Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 718 Crossing the restricted area, the road to the gods

"Brother, is there an enemy attack?" Chen Yao's face tightened and she looked at Wu Tao after hearing the warning from the accompanying late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.

Wu Tao saw a nervous look on Chen Yao's face, and quickly comforted her and said: "Don't worry, we are protected by the accompanying True Lord Nascent Soul, and we also have the formation defense of the fourth-level advanced flying boat. It is not so easy to break the defensive formation." of."

"Furthermore, although this is the Yinhun Realm and has not yet been completely taken over by the Lingxu Immortal Sect. There are remnants of the demonic path, but the Lingxu Immortal Sect is still the largest in the Immortal Realm. As long as a signal for help is sent out, the Lingxu Immortal Sect will come to ask for help. .”

"Of course the most important thing is that senior brother has a trump card that can protect your safety."

After hearing what his senior brother said, the nervousness on Chen Yao's face gradually faded away.

She believed in her senior brother.

As long as her senior brother is around, she feels safe.

Wu Tao continued: "What we have to do is stay in the room, don't go out, and don't cause trouble to those True Lord Yuanying and the Golden Core disciples who protect us."

Chen Yao nodded heavily.

There is only one window in the room, and you can't see anything outside through this window. Wu Tao will not release his spiritual thoughts, because his spiritual thoughts have reached 3000 miles at this time. If he releases them like this, his companions will The golden elixir cultivators will definitely not notice it, but there are three Yuanying True Lords on the flying boat, and there is even a late Yuanying.

As long as he dares to release his three thousand miles of divine thoughts, this Yuanying will be able to feel it in an instant.

Therefore, Wu Tao also waited quietly and watched what happened. He believed that this enemy attack was insignificant and would be resolved soon, and he could reach Lingxu Immortal Gate safely.

As Li Jingxing issued a warning, all the formations of the fourth-level advanced flying boat were activated, including defensive formations and offensive formations.

Li Jingxing is the eighth-level Nascent Soul cultivator who is accompanying him to protect him this time.

Standing next to him were two Nascent Soul True Lords, one named Liucheng, with a sixth-level Nascent Soul cultivation level, and the other named Han Mingdao, with a fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivation level.

The three of them stood side by side at the front of the flying boat, looking at a demonic flying boat that appeared in front of them. This demonic flying boat had a level as high as the fourth level. At first glance, it seemed that the demons from the demonic world had given technical support to the remnants of the demonic way and integrated the demonic way. The fourth-level high-level magic flying boat was refined using the method of refining the magic way with the blood of the remnant.

At this time, there were also six Nascent Soul stagers standing on the demonic flying boat, but none of them were demons.

Thinking about it, the demons are the remnants of the demonic path in the Immortal Realm behind them and will not come forward to the bright side. At this moment, they are attacking the Star Immortal Palace Flying Boat that is going to the Immortal Realm to support the Lingxu Immortal Sect, and the demons will not appear.

"You dare to attack us without even a late-stage Nascent Soul. You are really overestimating your capabilities." Li Jingxing's Nascent Soul mind was so powerful that he instantly sensed the opponent's lineup. There were two early-stage Nascent Souls and four mid-stage Nascent Souls. There is not even a late Nascent Soul.

"Senior Brother Li, why don't we kill all six Nascent Souls who are the remnants of the demonic path, and come to Lingxu Immortal Sect this time to give Ning Shenjun a big gift." Liucheng beside him suggested to Li Jingxing.

Li Jingxing shook his head and said: "That's not necessary. Moreover, with our current strength, we cannot kill them. Don't look at it, only 6 of them showed up, but there must be more powerful demons hiding in the demon flying boat."

"The important thing now is to repel them and reach Lingxu Immortal Gate safely. There is no need to get entangled with them."

After hearing Li Jingxing's analysis, Liu Cheng nodded and said, "Yes, senior brother."

Li Jingxing said: "Just in case, Junior Brother Liu immediately sent a signal to Lingxu Immortal Sect and asked them to come and pick us up."

"Okay, senior brother." Liucheng nodded, and immediately took out a communication talisman with the Lingxu Immortal Sect, activated the talisman, and the talisman turned into a ray of light, flew into the sky, and disappeared.

At this moment, the remnants of the demonic path attacked them.

As one of the three top immortal palaces in the Xingchen Sea Immortal World, Li Jingxing and the others naturally showed no weakness when dealing with such remnants of the demonic path who looked like the countryside.

A counterattack was launched immediately.

Although they are both at the same level as the fourth-level advanced flying boat, the quality of the fourth-level advanced flying boat in Xingchen Immortal Palace is indeed better. After just using the flying boat to attack for a moment, the formation of the fourth-level advanced flying boat of the Six Demonic Sects instantly became unstable. Case.

"As expected of the Starry Palace! Retreat!"

The attacks from the Six Demonic Sects came and went quickly. In an instant, the fourth-level advanced Demonic Flying Boat escaped.

Li Jingxing naturally wouldn't chase him, there was no need. He didn't care about exterminating the remnants of the demonic path. He felt that this was what the Lingxu Immortal Sect had to do, so he didn't bother to care about it.

Therefore, he immediately asked someone to check the formation on the flying boat, and then ordered the flying boat to continue flying to the location of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

The formation warning on the flying boat was also lifted.

In fact, the Star Immortal Palace cultivators on the flying boat don't care too much about the attack by the remnants of the demonic path. They were born in the Star Immortal Palace, and they still believe in the strength of their own Immortal Palace. In the Star Sea Immortal World, they are already the top beings. No immortal sect can threaten them.

When they came to Xianyuan World, a small world that developed later, they had no such worries.

"Look, A Yao. Let me just say that the strength of the Star Palace cannot be shaken by the remnants of the demonic path." Wu Tao said to Chen Yao.

Chen Yao nodded and said, "Yes, I understand, senior brother."

"Keep practicing."

Afterwards, Chen Yao and Wu Tao continued to practice.

In the room, Wu Tao also maintained his daily practice. No matter whether it was the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill or the Zhoutian Xingchen physical exercise skill, he did not fall behind. When practicing the Zhoutian Xingchen physical exercise skill, he would bring the breath-absorbing array with him. In this way, if he takes out the Star Flowing Light, the aura of the Star Flowing Light will not be sensed by Li Jingxing, Liucheng and the others.

Wu Tao also did not miss out on the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique and the Nine-Refining Golden Pill. The former was especially important. He had to nurture the ray of divine thought in the Golden Pill into a Nascent Soul within three or four years. Only then can the requirements of breaking the pill and becoming a baby can be achieved.

Otherwise, if the divine thought has not given birth to the Nascent Soul, how can it break through the golden elixir.

Then the Nascent Soul stage cannot be broken through.

The fourth-level advanced flying boats used the Shadow Realm and were no longer attacked and harassed by the remnants of the demonic path. Presumably they did not dare to harass them again and again, fearing that if the Starry Palace really took it seriously, there would be greater casualties. .

Just after leaving the Yin Soul Realm, a fourth-level high-level flying boat flew toward them. On the flying boat, there was the sect logo of the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Seeing the fourth-order advanced flying boat from Lingxu Immortal Sect, the fourth-order advanced flying boat from Xingchen Immortal Palace stopped.

"Yao Guangsheng of the Lingxu Immortal Sect has met three senior brothers from the Xingchen Immortal Palace. I would like to thank the Xingchen Immortal Palace for assisting my Lingxu Immortal Sect this time." On top of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's fourth-level advanced flying boat, Yao Guangsheng stood in the middle, He bowed his hands to Li Jingxing and others, and there were several Nascent Soul stage people around him who also bowed their hands slightly.

"Junior brother Yao, you're welcome. The Lingxu Immortal Sect and our Xingchen Immortal Palace are in a friendly alliance. When the Lingxu Immortal Sect encounters difficulties, our Xingchen Immortal Palace will naturally not stand by." Li Jingxing laughed and handed over to Yao Guangsheng and others. A gift.

"When I saw the summons issued by my senior brother, I immediately came over to greet him. This senior brother, did he not encounter any harassment from the remnants of the demonic path on the way?" Yao Guangsheng asked with a smile.

Li Jingxing chuckled and said, "We met, but this remnant of the demonic path is too weak. We only fought for less than 10 rounds before running away."

In his words, the sense of superiority of the top immortals was exuded inadvertently.

"The remnants of the demonic path are lingering, and I, the Lingxu Immortal Sect, don't care about it. What is hateful is the demon clan behind them. Otherwise, some little fleas would have been pinched to death by my Lingxu Immortal Sect. There is no need to trouble the Xingchen Immortal Palace. Senior brothers, come here." Yao Guangsheng said.

After a brief chat and exchange of names, Yao Guangsheng said: "Senior Brother Li, I will lead the way, and Senior Brother Li will just follow the flying boat I am waiting for."

"Okay, Junior Brother Yao." Li Jingxing nodded.

The moment the fourth-order advanced flying boat stopped, Wu Tao also felt it. He stopped practicing and came to the window. Looking out, he could actually see the fourth-order advanced flying boat with the symbol of Lingxu Immortal Sect in this direction. At the same time, he also saw I met an acquaintance, it was Yao Guangsheng.

He saw that Yao Guangsheng's eloquent temperament was worthy of being from Wanshitang. It is said that Yao Guangsheng has become the master of a hall, and his cultivation has reached the Nascent Soul stage.

"Yao Guangsheng's cultivation talent is not inferior to that of Pei Qing. At that time, the golden elixir he manifested must have been concealed, like Pei Qing. Otherwise, he would not have transformed into the True Monarch of Nascent Soul now. "Wu Tao thought in his heart.

He still has a good impression of Yao Guangsheng. Although this person is smart and scheming, he is still loyal to the Lingxu Immortal Sect and has great sect honor.

He is also extremely protective of the disciples of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

I followed Yao Guangsheng on a mission at that time, and I also knew that Yao Guangsheng was very reliable and would not leave anyone alone.

This is the same as Ning Qiudao. As the leader of a sect, Ning Qiudao is also very good to Wu Tao.

Thinking of Ning Qiudao, Wu Tao also thought of Ning Qiudao's double-faced incident. His heart sank. This time he went to Lingxu Immortal Sect, he would definitely see Ning Qiudao again. What is Ning Qiudao's attitude towards him?

"It should be fine. I have Master Nail as my support. Even the person behind Master Ning shouldn't dare to do anything to me." Thinking of Nail in the Coffin, Wu Tao felt relieved.

He watched Yao Guangsheng chatting with a smile on his face for a moment, then asked Lingxu Immortal Sect's fourth-level advanced flying boat to change direction and start. At the same time, he also felt that the fourth-level advanced flying boat of Xingchen Immortal Palace under his feet also started to keep up with Lingxu Immortal Sect's. A fourth-level advanced flying boat.

Wu Tao put aside these thoughts in his mind, left the window, and continued to sit cross-legged on the bed to practice.

In the devil world.

There are several restricted areas in the deepest part of the demon world, but the road to the gods requires crossing three restricted areas.

Before the first forbidden area, Tianmo Guquan looked at this forbidden area of ​​​​the devil's path, and his heart trembled a little. He looked at the Emperor Shenjun on the side and thought: "Is the Emperor Shenjun going to break into the forbidden area?"

He was a little worried. If he really broke in, it would be dangerous. The Emperor God Lord was born as a god-turned-god king, and he was definitely not afraid of the dangers in the restricted area. However, he was only a primitive god demon. If the beings in the restricted area attacked, Emperor Shenjun can protect himself, but I don’t know if he has the power to protect him.

"Senior Emperor, are we going to enter the restricted area?" Wang Jing looked at the restricted area in front of him and asked Emperor Shenjun on the side.

Wang Jing was not worried about entering the restricted area. He also knew the dangers of the restricted area, but he felt that with his own cultivation, he could still protect himself.

He once entered the 12 restricted areas of the Star Sea Cultivation Realm and came out calmly. Naturally, he was not afraid of the forbidden areas of the Demon Realm.

What's more, there is Emperor Shenjun, an existence whose cultivation may have surpassed the realm of god transformation, and he is not afraid to go in.

"Yes, where we want to go, we need to pass through three restricted areas of the Demon Realm." Lord Yidi nodded and said.

Wang Jing was not surprised when he heard the words of Emperor Shenjun, but the Demon Gu Quan beside him trembled in his heart. One restricted area made him a little worried. With these three restricted areas, he could imagine that he would encounter many dangers along the way. .

"Shall I, junior, go in first?" After Wang Jing said this, he stepped up to enter the restricted area of ​​the Demon Realm.

Emperor Shenjun said: "Don't worry, let others lead the way for us."

"Others? Who else?" Tianmo Guquan was stunned when he heard this.

When Wang Jing heard this, he released his spiritual thoughts, and sure enough, he sensed a figure flying towards him from behind. When he thought about that figure carefully, he found that there was an aura from the Lost Sea. He suddenly knew that it was a person sent by the existence of the Lost Sea.

Observing further, he found that this man was actually wearing the clothes of the Sun Immortal Palace. Combined with the ghost ship that appeared in the Lost Sea, Wang Jing knew that this cultivator from the Sun Immortal Palace had completely become a puppet of the Lost Sea.

Knowing that it was a puppet sent by the being in the Lost Sea, Wang Jing became cautious in his spiritual thoughts. Even though his cultivation level was at the top of the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, he was facing an existence in the restricted area. , the existence in the restricted area may be a realm above the gods.

Wang Jing naturally knew about the magical power that came from the mouth of the Emperor Shenjun.

Combined with this period of traveling in the demon world, Emperor Shenjun guided him intentionally or unintentionally. He connected all the things, and his heart became more and more uneasy. He always felt that there was a huge truth that would be revealed in front of him.

When he thought about the huge truth, he was surprised and frightened at the same time.

He retracted the spiritual thoughts he sent out and said, "There is indeed someone."

Ancient Quan of the Heavenly Demon also released his own training, but his face was startled and he asked doubtfully: "No one is there?"

Emperor Shenjun and Wang Jing ignored the Ancient Heavenly Demon Quan. Emperor Shenjun used a magical power to cover Wang Jing and Ancient Heavenly Demon Quan, making them wait quietly on the spot.

Sure enough, within a moment, the puppet wearing the costume of a cultivator from the Sun Immortal Palace appeared in front of them. As if he had not noticed them, he stepped directly into the restricted area.

"This is the leader, let's go, follow him." Emperor Shenjun said, stepping forward into the restricted area of ​​​​the Demon Realm, following behind the Yin Li Bing puppet.

Wang Jing was the second to follow, and the Ancient Quan of Heavenly Demon also followed. However, he was puzzled. He looked at Emperor Shenjun and Wang Jing in front of him, and thought to himself: "Why didn't I find that person, but Wang Jing could? Could it be that Wang Jing’s cultivation level is stronger than mine?”

"Impossible. Wang Jing has already perfected the Nascent Soul. No matter how strong he is, wouldn't he be the God of Transformation? Absolutely impossible. Wang Jing should have practiced a kind of soul secret technique. This special soul secret technique allows him to sense It’s just up to that person.”

Tianmo Guquan quickly thought of this possibility and firmly believed in it.

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