"Fellow Daoist Chen is ridiculous! The last flying sword that Daoist Chen had was probably made by a third-level senior weapon refiner from a certain Immortal Sect, right?"

Wu Tao also saw a broken flying sword in Chen Lishang. The level of refining was not like that made by a casual weapon master. At a glance, he knew that the master who made the flying sword had a solid foundation and a systematic system. Quan Quan must be a third-level advanced weapon refiner born in the Immortal Sect.

"Senior Brother Li's Wisdom Eye is indeed made by the third-level senior weapon refiner of Yueying Immortal Sect." Chen Li nodded and said.

"It turns out that it was refined by fellow Taoists from Moon Shadow Wizard. No wonder, the foundation is solid and the refined flying sword is of high quality. Logically speaking, it will not be damaged to that extent. Could it be that Fellow Daoist Chen is in great danger? ?" Wu Tao looked at Chen Li.

In front of such a high-level third-level senior weapon refiner, Chen Li felt a little guilty, fearing that Wu Tao would find out that he deliberately damaged the third-level advanced flying sword and approach him for this purpose.

But he definitely couldn't tell the truth at this moment, so he calmly nodded and said: "We did encounter a great danger, which resulted in the damage to the third-level advanced flying sword."

"This is the case on the road to cultivating immortality. Danger is everywhere. The fact that Fellow Daoist Chen was able to escape from danger shows that Fellow Daoist Chen has a deep connection with immortality." Wu Tao nodded and said. In fact, he saw something strange about the damage to the third-level advanced flying sword, but he also No need to point it out.

Because Chen Li can't threaten him, even if there is any conspiracy, he can break it with one force.

Moreover, through getting along with each other in the past month, I found that Chen Li is not a person who likes to make trouble over nothing. He is very cautious and tolerant. Maybe the third-level high-level flying sword is damaged because he wants to find an excuse to get close to him and let himself give him a favor. He refined it and thus established friendship with himself.

Wu Tao didn't mind very much about this.

He was also a casual cultivator. He knew how difficult it was for someone like Chen Li who was born as a casual cultivator. He wanted to seize every opportunity he had.

Now, I am his opportunity.

Seeing that Wu Tao didn't have much suspicion, Chen Li struggled in his mind for a moment, and finally said, "Senior Brother Li, do you have something I want to ask of Senior Brother Li?"

Wu Tao thought it was true, but he didn't care much. He looked at Chen Li and said, "Fellow Taoist Chen, please tell me, if I can help you, I will definitely help you."

Chen Li did not immediately tell him about his recommendation, but asked: "Senior Brother Jin said that Senior Brother Li is also a casual cultivator?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Yes, I was born as a casual cultivator. When I was a third-level low-level weapon refiner, I was recruited by Xingchen Immortal Palace and entered the Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall."

Chen Li had a look of envy on his face and said, "Senior Brother Li, you are a casual cultivator, and you must also know the difficulties of our casual cultivators. Without the backing of a large sect, it is not only difficult to obtain cultivation resources, but also to learn an art. Inheritance, there is no higher level senior teaching.”

Having said this, seeing that Wu Tao's face was very calm, he continued: "Senior Brother Li, I would like to ask Senior Brother Li to help me introduce Deputy Hall Master Zhao to see if I can enter the Star Immortal Palace's Talisman Hall to work?"

After finishing speaking, he carefully looked at Wu Tao's expression. Seeing that there was no change in Wu Tao's expression, he couldn't help but feel unsure. He forced a smile and said: "If Senior Brother Li finds it difficult, then forget it. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞”

Wu Tao looked at Chen Li, who was eager to enter the Immortal Sect, and saw that he had no confidence and had an inferiority complex like a casual cultivator. After getting along with him for a month, Chen Li still gave him a very good sense. If he was just an introduction It's a piece of cake.

However, he thought of something and asked: "You are in the group of Fellow Daoist Jin. Why don't you ask Fellow Daoist Jin to introduce you?"

Hearing Wu Tao's doubts, Chen Li showed a wry smile and said, "Senior Brother Li, you must have noticed that Senior Brother Jin doesn't seem to like me very much?"

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you are indeed overthinking. Fellow Daoist Jin does not dislike you, that's just his temperament." Wu Tao did understand Chen Li's pain. He pondered for a moment, and it would not be harmful to him to introduce him. With a little effort, he nodded and said : "Okay, let me help you say it in front of Deputy Hall Master Zhao."

Seeing that Wu Tao agreed, Chen Li looked overjoyed and elated. He quickly stood up, bowed to Wu Tao and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Li."

After the salute, he took out a jade box from his storage bag and said, "Senior Brother Li, this is a small gift, please accept it."

Wu Tao looked at the jade box he handed over, stretched out his hand to block it, and said: "No need, it's just a little effort. Besides, I am also a casual cultivator. If I can be successfully introduced, it will be a good story. From now on, in the stars Immortal Palace, just keep watch and help each other.”

Chen Li saw that Wu Tao's face was sincere and did not look like he was cheating. He then put the jade box away and said gratefully: "Senior Brother Li's kindness will always be remembered in Chen Li's heart."

"Okay, there's nothing to do now. Let's go see Deputy Hall Master Zhao now." Wu Tao stood up and said to Chen Li.

Chen Li was overjoyed and quickly followed Wu Tao to the residence of Deputy Hall Master Zhao.

Arriving at the door of Deputy Hall Master Zhao's residence, Wu Tao said to Chen Li: "Please wait here for a while. I will go to see Deputy Hall Master Zhao first. If he agrees to see you, I will tell you later."

"Yes, Senior Brother Li." Chen Li stood aside respectfully.

Wu Tao, on the other hand, straightened his robes and bowed at the door of Deputy Hall Master Zhao: "Li Mo of the Weapon Refining Hall, pay your respects to Master Uncle Zhao."

After a while, Deputy Hall Master Zhao's voice sounded in the hall: "Come in!"

Wu Tao looked at Chen Li who was standing respectfully, then gently opened the door, and then closed it gently after entering.

Chen Li watched Wu Tao enter Deputy Hall Master Zhao's room. He was extremely uneasy and nervous. He didn't know if he could successfully introduce him to the Fulu Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

"Uncle Zhao." In the living room, Wu Tao met Deputy Hall Master Zhao.

Deputy Hall Master Zhao's eyes fell on Wu Tao, nodded and said: "Master Nephew Li, what do you want from me?"

Deputy Hall Master Zhao asked Wu Tao to sit down. He was already familiar with Wu Tao. Over the past month, he had learned from Duan Mulei that this third-level advanced weapon refining master had a very good level of weapon refining and was very likely to be promoted to the fourth level in the future. The weapon refiner, at that time, can also be regarded as the deputy hall master of the weapon refinement hall, and he has the same status as the deputy hall master of the Fulu Hall. 6̾̾

Therefore, he would not show off in front of such a young and promising disciple.

After Wu Tao sat down, he slightly raised his hands to Deputy Hall Master Zhao and said, "Uncle Zhao, this time, the task of suppressing the God-breaking Pillar has been successfully completed. I wonder what Uncle Zhao thinks of Chen Li, a third-level senior casual cultivator and talisman master?"

After hearing Wu Tao's words, Deputy Hall Master Zhao had a clear understanding in his heart, but he still looked at Wu Tao with a smile on his face and asked: "Oh, Junior Nephew Li, speaking of him, is this trip just for him?"

"Exactly." Wu Tao nodded and said: "Master Zhao Fu, I am also a non-commercial cultivator, and I joined the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall later. Therefore, I know how much I yearn to be a non-commercial cultivator and be able to enter a top Immortal Sect like Immortal Palace."

"So, that fellow Taoist Chen Li came to me and hoped to introduce me through me to see if he could join our Immortal Palace Talisman Hall."

"It is true that casual cultivators admire the Immortal Sect Immortal Palace." Deputy Hall Master Zhao showed a proud look on his face, and he said with a smile: "Actually, I don't need you to introduce me to Master Nephew Li. After this mission is over, I also plan to recruit Chen Li." From Fu Lu Hall."

"Now, the restricted area of ​​Juehai has been restricted from expanding by the formation of the God-breaking Pillar in the town. However, a lot of manpower and material resources need to be spent on inspection and maintenance every year. Therefore, we cannot just rely on the three arts of our Immortal Sect Immortal Palace. Immortal cultivators must recruit more casual cultivators of the three arts to come in and let them do these things."

Deputy Hall Master Zhao said this directly to Wu Tao, because he knew that Wu Tao stood on the same side of Xingchen Immortal Palace as he did.

But even if the casual cultivators know the intentions of immortal sects such as Xingchen Immortal Palace, they still have to force their way in.

"So that's it. Fellow Daoist Chen is outside. Why don't we let him in?" Wu Tao asked Deputy Hall Master Zhao for instructions.

Deputy Hall Master Zhao said: "Go ahead and let him in!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately stood up from his seat and came out of the living room. He saw Chen Li walking back and forth with his feet.

Chen Li was shocked when he heard the sound of the door opening. He immediately looked over and looked at Wu Tao's expression. He didn't see whether he had succeeded or not. He asked eagerly: "Senior Brother Li, how is it?"

Wu Tao said: "Vice Hall Master Zhao lets you in."

Chen Li was overjoyed when he heard this and felt that there was something interesting, otherwise Hall Master Zhao Fu would not see him. He quickly followed Wu Tao, but couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Senior Brother Li, is it successful or not?"

Seeing that there were still a few steps to go before he could see Deputy Hall Master Zhao, Chen Li was still so anxious and knew his state of mind, so Wu Tao nodded and said: "It's done."

"Ah!" Chen Li couldn't help but let out a low surprise, and quickly expressed his gratitude to Wu Tao: "Thank you, Senior Brother Li. Thank you, Senior Brother Li. I don't know how I can repay Senior Brother Li's recommendation."

"Let's go see Deputy Hall Master Zhao first."

Later, when I met Deputy Hall Master Zhao, Deputy Hall Master Zhao did not say that due to the task of inspecting the God-breaking Pillar Formation in the town, he needed to recruit more scattered practitioners of the three arts. He only said that Wu Tao had recommended talents to the Immortal Palace Fu Lu Hall, and he would naturally accept them.

In this way, it gave Wu Tao face.

In Wu Tao's heart, he only thought that Deputy Hall Master Zhao was really good at being a good person. No wonder there are so many Talisman Masters in charge of the Talisman Hall.

Although there are many deputy hall masters in such halls as Fulu Hall and Weapon Refining Hall, some of them only hold the position of deputy hall masters but do not participate in the management, because some of them are really not very talented in management.

Deputy Hall Master Zhao is obviously a talented person who is sophisticated in people's ways and has great management talents.

Just a small thing can make Wu Tao feel grateful to him.

After coming out of Deputy Hall Master Zhao, Chen Li thanked Wu Tao again and again. Seeing that Wu Tao was so grateful, Wu Tao would naturally not betray Hall Master Zhao Fu and tell the truth.

He had no choice but to tell Chen Li that after entering the Immortal Palace's Talisman Hall, he would forget about his identity as a casual cultivator and study the Tao of Talismans. Only by improving the level of the Tao of Talisman could he be able to gain a firm foothold in the huge Immortal Palace.

Chen Li also knew that Wu Tao had rich experience as a veteran, so he quickly listened humbly.

After parting ways with Chen Li, Wu Tao returned to his residence and began to practice.

He still has to practice the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique, and he has not yet completed the last of the Nine Refiners of the Golden elixir.

Now there is another Taoist language to learn. This Taoist language has 3,000 musical notes. Wu Tao estimates that it will take at least three to four years, or even more, to learn this Taoist language.

However, he is not in a hurry. There will be no problem in learning it again after breaking through the Nascent Soul stage.

They rest here for two days, and then return to the Star Palace. There is only one day left except today.

One day passed quickly.

There were still five Nascent Soul cultivators escorting him all the way.

Half a month later, Wu Tao returned to the Star Palace.

After returning to Xingchen Immortal Palace, he must return to Bixing Island as soon as possible. His mission to go to the Lost Sea Area to inspect the town's God-breaking Pillar is dangerous, so as soon as he returns to Xingchen Immortal Palace, he must go Report to Chen Yao that you are safe.

As soon as he used the flying boat to land on the square outside the cave palace, Chen Yao, who was practicing, sensed his aura and immediately stopped practicing. In a flash, she was already standing in front of Wu Tao.

"Brother, you are finally back!" Seeing Wu Tao who was safe and sound, Chen Yao cried with joy and immediately flew into the forest.

Wu Tao stroked her back and said, "Senior brother said, if you come back safely, you will come back safely."

"Well, of course I believe in senior brother." Chen Yao said happily.

At this time, the two of them were leaning on each other. The golden-winged eagle and three other early-stage third-order monsters wanted to beg for the elixir, but they were ignored by the two.

We haven't seen each other for two months, and they are rubbing each other's ears. I can't help but feel angry, and I can't help but calm down.

in the future.

Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao who looked tired and said, "Ayao, you have a good rest first, I will go to the training hall to deal with some things."

"Yeah." Chen Yao hummed in a hoarse voice, which had hit his throat just now. But after all, he is a ninth-level immortal cultivator, so he can just use the elixir to cure him later.

Wu Tao came to the training hall, sat cross-legged on the futon, and his mind sank into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. In the middle of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, the two coffin nails had not completely merged together, and the black bead had been half consumed.

It seems that he made a miscalculation before, and it will take some time for the two coffin nails to merge into one.

After his mind exited the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao opened his personal information and checked his progress during this period.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 106/859】

[Realm: Nine levels of golden elixir]

[Kung Fu: The ninth level of Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Kung Fu (17%)]

[Spell: Brief, True Technique·A Point of Invisible Sword Grandmaster (Perfect) (Golden elixir natal), Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing Golden elixir stage·Sixth level (100%), Ninth refining of the nine golden elixirs (8%) , the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), Grandmaster of Xuanguang Smoke and Cloud Escape (100%), Grandmaster of Tianxuan Xuling Sword Technique (80%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the techniques: Master of Lingxu True Fire Technique (100%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (47%)

Master the prohibitions: Slightly, third-level true prohibition·comprehensive (100%), low-level true prohibition stage of falling treasure money】

[Sub-professional ·Physical Training: Zhoutianxingchen Body Training·Real Physique Chapter: Ninth Level (7%), Witch Tao War Technique Breaking God·Grandmaster (100%), omitted]

His eyes first fell on the progress of Jiu Yao Yang Yang Zhen Gong's cultivation.

It has been more than a month and a half since he broke through to the 9th level of the real body. According to the current progress of 1.5, in one month, it will take him 4 and a half years to complete the golden elixir realm.

As for Zhou Tianxing's body training technique, because of the star stream, he can improve his progress by 5 points in one month, so it does not take two years to reach the perfection of the real body realm.

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