However, while they were confused, they finally realized that no matter what the reason was, Wu Tao and the other six people were able to escape the control of the ghost ship, so they should take advantage of this opportunity to escape to the Dharma ship immediately.

Therefore, Cui Qing was the first to come to her senses and shouted: "Go back to the Dharma ship quickly."

This loud shout was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, resounding in the ears of Wu Tao and the others.

Wu Tao had naturally come to his senses a long time ago. He was feeling the coffin nails and found that the coffin nails did not stop after devouring that ghost ship, but instead devoured the other seven ghost ships.

When he crossed the lost sea for the first time, he encountered a strange magic ship. The black light emitted by the strange magic ship seemed to be used as a tonic energy by the coffin nails, so he repelled the strange magic ship.

Obviously this time, these ghost ships were also used as a huge boost of energy.

The action of Coffin Nail is very secretive. Even Cui Qing and other Nascent Soul Masters didn’t know that Coffin Nail was responsible. That’s why they were confused. Why did the ghost ship disappear for no reason?

At this time, Cui Qing's words rang in his ears. Wu Tao immediately stopped caring about the coffin nails. He turned around and saw that Gu Xingyuan and others were also awakened by Cui Qing's words. They turned around together and the six of them flew towards the direction of the Dharma Ship.

Cui Qing and other Nascent Soul Masters saw that Wu Tao and the six people were flying towards the Dharma Ship. He immediately asked the five Nascent Soul Masters around him to attack the seven ghost ships to prevent the seven ghost ships from intercepting Wu Tao and the six people.

But what is strange is that the remaining seven ghost ships stopped attacking, and retracted all the black light, trying to escape with the help of the fog.

But just as the seven ghost ships turned around, three ghost ships disappeared in an instant.

The remaining four ghost ships were about to be swallowed up by the coffin nails. At this moment, in the depths of the Lost Sea, a strange magic ship appeared, and a voice sounded from inside the strange magic ship.

"Fellow Daoist, you have devoured 4 ghost ships. To give you face, this is enough. From now on when you appear in the lost sea, I will not send any ghost ships to disturb you."

This voice, which could not distinguish between male and female, resounded in Wu Tao's mind sea. Wu Tao heard this voice immediately.

Wu Tao knew that this was the mysterious being in the lost sea talking to the coffin nail, not him.

At this time, he had just approached the Dharma Ship, and the cultivators on the Dharma Ship immediately opened a formation portal, allowing Wu Tao and the six of them to enter the Dharma Formation.

"Quick, quick, get into the Dharma boat!" Deputy Hall Master Hua urged from inside the Dharma boat.

Wu Tao sensed that Coffin Nail ignored the owner of that sound. In the next moment, the remaining four ghost ships were all swallowed up by Coffin Nail.

"Fellow Taoist, you..."

That voice seemed a little angry, but in the end, it did not break out, but became lower, as if there was nothing that could be done with the coffin nails.

The formation portal on the Dharma ship opened, Wu Tao and six people entered the Dharma ship together, and the portal on the formation light curtain immediately closed.

At this time, there was actually no threat from the ghost ships. All eight ghost ships were swallowed up by the coffin nails. However, in the eyes of these immortal cultivators, these eight ghost ships suddenly disappeared into the mist.

"It's good to be alive!" Gu Xingyuan said involuntarily, regardless of his embarrassment.

The other four people, like Gu Xingyuan, felt so good to be alive. Just now they thought that they would definitely die and would be pulled into the ghost ship and become its puppets.

Although Wu Tao was emboldened by the nails in the coffin, he also looked very happy, because if Master Ding didn't take action, he would definitely die.

When I return to the island next time, I still have to thank Mr. Ding properly.

"It's okay, it's okay." Deputy Hall Master Hua, Deputy Hall Master Zhao, and Duan Mulei also came to Wu Tao and the others and expressed their condolences to Wu Tao and the others.

Cui Qing looked at the eight ghost ships that had disappeared, frowned slightly, and said to the five Nascent Soul Lords beside her: "Why did these eight ghost ships disappear?"

"Creating such a huge formation just to feint a blow?"

The other five True Lords were also confused by Zhang Er when they heard this. They also felt that the behavior of Lost Sea Territory was too strange.

It was obvious that these eight ghost ships could defeat them, but they mysteriously disappeared and disappeared into the mist.

They didn't know that it was the nails in the coffin that swallowed up all these ghost ships and used them as their own nourishment, and also made the being in the Lost Sea impotent and furious. They only thought that the Lost Sea itself had hidden these ghost ships.

"Forget it, as long as this level is over, let's go see them." Cui Qing said to the five Nascent Soul Lords.

The five Nascent Soul Lords nodded, and then flew out of the flying boat with Cui Qing, came to the Dharma Boat, and expressed their condolences to Wu Tao and the other six people. They also checked whether their physical condition had been eroded by strange forces.

After some inspection, it was found that their bodies were in good condition and had not been eroded by strange forces.

At this time, the Nascent Soul Lord who was guarding nearby also rushed over. He rushed over and saw that there was no ghost ship, and all the immortal cultivators on his side were intact, so he said dumbly: "Fellow Daoist Cui, it's not Did you say there was a ghost ship attack? Where is the ghost ship?"

Cui Qing looked at the other party and said: "The ghost ship has retreated. I also sent a message to the fellow Taoists on the parade, and also activated the talisman given by the Lord God. I will explain it when the Lord God arrives."

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Cui." The Nascent Soul Lord nodded, then entered the Dharma boat and waited.

After a while.

The parade of Nascent Soul Lords came over. A total of five Nascent Soul Lords came. There were 12 Nascent Soul Lords on site. If the eight ghost ships had not retreated, with the help of these 12 Nascent Soul Lords, It should be possible to repel the ghost ship, maybe destroy it.

However, this support came too slowly. Maybe by the time they arrived, the ghost ship had already injured many immortal cultivators. At least Wu Tao and the other six would definitely become puppets in the ghost ship.

The cruising Nascent Soul Master came to take a look, and he had the same expression as the Nascent Soul Master who came before and was guarding nearby. They were both a little strange. There was no ghost ship at all, so why did they send out a distress message.

"Fellow Daoist Cui, what's going on?"

Cui Qing had no choice but to explain again.

He said that he would wait for the God of Transformation to arrive. As soon as he finished speaking, a breath of God of Transformation had already arrived, manifesting the figure of the Sun God of Sun Immortal Palace.

The God-Transforming God Lords of the three major Immortal Palaces patrol the twelve restricted areas of the sea in batches. Therefore, the God-Monarch Talisman does not summon a specific God-Transforming God Lord, but the nearest God-Transforming God Lord. The Sun God Lord of the Sun Immortal Palace is The god-incarnation king closest to the Lost Sea.

God Lord Yaori thought that there would be a big battle when he came to the lost sea area, and he encountered a crisis that only God Transformation God Lord could solve. Unexpectedly, he found that there was no ghost ship at all, and there was no ghost ship. He activated the God Lord's spell to summon him. Isn't this a joke? ?

"Meet the Divine Lord." Cui Qing and other immortal cultivators immediately bowed to the Divine Lord Yaori.

As the chief true disciple of Xingchen Immortal Palace, Cui Qing is very likely to be the palace lord of Xingchen Immortal Palace and the lord of the first palace in the future. Therefore, the Lord Yao Ri did not show any anger, but looked at Cui Qing and asked: " Nephew Cui, what happened to inspire the Divine Lord’s magic talisman?”

At this time, seeing that God Lord Yaori had arrived, Cui Qing recounted the situation just now.

After hearing Cui Qing's narration, these ignorant Nascent Soul Lord and Yaori Divine Lord were a little confused.

Divine Lord Yao Ri confirmed again and asked: "Master Nephew Cui, do you mean that of these eight ghost ships, one ghost ship disappeared first, and then the seven ghost ships tried to turn back and disappeared into the mist one after another? "

"Hui Shenjun, it's like this." Cui Qing confirmed.

Divine Lord Yao Ri became confused and said, "Could it be said that there are two opposing entities in this lost sea area?"

"This disciple doesn't know." Cui Qing shook her head and said.

"Forget it, I'm lucky to have escaped this disaster." The Divine Lord Yao Ri was alone in the Lost Sea Area at this time, and it was impossible to go deep into the Lost Sea Area to check. He looked at Wu Tao and the other six people and said, "It's them , escaped from the ghost ship?"

Cui Qing nodded and said: "It is these six nephews."

Divine Lord Yaori looked at them with surprise in his eyes and said, "This is the first time that someone can escape from a ghost ship. Let me, the Divine Lord, investigate your situation?"

After saying this, the Divine Lord Yaori released his spiritual thoughts. Wu Tao and the other six people immediately sensed that a powerful spiritual thought entered their bodies and the sea of ​​divine thoughts. They just turned around and then disappeared again. They had been captured by the Divine Lord Yaori. Take it back.

Wu Tao's heart moved slightly, fearing that the Yao Ri Divine Lord would detect the coffin nails in the center of his spiritual sea. However, the expression on the Yao Ri Divine Lord's face did not seem to detect the existence of the coffin nails. If he thought about it more carefully, the coffin nails had a huge origin. , should be able to hide from the detection of Lord Yaori.

Sure enough, Divine Lord Yao Ri could not detect the existence of the coffin nails. His spiritual sense only detected that there was no strange power left in Wu Tao and the other six people. After confirming that there was no problem with them, he said: "Okay, there is no problem. Do you want to stay here and continue your mission of inspecting the God-breaking Pillar in the town, or should you rest for a day or two?"

Hearing this, Cui Qing looked at Deputy Hall Master Hua and others. The task of inspecting the God-breaking Pillar in the town still depends on the three deputy hall masters, Deputy Hall Master Hua. He is only the Three Arts Immortal Cultivator who is responsible for protecting them for these inspection tasks. .

Therefore, he asked Deputy Hall Master Hua and the other three people. : "What are the plans of the three deputy hall masters?"

Deputy Hall Master Hua, Duan Mulei, and Deputy Hall Master Zhao looked at each other, and finally Deputy Hall Master Hua said: "Go back to the island to rest for two days, and then come back to continue the inspection mission."

"Okay, just what Deputy Hall Master Yihua said!" Cui Qing nodded and immediately ordered the Dharma Ship and the Flying Boat to leave the lost sea area and return to the island.

The Nascent Soul Lord who came to support and guard nearby also continued to go back to his town to guard the God-breaking Pillar, and the five patrolling Nascent Soul Lords also continued to patrol.

The God of Sunlight also left the Lost Sea.

This time, they were lucky enough to survive. The immortal cultivators on the Dharma boat and the airship all had an expression of surviving a disaster. This expression became particularly obvious after they left the lost sea area.

Especially Gu Xingyuan and the other five, they have been through the gates of hell.

Maybe the next time you enter the Lost Sea Area to check the God-breaking Pillar in the Town, you will still have a psychological shadow. However, this is a mandatory task and must be performed. No matter if you have psychological shadow, you must enter the Lost Sea Area to check the God-breaking Pillar in the Town Area.

After returning to the island, everyone returned to their residences to digest the horror of the day.

Wu Tao also returned to his residence, sat cross-legged on the futon, and his thoughts sank into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts to express his gratitude to Coffin Nail.

"Master Ding, thanks to you this time, otherwise I would have died in the ghost ship and become a walking corpse of the ghost ship."

Although Coffin Nail tyrannically occupies his mind sea and does not consult with him when doing things, it has to be said that Coffin Nail has protected him many times and even tempered his mind for him during his Qi training period. This is quite a feeling. Grandpa feeling.

Therefore, Wu Tao gradually tended to the camp that nails in the coffin were good, at least not that kind of demonic thing. If it had been a demonic thing, it would have taken away his body long ago, or sucked him into death.

Master Ding, who was as cold as he expected, did not reply to Wu Tao. After Wu Tao expressed his gratitude, his mind also withdrew from the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts.

Later, he began to practice.

He was actually not too frightened by the dangers he encountered in the Lost Sea. It was not the first time he encountered danger, so his mentality quickly calmed down and he could enter a state of cultivation.

After two days of rest, go to the lost sea area to check the town's God-breaking Pillar.

Therefore, Wu Tao plans to practice hard these two days.

But on the second day, Duanmulei summoned him and said that he had something to come to him for.

Wu Tao had just finished practicing the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill, so he left his room and went to Duan Mulei's room to see him.

"Deputy Hall Master Duanmu, the disciple is here." Wu Tao greeted Duanmu Lei at the door of his room.

"come in."

Duan Mulei's voice came from the room, and Wu Tao immediately opened the door and entered.

Then, he and Duan Mulei sat opposite each other.

"I wonder what the deputy hall master Duanmu wants to do with his disciples?" Wu Tao asked.

Duan Mulei said: "I have made some simple adjustments for your future inspection tasks."

Wu Tao asked curiously: "I wonder how the deputy hall master adjusted it?"

Duan Mulei said: "When you enter the Lost Sea area to check the mission, you don't have to check the lower end of the Zhenyu Breaking God Pillar. You can change it with Liu Song and you go to check the upper part."

Wu Tao asked slightly strangely: "Why is this?"

Duan Mulei said: "This is what I discussed with Deputy Hall Master Hua and Deputy Hall Master Zhao. You and Liu Song only need to follow orders."

Wu Tao thought about it and understood the key point, but he felt that this was unfair to Liu Song. If Liu Song knew about it, he would also be able to understand it.

If Wu Tao didn't have Nail in the Coffin in the Sea of ​​Divine Mind, he would definitely accept Duan Mulei's mission adjustment. However, since he has the life-saving talisman of Master Ding, there is no need to adjust his mission. Anyway, he won't encounter the same situation. Danger.

Moreover, this kind of task adjustment has a bad impact on him. In the future, even if he becomes the deputy hall master, other weapon refiners in the weapon refining hall will talk about him because of this matter.

On the premise of ensuring safety, cultivators still need to build a lot of reputation. Therefore, Wu Tao cupped his hands to Duanmu Lei and said: "Thank you, Uncle Duanmu. I know that Uncle Duanmu is doing it for my own good, but this will cause Liu Song's anger." Dissatisfied, the task is going well, so don’t make any adjustments.”

"Liu Song will make adjustments to his mission, so nephew Li doesn't have to worry too much about this," Duan Mulei said.

Wu Tao continued: "Uncle Duanmu, as the weapon refiner of the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall, I am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. If I die for the entire Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, there will be no ambiguity. Therefore, I implore Master Duanmu. Uncle, there is no need to adjust the mission for me."

His righteousness made Duanmulei slightly moved.

This kind of awareness was exactly what the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall needed. Seeing how sincere and sincere he was, Duan Mulei finally felt that he wanted to satisfy him and said: "Okay, Master Nephew Li is worthy of being our Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall." As a weapon refiner, I will definitely report this determination to the master of the master hall to protect and love the sect."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "The Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall has cultivated me ever since. How can I not repay the Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall? I and the Immortal Palace are one body. We are both prosperous and destructive. The Immortal Palace is my home." , I don’t care for him, who cares for him? This trivial matter does not need to disturb the master of the hall."

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