Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 564: Stars and Cauldrons, misfortunes and blessings depend on each other (please subscribe)

At this time, Zhenmo Island was in chaos.

Although Demon Lord Ero only arrived as a distraction, he is still in the realm of Demon Lord and is the most powerful and top demon in the demon world.

As he took action, streaks of black light spread out from his palms. Not only the three areas of the Demonic Pill Demon Clan, but also the three areas that suppressed the Original God Demon Clan were in chaos. More than 30 Original Gods were suppressed. All the demons escaped and their cultivation quickly recovered.

But fortunately, the Demon-Suppressing Island is built in the sea area adjacent to the Nascent Soul Sea. If something happens on the Demon-Suppression Island, the True Lord of Nascent Soul from the Nascent Soul Sea can come over in an instant.

Therefore, the battle between the Nascent Soul Lord and the Original God Demon Clan started in an instant.

In the second and third areas of Jin, 80% of the demons in the middle and late stages of the magic elixir also escaped the suppression, and started a battle of wits with the golden elixir cultivators guarding here.

Suddenly, the entire Demon Suppressing Island resounded with the roaring sounds of fighting, like a thunderous natural disaster coming. There are also various spells, magic weapons, talismans, and formations, which are really gorgeous. The magic light soars into the sky, intersects with the magic light, the light of the talismans, etc., confusing the Demon Island.

Only the Jin 1 area was not rescued by Demon Lord Elo's distraction. Perhaps Demon Lord Elo's distraction did not need the early demons in the Jin 1 area.

Of course, who can guess the thinking of demons in this realm?

Wang Jing held the Magic God Heavenly Wheel and launched an extremely fierce offensive, launching an all-round attack on the Winged Demon Clan members occupied by Demon Lord Elo.

A teasing smile appeared on the face of the Winged Demon Clan occupied by the Elo Demon Clan's distraction, and the shining magic light burst out from every gesture, defusing the attack of Wang Jing Huan Shen's Heavenly Wheel.

"Wang Jing, do you feel it? This is the gap between the realms of Nascent Soul and Demon Lord. A big realm is like a divine punishment. Even if I am distracted at this time, you are being played by me like an ant!" Demon Lord Aero! The distracted words were soft and faint, but they spread throughout the entire Demon Suppression Island.

Moreover, his words seemed to have strange magic power. All the demons who heard his words felt like they had been beaten to death, and they attacked the immortal cultivators in the Star Palace even more crazily.

The immortal cultivators in the Starry Palace heard the distracted words of Elo's magic suit. However, there was a brief stagnation of spiritual thoughts.

It was this momentary stagnation of spiritual thoughts that caused some of the immortal cultivators in Xingchen Immortal Palace to be seriously injured or killed.

This scene was also reflected in Wang Jing's spiritual sense. He snorted coldly, and a talisman flew out from his waist. It was instantly activated and created an illusory star. This star is extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun, and the star shines brightly. Suddenly, all the cultivators of the Star Palace who were lost in the words of Demon Lord Elo came out of the stagnation of their spiritual thoughts.

"The fifth-level divine talisman, the stars are shining... You are worthy of being the first of the top ten divine kings in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. Wang Jing, you are likely to achieve the position of divine king one day in the future." Even though you are an enemy, Demon Lord Ailuo can't help but be distracted. Praising Wang Jing.

After admiring him, he changed his subject and said, "However, if your Divine Lord of the Star Palace does not come back, today I will let you stay in the realm of Nascent Soul perfection forever!"

Wang Jing understood very well the words of Demon Lord Elo who was distracted. He would always stay in the perfect state of Nascent Soul, which meant that if the Lord of Stars and Immortal Palace did not return, he would kill himself with distraction.

Wang Jing shouted coldly and said: "It's just a distraction. They are all lies. If you can really kill me, why do you have to make excuses!"

Demon Lord Elo stretched out his hand to neutralize the attack of the Illusion God Heavenly Wheel, shook his head and said with a joking smile: "The reason why I don't kill you immediately is to lure back the God-Transforming God Lord from your Starry Palace. Only the God Lord is worthy of fighting with me. .”

"But since you have such a request, then I will grant it to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Demon Lord Elo's distracted aura surged, and a powerful coercion emanated from him. At this moment, all the fighting immortal cultivators and demons all felt that their hearts were uncontrollable, and they felt a sense of fear.

This is the fear of the stronger, the feeling of oppression coming from a larger realm.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the middle-stage Demon Lord of Elo Demon Clan in front of him. Just as he was looking for an opportunity to slip out of the Demon-Suppressing Island, he heard the distracted words of Demon Lord Elo, and every word rang in his ears. , he tried to isolate it with the magic power of golden elixir, but it was completely in vain.

"This is the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm. He is so powerful when he transforms into a distracting god!"

"If he strikes unscrupulously, the golden elixir cultivators here will die even if they are slightly affected!"

"So I have to leave quickly, I can't stay on Demon Suppression Island for a long time!" Wu Tao thought quickly as his mind turned.

Wang Jing’s words also echoed throughout the Demon-Suppressing Island.

This may be the attitude of a strong man.

If your voice is so loud, of course my voice must be that loud too.

So Wu Tao heard the conversation between the two clearly.

"Senior Wang is so strong. With Yuanying's perfect cultivation level, he can compete with a distracting spirit of Demon Lord Elo!"

Wu Tao had infinite admiration for Wang Jing in his heart. There was a big difference between him and Wang Jing. He knew how huge the gap was.

For example, he is now using the golden elixir realm to deal with Zhuji, and a single thought can make Zhuji die.

Under the golden elixir, everyone is like an ant in his eyes.

Compared with the thoughts and the distraction of the Demon Lord, naturally the distraction of the Demon Lord is more powerful.

"Where did the God Lord of the Star Palace go? If he doesn't come back, wouldn't it mean that Demon Lord Elo is distracted and arrogant?" Wu Tao thought of this. If Wang Jing couldn't resist Demon Lord Elo's distraction, he would have to think about escaping from the stars. Fairyland.

At the same time, he was also very confused in his heart as to why the chaos on Demon-Suppressing Island that happened seventy years ago could happen again today.

Moreover, Senior Wang had personally inspected the original God Demon Clan and the Demonic Pill Demon Clan that were escorted over yesterday. Why were there still such flaws?

Thinking like this, Wu Tao wanted to escape quietly.

At this moment, three rays of light fell down, revealing three immortal cultivators wearing the uniforms and robes of the Golden Pill Guards of the Star Celestial Palace to Suppress the Demonic Island.

All three of them are in the middle stage of Golden Elixir.

There was a person Wu Tao knew, it was the middle-stage golden elixir cultivator headed by three people. His name was Zhang Yue, and he was a team leader guarding the middle-stage golden elixir.

"Junior Brother Li, are you okay?" Zhang Yue saw Wu Tao and then looked at the dead Ero demon in the middle stage of the Demonic Pill.

Just now when he was fighting against the demons in the middle stage of the Golden Core in the second area of ​​Jin, he discovered that a demon in the middle stage of the Demonic Core was escaping towards the first area of ​​Jin. He immediately shouted to a senior brother in the late stage of the Golden Core to kill and intercept it.

Because once the Eero demons enter the Jinyi area in the middle stage of the magic pill, they will definitely be unable to stop them with the layout of the Jinyi area's guarding force, and the Jinyi area will also be plunged into turmoil.

The senior brother in the late stage of Jindan was also entangled, and he could only use magic to attack the middle stage of the Ero Demon Clan Peony from a distance. He never thought that the Ero Demon Clan could escape to the Golden Area after being hit by the senior brother's spell. .

Seeing this, Zhang Yue could only come to the rescue personally with two golden elixirs in his team.

As soon as he arrived, he saw that the Elo Demon Clan in the middle stage of the Demonic Pill was dead, but Li Mo, the third-level low-level weapon refiner from the Artifact Refining Hall, was safe and sound. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Tao did not expect that Zhang Yue would bring someone here. He was organizing words in his mind to explain how he killed a demon in the middle stage of the Demonic Pill with his cultivation in the early stage of the Golden Pill.

He doesn't want to expose his strength, he just wants to be a low-key weapon refiner.

"Senior Brother Zhang, it's great for you to come!" Wu Tao had a look of surprise on his face.

Zhang Yue nodded and stepped forward to check on the Elo demon in the middle stage of the Demonic Pill. After checking it again, he smiled at Wu Tao and said, "Junior brother Li, you are really lucky. Fortunately, this demon has received the Min in the late Golden Pill stage." Senior brother strikes..."

Wu Tao heard Zhang Yue's words and remembered that the Elo demon in the middle stage of the Demonic Pill was indeed injured. It turned out that he was hit by Brother Min in the late Golden Pill stage.

Now he had an excuse, so he said with a happy face: "So that's it. No wonder the demon died as soon as I hit him lightly. I thought I was so strong! I'll have to find a chance. Thank you." Brother Min’s life-saving grace.”

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Zhang Yue agreed with him and nodded and said: "Junior brother Li, you are the weapon refiner of the weapon refining hall. If you are not good at fighting, you should leave here quickly."

These words hit Wu Tao's heart, and he immediately raised his hands and said: "Okay, Senior Brother Zhang, take care!"

After saying that, Wu Tao had a thought and immediately took out the flying magic weapon. And Zhang Yue also began to prepare to guard the Jinyi area to prevent the demons who escaped from other areas from finding a chance.

At this moment, the distracted words of Wang Jing and Demon Lord Elo resounded in everyone's ears.

"I didn't expect that the Yuan Ding was actually on your body?" Demon Lord Elo's distracted and unexpected words resounded throughout the Demon-Suppressing Island.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Jing's calm words rang out: "Demon Lord Elo, you can't believe that Lord Yuanding left the Star Yuanding in the Star Palace. You should die!"

At this moment, in the center of the Demon-Suppressing Island, a three-legged cauldron spun and flew up, getting bigger and bigger. The cauldron exuded a powerful aura, surrounded by blue runes, and felt full of oppression, even to the Nascent Soul present. Both the true king and the original god demons felt that it was so scary to face a god.

The Xingchen Yuanding is the magic weapon of the Xingchen Immortal Palace's god-forming god Lord Yuan Ding.

The Star Yuan Cauldron flew over Zhenmo Island, tilted slightly, and endless streams of star light washed out from the Yuan Cauldron. The first one to bear the brunt was Demon Lord Ero's distraction.

After that, they washed up on the immortal cultivators of the Star Immortal Palace, the original god demon clan, and the golden elixir demon clan who were fighting under the Demon Suppressing Island.

"Old Monster Yuanding's Star Yuanding is powerful, but only the God Lord can inspire its power. And you, Wang Jing, are only Yuanying Perfect, how can you inspire the power of the Yuanding." The Elo Demon was drowned by the star stream. Zunfenshen made a mocking sound.

In the next moment, the distracted and frightened Demon Lord Elo sounded: "Wang Jing, aren't you?"

The words stopped abruptly, and Demon Lord Elo's distracted voice could no longer be heard.

The stream of stars swept over the entire Demon Suppressing Island. The cultivators in the Star Immortal Palace were brushed by the stream of stars falling from the Star Yuan Cauldron. All the cultivators felt refreshed. The stream of stars brushed over their bodies, as if they had been tempered, and their cultivation levels were also improved. Started to grow faintly.

Big opportunity!

This is a great opportunity!

Then I saw the demons brushed by the star streamer. They were all suppressed and unable to move. Even the demonic energy in their bodies was suppressed by the star streamer and could not be used at all.

For the immortal cultivators in the Star Palace, on the contrary, this is their opportunity.

"The distraction of Demon Lord Elo has been eliminated. The Demon Clan of Suppressing Demon Island has been suppressed by the Yuan Ding of the Divine Sovereign. All disciples and fellow Taoists, the star stream and even great opportunities flowing out of the Divine Sovereign Yuan Ding are quickly absorbed."

Wang Jing’s voice resounded over Demon Zhen Island.

After hearing Wang Jing's words, the immortal cultivators on the Demon-Suppressing Island, without any hesitation, began to frantically absorb the star light flowing back from the Star Yuan Cauldron.

Wu Tao had just set foot on the flying magic weapon. The scene changed too quickly. He also felt the mystery of the star streamers. When he saw Zhang Yue and the others beside him, they had already begun to run their skills crazily to absorb the star streamers.

He immediately stopped hesitating and absorbed it crazily. In an instant, he felt that the true body of the stars, washed by the stream of stars, was rapidly improving.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, seeing that no one was paying attention to anyone else at this time, they were all focused on absorbing the light from the stars, he immediately started running the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill and the Zhoutian star body training skill at the same time.

The Jiu Yao Rong Yang Zhen Gong is responsible for transporting it, and the Zhoutian Xingchen Body Refining Kung Fu is responsible for refining and absorbing it.

In this way, the speed is greatly increased.

What he didn't know was that Wang Jing, who was standing next to the Star Yuan Ding, had already noticed him. Seeing that he was running the Zhou Tianxing Body Exercise to absorb the star stream, his heart immediately moved, and an invisible light shot out from his fingertips. , fell on Wu Tao.

Wu Tao was unaware of Wang Jing's behavior.

A quarter of an hour later.

Wang Jing used the magic technique to put away the Star Yuan Ding. The Star Flow Light in the Star Yuan Ding was refined by Yuan Ding Shen Jun through hard work. He could not keep releasing the Star Flow Light.

Otherwise, Yuan Ding will be angry when he comes back.

He should have put away the Star Yuan Cauldron when he was slaying Demon Lord Elo for his distraction, but considering the chaos on Demon Suppression Island, he had to give these Jindan disciples who contributed a little chance a chance.

Seeing Wu Tao on Demon Suppressing Island again, Wang Jing originally planned to release the star streamer for half a quarter of an hour, but it was temporarily changed to a quarter of an hour.

"Han Fan, don't let me down!" Wang Jing said secretly in his heart, and his voice resounded throughout the entire Demon Suppressing Island: "Everyone, the demons have been suppressed, return them to their posts quickly!"

After hearing Wang Jing's words, the Star Yuan Ding was also put away. Without the star streamer, these Nascent Soul Lord and Golden Core Immortal Cultivators immediately stopped their work and began to execute Wang Jing's order.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao quickly stopped operating the Jiu Yao Yang Yang Zhen Gong and the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Body Training Kung Fu.

On the Demon-Suppressing Island, he didn't have time to open his personal information and check the progress of Zhou Tianxingchen's physical exercise, but he could clearly feel that this quarter of an hour of practice had benefited him a lot.

Beside them, Zhang Yue and the others also stopped running their skills. Their faces were all happy, showing that others had also benefited a lot.

Based on Wang Jing's words, he knew that the rebellion on Demon-Suppressing Island had been suppressed, so Zhang Yue said to Wu Tao: "Junior Brother Li, Wang Zhenjun has suppressed the rebellion on Demon-Suppressing Island with the magic weapon of the God Lord, and is out of danger. Junior Brother, you are here Wait here for further processing!”

Wu Tao nodded after hearing the words, cupped his hands to Zhang Yue and said: "Three senior brothers, don't worry, just leave this place to me!" The demon clan has been suppressed, and he is finally relieved, so there is no need to rush to leave the demon suppression. island.

Zhang Yue stopped talking nonsense, nodded slightly to Wu Tao, then straightened up and flew towards the Jin Er area with the two golden elixir cultivators.

Wu Tao watched the three people disappear, and could no longer feel the aura of the demons on the Demon-Suppressing Island. Thinking of the magic weapon Wang Jing sacrificed just now, infinite yearning arose in his heart.

"Just the magic weapon of the Lord God is so powerful that it can suppress the distraction of Demon Lord Elo in an instant. If I were to take action, it would be so powerful."

At this moment, Wu Tao felt that as Jin Dan Zhenren, he was just a more powerful ant.

"While there is no one around now, open your personal information and take a look. Through the stream of stars scattered by the Divine Lord's magic weapon, how much gain will it bring to the second level of my Zhoutian Star Body Training True Body chapter?" Dispelling the infinite yearning for the Divine Lord's magic weapon in my heart , Wu Tao returned to the main hall.

Just when he returned to the main hall, Wang Jing's voice sounded in his ears. It was Wang Jing who was transmitting his spiritual message to him.

"Boy Han Fan... that's right. In a short period of time, you have already broken through the second level of the real body and the second level of the golden elixir. Keep up the hard work!"

Wu Tao bowed his hands slightly in Wang Jing's direction to show his understanding.

Then he never heard from Wang Jing again.

I couldn't sleep all night last night. It was so painful. I went to the hospital early this morning and was prescribed Nao'an dripping pills, trazodone hydrochloride tablets, and eszopiclone tablets. I hope I can have a good sleep. Good night, update my understanding and ask for monthly votes.

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