Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 594 The third level of advanced robes, the third level of golden elixir is in sight (please

Chapter 594 The third level of advanced robes, the third level of golden elixir is in sight (please subscribe)

Seeing what Huo Yi said, Wu Tao had no choice but to stop Huo Yi.

Then he and Huo Yi left Wei Tianbao's True Fire Palace.

Wu Tao knew that Huo Yi asked him to come with him, and he probably had something to tell him, so he turned to Huo Yi, raised his hands in a low voice and asked: "Senior Brother Huo, if there is anything you need to tell me, please tell me."

Huo Yi turned around and looked around, seeing no one around. His lips moved just now, but he sent a message to Wu Tao's spiritual mind: "Junior Brother Li, if you don't have anything to do, just stay in the Border Islands and don't move around."

Wu Tao's heart moved slightly when he heard Huo Yi's spiritual message.

He didn't understand why Huo Yi came to mention this to him. It was a bit baffling. Could it be something...

Before he could figure it out, Huo Yi cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Li, I'll take my leave now!"

After saying that, Huo Yi strode away.

Wu Tao watched Huo Yi's back disappear, his expression unchanged, and then returned to his True Fire Palace.

After returning to the True Fire Palace, Wu Tao sat on a chair, picked up the Ling Teapot on the table and drank a cup of the already cold Ling Tea. His eyes moved slightly, thinking about the meaning of Huo Yi's words just now.

"Tell me not to leave the Border Islands?"

"Am I in danger once I leave the Border Islands?"

"Is someone targeting me?"

Wu Tao thought about it over and over, but couldn't figure it out. He did not offend anyone in the Boundary Islands. He would indeed encounter danger when he went out of the Boundary Islands, but there was a chance that he would encounter a robbery. But judging from Huo Yi's words, it was a reminder to him. It seemed that he would definitely encounter danger when he went out of the Boundary Islands. It seemed that someone was premeditated.

"No, Huo Yi and I actually have a casual relationship. Moreover, when he came to deliver orders on Star Eye Island, I even flattered him, but he woke me up like this today. Why on earth?"

Wu Tao thought about it over and over, but still didn't think of the key points. He always felt that some clues were missing.

In fact, there was no clue at all, because he was alone in the Border Islands and really didn't have any bad relations with anyone.

The only one might be Lu Xian. After all, he had disobeyed Lu Xian's orders, but Lu Xian had already died on the front line. It can't be a dead man causing trouble for him.

"That's it! Even if Huo Yi doesn't tell me, I won't leave the Boundary Islands casually, unless I have to go according to Fang Zhengqing's order like last time."

"Generally speaking, as long as you stay in the Border Islands, you will be safe. After all, the Border Islands are guarded by True Monarch Nascent Soul. Even true disciples like Fang Zhengqing don't dare to mess around!"

Wanting to understand this, Wu Tao returned to the practice room, took out the golden elixir and spiritual fire and spiritual water, and prepared to practice the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill.

However, when he was practicing the Jiuyao Fusion Yangji real skill, he still opened his personal information and looked at the progress of the Jiuyao Fusion Yangji real skill.

The second level of Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Power: (30%)

Seeing this progress, Wu Tao closed his personal information and was extremely satisfied.

After practicing steadily in the past few months, I have replaced the medium-level golden elixir and the fourth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water. I can actually achieve three progresses every month of practice.

"Based on this calculation, it only takes two years to break through the third level of the Golden Core!"

"By the way, to break through the third level of the Golden Core, you still need to go back to the Immortal Palace! My Nine-Yao Fusion Yang Zhenqi only has the cultivation method for the early stage of the Golden Core. I have not obtained the later methods..."

Wu Tao's mission as a weapon refiner in the Border Islands meant that he could not return to the Immortal Palace unless necessary. However, he was allowed to return to the Immortal Palace for extremely important matters such as follow-up exercises.

Therefore, Wu Tao will definitely return to the Immortal Palace in two years.

"Practice first, then discuss the rest!"

With a thought, three jade bottle corks jumped out. Wu Tao swallowed the golden elixir and absorbed the spiritual fire and spiritual water, and began to practice the real skill of Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole.

Nothing happened for three days.

On this day, Wu Tao had just finished practicing the Zhoutianxingchen physical exercise when he received a message from Wei Tianbao.

Wu Tao was in Wei Tianbao's True Fire Palace three days ago. Wei Tianbao had said that he would take him to see Zhao Ting in a few days and ask Zhao Ting to help him refine a third-level high-level robe.

If nothing unexpected happened, Wei Tianbao summoned him today for this matter.

Wu Tao was delighted.

The robe he is wearing now was given to him by senior brother Liu Yidao when he left Xingchen Immortal Palace. It is a third-level intermediate defensive robe.

The third-level intermediate defensive robes are definitely inferior to the third-level advanced defensive robes.

"Senior Brother Zhao is a kind man. He also said that if I don't understand anything about weapon refining, I can ask him. I think he will help me refine a third-level advanced defensive robe. Once I have a third-level Advanced defensive robes make you more confident in dealing with danger."

With this thought in mind, Wu Tao left his True Fire Palace and went to Wei Tianbao's True Fire Palace.

Arriving at Wei Tianbao's True Fire Palace, Wei Tianbao seemed to sense it and came out immediately.

"Senior Brother Wei!" Wu Tao saluted Wei Tianbao with his hands raised.

Wei Tianbao waved his hand and said, "Let's go, I will take you to see Senior Brother Zhao."

Wu Tao immediately followed Wei Tianbao's footsteps and headed to Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace.

Arriving at Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace, Zhao Ting's weapon refining assistant led Wu Tao and Wei Tianbao to the teahouse and met Zhao Ting.

"Senior Brother Zhao." Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao saluted Zhao Ting in unison.

Zhao Ting was already sitting cross-legged next to the tea room. The small red clay stove next to him was burning red, the lid of the teapot on it was beating, and steam was bursting out.

He raised his head to look at Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao, stretched out his hand and said, "You're welcome, they are all brothers from our weapon refining hall. Sit down and talk."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao!"

Wei Tianbao and Wu Tao sat down on the futon beside the coffee table.

Zhao Ting reached out and was about to lift the teapot next to him to make tea, but when he saw Wu Tao on his left, he knew that Wu Tao would definitely take over the task of making tea from him, so he smiled and said: "Junior Brother Li, do it.

A smile appeared on Wu Tao's face, he had already taken the teapot with both hands, and said: "Senior Brother Zhao, this is what I have in mind."

After that, he made tea neatly. The aroma of tea filled the air. Wu Tao poured a cup of tea for each of the two senior brothers.

Wei Tianbao looked at Wu Tao at this time, withdrew his gaze, then looked at Zhao Ting, and said: "Senior Brother Zhao, Junior Brother Li and I are here to ask Senior Brother Zhao to help Junior Brother Li refine a third-level high-level robe."

"Junior brother, I just came to the Boundary Islands not long ago and I have to trouble Brother Zhao. I'm really sorry." Wu Tao also immediately answered the conversation, handed over to Zhao Tinggong, and said with an embarrassed look.

Zhao Ting smiled and said: "Although we are weapon refiners and sit in the rear, the Border Islands are indeed not as stable as the Immortal Palace. We should need higher-level defensive robes to feel more at ease."

"Okay, I will refine a defensive robe for Junior Brother Li."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao." Wu Tao immediately expressed his sincere thanks. After thanking Zhao Ting, he turned to Wei Tianbao and expressed his gratitude. After all, it was Wei Tianbao who helped him connect the dots.

"Junior Brother Li, you don't have to be polite. There are only three of us third-level weapon refiners in the Boundary Islands. Naturally, we should get along well with each other and help each other." Zhao Ting said to Wu Tao with a smile, then looked at the robes on Wu Tao's body and said: "Junior Brother Li's body This is a third-level intermediate defensive robe, could it be made by Junior Brother Wei?"

Zhao Ting turned to look at Wei Tianbao.

Wei Tianbao shook his head and said: "Senior Brother Zhao, this is not by my hand. Junior Brother Li wore these two third-level intermediate defensive robes when he first came to the Border Islands."

Wu Tao immediately explained: "Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Liu Yidao refined this for me!"

"It turns out to be Junior Brother Liu Yidao..." Zhao Ting nodded.

They both came from the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace, and were both third-level instrument refining masters. Zhao Ting and Wei Tianbao naturally knew Liu Yidao.

Then the three of them drank spiritual tea and chatted casually. It is similar to the daily routine of a cultivator.


Zhao Ting also asked Wu Tao if he had any questions about weapon refining that he didn't understand, and he could ask him.

Wu Tao actually didn't have any questions that he didn't understand, but after Zhao Ting said this, he picked out a few relatively difficult questions that had already been solved and asked them. After hearing this, Zhao Ting pondered for a moment and then gave the answer. .

Wu Tao immediately looked like he was suddenly enlightened, and then thanked Zhao Ting. The etiquette was very thoughtful, which made Zhao Ting very happy.

Wu Tao is very familiar with this kind of worldliness.

Zhao Ting's kindness as a teacher also inspired Wei Tianbao's kindness as a teacher. Wei Tianbao actually said that he could solve the problem of weapon refining for Wu Tao.

Wei Tianbao is now an official third-level intermediate weapon refiner, one level higher than Wu Tao. Wu Tao knows that he is not as good as Wei Tianbao in the art of weapon refinement. Seeing him like this, he happily asked a few questions. Wei Tianbao, Wei Tianbao answered, and Wu Tao sincerely thanked him again.

The teahouse was full of joy and joy.

After three rounds of tea, Wu Tao and Wei Tianbao said goodbye.

"I'm really looking forward to the third-level advanced defensive robe." Wu Tao returned to his True Fire Palace. He didn't know when Zhao Ting helped him refine the third-level advanced defensive robe.

Ten days later.

early morning.

After Wu Tao finished cleaning up the ashes of the star lime for practicing the Zhou Tianxing Body Exercise, he sensed the movement of the communication token in the storage bag on his waist.

He took out the communication token, and when his spiritual mind penetrated it, there was a clue, and the message flashed out. It was Zhao Ting who asked him to go to his True Fire Palace.

Seeing this piece of information, Wu Tao looked happy. He knew that Zhao Ting had refined the third-level advanced defensive robe and asked him to get it.

Wu Tao did not stay in the True Fire Palace, but went straight out and went directly to Zhao Ting's True Fire Palace and met Zhao Ting.

"Junior Brother Li, the third-level advanced defensive robe I will refine for you this time is called Baixuan Yi." Zhao Ting stretched out his hand and wiped it on his waist, and a stream of light flew out and floated in front of Wu Tao, manifesting a defensive robe. The appearance of the folded cassock.

Wu Tao stretched out his hand, and the folded defensive robe fell into his palm.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao." Wu Tao thanked him in advance.

Zhao Ting smiled and said, "Have a look."

When Wu Tao heard this, he didn't say much, and immediately his spiritual thoughts and magic power penetrated into Bai Xuanyi. After a moment, he withdrew his spiritual power, looked at Zhao Ting and said, "Senior Brother Zhao is very proficient in the art of refining weapons. Junior Brother admires him."

The fusion of the true forbidden circuit and the robe in this defensive robe is so perfect that it looks like it was made by a very experienced third-level advanced weapon refiner.

Zhao Ting was also extremely happy to hear Wu Tao's heartfelt praise.

Afterwards, Wu Tao was about to give Zhao Ting the prepared thank you gift, which was the meritorious service, but Zhao Ting refused to accept it, saying that in the Border Islands, as his senior brother, he should refine one for him.

But Wu Tao knew very well that at this age, Zhao Ting was already cultivating his descendants, and his descendants were his expectations.

The reason why he shows himself well like this is to pave the way for future generations.

A third-level advanced defensive robe is not a big favor. Wu Tao thought for a while and did not continue to bother Zhao Ting. He thought that he could take care of Zhao Ting's descendants in the future, so he would take care of them as much as he could.

After bidding farewell to Zhao Ting and returning to his True Fire Palace training room, Wu Tao immediately took out Baixuan Yi and started refining it.

The refined Baixuan Yi turned into a stream of light and covered Wu Tao's body.

Wu Tao felt this third-level advanced defensive robe and was very satisfied.

"Even if you encounter the late stage of the golden elixir, you must first break through Bai Xuanyi's defense... However, the defensive magic weapon must ultimately be supported by the cultivator's own magic power. When encountering the late stage of the golden elixir, the best plan is to escape first... "

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately practiced Xuanguang Smoke and Cloud Escape.

Golden elixir escape techniques such as Xuanguang Yanyun Escape are essential secret techniques for running away and chasing.

Another month later.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon in the training room, opened his personal information, and checked the progress of this month's training.

The second level of Jiuyao Fusion Anode True Skill: (34%)

"If we practice for a few more days, we will probably reach 35% progress..."

"This month, there has been no friction between the Xingchen Immortal Palace and the Huiyue Immortal Palace. Could it be that Lie Qiyang has changed his temper?"

Wu Tao found it very strange. According to what Senior Brother Wei had said in the past, it was impossible for three or four months to go by without a little friction.

"Perhaps there were too many golden elixirs lost in the last war, and the Huiyue Immortal Palace put pressure on him, so he was so angry that he restrained his temper a little."

Wu Tao could only think this way. He was chatting with Master Jindan next to him. The other Masters Jindan could only think of this possibility. However, he still liked the fact that Li Qiyang could restrain his temper and avoid causing trouble. These three or four Over the past few months, he has been able to practice steadily, and his cultivation is improving step by step.

If it lasts for two years.

That is the third level of the golden elixir is in sight.

As for what Huo Yi mentioned earlier, Wu Tao also secretly took it to heart. In the past month and a half, Wu Tao has not gone out or left the Boundary Islands.

"Continue to practice!"

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Wu Tao continued to practice.

The more stable the cultivation environment is, the more you should cherish it.

In the True Inheritance Hall of the Boundary Islands.

Fang Zhengqing sat on the top seat, and some Jindan masters stood below.

Fang Zhengqing said, "Which junior brother is willing to go back to the Immortal Palace to report the situation this time?"

Although the Border Islands are guarded by the true successor Fang Zhengqing and have very great power, they must send people back to the Immortal Palace every year to report to the Immortal Palace what happened this year.

There are some other things that need to be decided by the Asgard side.

Fang Zhengqing, the true successor, will definitely not leave, and will usually leave it to ordinary Jindan disciples to report back.

Huo Yi stood in the queue of Jindan disciples, his heart a little palpitating. He wanted to take the initiative to ask for help, but he was afraid of arousing suspicion.

But if you don't take the initiative to ask for help, you will miss this opportunity to return to the Immortal Palace.

Thinking of this, his face was calm, but his heart was already turned upside down, and he decided to take a gamble. He stood up, raised his hands to Fang Zhengqing and said: "Senior Brother Fang, in previous years, Senior Brother Lu went there, but Senior Brother Lu has passed away. I took over Senior Brother Lu's affairs, so I will return to the Immortal Palace in Senior Brother Lu's place!"

This is the perfect reason Huo Yi thought of.

After finishing speaking, he kept bowing and saluting, but his heart was extremely nervous.

Fortunately, after a moment, Fang Zhengqing's voice came: "Okay, then Junior Brother Huo will take the people back to the Immortal Palace this time!"

Huo Yi was overjoyed when he heard this.

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