiously.

Ying Tianshou was also slightly moved in his heart, and he was extremely happy to be able to get a reply from above as soon as possible, so that the Immortal Dynasty could send powerful beings over to suppress the ones that had awakened.

He can also be safe.

He stretched out his hand to take the Immortal Invitation Talisman, looked at it, and fell silent immediately.

Yin Libing on the side saw that he was looking at the Immortal Talisman without saying a word for a long time, but he did not dare to grab the Immortal Talisman directly, so he had to ask: "Lord Tianshou, what instructions were given on the Immortal Talisman for Invitation?"

"Hey, what's the instruction? It says that the format of our Immortal Memorial Talisman is wrong and we need to write a new one before submitting it." Ying Tianshou smiled bitterly and handed the Immortal Memorial Talisman to Yin Liying's hand.

Yin Libian took it over and took a look, and sure enough he saw the immortal seal of the Department of Management of Gods and Demons. On it were instructions from the superior of the Department of Management of Gods and Demons, saying that the format of the memorial was wrong and needed to be rewritten before it could be passed.

"Why is the format of the memorial wrong? Lord Tianshou, haven't you ever written a memorial?" Yin Liying looked at Ying Tianshou suspiciously.

Ying Tianshou looked at his suspicious eyes and said angrily: "I came from the Tianjun camp, and I have never written a memorial. You also know that memorials are very difficult to write, and the format and wording are very particular. Even if there is a real memorial in front of us, we can’t understand it.”

"Then what should I do? I can't do it either." Yin Liban felt a trace of despair in his heart, not for Zhi's awakening, but for the Immortal Dynasty.

"Now I really hate those people who invented the official documents of the Immortal Dynasty. They have to eat all day long to invent such official documents. How can ordinary people like us understand them." Ying Tianshou snorted.

Yin Liban pondered for a moment and said: "Lord Tianshou, how about we hold a meeting of heavenly officials and ask the other guarding heavenly officials if anyone would write a petition?"

When Ying Tianshou heard what Yin Libian said, his eyes lit up and he said, "This is a good idea."

Immediately, he took out his Tianshou official seal and activated the official seal. Suddenly, a light curtain was formed on the official seal, and soon after, figures appeared on the light curtain.

These figures are all guarding Tianguan. They rely on Tianguan's official seal to establish contact with Ying Tianshou's Tianshou official seal.

When these heavenly guards saw Ying Tianshou proactively contacting them, they were all extremely happy, thinking that the Immortal Talisman had received a reply. However, when they heard that Ying Tianshou said that the Immortal Talisman had been called back by the Gods and Demons Management Department, Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

Ying Tianshou asked them who could write memorials. For a moment, these heavenly officials looked at each other, and it was obvious that none of them knew how to write memorials.

Ying Tianshou felt helpless in his heart, and finally he said: "Let's do this. Each of you will write a memorial and invite it over. Whoever writes the best will submit it."

"Ah!" All the heavenly guardians cried out in mourning.

Ying Tianshou closed the official seal of Tianshou, took it back, and said to Yin Libing: "Write two articles."

Yin Libing was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully: "Lord Tianshou, why are they all one article and I am two?"

Ying Tianshou said stiffly: "This is Tianshou's order. Why, do you want to refuse to carry it out?"

In the Immortal Dynasty, people were pressured by their immediate superiors, so Yinli Bing did not dare to refuse. He quickly said in an aggrieved voice, "Yes, Master Tianshou, I will just write two articles."

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back. If you discover the whereabouts of the bird, or if there is any news about the new bird, let me know." Ying Tianshou said.

Yin Libian cursed in his heart: "What's the use of informing you? You can't leave the path to the gods." But that's what he said.

Then, the aura of Yin Liying dissipated and returned to the aura of the puppet. The puppet bowed to Ying Tianshou, flew out of the path to the gods, flew to the restricted area, exploded and turned into ashes. Falling in the restricted area.

Emperor Shenjun, Wang Jing, and Tianmo Guquan witnessed all this, and at the same time, their conversation also fell into the ears of the three of them.

After listening to the conversation between Yin Liyi and Ying Tianshou, Wang Jing was convinced that the truth was true. A huge wave of panic arose in his heart, even though he had vague speculations before.

But when the speculation came true, Wang Jing felt that it was not acceptable.

Ancient Quan of Heavenly Demon was also shocked. Although he did not guess the truth of the world, these forbidden areas were actually used to suppress a single existence. With this kind of breaking news, he felt that he would definitely get a huge reward if he brought the Heavenly Demon King back to him, and it might help him step into the realm of the Demon Lord in one fell swoop.

Emperor Shenjun's eyes fell on Ying Tianshou, and he looked at Ying Tianshou quietly.

Ying Tianshou sat cross-legged on the stone and put the long knife aside. He was about to close his eyes when he suddenly felt something. He looked around blankly and thought to himself: "I always feel like someone is spying on me!"

But he sensed everywhere, but didn't sense anything. He just felt that maybe he was under too much pressure recently, and a big stone fell in his heart.

The pressure made him breathless.

Emperor Shenjun withdrew his gaze from Ying Tianshou and looked at Wang Jing and Tianmo Guquan. He saw the expressions of these two people and said to Wang Jing and Tianmo Guquan: "Let's go, leave here."

Ancient Quan, the Demon of Heaven, was slightly startled and asked, "Senior, aren't you trying to break into the path to becoming a god?"

Emperor Shenjun said: "When did I say that I was going to explore the path to the gods?" As he said that, he turned around and left, followed closely by Wang Jing and Tianmo Guquan.

After leaving the restricted area of ​​the Road to the Gods, Emperor Shenjun stopped and said to Wang Jing: "Wang Jing, can you see clearly now?"

Wang Jing had mixed feelings in his heart. He raised his hands and saluted the Emperor Shenjun and said: "Back to senior, Wang Jing has seen clearly. Thank you for your guidance over the years."

When he said this, his face looked a little sad: "It turns out that whether it is our Xingchenhai Immortal Realm, the Demon Realm, or the Immortal Yuan Realm, they are only in Zhi's body, and the existence of these forbidden areas exists to suppress Zhi. "

Hearing Wang Jing's words, Tianmo Guquan was stunned. He said in disbelief: "Wang Jing, what are you talking about?"

Emperor Shenjun looked at Wang Jing, nodded and said: "Yes, Wang Jing, you have passed my test."

At this time, Wang Jing was not at all happy about passing the Emperor Shenjun's test. He bowed to the Emperor Shenjun again and asked: "Senior, does the catastrophe of heaven and earth you mentioned before have anything to do with it?"

Emperor Shenjun nodded and said: "Yes, it is related to Zhi. You must know that you are the creatures born in Zhi's body. You are able to practice solely because of Zhi. You are equal to sharing Zhi's spiritual energy."

"And as long as he recovers, he has to take back the spiritual energy. For him, it is a trivial thing that he must do, but for you human and demon cultivators, it is a catastrophe. .”

"Yes, we are like ants, and like parasites, parasitizing in the body of animals. No, we should say, parasitizing in the world of animals? The whole world is parasites." Wang Jing was slumped.

"Senior, if you become an immortal, will you be able to give birth to heaven and earth, and give birth to all living beings?"

Emperor Shenjun shook his head and said: "Immortals cannot give birth to heaven and earth, nor can they give birth to living beings. Only gods and demons can give birth to heaven and earth, and give birth to living beings. Do you know how the immortal world came about? How did other immortal worlds come about?"

Wang Jing respectfully asked for advice: "Wang Jing is a caged bird, he doesn't know anything about the outside world, so he still asks his seniors for advice."

Emperor Shenjun said: "In the beginning, the wontons of heaven and earth, like chickens, were created by gods and demons, forming the chaotic fairyland. The gods and demons coexist with the heaven and earth, and their growth can give birth to the worlds of cultivating immortals. They are respected as innate gods. magic."

"And after the development of the chaotic fairy world, there are acquired gods and demons, demigods, half demons, humans, and immortals."

"As for their evolutionary history, you don't need to know it now. After you escape from the cage of this world, you can explore it yourself."

"Yes, thank you, Senior Di." Wang Jing was shocked.

The catastrophe of heaven and earth was like a big stone pressing tightly in his heart, making him unable to breathe. When the time comes, as long as he takes back all the power in his world, he will definitely kill all living things.

He got the Emperor Shenjun's promise to survive, but what about the others?

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