Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 517 The Power of the True Art of Life (4400 please subscribe)

After traveling through the world of immortality and practicing hard for thirty-three years, he finally became a golden elixir.

Only Wu Tao knows about this hardship.

After cultivating the golden elixir, not only the mana but also the mind will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Strong strength is to protect the Tao, but the most fundamental thing in cultivating immortality is longevity. What is cultivated is immortality, and only the immortal can become an immortal.

Wu Tao immediately opened his personal information and looked directly at the life span column.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 58/659】

[Realm: First level of golden elixir]

[Kung Fu: Six Yang Lihuo True Kung Fu Foundation Building Kung Fu (Perfect), Golden elixir Kung Fu (missing)]

[Spells: Brief, Lingxu Five Elements Sword Sutra Grandmaster (Perfection), True Technique·One Point Invisible Sword Grandmaster (Perfection) (Golden Pill Origin), Tianyan Divine Refining Sutra Foundation Building Stage·Third Level (100%), Contract Mastery of the first level of the Spiritual Beast Control Technique (73%)】

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Technique: Lingxu True Fire Technique Mastery (22%)

Master the prohibitions: brief, second-level advanced law prohibitions (comprehensive)]

[Sub-professional · Physical training: Star body training: ninth level (perfection), ten-mile star falling master (perfection), hundred-mile star obliteration technique master (perfection), shining star step hundred-mile stage master (perfection), star gang Master Jin (Perfection)]

"Breaking through the golden elixir increased my life span by 200, and I am now 658 years old!"

"I am 58 years old now, and I still have 600 years to live, which is enough for me to break through to the Nascent Soul realm again."

"After I choose the physical cultivation method after the spirit body and condense the real body, my lifespan will increase again."

"Promise of immortality!"

After breaking through the golden elixir, Wu Tao no longer suppressed his personal emotions, but showed joy and anger, and his face was full of joy.

"It's a pity that the golden elixir technique is missing. In Senior Shao Yuan's water mansion, the technique obtained by him is a water attribute technique. As a weapon refiner, I naturally want to practice fire attribute techniques."

"If you were in Lingxu Sect, both the Golden Pill Kung Fu and the True Body Kung Fu would be at your fingertips..."

"It's a pity that Zhang Baiyin forced him to break the boundary... I have to find any skills by myself..."

Zhang Baiyin's face flashed in Wu Tao's mind again. He now hoped that Zhang Baiyin had not died in the battle between good and evil. In this way, when he returned to the Xianyuan world, he would definitely have revenge and revenge.

He, Wu Tao, is such a vengeful person.

Thinking of the Xianyuan world, Wu Tao recalled the scenes in Lingxu Sect.

Faces flashed in my mind: Chen Yao, Wen Xingrui, Gao Xing, Zhao Zhen, Ning Qiudao, Yao Guangsheng, Ji Lingxu...

"Ayao, I have broken through the golden elixir. It's a pity that I can't share this joy with you right away..."

"Master, I am now a real Jindan!" Wu Tao said this to his master Chen Shan.

"Master... I am also a golden elixir. If I had not become my master, now in the refining hall, the master and I would be brothers..." This was said to the master Wen Xingrui.

After recalling his old friend for a moment, Wu Tao's eyes fell on personal information again.

Since coming to the Xingchen Sea to cultivate immortality is an inevitable result, all he needs to do is to become stronger.

Only in this way can we have the opportunity to return to the Immortal Realm and meet our old friends again.

His eyes fell on the spell column. After turning a little invisible sword technique into the golden elixir, the subsequent skills showed the true magic of the golden elixir.

"The true art of performing the golden elixir is transformed into it. The more skilled you become in practice, the stronger the true art will be, and the true art of the natal golden elixir will become more powerful!"

"What is the true art of life? It is the true art of one's own life. It can be sent and received by the heart, and the heart can move at will..."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao thought, and the bright golden elixir in his dantian suddenly shook slightly.

The next moment.

With Wu Tao as the center and the range of his spiritual thoughts as the limit, Jin Dan's true art of life drew a circle on Nanming Island.

The entire Nanming Island, with Wu Tao as the center, and the trees within a radius of 1,260 miles, were suddenly swept by his Jindan True Skill at the same moment. The sword was invisible and invisible, and no one could feel it. Ignorant and ignorant.

The next moment, the eyes of the entire Nanming Island cultivators were dull, because all the trees they looked at, or the trees around them, fell to the ground with a roar. When they stepped forward to look, they saw the smooth cross-sections of the trees. It's flat, and there seems to be mysterious legal principles on it.

"Is this? What happened?"

"Is there an enemy attack? Please report it to Deputy Island Master Li immediately?"

At this moment, all the immortal cultivators on Nanming Island were panicking, as if they had forgotten that their island master had just broken through the golden elixir and was not afraid even if the enemy attacked.

Wu Tao broke through the golden elixir, and Liming He, as the actual person in charge of Nanming Island, naturally went to the island owner's hall to congratulate him immediately.

Regarding Wu Tao's breakthrough to the golden elixir, Liming He was filled with mixed feelings. What he was happy about was that in a short period of time, the news that the island owner of Nanming Island had achieved the breakthrough of the golden elixir cultivator would spread throughout the twenty-seven islands, and the immortal cultivating forces on other islands would inevitably follow suit. He came to congratulate him, but he no longer dared to have any thoughts about Nanming Island.

Nanming Island will become the first immortal cultivating force in the twenty-seven island waters in history to have Jindan Zhenren.

But what Liminghe knows is that this can only be a short-term glory.

As Master Han breaks through the golden elixir and gains strength, he will cross the Lost Sea and return to his Immortal Sect. That is the world where the master of the golden elixir can display such a powerful cultivation level.

Liming He had just walked to the entrance of the island owner's hall. There were towering trees planted in the square in front of the island owner's hall. Just as he was walking under the trees, suddenly, without any warning, he felt a throbbing in his heart. It went quickly, and disappeared in a breath.

Liming He glanced at the island owner's hall in awe. He guessed that the slightest throb just now, as if he was facing a death threat, should come from the island owner Han who had just broken through the golden elixir.

"Zhenren Jindan, it's really terrifying. As a ninth-level foundation builder, I actually feel as small as an ant!" Liming He secretly thought in his heart, feeling both awe and fear.

Then he heard a rumbling sound, and when he looked back, all the towering trees in the square in front of the island owner's palace fell down.

All cut planes maintain a horizontal plane.

He took a deep breath and knew that it was Island Master Han who took action, probably testing a spell. His eyes fell on the cross-section of the broken tree next to him, and he found that the cross-section was extremely smooth and flat, and there was still a trace of strong sharpness remaining on it.

"Is this the golden elixir? It cut off all the towering trees in the square without a sound. If this spell fell on me, I would probably be no different from this tree!"

Liming He couldn't help but exclaimed.

Then, he calmed down, raised his hands to the island owner's hall and said, "Island owner, Minghe, see you!"

His posture became more respectful.

Wu Tao had just tested the Jin Dan's True Life Skill, and his invisible sword power instantly cut off all the trees within the range of his spiritual thoughts into a horizontal plane.

In one breath.

"The true power of the golden elixir is really powerful!" Wu Tao's brows showed joy.

Then he heard Liming He's visit. He immediately closed his personal information, and there was nothing to read in the following information.

"Come in!"

Ming Ming He heard Wu Tao's voice and immediately walked in to pay homage to Wu Tao: "Ming He meets the island owner! Congratulations to the island owner for achieving the golden elixir!"

Wu Tao was happy when he achieved the golden elixir, so he smiled and said: "No need to be polite, just sit down and talk!"

After hearing this, Liminghe straightened up and his eyes fell on Wu Tao. At this glance, he found that Wu Tao was a little different from before. It seemed that his temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes. He seemed to be more harmonious and had a feeling of returning to his original nature.

He guessed that this might be related to breaking through the golden elixir. As for whether it was related or not, he didn't know, and he had never broken through the golden elixir.

Liming He took out a storage bag, handed it over respectfully and said, "Island Master, this is a magic weapon refined by Dihuo Hall according to your instructions. Please check it, Island Master!"

Wu Tao took it, looked at Liming River, and said, "Well done!"

In fact, Liming He didn't know that the first-order magical weapons and second-order magical weapons that Wu Tao asked them to refine were all components of the second-order war boats.

Wu Tao stayed on Nanming Island for so many years and relied on Nanming Island for worship, and Liming and Work suited his heart very well, which made him very satisfied, so he planned to leave two second-level battleships for Nanming Island after he left the Golden Pill. Boat, this can resist foreign enemies, and Nanming Island will not be destroyed because only Liminghe has a ninth-level foundation.

Liming He glanced at Wu Tao and asked cautiously: "Island owner, are you leaving the waters of Twenty-Seven Islands?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Yes, I have broken through the golden elixir, and staying in the waters of the Twenty-Seven Islands will not help my future journey!"

If the Twenty-Seven Islands waters meet Wu Tao's needs, Wu Tao is willing to stay in the Twenty-Seven Islands waters.

Because he has the strongest cultivation level in the sea area of ​​the Twenty-Seven Islands, he feels so secure that he can just practice with peace of mind.

But there is no other way. Staying in the twenty-seven sea area means that the path to immortality is cut off. Wu Tao's ultimate goal is to become an immortal. How could he cut off the path to immortality by himself?

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Liming He felt a little bitter in his heart, but he still buried this bitterness in his heart.

Although he had known a few years ago that the Korean Island Master would leave the waters of Twenty-Seven Islands, and was actively preparing to enhance the strength of Nanming Island, the time was too short to give birth to a nine-level foundation-building immortal cultivator.

However, he still forced a smile and said: "What the island owner said is absolutely true. The resources for cultivating immortals in the waters of the Twenty-Seven Islands are poor, and there is no way to breed Jindan Zhenren. Leaving the waters of the Twenty-Seven Islands is the best choice."

Wu Tao looked at him, and with a movement of his spiritual thoughts, the Liuyun Immortal Clothes on his body appeared in his hands, and in one breath he erased the imprint of mana and divine thoughts on the Liuyuan Immortal Clothes.

He is now a golden elixir, and the second-level advanced Liuyun Immortal Clothes are of little use to him, and he also has the third-level defensive robe left by senior Shao Yuan.

Wu Tao placed the Liuyun Immortal Clothes on the table in front of Mingminghe and said: "Minghe, this is the second-level high-level Liuyun Immortal Clothes of the Twenty-seventh Law. I have no use for it anymore, so I gave it to you!"

Liming He looked at Liuyun Fairy Clothes, immediately picked it up with both hands, stood up and bowed: "Thank you, the island master, for the treasure!"

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Minghe, you have done well during your training on Nanming Island, which makes me very satisfied."

Liming He said: "It is my duty to work for Nanming Island!"

Wu Tao waved his hand and said: "Okay, I still have some things to deal with. You can go out first!"

After hearing this, Mingminghe bowed and said, "Island Master, Mingminghe has resigned!"

Liming He walked out of the island owner's hall holding Liuyun Immortal Clothes in his hands. The door of the island owner's hall closed automatically. He stood in front of the door and looked at it for a moment, then lowered his head to look at the Liuyun Immortal Clothes in his hand.

To be honest, this Korean island master was really good to him. He also refined the second-level advanced flying magic weapon for him, and gave him the second-level advanced defensive robe that he always wore.

It is a pity that no matter how powerful the Korean island owner is, he does not belong to Nanming Island after all.

Thinking like this, Liming He put Liuyun Immortal Clothes into his storage bag, planning to refine it when he had time.

Then he turned around and left. After walking more than a dozen steps, a Nanming Island disciple hurried over with an anxious look on his face, as if something big had happened. He bowed to him and cupped his hands and said, "Deputy Island Master Li, it's bad, something big has happened." Got it!"

Liming He looked at the other party and said calmly: "What's going on in such a hurry?"

Now that Island Master Han has achieved the golden elixir, no matter how big the issue is, Liminghe will not think that Nanming Island cannot handle it, so he is very calm.

The disciple said: "Deputy Island Master Li, all the trees in the 2,500 miles of Nanming Island have fallen..."

"What two thousand five hundred miles?" Liming He was startled when he heard this. He looked at the towering trees that had fallen to the ground in the square in front of the island owner's palace. He originally thought that only the trees here had arrived.

Unexpectedly, all the trees in the 2,500 miles away fell down.

Liming He was shocked in his heart, and with a movement of his body, he immediately flew up, flew around Nanming Island, and then flew back. He looked at the island owner's hall in front of him. He had already explored clearly. With the island owner's hall as the center point, the diameter All the trees within a circle of 2,500 miles fell.



It’s two thousand five hundred and twenty miles!

Moreover, the tree sections for these two thousand five hundred and twenty miles are all on the same horizontal plane.

"Zhenren Jindan, is he too strong?!!!"

Liming He recalled the scenes he had just explored, and it was hard to suppress the shock in his heart. This completely subverted his cognition.

After a long while, he looked at the Qi Refining Stage disciples who were still staying beside him and said, "Don't panic, it's the island owner who is testing the spell... There are many trees on the island, you can go and transplant them!"

When the disciple heard this, his eyes widened with shock and disbelief on his face, and he tremblingly said: "Deputy Island Master Li, you mean... this is the Island Master testing magic? This is two thousand five hundred dollars." inside……"

This disciple is in the Qi refining stage, and his spiritual thoughts can only reach eight or nine miles. His master is a sixth-level foundation builder, and his spiritual thoughts can only reach seventy miles. He also knows that the perfect spiritual thoughts for foundation building are only one hundred miles, but This is thousands of miles...

Jin Dan Zhenren masturbated with one blow, it was really terrifying.

Liming He was not surprised by the expression of this disciple in the Qi refining stage. He turned his head and glanced at the island master's hall and said with emotion: "Yes, this is the golden elixir!"

After saying that, Liming He left directly.

The island owner’s training hall.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon, glanced at the storage bag in his hand, and put it aside.

"Now that the golden elixir has been achieved, the Lingxu True Fire Technique has also been practiced to a proficient level, and it is completely possible to condense the golden elixir true fire!"

"Start condensing the golden elixir true fire now. Once the golden elixir true fire is condensed, you won't have to rely on earthly fire to refine the magic weapon!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately ran the Lingxu True Fire Jue, and suddenly there was a bang in the void in his palm, and a red flame appeared out of thin air.

The flames were as big as a fist.

As soon as the flames appeared. The space in the palm of his hand was distorted by flames.

It can be seen that the temperature of this flame is very high.

The next moment, the golden elixir in Wu Tao's dantian moved slightly and began to combine with the Lingxu True Fire Technique to officially condense the golden elixir true fire.

Just when Wu Tao was condensing the true fire of the golden elixir, the news that he had cultivated the golden elixir spread from Nanming Island.

Such shocking news spread very quickly. In just a few days, it spread throughout the sea area of ​​​​the Twenty-Seven Islands, and all the immortal cultivators were excited.

Some are excited, some are excited, some are afraid... Every cultivator will have different emotions due to his different position.

But there is no doubt about it.

In the waters of Twenty-Seven Islands, for the first time, a cultivator cultivated the golden elixir here.

As soon as the news came out that Han Dao of Nanming Island had mastered the golden elixir, the island owners of the Twenty-Five Islands were a little trembling at first, but they soon figured it out. Combined with the news that Han Dao was from the Seven Stars Immortal Sect, they concluded that Han Dao The Lord has no ambition to rule the twenty-seven islands in the sea.

If you want to rule the twenty-seven island sea area, you can have the strength to rule as early as when you kill the three immortal cultivators of the Guanhai Immortal Sect.

So after thinking about this, the island owners of Twenty-Five Islands immediately boarded the Dharma boat in person, brought congratulatory gifts, and went to Nanming Island to congratulate the owner of Han Island on Nanming Island for his promotion to Jindan.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Yesterday it was too fierce and it hurt my vitality, so today I will start with 4,000. If you can get the high-quality badge tomorrow, you will start to make tens of thousands of tickets for ten days in a row. There are still about ten orders left. If you don’t have all the tickets and are capable, you can order them all, so that you can start to make tens of thousands of tickets tomorrow. Thanks to Yihen Tearlight, Da Fei Yu Oh for the 1,500 starting coin reward.

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