Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 526 The Fourth-Level Siren (please subscribe)

The sudden change happened in just a moment, and the three true beings in the dark night were killed by Wu Tao and died.

But it still made Feizhou stop.

Wu Tao looked around at the immortal cultivators on the flying boat. Most of them stood up from their futons and stayed away from him. However, there were still some immortal cultivators with golden elixir cultivation who looked indifferent and calm.

The accident on the flying boat made the immortal cultivators from Zhongqu Island immediately come forward to check. When he saw the three corpses on the deck, he looked at Wu Tao, then he cupped his hands and said: "Senior, what happened?"

Wu Tao reached out and waved his hand, and the magic light instantly wrapped An Ye Sanzhen's body, put An Ye Sanzhen's body into a storage bag, and then said to the immortal cultivator on Zhongqu Island: "It's okay now!"

Seeing this, the immortal cultivator had no choice but to hand over his hand, then came to the flying boat cockpit and reported the situation to the ninth floor of the cockpit.

"I already know, nothing's wrong. Keep flying." The ninth floor of the cockpit foundation said. Then he continued to launch the flying boat.

If it's a big deal, it's probably a vendetta or something like that, but it's not something that he, who is on the ninth level of foundation building, can take care of. He's just responsible for not being late.

Feeling the flying boat continuing to fly, Wu Tao glanced around and continued to sit cross-legged on the futon.

Seeing that everything was okay, the other immortal cultivators also returned to their futons and sat down.

Among them, there was a foundation-building immortal cultivator sitting far away, not daring to look at Wu Tao. He was the immortal cultivator of the Zhou family on Qita Island.

This time he took the flying boat with the Dark Night Sanzhen, just to see the Dark Night Sanzhen kill Han Fan with his own eyes, and then he went back to report the process to Zhou Tong.

"This person is so terrifying! The clan leader said that the strength of An Ye Sanzhen's combined hands is comparable to the third level of Jindan, but in an instant, An Ye Sanzhen became An Ye Wuzhen, and he has no idea how he died. "

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, not thinking wildly, and did not dare to show any abnormal expression on his face, for fear of attracting Wu Tao's attention.

The flying boat continued to fly forward.

An hour later.

The flying boat flew to the East District Island Pier. Wu Tao looked toward the dock through the light curtain of the flying boat array and saw an extremely huge three-story magic ship staying in the waters of the dock.

The flying boat stopped, and a voice rang out: "We have arrived at the dock from the Central District, you can get off the flying boat."

One after another figures immediately flew out of the flying boat and landed on the dock.

Not all the cultivators on the flying boat will leave Zhongqu Island on the Dharma boat. There are also many who come to Zhongqu Island Pier for business.

Wu Taofei got off the flying boat and walked to the huge three-story Dharma ship. He reached into the storage bag and took out a jade token. This token was the proof of boarding the Zhongqu Island Dharma ship.

"This fellow Taoist is good at cultivating, and I have met fellow Taoist Lin Zhixin, a casual cultivator!" At this moment, a footstep sounded beside Wu Tao, and a middle-aged golden elixir cultivator raised his hand to Wu Tao and talked.

Wu Tao glanced at him and felt the aura of the other party's golden elixir. Then he returned the greeting and said, "Han Fan, I have met Fellow Daoist Lin."

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Han," Lin Zhixin smiled, then looked at the Dharma boat in front of him and said, "Is Fellow Daoist Han also here to take the Dharma boat leaving Zhongqu Island?"

Wu Tao picked up the jade token in his hand, motioned Lin Zhixin to take a look at it, and said, "Not bad."

A smile appeared on Lin Zhixin's face. He also reached out and wiped the storage bag. He also took out a jade token that was the same as Wu Tao's hand and said, "That's such a coincidence. Fellow Taoist Han, so am I!"

Wu Tao looked at Lin Zhixin and said, "That is indeed a coincidence. Fellow Taoist Lin, I won't say any more, it's time to get on the Dharma boat."

After Lin Zhixin said this, he immediately extended his hand and said, "Fellow Taoist Han is right, please, Friend Daoist Han."

Wu Tao looked away from Lin Zhixin's face and walked up to the Dharma boat. This Lin Zhixin was on the airship with him and witnessed the process of him killing An Ye Sanzhen.

This Lin Zhixin is also one of the unchanging golden elixir cultivators on the flying boat.

With this in mind, Wu Tao took the jade token in his hand to the foundation-building practitioner inspecting the Dharma Ship for inspection, and then successfully entered the Dharma Ship.

Lin Zhixin behind him quickly took out the jade token in his hand. After the inspection, he followed Wu Tao and entered the Dharma boat. After entering the Dharma boat, Lin Zhixin called out: "Fellow Daoist Han, I don't know how many coins you bought." A ticket for the first floor?”

Wu Tao didn't know why Lin Zhixin was so enthusiastic, but once he got on the Dharma boat, his life would be protected by the Zhongqu Island. The Dharma boat was guarded by ninth-level golden elixir cultivators.

So he said: "Level 2."

Lin Zhiwen said with a smile: "That's such a coincidence. The one I bought is also a 2-story one. Fellow Taoist Han, let's go up together."

Seeing this, Wu Tao had no choice but to say: "Okay."

Lin Zhixin laughed, and immediately went to the second floor of the Dharma Ship with Wu Tao, and then found their respective rooms and entered. Before entering the room, Lin Zhixin also said to Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Han, Lin will come to visit Daoist Han when he has time."

This diligent person was either a traitor or a thief, or he was betting that his powerful cultivation would be of use to Lin Zhixin, so he recruited Lin Zhixin to take the initiative to talk and make friends with him enthusiastically.

Wu Tao nodded to Lin Zhixin, then took out the jade token, opened the magic circle on the door of the room, and entered the room.

Outside the Dharma boat.

The Zhou family's foundation-building immortal cultivator looked at Wu Tao's back, entered the Dharma boat, and disappeared.

After standing for a moment, the Zhou family's foundation-building immortal cultivator withdrew his gaze, moved, and walked towards the dock where the Zhou family's Dharma boat was parked on Qita Island.

Not long after, he boarded the Zhou family's Dharma boat, came to a room in the cabin, knocked on the door respectfully and said, "Chief, I'm back!"

Zhou Tong's voice sounded in the room: "Come in."

Hearing this, the Zhou Family Establishment Foundation immediately opened the door gently and went in. He said to Comrade Zhou who was sitting cross-legged inside: "Clan leader..."

Zhou Tong looked at him and asked, "How's it going? Did Dark Night Three Realms succeed?"

The Zhou family Zhuji shook his head and said: "Clan leader, it didn't work. The three true masters of the dark night took action instantly. The auras of the three golden elixirs on the second level were extremely powerful, but they died in the next moment and were killed by Han Fan with a backhand. Now the body is still there. It's in Han Fan's storage bag."

"What? How is it possible?" After hearing this, Zhou Tong suddenly stood up from the futon and said: "The three true gods of the dark night join forces, but it is comparable to a third-level golden elixir cultivator. No matter how powerful Han Fan is, he can instantly kill a third-level golden elixir cultivator." Did it happen? Are you sure it was an instant kill?"

Zhou Family Establishment confirmed and said: "Patriarch, this is what I saw with my own eyes. Now Han Fan has boarded the Dharma ship leaving Zhongqu Island.

"Is it stronger than the third level of Golden Core? Or is it an instant kill?!!"

Zhou Family Foundation Establishment didn't dare to deceive him. Zhou Tong confirmed that An Ye Sanzhen was instantly killed by Han Fan. Han Fan had successfully boarded the Dharma ship leaving Zhongqu Island. He was extremely shocked and thought about it.

"The first level of the golden elixir instantly kills the second level of the golden elixir. Now, the three immortals of An Ye Sanzhen join forces and their combat power is comparable to that of the third level of the golden elixir. Moreover, they are all instant kills, so they should all be powerful. The secret technique of the soul is specially designed to attack the soul."

"With such a powerful secret technique and such a monster, he must not have come from the sea of ​​monster hunting. Could it be..."

"Is he from the Immortal Dao Sect?"

In the Sea of ​​Stars, there are only seven immortal sects that can be called major sects. Although other sea areas are also guarded by True Monarch Nascent Soul, their overall strength is far from that of the seven generations of immortal sects.

"If it's really a big sect of immortality, how can a small Qita Island like me be offended?"

"Brother, please forgive me for my incompetence and my inability to avenge you."

"From today on, I will sever all ties with my brother so that I don't have to bear your hatred."

Immortality is precious, Zhou Tong quickly made a decision in his heart.

The Zhou Family Zhuji looked at the brooding patriarch Zhou Tong, raised his hands and asked for instructions: "Clan Leader, I have already purchased a ticket for you on the same Dharma ship as Han Fan."

With that said, Zhou Ji Zhuji took out a jade token from his storage bag.

Now that Zhou Tong has made his decision, it is definitely impossible to board the Dharma boat and hunt down Han Fan. Originally, his decision was that if An Ye Sanzhen failed and Han Fan escaped by luck, he would personally attack the magic ship. Once he found the opportunity, it would be the moment of Han Fan's death.

"No need, let's go back to Qita Island." Zhou Tong said in a deep voice.

The Zhou Family Establishment Foundation was stunned when he heard this and said doubtfully: "Clan Chief, aren't we going to avenge the Second Master?"

Zhou Tong looked at the Zhou family's foundation building, and did not answer his words, but asked: "What do you think about overturning the power of an island to avenge the second master?"

"This... Patriarch..." Hearing this, the Zhou family's Ji Zhuji looked startled, and he hesitated and couldn't answer.

Zhou Tong looked at the Zhou family's foundation building, sighed and said: "The opponent is ridiculously strong. Even if I take action, I can't defeat the opponent 100%. If the opponent escapes, when the opponent's cultivation level becomes stronger, I only need to improve a small level. , I am definitely no match for the other party. By then, the tens of thousands of descendants of my Zhou family on Qita Island will all be destroyed."

"This account can't be paid off!"

"For the sake of the tens of thousands of people on Qita Island, I have no choice but to give up!" Zhou Tong's eyes turned red when he said this.

Seeing this, the Zhou Family Foundation Establishment was moved to tears. He said in a deep voice: "Patriarch, you have endured too much! I think the second master will understand your painstaking efforts, Patriarch!"

"I hope he can understand. What if he can't understand? I can't watch my people die!" Zhou Tong sighed again, with a righteous look on his face, and then asked the Zhou family to start the magic ship and return to the attempt island.

The grudges here are over.

It's just a pity that the star stone is worth a lot of money.

But he has already reached this point, and he is worthy of Zhou Hu.

Inside the French boat.

Wu Tao's expression lit up as he entered the room. This time he entered a small living room, with a door on the left and right, a training room on the left and a rest room on the right.

"Yes, it's worth spending a lot of money. This service is worth it!"

Wu Tao thought with satisfaction, and then turned on the soundproof and anti-peep circle in the room.

The soundproof and anti-peeping array is not unique to the Immortal Realm. The Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm also has a soundproofing and anti-peeping array.

After doing all this, Wu Tao was sitting on a chair in the living room, and suddenly felt the Dharma Boat shake slightly, apparently it had been turned on.

"Beidou Sea Area, I'm here. I hope I can successfully enter the Seven Star Immortal Sect and obtain the follow-up skills of the golden elixir and the follow-up skills of the spirit body."

Wu Tao thought like this, stood up from the chair and entered the practice room.

The training room is not big. After all, it is on a Dharma boat. It is only enough for one person to practice.

Wu Tao took out his futon, placed it in the center of the training stone, and sat down cross-legged.

"Those three second-level golden elixirs were sent by Qitu Island, right? No, according to Chu Xing, the only island owner Zhou Tong left on Qita Island is a fourth-level golden elixir cultivator, and there are no other golden elixirs. Dan, where did these three people come from with the clear goal of attacking me?"

"There is also a possibility that Qita Island bought the murderer to kill someone!"

Of course, in the world of immortality, there are also people who buy murders. As long as the price you offer makes the other party's heart beat, the other party will help you kill people after calculating the risk.

An Ye Sanzhen is the three second-level golden elixir cultivators. Facing Wu Tao, a first-level golden elixir, I naturally feel that I have the advantage.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao thought, and three corpses fell directly in front of him. He reached out and took the storage bags around the waists of the three corpses, then wrapped the three of them with magic and took off their robes. .

Then these three corpses were of no use. Real fire appeared in his palm and flew towards the three corpses in three groups.

In an instant, the real fire burned the three corpses into ashes. Then Wu Tao took out a jade bottle and put the ashes of the three people into the jade bottle. When he had time, he went to the deck and threw the jade bottle into the sea.

"Now, check the storage bags of these three people and see if there are any treasures?"

Thinking like this, Wu Tao immediately began to crack the golden elixir restrictions in the three people's storage bags.

An hour later, Wu Tao had finished counting the storage bags of the three of them. There were only some spiritual stones and golden elixirs. There was not even spiritual fire or spiritual water, and there were very few spiritual and golden elixirs.

But Wu Tao didn't know that the Dark Night Sanzhen was a robbery cultivator. It was precisely because his cultivation resources were used up that he came out again to commit crimes.

It is normal not to have a good harvest.

"This is such a rich star power, a star power more powerful than the star spirit body I condensed..."

Wu Tao looked at the star stone suspended in front of him, and a hint of joy flashed in his heart.

This stone, which exuded strong star power, was of great benefit to him in practicing the star body training technique.

"Put it away first!"

Wu Tao put the Star Stone into his storage bag. He did not recognize what this stone was. There was still a certain distance between fully understanding the Star Sea Immortal Realm.

Wu Tao then began to practice the Lingxu True Fire Technique. The more proficient he became in the Lingxu True Fire Technique, the more helpful it would be for him to be promoted to a third-level weapon refiner.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, one month later, the French ship had left the demon hunting sea area and arrived at the Tianfeng sea area.

The French ship did not encounter any attacks from sea monsters along the way.

Dharma Ship belongs to the Immortal Cultivation Force on Zhongqu Island. It often travels to Tianfeng Sea, Beidou Sea and other major sea areas. It has already become familiar with sea routes and has planned relatively safe routes.

This is why cultivators are willing to choose the Dharma Ship on Zhongqu Island.

In one word, security.

The French boat has three floors.

On the deck, there were two golden elixir cultivators from the East District Island Immortal Cultivation Force. One was at the ninth level of the golden elixir, and the other was at the eighth level.

"Brother Luo, the territory of the fourth-order sea monster is ahead. I wonder if we will encounter it!"

This eighth-level golden elixir cultivator talked about the fourth-level sea monster, but he didn't look nervous, but talked about it eloquently.

You must know that the fourth-level sea monster is comparable to the immortal cultivator of Yuanying Zhenjun.

The ninth-level golden elixir cultivator named Luo, known as Brother Luo, laughed when he heard this and said: "It's okay, even if it wakes up, we are already prepared!"

"That's right, if it really wakes up and comes out to block the way, we must let it have a good time, so as not to come out to cause trouble again the next time we return!" The eighth-level golden elixir cultivator said with a smile.

The two were chatting, and the French ship was traveling quickly on a fixed sea route, and soon arrived at the territory of the fourth-order sea monster that the two said.

There was a boom.


Thousands of meters of huge waves rose up, and in the huge waves, a powerful and suffocating aura of the sea monster rose.

"The fourth-order sea monster has awakened!"

The ninth-level Jindan looked at the thousand-meter giant wave in front of him and said calmly.

My body no longer hurts. I have intermittent fever, headache, cough, severe nasal congestion, dry mouth, and drowsiness in the afternoon, so it’s a little late. Thanks for the tip. I’ll thank you when the list is ready.

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