Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 519 Weird! Don't chase the light! Stay away from the lights! (Million words

Chapter 519 Weird! Don't chase the light! Stay away from the lights! (10,000 words please subscribe)

The second-level battle boat is suspended in the middle of the island owners' seats.

After Wu Tao's introduction, all the twenty-five island owners present looked shocked.

Then he quietly looked at Wu Tao, and his awe rose to another level.

Wu Tao saw the expressions of the island owners in his eyes, then looked at the excited and uncontrollable Ming He and said: "Ming He, it's rare that all the island owners from the twenty-seven island sea area are here today. If not, I'll call the next one." At the early stage of foundation establishment, add a mid-stage foundation establishment member, let’s test this second-order battleship!”

Upon hearing this, Liming He knew that Island Master Han was helping him establish his authority.

At this moment, he felt grateful and respectful towards Wu Tao. It turned out that the island owner had prepared everything a long time ago, and he didn't care about Nanming Island at all.

Thinking of this, Liminghe looked excited and said, "Yes, island owner! I will make arrangements right away!"

After a while.

Liming He called a Nanming Island immortal cultivator with a third-level foundation and a sixth-level immortal cultivator.

Then he raised his hands and said to Wu Tao: "Island Master, this is Junior Brother Yang, who has the third level of Foundation Establishment. This is Junior Brother Qiu, who has the sixth level of Foundation Establishment. Please give me your instructions, Island Master!"

Wu Tao nodded, and immediately sent a spiritual message to Liming He about the refining of the second-order battle boat and the amount of spiritual stones and source of energy consumed. Liming He secretly noted it and made preparations immediately.

Two quarters of an hour later.

The two early-stage foundation-building immortal cultivators and mid-stage foundation-building immortal cultivators on Nanming Island have each refined a second-level war boat. They have entered the second-level war boat and can conduct experiments on the power of the war boat at any time.

Liming He asked Wu Tao for instructions: "Island Master, the space in the reception hall is too small. Let's go out and test it!"

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Then go outside!"

Liming He immediately extended his hand to the twenty-five island owners and said: "Island owners, please follow Li to the outside of the island to see the power of the second-order war boat."

The twenty-five island owners looked at each other, then stood up and followed Wu Tao of the Liming River to the outside of Nanming Island.

The island owners were all suspended above the edge of Nanming Island, looking at the two second-order war boats floating in the opposite sea.

Liming He swept out of the crowd and landed opposite the second-order war boat.

Liming River is a ninth-level foundation building. If the second-level war boat can really compete with the Liming River, it means that as Island Master Han said, two second-level war boats are really like two ninth-level immortal cultivators.

However, based on the fact that Island Master Han has always had vast magical powers and that he was a cultivator from a wider sea outside the Lost Sea, they did not doubt that what Wu Tao said was false.

Next to Wu Tao stood an excited Fu Xuan. As a weapon refiner, Fu Xuan liked this type of test the most. He also wanted to take a look at the war boat refined by the weapon refiners in the sea outside the Lost Islands. How powerful is the magic weapon?

Liming He looked at the second-order war boat, and nodded to the two foundation-building immortal cultivators from Nanming Island through the Xuanjing protective shield. Then he turned to Wu Tao and said, "Island Master, then I'll start!"

But Wu Tao said loudly: "Minghe, please step back and let other island owners come forward to give it a try. They must be more interested!"

When the twenty-five island owners heard Wu Tao's words, their hearts changed. They immediately thought that the island owner Han wanted to take the opportunity to kill people and silence them, right? But thinking that Island Master Han was a golden elixir cultivator, he could kill them with just a snap of his fingers, so there was no need to waste so much energy, so he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

When Liming He saw this, he immediately knew what the island owner was thinking. Since the second-level war boat was to intimidate the immortal cultivating forces of the Twenty-Five Islands, it would be best to let the island owners of the Twenty-Five Islands come to test it, so that they could intuitively feel the second-order war boat. The power of the battle boat will hide the bad thoughts in the heart.

Thinking of this, Liminghe flew back and landed on Wu Tao's right side.

Wu Tao looked at the island owners, who all looked at each other in confusion.

When Wu Tao's eyes fell on Li Tianhong, Li Tianhong's heart moved, and he immediately stepped forward, cupped his hands and said: "Master Han, let Li test this second-order battle boat!"

Seeing that Li Tianhong recommended himself, Wu Tao nodded and said with a smile: "Okay. Then the island owner Li will do it!"

At this moment, Lin Qiyun from Dongjue Island also stepped forward and said, "There are two second-order war ships here. In order not to waste time, Lin is also willing to test the power of the second-order war ships!"

Wu Tao looked at him and smiled and said: "Okay, then Island Master Li and Island Master Lin will simultaneously test the power of the battle! Remember, this is a test of power, not a life and death fight, and you cannot control the war boat with all your strength!"

The latter words were spoken to the two foundation-building immortal cultivators of Nanming Island who were commanding the second-level warship. The two foundation-building immortal cultivators also understood and immediately nodded and said: "Disciple understands, island master!"

Li Tianhong and Lin Qiyun looked at each other, and in a flash, they were already on the opposite side of the two second-order battleships.

The next moment, the experiment officially began. The magic light inspired by the second-level war boat shot towards Lin Qiyun and Li Tianhong. It was as powerful as the spell cast on the ninth floor of the foundation building.

All the island owners and nine-level immortal cultivators present looked at the battlefield.

If it is true as Island Master Han said, the second-level war boat can really compete head-on with the ninth-level foundation-building immortal cultivator, and the second-level war boat commanded by the sixth-level foundation-building immortal cultivator from Nanming Island can actually defeat the ninth-level foundation-building immortal cultivator. The perfect Lin Qiyun suppressed every trace of disadvantage.

Of course, Lin Qiyun had completed the ninth level of foundation building and could not be killed by a second-level battle boat.

If it is the first time to enter the ninth floor of the foundation building, that may not necessarily be the case.

Fu Xuan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, and the decision in his heart seemed to become more firm.

"Okay, let's end the test here!" Wu Tao said, clicking to stop.

As soon as Wu Tao spoke out, the second-level war boat immediately stopped attacking, and Lin Qiyun and Li Tianhong also stopped using their magic weapons to attack the second-level war boat.

Li Tianhong and Lin Qiyun put the magical weapons into their storage bags, and then flew in front of Wu Tao. With a look of shock on their faces, they cupped their hands and said to Wu Tao: "Island Master Han, the second-level war boat you refined is really powerful. It’s equivalent to adding two more foundation-building figures to complete the combat power!”

This time, after intuitively feeling the power of the second-order battle boat, the owner of the Twenty-Five Islands completely stopped all thoughts.

Liming He took a step forward, bowed respectfully to Wu Tao and said, "Thank you very much, the island owner. Nanming Island will always remember the kindness of the island owner!"

At this time, Liminghe finally felt relieved. Nanming Island would not become the third Chaos Island.

Wu Tao nodded lightly to Liming River, then looked at the island owners and said: "Island owners, thank you for coming from afar to congratulate me, but there is no banquet in the world. Island owners, Han has something to do, so I will leave first. Got it!"

"Farewell to Island Master Han!" Upon hearing this, the island owners of the twenty-five islands immediately raised their hands to Wu Tao. They knew that this might be the last time they would see this golden elixir cultivator.

Wu Tao turned to look at Fu Xuan and said, "Fellow Daoist Fu, don't you have something to ask me for? Please come with me!"

Upon hearing this, Fu Xuan immediately followed Wu Tao to the island owner's hall.

In the main hall of the island owner, Wu Tao asked Fu Xuan to sit down and boil water for tea. Considering the time, Wu Tao used Jindan True Fire to boil the water.

The real fire condensed at the fingertips and fell under the teapot, and the spring water in the teapot immediately boiled.

Fu Xuan's eyelids suddenly jumped when Wu Tao condensed the golden elixir true fire on his fingertips. As a second-level senior weapon refiner, he dealt with fire all day long.

At that moment, he felt the flames on Wu Tao's fingertips were more than ten times more intense than the ground fire.

When the flame in Wu Tao's hand disappeared, he poured in the spirit tea to brew, poured a cup of tea for Fu Xuan, and said, "Fellow Taoist Fu, I wonder what you want from me?"

In fact, he had already guessed that Fu Xuan should be asking him for advice on the art of weapon refining, but he still had to ask.

Fu Xuan picked up the tea cup. He blew it, then took a sip, feeling the fragrance of the spirit tea between his teeth, and then asked: "Fellow Taoist Han, the flame that popped up from your fingertips just now, I felt that the inside of the flame was extremely fierce, and it seemed to be more advanced than the earth fire. , please tell Fellow Daoist Han, what kind of flame is this?"

Wu Tao said: "This is the true fire of the golden elixir! It is the flame that is refined from the golden elixir after it is achieved. It is naturally higher level than the earth fire."

Fu Xuan nodded and continued to ask: "Fellow Daoist Han, you have been promoted to the third-level weapon refiner, but you want this golden elixir to be really hot?"

Wu Tao said: "Yes, to be promoted to the third-level weapon refiner, you need the golden elixir true fire. I believe that Fellow Daoist Fu also knows that the spark stone or other first-level flames used when we are the first-level weapon refiner cannot melt the second-level weapon For spiritual materials, you must have earth fire to smelt second-level spiritual materials. For the same reason, if you want to smelt third-level spiritual materials, you must have golden elixir true fire of a higher level than earth fire."

Hearing this, Fu Xuan sighed and said: "I see, it seems that in order to be promoted to the third-level weapon refiner, you must practice the golden elixir! However, the spiritual energy in the sea area of ​​​​the twenty-seven islands is poor, the resources are scarce, and the upper limit is insufficient. To reach the foundation building perfection is already How can we refine a golden elixir when we are at the top?!"

Regarding Fu Xuan's emotion, Wu Tao actually felt the same. When he was a casual cultivator, the environment in which he was a casual cultivator was also very limited. If he had not been lucky enough to build a foundation and successfully joined the sect, he might have been able to stop at building a cultivator for the rest of his life. Before.

The environment has a really great impact on a person.

So he didn't know how to persuade Fu Xuan to accept his fate.

In Wu Tao's view, persuading people to accept their fate is a very cruel thing.

Immortal cultivators fight against the sky, the earth, monsters and beasts, and fellow immortal cultivators. They are the most unwilling group of people to accept their fate.

Fu Xuan finished sighing, then looked at Wu Tao, and asked with a sincere expression: "Fellow Taoist Han, you are from the Immortal Dao sect and have broad knowledge. Fu has something to ask Friend Taoist Han, is it possible?"

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Fu, you're welcome, please tell me!"

Fu Xuan said: "Excuse me, fellow Taoist Han, what are the conditions for promotion to the third level weapon refiner?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately told Yu Fu Xuan all the conditions for promotion to the third-level weapon refiner. But he knew that even if he told Fu Xuan, it would be difficult for Fu Xuan to become a third-level weapon refiner.

After Fu Xuan heard the words, he was silent for a moment. The next second he stood up, faced Wu Tao with a solemn expression, bowed ninety degrees and said: "Fellow Taoist Han, Fu has a request. I want to ask Friend Daoist Han!"

Seeing Fu Xuan's solemn state, Wu Tao's expression also became serious. Knowing that the other party must have a big request, he said: "Fellow Daoist Fu, please tell me, if I can do it, I will try my best to do it."

Fu Xuan said: "Fellow Daoist Han, when will you leave the Twenty-Seven Islands and cross the Lost Sea?"

Wu Tao said: "It should be soon!"

Fu Xuan said: "Fellow Daoist Han, can you take me with you?"

Hearing this, Wu Tao was silent for a moment, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Fu, traveling through the lost sea is full of dangers. With my golden elixir cultivation, I may only be able to protect myself. If I take Daoist Fu with me and encounter danger, Han may not be able to protect Daoist Fu's life." "

Fu Xuan said firmly: "Fellow Daoist Han, I also know that there are many dangers in the lost sea. If you encounter danger and Daoist Han can only protect himself, don't worry about me!"

"Fellow Daoist Han, even if I gamble on the chance of a narrow escape, I can reach a higher level in the art of weapon refining, even if I die, I think it's worth it."

When Wu Tao heard this, he was in awe. He admired Fu Xuan's determination to die for the Tao. Now that the words have come to this point, Fu Xuan is already prepared for life and death, so he said: "Okay, seeing that Fellow Daoist Fu is unswerving in his pursuit of the path of weapon refining, I promise Fellow Daoist Fu to take you through time together. Lost Seas.”

"If I really encounter a risk that I can only protect myself, I hope fellow Daoist Fu will not blame Han!"

Wu Tao said something ugly first.

Fu Xuan said with joy on his face: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Han, for giving me a chance. How can I dare to blame Fellow Daoist Han? Dying on the path of pursuing the art of weapon refining is the best destination for our generation of weapon refiners."

Wu Tao said: "Then you wait on Nanming Island for a few days. I will let you know when we set off!"

When Fu Xuan heard this, he thanked Wu Tao and bowed his hands, then said goodbye and left the island owner's hall.

After Fu Xuan left, Wu Tao came to the training hall, sat cross-legged on the futon, and said to himself: "After all, I am not an immortal, but I was moved by Fellow Daoist Fu's firm apology for pursuing the way of refining weapons purely."

Indeed, if Fu Xuan stays in the waters of Twenty-Seven Islands, he will never have the chance to achieve the Golden Elixir and be promoted to the third level of weapon refiner. So Fu Xuan was gambling on his life.

"My journey through the Lost Sea is not a big gamble."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao thought, and the token immediately flew out of the storage bag. Wu Tao held the realm token in his hand.

Unfortunately, before he broke through the golden elixir, he traveled to the twenty-seven island sea area. He traveled throughout the twenty-seven island sea area, and used the boundary token to sense it, but he did not sense the existence of the boundary-breaking magic circle.

If he can sense the existence of the boundary-breaking magic circle and use it to return to the Immortal Yuan Realm, then he will have all the training techniques and resources from the golden elixir to the Yuanying. After the Yuanying, he can use the boundary-breaking magic circle to come back. To the sea of ​​stars.

But without what-ifs, the only way he could go now was to cross the Lost Sea.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao put the realm token back into the storage bag. Then, with a thought, three storage bags were suspended in front of Wu Tao.

These three storage bags were the storage bags of Qu Tong, Guan Tong, and Luo Xing of Guanhai Xianzong. After killing the three people, Wu Tao just opened Qu Tong's storage bag and took it out. As for the treasures obtained by Senior Shao Yuan's Golden Elixir Water Fu, Wu Tao did not even count the other items, and Luo Xing and Guan Tong's storage bags were not even opened.

After that, it’s time to prepare the golden elixir.

Now we are preparing to cross the Lost Sea. If there are no accidents, passing through the Lost Sea will be the sea where Qu and others were born.

That is the vast sea area that gave birth to the Immortal Sect.

"I hope that I can get some information about that sea area from the storage bags of Qu Tong and the others, so that after crossing the lost sea area, I won't be blinded and do not know enough about the immortal forces in that sea area!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao thought, and all the items in Qu Tong's storage bag flew out and floated in front of Wu Tao.

There are jade bottles, magical instruments, books, jade slips, books, and some spiritual materials and miscellaneous items.

Wu Tao counted them one by one and found that the jade bottle only contained some Dharma source energy and foundation-building elixirs. It seemed that the products were also produced in the waters of Twenty-Seven Islands.

There are also some magical weapons produced in the waters of 27 Islands. It seems that they are the trophies confiscated after Qu Tong killed someone.

Then Wu Tao began to read the jade slips one by one, and there were only three jade slips.

It was discovered that these three jade slips were not the exercises and spells of the Guanhaixian Sect, but records of some cultivation insights.

Wu Tao began to look through the books, and then took out a drawing of animal skin from the book.

He immediately opened the animal skin drawing. When opened, the animal skin drawing was as big as a table.

"Chart of the Sea of ​​Stars..."

Wu Tao's face was filled with joy. He looked at the five big characters on the left side of the drawing, and then his eyes fell on the map. It was indeed the map of the Sea of ​​Stars.

"Sea of ​​Stars, Sea of ​​Sun, Sea of ​​Glowing Moon..." Wu Tao looked at the sun, moon and stars painted on the map of the Sea of ​​Stars. Below the sun, moon and stars corresponded to the Sea of ​​Stars, Sea of ​​Sun and Sea of ​​Glowing Moon.

And around these three sea areas, there are other large and small sea areas.

"Beidou sea area, Guanhai sea area, Jiuyang sea area..."

A total of seven sea areas are divided around the three central sea areas, and there are islands outside the seven sea areas.

Then there are some dangerous places, which are scattered randomly and irregularly.

"The sea area of ​​​​Guanhai is the territory of Guanhai Immortal Sect..."

"The Beidou Sea Area is the territory of the Seven Stars Immortal Sect..."

"The Moon Shadow Sea Area is the territory of the Moon Shadow Immortal Sect..."

Wu Tao looked at the seven sea areas marked with the name of an Immortal Sect. There were seven Immortal Sects in total.

"In this way, aren't the three sea areas surrounded by these seven great Immortal Dao sects even bigger Immortal Dao sects..."

"Will there be immortal cultivators there who can surpass True Lord Nascent Soul?"

Wu Tao looked at the three sea areas in the picture, his eyes lost in thought. Unfortunately, these three sea areas were not marked as occupied by He Xiandao forces.

"This is the Lost Sea Area... Outside the Lost Sea Area, it is collectively called the Wild Sea... The 27 Island Sea Area and the 12 Tianxiang Islands are both in the Wild Sea... The Wild Sea is vast and boundless, and at the end of the edge of the Wild Sea is the Jueling Sea..."

Wu Tao looked at this map of stars and seas and fell into deep thought.

"The edge of the 13th domain of the Immortal Realm is also the Absolute Spirit Sea. Is it the same Absolute Spirit Sea as the one at the edge of the Star Sea Desert Sea? If it is really the same sea, wouldn't it mean that the Immortal Yuan Realm and the Xingchen Sea Cultivation The Immortal Realm is in the same plane as the Immortal Realm?..."

"How was the Jueling Sea formed? Is it isolated from the Immortal Realm and the Xingchen Sea Xiuxian Realm?"

Wu Tao felt that this world of immortality had only revealed the tip of the iceberg to him, and there were still many secrets that he had not fully explored.

Wu Tao carefully memorized the map of the Sea of ​​Stars in his heart. After writing down the islands and sea areas marked on the map, he put it away in his storage bag.

Because the chart only shows that beyond the Lost Sea Area is the Deserted Sea, and that the Lost Sea Area surrounds the center of the Sea of ​​Stars, and does not indicate which direction of the Deserted Sea the 27 Island Sea Area is, so Wu Tao does not know where to go from the 27 Island Sea Area through the Lost Sea Area. Where will it reach the sea?

But after arriving, he would take out the map of the Sea of ​​Stars and compare them one by one, and he should be able to know where he was in the sea.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao began to crack Guan Tong and Luo Xing's storage bags again.

Luo Xing and Guan Tong also each have a map of the sea of ​​stars in their storage bags. It seems that this map of the sea of ​​stars is in the hands of disciples of the great sects of immortality such as Guanhai Xianzong.

Wu Tao found nothing else in the storage bags of Luo Xing and Guan Tong, but in Luo Xing's storage bag, he found a book about introducing spiritual objects. Wu Tao thought it was a useful book.

After counting all the storage bags belonging to Guanhai Xianzong Qu and the others, Wu Tao began to regulate his breathing.

Three days later.

Wu Tao opened his eyes from the practice and thought: "After achieving the golden elixir, relying on the second-level advanced spiritual veins, foundation-building elixirs, and the energy of the source of practice is too slow, and you can't feel the progress at all!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao stood up and walked out of the island owner's hall. He stood in the courtyard outside the island owner's hall and took a look at this place where he had been practicing for four years. place, thinking: "It's time to leave!"

The next moment, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts swept out and landed on Fu Xuan and Liming He. His spiritual thoughts vibrated. Liming He and Fu Xuan immediately heard Wu Tao's voice: "Come to the island master's hall quickly."

When Fu Xuan and Liming He heard Wu Tao's call, they immediately stopped what they were doing and came to the island owner's hall to meet Wu Tao.

When Fu Xuan saw Wu Tao, he cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist Han, are you about to set off?"

Ever since Wu Tao agreed to take him through the Lost Sea, Fu Xuan had been looking forward to it. As for the possibility of losing his life in the Lost Sea, he was not worried because he was already prepared to die for the Tao.

Liming He looked at Fu Xuan, who looked slightly excited, and sighed in his heart. He envied Fu Xuan for being able to follow the island owner through the lost sea. If he had nothing to worry about and no Nanming Island, he might do the same thing as Fu Xuan. s Choice.

"Island Master!" Liming He bowed and shouted.

Wu Tao looked at Mingminghe and said, "Minghe, the time has come. It's time for me to leave the waters of 27 Islands!"

Liming He said with a reluctant expression: "Goodbye, Island Master!"

Although he said goodbye, Liming He knew deeply in his heart that after this farewell, he might never see the Korean Island Master again in this life.

Wu Tao nodded, looked at Fu Xuan and said, "Fellow Daoist Fu, it's time for us to set off!"

After saying that, Wu Tao thought, and the streamer boat flew out of the storage bag and landed at his feet.

Fu Xuan also used his second-level flying magic weapon, the foot-operated magic weapon.

A moment later, two rays of light flew up from the main hall of the island owner, flew out of Nanming Island's island protection formation, and then disappeared over Nanming Island.

Liming He watched the two Dharma lights disappear into the sky, and said in his heart: "Send this to the island owner, I wish the island owner successfully crosses the lost sea, and the immortal road will last forever!"

At this time, footsteps sounded, and Gao Qifeng appeared next to Liming River. He also raised his head and looked at the sky above Nanming Island. Two white lines slowly recovered in the sea of ​​clouds. He said with emotion: "The island owner does not belong to the 27-island sea area after all. It is too big here." It’s too small!”

Listening to Gao Qifeng's emotion, Liming He couldn't help but sigh: "Yes, the 27-island sea area is too small after all!"

The two Dharma lights quickly crossed the waters of Nanming Island and entered the waters of Dongjiu Island. They flew rapidly all the way and finally arrived at the edge of the waters of Dongchui Island, which is the waters above the Jindan Water Mansion left by Senior Shao Yuan.

This sea area is exactly at the junction with the Lost Sea Area.

The light boat at Wu Tao's feet stopped. Fu Xuan behind him saw Wu Tao stop, and he stopped immediately.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the thick sea fog in the Lost Sea, and then with a thought, a map of the Sea of ​​Stars flew out of the storage bag, landed in front of Fu Xuan, and said: "Fellow Daoist Fu, this is a map of the Sea of ​​Stars. , the lost sea area is full of fog, and there may be a sea storm or encounter with the golden elixir sea monster at any time. If you get lost, you can use this map to find a direction."

Fu Xuan took it, opened it, and immediately raised his hands to Wu Tao and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Han."

Wu Tao said to Fu Xuan: "Fellow Daoist Fu, please write down this sea map in detail first, and I will do something."

Fu Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, Fellow Daoist Han!"

When Wu Tao saw Fu Xuan starting to write down the sea chart, he moved and flew to the left in the light boat.

During the flight, Wu Tao released his Qianli Divine Mind and sensed it towards the sea below.

After a moment, Wu Tao sensed a second-level high-level sea monster. His expression changed and he immediately flew towards the second-level high-level sea monster.

In a few breaths, Wu Tao had already descended in front of the second-level high-level sea monster and blocked his way. When the second-level high-level sea monster saw a cultivator blocking his way, it immediately emitted a powerful monster aura and rushed towards Wu Tao. .

Wu Tao's golden elixir shook slightly, and the aura of a golden elixir cultivator was revealed.

The ferocious sea monster suddenly panicked and turned around to escape in a panic.

Wu Tao stretched out his hand, and the golden elixir mana was directed towards the second-level high-level sea monster to suppress it. As time passed, the sea monster was unable to move.

He immediately used the contract spirit beast control technique and began to imprint the divine soul brand on this second-level high-level sea monster to become his beast control.

Wu Tao is now a golden elixir cultivator, and it is very easy and simple to get the soul mark. After a while, this sea monster became his master beast and was driven by him.

"One head is not enough. Control a few more heads so that you can explore the lost sea more easily!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao flew up, with the shark bead on his head landing on the second-order high-level sea monster, and continued to explore the second-order high-level sea monster in the nearby sea area.

Half an hour later.

Wu Tao stood on the sea and moved towards the place where Fu Xuan stayed.

It looked like he was standing on the sea and panning, but in fact he was standing on the head of a second-level high-level sea monster, and behind him in the sea, there were two more second-level high-level sea monsters following him.

Fu Xuan had just memorized the map of the Sea of ​​Stars when he saw Wu Tao standing on the sea and moving towards him at a very fast speed. With his eyes fixed, he noticed the sea monster at Wu Tao's feet.

Looking again, there are two huge figures in the sea behind him, and there are actually two more sea monsters.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Han can also control the sea monster." Fu Xuan said in his heart.

When Wu Tao got closer, Fu Xuan sensed the aura of the three-headed second-level high-level monsters. Fu Xuan was extremely shocked. They turned out to be three-headed second-level high-level sea monsters, equivalent to three ninth-level foundation builders. A cultivator.

Fu Xuan once again felt the terror of the golden elixir cultivators.

Wu Tao flew up, landed next to Fu Xuan and said, "I surrendered three sea monsters and let them take the lead in exploring the lost sea!"

Fu Xuan cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist Han is still thoughtful."

Wu Tao looked at Fu Xuan and said, "Fellow Daoist Fu, are you ready? We are about to enter the Lost Sea!"

Fu Xuan looked solemn and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Han, I'm ready. If you really encounter danger, Fellow Daoist Han doesn't have to take care of me."

Seeing what Fu Xuan said, Wu Tao felt relieved. He immediately gave an order to a second-level high-level sea monster to let it enter the Lost Sea area.

As soon as Wu Tao gave the order, he felt the instinctive resistance of the second-level high-level sea monster from the soul mark. However, he finally controlled the second-level high-level sea monster. The sea monster could only obey Wu Tao's order and resisted entering the lost sea. .

"From this point of view, the Lost Sea Area is really extremely dangerous. Even this second-level high-level sea monster will not step into the Lost Sea Area!"

After Wu Tao sensed that the Kraken entered the Lost Sea through the Soul Brand, he did not encounter any danger for a while, and then gave instructions to the other two second-level high-level Sea Monsters to enter the Lost Sea.

When the three second-level high-level sea monsters all entered the lost sea, Wu Tao issued an order for them to continue moving forward.

After going a hundred miles deep, Wu Tao suddenly lost his spiritual connection with the three-headed second-order high-level sea monster.

He frowned, looked at the Lost Sea in front of him, and thought to himself: "The Lost Sea is really magical. My Golden Core Divine Sense can sense more than 1,200 miles, but in the Lost Sea, I can only sense 100 miles. No wonder the ninth floor of the foundation building Don’t dare to enter the Lost Sea, there are certain risks involved in entering the golden elixir.”

Thinking of this, Wu Tao paused and said, "Fellow Daoist Fu, please follow me closely." Then he fled directly into the Lost Sea, five miles deep. Wu Tao's soul imprint once again sensed the three-headed second-order high-level sea monster. It turned out that this The three-headed second-level high-level sea monster lost contact with Wu Tao and did not dare to move forward.

Wu Tao stopped and looked at the thick fog around him, causing the three-headed second-order high-level sea monsters to stop moving forward. He released the golden elixir divine sense and found that it could only sense a range of 100 miles.

"Fortunately, the sensing range is only shortened to 100 miles, but the golden elixir divine will has not weakened, and the full power of the divine will can still be exerted..."

His strength was not weakened, and Wu Tao finally felt relieved.

Wu Tao sensed that Fu Xuan had fallen behind him, so he said to Fu Xuan: "Fellow Daoist Fu, please use your spiritual thoughts to sense him."

When Fu Xuan heard this, he immediately released his spiritual thoughts. He was building the ninth level of spiritual thoughts and reached a hundred miles of strength. But as soon as he released it, his expression changed and he said in surprise: "Fellow Daoist Han, my spiritual thoughts can only Sensing within ten miles!"

A range of ten miles is equivalent to perfect Qi refining, which makes Fu Xuan feel that the danger of crossing the lost sea this time is doubled.

However, he will not give up, because this is an excellent opportunity, and no golden elixir cultivator will be willing to take him through such a journey next time.

"Sure enough!" Wu Tao nodded, and then solemnly said to Fu Xuan: "Fellow Daoist Fu, please remember to follow me closely during the next trip. The Lost Sea is full of fog, and the range of spiritual induction has been reduced. Don't get lost. .”

Fu Xuan nodded seriously, indicating that he understood.

If he gets lost, with Fu Xuan's cultivation level, he will definitely die without rebirth.

Wu Tao looked forward, his eyes piercing through the lost sea, and he could only see a hazy area, and any scene was not very clear.

He said, "Start moving forward!"

After saying that, he gave the order to go deep into the three second-order high-level monsters within the range of 99 miles ahead, and the light boat under his feet also slowly flew deeper. Fu Xuan immediately followed Wu Tao closely, not daring to relax.

Wu Tao focused on one direction, did not change direction easily, and went deep into the lost sea.

I don't know how long it took, but under the heavy fog of the Lost Sea, Wu Tao's golden elixir cultivation was unable to sense the time of the day.

Suddenly, from the imprint of the soul that controlled the three-headed second-level high-level monsters, he felt a group of sea monsters attacking the three-headed sea monsters he controlled.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts fell and he found that dozens of second-order high-level sea monsters were besieging him.

Immediately, his Dantian shook slightly, and the golden elixir's true skill, the Invisible Sword, was instantly released. All the sea monsters that came back from the siege were killed invisibly, and then the bodies of the sea monsters were instantly put away.

After feeling the tyrannical aura of the Kraken beast dissipate, the three trembling Kraken beasts calmed down and continued to move forward.

Fu Xuan didn't know that there was danger ahead, because his spiritual sense could only reach ten miles away.

Wu Tao continued to move forward.

In the lost sea, shrouded in heavy fog, there is no concept of time. Wu Tao can only check the time through the life span of his personal information.

He has 10 months left until he is 59 years old. If his lifespan column reaches 59 years old, it means that he has spent 10 months in the lost sea.

"It's a pity that the life span cannot be calculated in months, but in years!"

Wu Tao thought to himself and continued to go deeper.


Through the heavy fog, Wu Tao saw a lamp the size of a candle flash past at the Baili Divine Sense Sensing Area and disappear within the sensing range of the Divine Seal.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, have you seen it? There is a light!" Wu Tao was surprised and said to Fu Xuan beside him.

Fu Xuan looked confused, shook his head and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, I didn't see any lights!"

Wu Tao laughed and said: "I forgot that Fellow Daoist Fu's spiritual sense can only detect a range of ten miles. I just saw a light, faint and flashing by!"

"It's just that there is no light in this lost sea!"

Wu Tao frowned slightly, feeling that the Lost Sea was very strange.

We can only move forward.

After going deep for an unknown amount of time, they were attacked by another wave of sea monsters. Fortunately, they were not the golden elixir sea monsters. Wu Tao used his true golden elixir skills to kill all the attacking sea monsters, put away the bodies of the sea monsters, and continued go ahead.

I don’t know how long the flight lasted, but the light appeared again in the sensing range of Wu Tao’s Baili Divine Mind, and the light seemed to be brighter.

When Wu Tao wanted to penetrate the misty sea fog and see clearly the appearance of the lamp, the lamp disappeared within the range of his spiritual sense.

Such a strange situation made Wu Tao become more cautious.

He will slow down!

Then he said to Fu Xuan: "Fellow Daoist Fu, I think this lost sea area is very strange. Maybe this business will not be too safe!"

He first made a mental preparation for Fu Xuan. If he really encountered a danger that he could not solve, he would definitely give priority to self-protection, and he would not risk his life to protect Fu Xuan.

Fu Xuan heard this and said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Han, to be honest, you don't have to think about me at that time. You can save yourself first. Before I set off, I was ready to die for the Tao."

Wu Tao nodded and said no more, but continued to control the sea monster to move in three directions.


Suddenly, in Wu Tao's extended spiritual sense, there was an intermittent, hoarse, and vague shout. It was extremely soft, so soft that Wu Tao couldn't hear clearly what he was saying if he didn't listen carefully.

He immediately decided in his heart, stopped, and continued to listen, but he didn't hear the sound again.

As soon as he stopped, Fu Xuan sensed that he had stopped and immediately stopped and asked, "What's wrong with Fellow Daoist Han?"

Wu Tao frowned and said, "I heard a voice, and that voice seemed to say, 'Get out of here, get out of here quickly!'"

Fu Xuan's heart sank. After all, he had never passed through the Lost Sea area and did not know the dangers of the Lost Sea area. At this time, listening to what Wu Tao said about lights and strange words made him a little nervous. He asked: "Fellow Daoist Han , could it be an auditory hallucination?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "I am already a golden elixir cultivator, how could I have auditory hallucinations... I really heard that faint shout..."

Just as Wu Tao said this, his face suddenly condensed. In the range of his Baili Divine Sense, he saw that light again, and it seemed to be brighter than the second time. Around the lamp, he saw a mast, which was vague and not very real.

Wu Tao immediately stepped forward a mile, wanting to see it more clearly, but when he just stepped out a mile, the lamp and the illuminated mast disappeared from the range of his spiritual sense.

When Fu Xuan saw Wu Tao move forward for a mile in an instant, his heart tightened and he immediately followed Wu Tao.

He couldn't be left behind in such a dangerous place.

Wu Tao's face was uncertain. It was his first time to travel through the Lost Sea. He didn't know what existed in the Lost Sea. From some books, the Lost Sea only had sea storms, golden elixir sea monsters, and mist-covered disorientation. Danger.

As for lamps and the like, Wu Tao had never heard of them.

"Senior Shao Yuan did not leave any traces of the lights. He just said that he was swept into the waters of the 27 Islands by a storm at sea."

"Fellow Daoist Han, what's wrong?" Wu Tao's various actions had already made Fu Xuan a little nervous.

Wu Tao dispersed the distracting thoughts in his mind and said to Fu Xuan: "Just now, I sensed that lamp again with my Baili Divine Sense, but this time I sensed it more clearly. I vaguely saw the lamp hanging on a mast. superior……"

"Mast?" Fu Xuan thought, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Han, could it be a Dharma ship?"

"The mast can indeed be connected with the French ship, but we can't make a decision until we see the whole picture clearly..." Wu Tao took a deep breath and said.

"Let's go. Now that we have drawn the bow, there is no turning back. We must go through the Lost Sea..."

After saying that, Wu Tao continued to drive the Liuguang Boat forward, and Fu Xuan followed closely.

I don’t know how long it took, but another intermittent voice sounded in Wu Tao’s spiritual thoughts.

"Don't... chase... the... lamp!... stay away... from... the lamp!..."

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