Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 554: The secret realm of inner demons, tempering the state of mind! (Please subscribe)

Increase mana by 10%.

When immortal cultivators of the same realm fight, they are not only fighting for their magic power, but also magic weapons, spells, spiritual thoughts, etc. Any one of these is extremely important.

But if your magic weapons, spells, and spiritual thoughts are the same as those of your opponent, then having 10% more mana can be the key to victory.

"That's the trump card."

Wu Tao's face was very happy and he could no longer feel the mana of the golden elixir in his dantian.

"It's time to practice the God-breaking Technique."

Two months ago, he thoroughly understood the God-breaking Technique. After entering his personal information, he included it in his training schedule and practiced it for at least an hour every day.

With a thought, a ray of magic light flew out from the storage bag on Wu Tao's waist, flew to the palm of his hand, and was instantly held tightly by his right hand.

This is a second-level high-level magical weapon that contains twenty-seven forbidden laws, and is called the Shocking Spear.

This magical weapon is the hardest and is suitable for practicing the God-breaking Technique.

After he has thoroughly comprehended all the third-level low-level true forbidden weapons, he will then refine a third-level low-level true weapon to practice breaking the gods.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao cleared his mind, held the shocking spear in his hand, the magic power in his Dantian fluctuated, and the spiritual thoughts in the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts also surged back and forth like a tide, he ran the God-breaking Technique, and began to perform the technique in the practice room.

The God-breaking method is fierce and domineering, and it emphasizes fearlessness.

After all, he is an enemy who is even more powerful than himself, yet he dares to take action.

In Wu Tao's mind, he remembered the fragment of his divine thoughts when he first understood the God-breaking Technique, and imagined that he was the thousand-foot-high giant, furiously smashing towards the gods that stood above the sea of ​​clouds.

Even though I am a mortal, I dare to kill gods!

An hour later, Wu Tao stopped practicing the God-breaking Technique.

At this time, Wu Tao was tired of his spiritual thoughts and consumed a huge amount of his real body of stars. When practicing this method of breaking the gods, the emphasis was on moving forward without fear, and the emphasis was on going all out, so the real body of the stars was consumed very much.

It also consumes mana.

"I have been practicing the God-breaking Technique for two months. The more I practice, the deeper my understanding of the God-Destroying Technique becomes. I feel that the God-Destroying Technique is not simply about moving forward in an indomitable way. It is as powerful as breaking bamboo, killing gods with mortals... It's not. Simple reckless behavior..."

"What the reckless man has broken is the God of Physics, and the God-breaking method is not only about the God that appears on the outside, but also the God in the heart."

"Only when you have broken your heart can you dare to attack God!"

"So what is needed to break the gods is a state of mind, a state of mind that is indomitable, a state of mind that is fearless, a state of mind that dares to fight with the gods!"

"I have been on the path of cultivating immortality for so many years. Although I have a golden finger, the bottleneck when I break through the small realm seems to not exist. But when I break through the two major levels of foundation building and golden elixir, it is necessary. State of mind.”

"So cultivating immortals is also extremely important for cultivating one's state of mind."

"There happens to be a secret realm of inner demons in Xingchen Immortal Palace, where I can hone my state of mind... I will go to the secret realm of inner demons in two days and hone my state of mind. It should be of great help to me in practicing this god-breaking technique.

Wu Tao thought like this and put the shocking gun into his storage bag.

Then he began to meditate and adjust his breathing, and took out the star stone to restore the star body that consumed a lot of money.

The third day.

Wu Tao left Bixing Island early in the morning and went to the secret realm of inner demons in Xingchen Immortal Palace.

Arriving at the secret realm of inner demons, there was an old man with white hair and white beard sitting at the entrance. His breath seemed to be dying, as if he was about to die. He is closing his eyes to rest his mind.

This is the elder who protects the inner demon secret realm. It is said that his surname is Li, but no one knows his name. The disciples who enter the inner demon secret realm call him Elder Li.

Based on Wu Tao's understanding of the stars and palaces, this elder's cultivation level is at least at the Nascent Soul stage.

So Wu Tao took out his identity token, bowed to the elder and said, "Senior, this junior wants to enter the secret realm of inner demons!"

When Elder Li heard Wu Tao's words, he slowly opened his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "It takes two hours to deduct five hundred meritorious deeds to enter the secret realm of the inner demon."

Wu Tao secretly thought it was very expensive. Now that he has become a second-level senior lecturer, he can only achieve 300 meritorious deeds a month.

Entering two hours at a time would take him more than a month of meritorious deeds.

Besides, his meritorious deeds are not without other uses. They have to be used to exchange for spiritual fire and spiritual water cultivation. Otherwise, he would not be able to maintain the "Nine Rays of Fusion Yang Zhen Gong" and "Nine Refinements of the Golden Pill" at the same time.

"Life is too hard. I still have to speed up and become an official third-level low-level weapon refiner. I will receive more meritorious tasks in the weapon refinement hall."

After thinking like this, Wu Tao respectfully handed over the identity token and said, "Senior Li, this is the identity token of this junior."

Elder Li stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and the token in Wu Tao's hand immediately flew up. With a slight wave of his skinny fingers, Wu Tao saw that the merit displayed on his token had been deducted by 500 points.

After the merit points were deducted, the identity token fell back into Wu Tao's palm, and the old man surnamed Li said: "Go in, remember, you must come out within two hours."

"There are also two levels of the inner demon secret realm, the upper and lower levels, with nine areas each. The upper level cannot be entered, and it can only be entered at the Nascent Soul stage. The lower level is where the golden elixir sharpens the state of mind, and each area corresponds to a golden elixir. The level reaches the ninth level of the Golden Core. Don’t overestimate your capabilities!”

The old man surnamed Li did not forget to mention one last thing.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately bowed again and thanked the old man surnamed Li: "Thank you, Senior Li, for your guidance. I understand this."

After the senior named Li finished speaking, he closed his eyes again and stopped talking to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao straightened up and walked towards the entrance of the inner demon secret realm.

There is a portal at the entrance to the secret realm of inner demons. There is a light curtain as transparent as water on the portal, like a thin film. Wu Tao looked at it for a moment, then stepped forward and entered the light curtain.

It was like a thin film had been broken.

The next moment, Wu Tao entered the secret realm of inner demons.

After entering the inner demon secret realm, Wu Tao found that the secret realm was very large and empty. There was a stone tablet erected about ten steps in front of him, which said 'First Area'.

Within the scope of the first area, there are two golden elixir cultivators sitting cross-legged in the robes and uniforms of the core disciples of Xingchen Immortal Palace. They are closing their eyes tightly at this time. They should be resisting inner demons and tempering their mental state.

"I am at the first level of the Golden Core, so I am here to hone my state of mind in this first area."

"It is said that the inner demons in this inner demon secret realm were born in the demon world, and then were captured by the gods of the Star Palace and put into the inner demon secret realm to form a secret realm specifically used to hone the mind of the disciples."

Before coming to the inner demon secret realm, Wu Tao must of course inquire about the details of the inner demon secret realm, so as to ensure that there will be no trouble in the inner demon secret realm.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao directly entered the first area.

Entering the first area, Wu Tao didn't feel anything, just like being in the outside world.

He looked at the two core disciples, stayed away from them, took out a futon and sat down in the lotus position.

"The inner demon is invisible and has no substance. It invades the mind of the immortal cultivator and is extremely difficult to detect."

"But this inner demon is so powerful, but in the demon world, it is not among the three major royal clans and the nine major demon clans!"

Thinking like this, Wu Tao closed his eyes tightly and let his hands hang naturally on his knees, waiting for the invasion of his inner demons.

Time passes slowly.

Suddenly, there was movement in Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts.

Under Wu Tao's induction, the coffin nail in the center of the Divine Mind Sea suddenly shook slightly, and a black light suddenly emitted, twisted into a big mouth, and bit into the void in the Divine Mind Sea, and a sharp sound was heard. The scream sounded, but a demon screamed and was instantly swallowed by the coffin nails.

The inner demon was originally invisible and had no substance, but it was directly frightened by the coffin nails and took on the form. This inner demon only has one face, dragging a long tail, and looks fierce.

Wu Tao was stunned by this scene, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"So the inner demon invaded my sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and was swallowed up by Master Ding in an instant?"

"It turns out that Mr. Ding doesn't only eat ghosts, this inner demon is also one of his nutrients."

Wu Tao thought in his mind that the coffin nails had not moved for a long time, and he had not thought of the coffin nails for a long time.

"It's not okay for the inner demon to invade my mind sea and be swallowed up by Master Ding. I need the inner demon to hone my state of mind and help me practice the God-breaking Technique!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao's spiritual mind immediately landed on the top of the coffin and sent a message to Nail: "Master Nai, I need to use this inner demon to temper my state of mind. You can't eat it!"

The coffin nails made no movement, obviously not paying any attention to him.

Wu Tao felt helpless. Coffin Nail was a great god. Even if he was at the golden elixir level, he could not move the coffin nail. He had no choice but to be moved by emotion again and understand it rationally: "Master Nai, I want to hone my inner demons." Yes, you can’t devour it anymore. This is very important to me, and Master Ding must also want me to become stronger!"

After finishing speaking, there was still no movement from the coffin nails, so Wu Tao could only pretend that he heard it.

With his spiritual thoughts withdrawn from the coffin nails, Wu Tao continued to wait for the invasion of his inner demons.

After a while, Wu Tao suddenly felt something and felt happy: "The inner demon is here again!"

Wu Tao finally used his spiritual thoughts to explore the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and find the inner demon, but in the next moment, the coffin nail body shook slightly again, a black light flew out, turned into a big mouth and clicked again, the inner demon Fear screams being swallowed by the coffin nails.

Seeing this scene, Wu Tao even swore in his heart that when he became an immortal, he would let the nails in the coffin know how powerful he was.

But at the moment, Wu Tao still had to communicate with the nail in the coffin in a good voice.

"Master Ding, otherwise, since you like to devour your inner demons, then let me hone my state of mind for an hour, and then you can devour your inner demons for another hour, okay?"

"If Mr. Ding doesn't agree, I won't come to this secret realm of inner demons from now on. Mr. Ding won't be able to eat any of the inner demons."

After the communication, Wu Tao ignored the nail in the coffin and continued to wait for his inner demon.

After a while, Wu Tao felt something strange again in his mind.

Sure enough, the next moment, a demon in his heart appeared and crashed into Wu Tao's mind.

Being hit by the inner demon, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts stagnated in an instant, and he completely lost his clear consciousness. Fear surrounded Wu Tao.

Wu Tao's mind fell into a dream, which was very long.

He seemed to have turned into a very, very small person, walking on an extremely thin tightrope. There was nothingness around him, but there was a huge monster chasing him above his head.

If he is chased by a monster, Wu Tao will definitely die.

Wu Tao could only run desperately on the tightrope. At this time, all his cultivation was gone and he became a mortal.

He ran out of breath and exhausted, and the fear between life and death surrounded him.

The monster was getting closer and closer, and Wu Tao seemed to feel that death was coming in the next moment, but at this time, he had no strength. If he continued to run, he would either be eaten by the monster or fall into the endless void.

"I want to become an immortal, but I can't die!"

Suddenly, a very strong obsession was born in Wu Tao. In his mind, he turned around suddenly and roared loudly at the approaching monster.

Then he punched the monster hard.

With one punch, his mana, his divine mind, and his star body all returned at this moment, smashing the monster to pieces.

The monsters are shattered and the inner demons are dead. Wu Tao's spiritual consciousness finally returned to normal.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts withdrew from the sea of ​​divine thoughts, slowly opened his eyes, touched his forehead, and actually felt cold sweat oozing out from his forehead, which was slowly fading away. He couldn't help but thought to himself: "This inner demon, What I carry is the fear of life and death. If I cannot bear the fear of life and death and fall into the fear of death, I will definitely be severely wounded by the inner demons."

"But that's not necessarily the case. After all, Master Ding is escorting me in the Divine Mind Sea. He should take action in time."

When Wu Tao thought about this possibility, the nail in the coffin was to count on him coming to the Secret Realm of the Inner Demon next time.

"But Mr. Ding finally stopped swallowing the inner demons, allowing me to use the inner demons to hone my state of mind. Let's continue training. After an hour, I will no longer temper the inner demons that invaded the sea of ​​divine thoughts, and let Mr. Ding engulf me. Lose."

You can't be dishonest as a person, especially those who are stronger than yourself.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao continued to close his eyes tightly, waiting for the inner demon to invade.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao was completely soaked.

He opened his eyes, and the fear in his eyes slowly dissipated.

"The fear of life and death I faced this time was even more terrifying than the fear of life and death I faced last time. It was like I was in an abyss, being stared at by something that could not be gazed at. I could die at any time."

"For people like me, the more I want to become an immortal and pursue immortality, the more I fear death."

"The more you cherish your life, the more afraid you will be of the invasion of your inner demons, and they will create the illusion you are afraid of..."

Wu Tao was a little scared thinking about it, but fortunately this time he broke out of the abyss again, breaking the fear of death.

He felt that his state of mind seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Sure enough, this inner demon could temper his state of mind.

"There is still one hour left, let Master Ding swallow the inner demons in this hour!"

Wu Tao continued to close his eyes tightly, waiting for the invasion of his inner demons.

In the next hour, a total of ten new demons invaded Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, but as soon as they entered Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, they were swallowed by the nails in the coffin.

When the time came, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts immediately fell on Coffin Nail, and he felt his consciousness on Coffin Nail: "Master Nai, the time has come. When I earn enough merits next time, I will enter the secret realm of inner demons and let you devour the inner demons."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao stood up, put away the futon, and looked around the first area. The two core disciples had already left.

Wu Tao stepped out of the first area and looked forward. In front of him was the second area.

"My strength is comparable to the third level of the Golden Core. Once I get used to the strength of the inner demon in the first area, I might be able to give it a try in the second area."

"Anyway, Mr. Ding will be there to protect you when the time comes."

With this thought, Wu Tao walked out of the secret realm of inner demons.

After leaving the inner demon secret realm, he looked at the old man surnamed Li sitting cross-legged at the entrance, bowed to him, and then left.

Bixing Island, Cultivation Hall.

With a thought from Wu Tao, the shocking spear suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew into his palm.

With a single movement of his body, the technique of breaking the gods evolved in Wu Tao's hands.

Very powerful.

Once this method comes out, it will definitely destroy the gods.

Suddenly, the entire training hall fell into a violent rage.

An hour later, Wu Tao put away the shocking spear and said with joy on his face: "Sure enough, my state of mind has been tempered by the inner demons in the inner demon secret realm, and my state of mind has improved. It seems that I am making faster progress by practicing this god-breaking technique! "

"It's a pity that the Secret Realm of the Inner Demon requires too much merit, so I can only go there once every three months!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao felt a little worried again.

More than 20 relatives came today, and I was exhausted from cooking. Fell asleep, sleepy to death.

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