Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 539 Condensing the true body, greatly increasing lifespan! (6000 please subscribe

Chapter 539 Condensing the true body, greatly increasing lifespan! (6000 please subscribe)

In the training room, Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon, his eyes falling on the jade slip in his hand.

"It's a pity that Senior Wang doesn't have time to teach me spiritual thoughts. If spiritual thoughts teach me, I will be able to understand the real body stage of "Zhou Tianxing Body Training Technique" in a month or two at most and start to use star stones to condense the real body. .”

"But now I rely on my own jade slips to comprehend it. It will probably take more than half a year to fully comprehend it."

In this regard, Wu Tao did not feel disappointed or lost.

After all, although Wang Jing included him in the plan, in the end, Wang Jing gave him too much.

One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer.

"The most important thing is that I successfully faked my death and escaped from the demon trial battlefield. No one knows about me, so I can get back on track and continue to cultivate immortality in a low-key manner."

"And Senior Wang's plan coincides with mine."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao put the jade slip of "Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training" back into his storage bag, and then took out the jade slip of the secret technique of changing the hidden breath.

He is also very interested in the secret technique of change and concealment.

It was also a bright yellow jade slip. Wu Tao put it on his forehead, sent out his spiritual thoughts, probed into the jade slip, and began to read the contents of the jade slip.

After another two hours, Wu Tao finally took a rough look at the secret technique of change and concealment, and initially understood the function of this secret technique.

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts and taking off the jade slip from his forehead, Wu Tao showed a look of joy on his face.

"This secret technique of change and concealment is also valuable. From this, it seems that Senior Wang really spent a lot of money for his plan."

"This secret technique of changing and concealing breath has nine levels in total. Unfortunately, this secret technique of changing and concealing breath is specifically aimed at physical cultivation, and cannot change the cultivation of mana and conceal breath."

"The first three levels of the secret technique correspond to the early stage of the true body, the middle stage of the true body, and the late stage of the true body. The third to sixth levels correspond to the middle and late stages of the true body, and so on!"

"And this secret technique is not just about hiding breath, it can also change, it can also change the face and Qi!"

"It's really amazing that this secret technique can avoid the detection of the God of Transformation! However, the disadvantages are also very easy to see. The successful practice of this secret technique is to condense a transformation hidden rune. Once the rune is completed, it cannot be Then change the runes.”

"It's equivalent to not being able to change your hidden breath at will. There is only one vest."

After reading the outline of the secret technique of change and concealment, Wu Tao already had a simple understanding of its advantages and disadvantages.

But even if there are drawbacks, this secret technique of change and concealment is still an amazing secret technique. If this secret technique were put up for auction, even Nascent Soul Master would be tempted and snatch it away like crazy.

"The "Zhoutian Xingchen Body Refining Technique" and the secret technique of transformation require me to slowly understand it on the jade slips. However, "Nine Refining Golden Pills" is transmitted through Senior Wang's spiritual thoughts, and there are probably one or two more. In a few months, I will be able to enter the "Nine Refinements of the Golden Pill" into my personal information and start practicing the first refinement."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao became excited again, and he was also looking forward to "Nine Refinings of the Golden Pill".

After roughly reading "Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training" and the Jade Slips of the Secret Technique of Transformation, the sky has darkened.

Wu Tao took out the lighting array, set it up, turned it on, and the entire practice room became bright again.

"It's better to cultivate the immortal world in the Sea of ​​Stars, where the sun rises and the moon sets!"

Remembering that in the Demon Realm Trial Battlefield, there was no day or night at all, only a blood moon hanging alone in the sky. That feeling really made Wu Tao very uncomfortable.

In the following time, Wu Tao went back to his room to rest for an hour, and then continued to practice and comprehend.

The following days.

Wu Tao lived peacefully on this small island.

Start working towards these three goals simultaneously.

This long-lost stability made Wu Tao feel very comfortable and enjoyable.

One month later.

The first of the nine golden elixir refinements: (0%)

In the training room, Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon and looked at the personal information spell column "Nine Refiners of the Golden Pill" that had finally been entered into his personal information, with a look of joy on his face.

"The method taught by Nascent Soul Lord Yuan Ying's spiritual thoughts is really mysterious. In a short period of time, I have thoroughly understood the "Nine Refinements of the Golden Pill" and entered it into my personal information. Next, I used spiritual fire and spiritual water on this small island. Start tempering the golden elixir."

In the past month, his daily time has been to study the "Zhou Tianxing Body Training Technique" and the secret technique of transformation and concealment, as well as to analyze and understand the third-level real weapon refining secret book.

And tending the fruits and vegetables on the two acres behind the yard.

This is Senior Wang's personal order. Wu Tao will still take time to take care of this island for the whole day.

And Wu Tao also likes this kind of farming life very much.

In addition to intense practice and enlightenment, watering and fertilizing fruits and vegetables is also a relaxing practice.

"Since I refined the golden elixir from water and fire, I have no follow-up exercises to the golden elixir, and I have not practiced the realm of the golden elixir. Now that I have finally understood the "Nine Refinings of the Golden elixir" thoroughly, I will try to use this spiritual fire and spiritual water. Tempering the golden elixir.”

Thinking of this, Wu Tao thought, and two jade bottles flew out of the storage bag.

This jade bottle contains spiritual fire and spiritual water.

"This is the spiritual fire and spiritual water given by Zhongqu Island. Judging from the quality, it should be of the third grade."

Spiritual fire and spiritual water are also divided into levels, with a total of nine levels.

The higher the grade of spiritual fire and spiritual water, the more beneficial it is for golden elixir cultivators to refine the golden elixir and increase their magic power.

"However, I don't have many spiritual fire and spiritual water things in my body. It should not be enough for me to complete the first refinement of the "Nine Refiners of the Golden Pill"."

"There's no rush. Anyway, I want to complete the three goals of being promoted to the third level of weapon refiner, condensing the true body, and cultivating the secret technique of transformation to the third level on this island."

"It's not like there's nothing to do."

After the thought fell, Wu Tao immediately stopped hesitating. With a thought, the jade bottle floated in front of him, the cork flew out, and the spiritual fire and spiritual water inside were sucked into Wu Tao's body. He ran the "Nine Refinements of the Golden Pill" with all his strength and began to temper the gold. Dan.

As the spiritual fire and spiritual water entered the body, and the "Nine Refinings of the Golden Pill" was running at full speed, Wu Tao's golden elixir immediately began to spin, being tempered by the spiritual fire and spiritual water.

Two hours later, the spiritual fire and spiritual water in the Dantian were exhausted, and Wu Tao stopped running the "Nine Refinings of the Golden Pill".

The golden elixir also stopped rotating at high speed, exuding golden light.

Wu Tao could clearly feel that after two hours of tempering with spiritual fire and spiritual water, the quality of the golden elixir seemed to have been enhanced, and the mana in the golden elixir had also increased, but not much.

But it was only two hours of tempering. Wu Tao was not in a hurry. The first refinement of "Nine Refiners of the Golden Pill" had not even reached 1% progress.

The telepathy exited Dantian, Wu Tao turned around and looked at Ke Luo aside, and found that the time had arrived for Shen Zheng.

"It's summer now, and the ground is short of water. We have to water the ground."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately got up from the futon, walked out of the training room, looked up at the sunset in the west, then walked to the wall at the door of the kitchen, picked up the two barrels under the wall, and went directly to the courtyard behind the courtyard. On two acres of land, I began to water the fruits and vegetables in the field.

In these two acres of land, the third-order spiritual veins transplanted by Wang Jing are nourishing the spiritual energy all year round, and they have gradually developed into spiritual land.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao finally irrigated the two acres of fields. Then he picked two handfuls of vegetables and returned to the yard carrying the barrel.


After putting down the barrel, Wu Tao heard the cry of a monster from the corner of the west courtyard.

He suddenly realized that it was just because the monster was hungry.

So Wu Tao took a handful of vegetables, went to the fence where the monster was kept, and threw in a handful of vegetables. In an instant, the monster started to lower its head and compete for food.

Wu Tao lived on this island for a month and was very satisfied with the life on the island. He saw that there were only vegetables outside the small courtyard and no monster meat to eat.

So I traveled all over this small island, caught dozens of monsters, and kept them in the courtyard so that I could eat them whenever I wanted.

This Yin Monster is only a first-level high-level monster, and it cannot bring much increase in spiritual energy to Wu Tao. However, Wu Tao does not eat the Yin Monster for cultivation, but rather maintains the habit of eating.

"After a period of time, we will open up another acre of spiritual land to plant spiritual rice. I happen to have spiritual rice seeds in my storage bag. By then, the vegetable spiritual rice, just because of the monsters, will be enough to satisfy three meals a day."

Speaking of three meals a day, Wu Tao felt a little lonely in his heart, because without Chen Yao, there were only three meals, so where would a day come from.

"Well, let's kill a Jiyin to eat tonight!" Wu Tao, who was in a slightly depressed mood, reached out and grabbed the fattest Jiyin monster.


The Yin monster fluttered desperately in Wu Tao's hands, but it disappeared in an instant.

Wu Tao sat on a chair at the table in the kitchen, looking at the stewed vegetables and stir-fried vegetables on the table. He picked up his chopsticks and started eating with a pot of spiritual wine.

After eating, Wu Tao rested for a while, then returned to the practice room to continue practicing and enlightening.

One day half a year later.

Wu Tao carried two wooden barrels on his shoulders, finished irrigating the three acres of land, and then returned to the courtyard.

Putting the barrel under the corner, Wu Tao washed his hands and then came to the practice room.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Wu Tao thought, and a jade slip and a storage bag appeared in his hand.

"After half a year, I finally fully comprehended the real body stage of the "Zhou Tianxing Body Training Exercise"."

"The true body, Yuan body, and divine body respectively correspond to the golden elixir, Yuan Ying, and transformed spirit of Dharma cultivation."

With a thought from Wu Tao, all the items in the storage bag were poured out and piled in front of Wu Tao, which were pieces of star stones.

"Today is an auspicious day."

"Looking at the sky every day, tonight the moon above the sea of ​​stars will be like a jade plate, and the sky is full of stars. This is the best moment to condense the true form of the stars."

Wu Tao looked at the clock next to him and found that there was still an hour before nightfall.

At this time, the moon and stars in the sky have not yet appeared.

Wu Tao simply got up and went to the courtyard, first feeding the monster.

Then he sat on a lounge chair in the courtyard, brewed a pot of spiritual tea, drank the tea, and blew the cool sea breeze, waiting for the moment when the moon and stars appeared in the sky.

This short period of time should also be used to relax your mind.

Time passed slowly.

The day recedes and the night comes, but the night is not dark. A full moon slowly rises, and the sky is filled with stars.

The moonlight and starlight illuminated the island where Wu Tao was.

"The time has come!"

Wu Tao, who was sitting on the recliner, suddenly stood up, walked into the practice room, sat cross-legged on the futon, looked at his nose with his eyes, his heart with his nose, and meditated to adjust his breath.

Two quarters of an hour later, he adjusted his state to the best state.

His eyes fell on the 10,000 kilogram star stone in front of him. With a thought, Wu Tao rolled up a star stone and immediately started to run the "Sky Star Body Training Exercise" to officially condense his true body.

With the operation of the real body chapter of "Zhoutian Star Body Training", the star stone suspended in front of Wu Tao was wrapped and refined by mana and spiritual thoughts, removing impurities, leaving the pure star essence, and finally inhaled by Wu Tao inside the body.

A star stone was refined, and in the next moment, another star stone flew up and continued to be refined.

Time passed quietly and unconsciously.

There are more and more impurities and powders in the star stones in front of Wu Tao, and the ten thousand kilograms of star stones are also getting less and less.

One day later, Wu Tao had refined 3,000 kilograms of star stones.

But the true body of the stars was still not condensed.

This is a happy event, which shows that Wu Tao's limit is not here.

The moon sets and the sun rises, the sun rises and the moon sets. Another day later, Wu Tao refined another three thousand kilograms of star stones, reaching 6,000 kilograms.

He had a feeling that the day when Zhoutian Xingchen's true body was condensed was getting closer.

When Wu Tao was refining the 7,000 kilograms of star stones, his star spirit body had completely transformed into the true star body. However, the true star body had not reached its limit and could continue to be condensed and compressed while refining the star stones.

Wu Tao continued to run the "Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique" to refine the essence of the stars into his body in order to achieve the ultimate form of the star body.

Another 1,000 kilograms of star stones were refined. At this time, Wu Tao felt that the true body of the stars had reached a saturated state, and it seemed that it would be difficult to refine the essence of the stars into it.

But it’s just difficult, not impossible!

"No, my limit cannot be 8,000 kilograms of star stones."

Wu Tao came up with this idea and continued to run the real body chapter of "Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Kung Fu" with all his strength to refine the star stone.

8100 Jin, 8200 Jin, 8300 Jin, 8400 Jin, 8500 Jin...

As more and more star stones were refined into his body, Wu Tao felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to operate the technique.

But Wu Tao still didn't stop. He felt that he had not reached his limit yet.

"If you don't push yourself, how can you know where your limits are?! Besides, aren't people forced to do this?"

Wu Tao's belief is extremely firm.

8,600 jins, 8,700 jins, 8,800 jins, 8,900 jins, 9,000 jins!

A few days later, Wu Tao refined another 500 kilograms of star stones. His true star body became more and more solid and dense, and it seemed that it could no longer hold any more star essence.

"Continue, you can still refine it!"

"If you give up now, how can you become an immortal in the future?"

Without endangering his life, Wu Tao must reach the strongest limit, so that the condensed star body will be stronger.

After breaking through the 9,000 kilograms star stone mark, Wu Tao's refining speed slowed down.

Refining is getting more and more difficult.

Every time a star stone is refined and compressed into the body, it consumes a lot of mana and spiritual energy.

One day passed, and Wu Tao's star stone was refined to 9,100 kilograms.

Three days later, Wu Tao's star stone was refined to a weight of 9,200 kilograms.

Ten days have passed, and Wu Tao's star stone has been refined to 9,300 kilograms.

As you get to later levels, more and more time is consumed.

Wu Tao's mana and spiritual power were getting more and more exhausted, and his mana and spiritual power were too severely consumed.

"Hold on!"

Half a month later, 9,400 pounds of star stones.

One month later, 9,500 kilograms of star stones.

Two months later, 9,600 pounds of star stones.

At this stage, Wu Tao had to do two things at once, taking out golden elixirs to replenish the consumed mana.

Divine consciousness is also slowly recovering.

"This may be a test of my willpower... I must persevere..."

"I am a man who wants to become an immortal, how could I just give in!"

In a word, the true body of Xingchen will not collapse or die, so Wu Tao will continue to persevere.

As time passed slowly, Wu Tao's refining speed became slower and slower.

At some point, Wu Tao fell into a habitual practice. While he was refining golden elixirs to restore his mana and spiritual thoughts, he was running the "Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Exercise" to refine star stones.

The golden elixir, combined with the third-level spiritual veins to restore mana, can keep up with Wu Tao's current speed of refining the star stones using the "Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique".

But the spiritual mind is extremely difficult to recover.

He felt that the consumption of his spiritual energy was getting more and more serious, and he was on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, in Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, the coffin nail lying quietly in the center of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts suddenly shook slightly and emitted a black halo.

The halo was like a candle in the dark night. Wherever the halo shone, Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts seemed to be supplied, and his spiritual thoughts began to recover quickly.

With his spiritual sense restored, Wu Tao's speed in refining the star stone increased.

Falling into inertial practice, Wu Tao only had one consciousness, which was to break through the limits.

You can’t feel the passage of time when you practice.

He only knew that he was getting closer and closer to the limit, getting closer and closer to refining ten thousand catties of star stones.

The dawn of victory seems to be right in front of us.

9,700 pounds of star stone.

9,800 pounds of star stone.

9900 pounds of star stone.

9999 pounds of star stone.

10,000 kilograms of star stones.

Wu Tao refined the last star stone and finally reached 10,000 kilograms of star stones, reaching the limit of condensing the essence of the star stones absorbed by the real body.

At the moment when he reached the limit, Wu Tao's body suddenly vibrated, and the star's true body shone brightly.

Wu Tao is like a star, blooming with incomparable brilliance.

Once Zhou Tianxingchen's true form was completed, Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts immediately began to transform, expanding in all directions, and his spiritual thoughts became stronger and stronger.

At this time, Wu Tao also stopped running the "Zhou Tianxing Body Exercise" and carefully felt the changes in his body and the transformation of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts.

After condensing his true body, Wu Tao felt that his longevity was slowly breaking through.

This is a mysterious feeling.

After an unknown amount of time, the transformation of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts finally stopped. Wu Tao opened his eyes and felt relaxed. He no longer suffered from the fatigue caused by the serious consumption of mana and spiritual thoughts when condensing the true body of the stars.

"The true star body has finally been successfully condensed, and it is still the true star body that has reached the limit of 10,000 kilograms!"

With a look of joy on his face, Wu Tao stood up from the futon and took a step forward.

"Click" sound.

Wu Tao looked stunned, and looked down, only to see that his right foot stepped out, crushing the floor of the training room, and his right foot sank deeply into it, up to his ankle.

"I forgot that I have just broken through the star body. The mass and density of my body have reached a leap, just like the transformation of life. I am not yet familiar with the realm of physical cultivation after the breakthrough."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao took back his steps and began to become familiar with the realm of physical cultivation that broke through the real body of the stars at this time.

"It's too strong. I feel like I'm stronger than Wangui Dao. Wangui Dao's Lijuxingchen real body shouldn't have reached its limit."

"If I meet that demon again, I can crush him with my true body strength!"

However, even when he encountered the Heavenly Demon Clan, Wu Tao had not condensed the true body of the stars. He could only rely on the true magic of the golden elixir to slowly kill the opponent, of course on the premise that the opponent did not escape.

"Let's see how much the spiritual consciousness has grown?"

Wu Tao clearly felt that during the breakthrough process, the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts was changing and the spiritual thoughts were also strengthening.

As soon as he sensed his spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao was overjoyed. The intensity of his spiritual thoughts had reached 1,300 miles.

The intensity of spiritual thoughts is comparable to the third level of Golden elixir.

"The true body of the stars has been condensed, and the spiritual consciousness has increased by forty miles."

"And the solidity of spiritual thoughts is definitely not comparable to the third level of Faxiu Jindan."

After sensing his spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao continued to familiarize himself with his own power.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao was able to perfectly control his own strength, and there was no accident of breaking the floor after walking.

"By the way, I was caught up in the wonderful cultivation process just now. When my spiritual thoughts were about to be exhausted, I seemed to have sensed movement from Lord Ding." Wu Tao recalled the scene in the late stage of condensing the star body, and his mind immediately sank into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, falling into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. On the body of the coffin nail.

Nail in the Coffin was still asleep at this time, and it seemed that he had not helped Wu Tao just now.

However, Wu Tao's recollection was unmistakable, and he thought: "Thank you, Mr. Ding, for helping me break through the 10,000-pound limit of my real body!"

After thanking him, Wu Tao couldn't wait to open his personal information.

Condensing the true body is equivalent to breaking through a great realm of physical cultivation, and his lifespan will definitely increase greatly. When he broke through the realm of spiritual body, his lifespan also increased.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 62/859】

[Realm: First level of golden elixir]

[Kung Fu: Six Yang Lihuo True Kung Fu Foundation Building Kung Fu (Perfect), Golden elixir Kung Fu (missing)]

[Spells: Brief, True Technique·A Point of Invisible Sword Grandmaster (Perfect) (Golden Pill Origin), Tianyan God Refining Scripture foundation building stage·Fourth level (10%), Second level proficiency of the Contracted Spirit Beast Control Technique ( 73%), the first of the nine golden elixir refinements (15%), the first level of the secret technique of transformation (1%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Technique: Lingxu True Fire Technique Mastery (72%)

Master the prohibitions: brief, second-level advanced magic prohibition (comprehensive), third-level Yuanshui Sword one true prohibition (50%)]

[Sub-job·Physical training: Zhou Tianxing Body Training·Real Physique Chapter: First level (0%), Master of Ten-mile Star Luo (Perfection), Grandmaster of Baili Star Annihilation Technique (Perfection), Star Step Hundred Miles Stage Grandmaster (Perfection), Xingchen Gangjin Grandmaster (Perfection)]


When he saw the life span column, Wu Tao grinned almost to the back of his ears.

Condensing the true body turned out to be the same as breaking through the golden elixir, adding 200 years to one's lifespan.

"The golden elixir has a lifespan of five hundred, and the Nascent Soul has a lifespan of one thousand. My current lifespan of 859 years is already far beyond that of the golden elixir cultivators, although not as good as the True Monarch Nascent Soul!"

The remaining longevity is enough for Wu Tao to break through to another great realm.

No, the remaining longevity is completely enough even if you break through to become a god.

"Although the path of dual cultivation of Dharma and body is very difficult, if you have actually come through it, it is the best path."

Wu Tao looked at this Shou Yuan and was very satisfied, and he was even more determined to pursue dual cultivation of both body and law in the future.

Walking on two legs is more stable.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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