Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 509 Unrivaled Famous Reputation (8400 words please subscribe)

Wu Tao used the fireball technique to render harmless the corpses of the three principal and deputy island owners of Nanming Island and Huang Xiuyuan, and then put away the storage bags they had given him before they died.

Then he took Gao Qifeng and walked on the huge Nanming Island.

At this time, all the immortal cultivators on Nanming Island had fled, and only Wu Tao and Gao Qifeng were the only ones on Nanming Island.

Nanming Island is a force for cultivating immortals. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs, including the Four Arts Hall, Foreign Affairs Hall, Miscellaneous Hall and other halls.

Wu Tao asked Gao Qifeng to take him to Xiu Xian Si Yi Hall first.

"Island Master, this is my alchemy hall on Nanming Island. There are two second-level low-level alchemists and fifteen first-level alchemists in the hall." Gao Qifeng looked at the empty alchemy hall and explained to Wu Tao .

Wu Tao said: "Where is the place where the elixirs are stored?"

Gao Qifeng immediately replied: "Island owner, please follow me!"

Wu Tao followed Gao Qifeng to the house where the elixirs were stored. There were bottles of large elixirs on them. Each shelf was carefully labeled and contained restrictions.

But these restrictions were dispensable for Wu Tao. He collected all the foundation-building elixirs and put them into his storage bag.

Seeing Wu Tao's skillful techniques, Gao Qifeng's heart trembled and he said to himself: "It seems that this is not the first time this island owner has done this with such skill. Island owner Si, how did you get into trouble with such a vicious man?" "

But considering that the other party is the island owner, these things are the island owner's resources, and more importantly, for his own life, so Gao Qifeng will not talk much.

Then Gao Qifeng took Wu Tao to the Fulu Hall and the Formation Hall. The Fulu Hall had a second-level intermediate talisman master, but the Formation Hall only had a second-level low-level formation master. The formations and talismans produced were of great significance to Wu Tao. All are said to be dispensable.

With his current invincible strength in foundation building, he has no use for it.

After coming out of the Formation Hall and Fulu Hall, Wu Tao extended all his spiritual thoughts and felt Wu Tao's 136 miles of spiritual thoughts. This sense of oppression made Gao Qifeng's heart throb.

"Such a powerful spiritual will. Even Island Master Si who has perfected the Foundation Establishment is not as oppressive as the ferocious man in front of me. No wonder the three island owners and Senior Brother Huang were killed by this man in just a moment!" "

"Oh, I don't know why the three island owners provoked such vicious people and overturned the foundation of Nanming Island." Gao Qifeng felt the invisible oppression of Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Wu Tao's spiritual sense quickly detected the location of Nanming Island's spiritual veins. He immediately walked towards the location of the spiritual veins, and Gao Qifeng immediately followed.

On the way, Gao Qifeng boldly said: "Island Master, now all the immortal cultivators on Nanming Island have fled, and everything on Nanming Island has stopped functioning. There are many industries on Nanming Island, including minerals, spiritual fields, medicinal fields, and Nanming Island's belongings. The sea area, Nanming Island’s industrial dividends in Chaos Island, etc... I am not good at these..."

Wu Tao listened to Gao Qifeng's words and did not answer Gao Qifeng for a moment, but continued walking towards the source of the spiritual veins. In fact, he was also thinking in his heart.

Now that he has become the owner of Nanming Island, will he recruit people to reorganize Nanming Island? Then he handed over everything to the immortal cultivators under his command, and he cultivated with all his heart.

His role is equivalent to that of the Nascent Soul Lords in the Immortal Yuan Realm, and he is only responsible for guarding the safety of Nanming Island.

This way he can practice wholeheartedly.

With the entire Nanming Island dedicated to him, he doesn't even have to refine magical instruments and sell them in exchange for training resources, which can save a lot of time for training.

After he has cultivated to the point of perfecting the foundation building, found the spiritual water and spiritual fire objects, and refined the water and fire into a golden elixir, he will leave the 27-island sea area to explore a wider sea area, in order to further pursue the path of immortality.

Therefore, Wu Tao does not intend to be a one-man island owner.

This is also the reason why he kept Gao Qifeng.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao said to Gao Qifeng: "Palace Master Gao, what do you think?"

Gao Qifeng thought for a while and said: "Island owner, Nanming Island has many industries and needs a lot of immortal cultivators. Now all the immortal cultivators on Nanming Island have fled Nanming Island, fearing the island owner's majesty. But as long as the island owner gives the order, these 27 There are still a lot of casual cultivators in the island waters who are willing to join Nanming Island."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "You are right."

Seeing Wu Tao nodding in agreement, Gao Qifeng felt relieved, knowing that Wu Tao was not the owner of Dufu Island, so his burden was much lighter.

"The island owner is wise!" Gao Qifeng immediately bowed.

At this moment, Wu Tao had arrived in front of a main hall. On the plaque in front of the main hall were the three characters "Island Lord's Palace" written on it.

Wu Tao walked towards the main hall, and Gao Qifeng immediately bowed and said: "Island Master, this is the Island Master's Palace. Without the Island Master's order, I cannot accompany the Island Master in."

Wu Tao looked at him and said, "Come in with me!"

"Yes, Island Master!" Seeing that Wu Tao had given the order, Gao Qifeng immediately bowed and replied.

The two entered the island owner's hall, and Wu Tao asked: "What is there in the island owner's hall?"

Gao Qifeng said: "What is there? I don't know, but the Island Lord's Palace is the place where the three Island Lords practice in seclusion. Without the Island Lord's password, we cannot enter the Island Lord's Palace at will. And the Island Lord's Palace is The source of my second-level advanced spiritual vein of Nanming Island is the foundation of Nanming Island, and it cannot be entered easily."

Wu Tao nodded, suddenly feeling enlightened.

After a while, Wu Tao brought Gao Qifeng to the place where the spiritual veins originated.

A spiritual vein is located in a main hall. Next to the spiritual vein is a spiritual gathering array and a futon. The futon is stained with the aura of the Nanming Island owner. I think this place is where the Nanming Island owner retreats and practices. Place.

It is not surprising that the master of an island enjoys a second-level advanced spiritual vein.

And this second-level high-level spiritual vein has various branches all over Nanming Island, so Nanming Island can produce spiritual energy and provide it for other immortal cultivators to practice.

Wu Tao felt the quality of the spiritual energy of this second-level high-level spiritual vein, and thought to himself: "This second-level high-level spiritual vein can meet the needs of my cultivation. With the energy of the source of law and the foundation-building elixir, it is no better than the conditions in Lingxu Sect." Worse."

"I didn't expect that I didn't covet the earth fire of Nanming Island, but someone else coveted my identity as a weapon refiner. Now it's good, the earth fire of Nanming Island can be used for me to practice the true skill of Liuyang Lihuo."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao's thoughts moved and he explored the entire hall and spiritual veins, from top to bottom, all the way to the ground.

Suddenly, Wu Tao's eyes moved, and he felt surprised in his heart. He felt the aura of the foundation-building immortal cultivator deep in the hall.

However, the aura of the foundation-building immortal cultivator was very sluggish and seemed extremely weak.

"There is a secret room under the island owner's training place, and there is a foundation-building immortal cultivator hidden in the secret room..."

Wu Tao's mind turned, and the secret door in the basement was quickly found by Wu Tao.

He came to a wall and pulled out the door from the wall without looking for a switch.

Then a deep staircase was revealed.

Seeing Wu Tao find the secret door, Gao Qifeng was also shocked. He never expected that there was a secret door secret room where the island master practiced.

Wu Tao took out a lighting talisman from his storage bag, activated it and held it on his head. He entered the deep steps. When he saw that Gao Qifeng did not follow him, he stopped and turned to look at him.

Gao Qifeng immediately followed up.

After walking up a long staircase, Wu Tao finally arrived at the door of the secret room.

The door of the secret room is made of bronze, and a formation is arranged in front of the door, but it is only a second-level intermediate formation.

With a thought, Wu Tao took out a storage bag, which belonged to the owner of Nanming Island. He quickly found two formation tokens.

Gao Qifeng looked at the two formation tokens in Wu Tao's hand, pointed at one and said, "Island owner, this is the access token for Nanming Island's island protection formation."

Wu Tao took another token and put it on the formation light screen. Sure enough, the formation immediately opened and the bronze door moved upwards with a roar.

As soon as the bronze door opened, Wu Tao's spiritual thought went into the secret room inside the door to see if there were any other restrictions, but he didn't find any. Only then did he feel relieved and stepped into the secret room.

In the secret room, a foundation-building immortal cultivator with disheveled hair and tattered body was hooked by two sawhooks. One hook was on the top of his head, imprisoning the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, and the other hook was on the dantian, imprisoning the magic power of the dantian. His hands and legs were also locked with chains, and there were imprisonment talismans attached to the chains.

At this time, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. As long as the confinement was released, the foundation-building immortal cultivator could wake up.


After seeing this person, Gao Qifeng's face showed a look of shock. How could he have imagined that there was a foundation-building immortal cultivator imprisoned underground in the training room of the owner of Nanming Island.

But looking at it, Gao Qifeng frowned and said to himself: "Why does this person give me a familiar feeling when I look at him?"

Hearing Gao Qifeng's muttering to himself, Wu Tao turned to look at him and said, "What, Hall Master Gao, do you know this person?"

Hearing this, Gao Qifeng took two steps forward and came to the imprisoned Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivator. He lifted his hair with his hands and exposed his entire face.

When Gao Qifeng saw this face, he was immediately shocked and horrified. : "Master Li Island?"

He didn't expect that this was actually the owner of Li Island.

Gao Qifeng turned to look at Wu Tao and said: "Island Master, this is Liming He, the previous island owner of our Nanming Island. Thirty years ago, our Nanming Island had a total of four nine-level foundation builders. The island owner of Liming River was the foundation builder." The ninth floor was complete, and Island Master Si Chen, Island Master Zhu Zheng, and Island Master Yang Mei were all deputy island masters at that time. However, 30 years ago, the Island Master of Liming River disappeared, and Island Master Si Chen succeeded him as the island master. .”

"I never expected that the island owner of Liming River did not disappear, but was killed by the island owner of Sichuan and imprisoned here."

Wu Tao didn't expect that there was an inside story involved, but he didn't care. He was thinking of another thing. He looked at Liming He and said, "How is Liming He doing when he is the owner of the island?"

Gao Qifeng immediately said: "The Lord of Liming River Island was gentle when he was in power. He was very kind to the immortal cultivators on Nanming Island, especially our immortal cultivators who cultivated the four arts. And on Liming River Island Under the leadership of the Lord, our Nanming Island can become the top five of the 27 islands. Now it seems that the Lord of Liming River Island has a gentle personality and trusts Si Chen too much, which is why he was harmed by Si Chen."

Hearing this, Wu Tao nodded and said, "So, this Liming He is a useful person."

Gao Qifeng's eyes lit up, and he immediately bowed and saluted Wu Tao: "Island Master, please save the Liming River Island Master. If the Liming River Island Master comes forward, the entire Nanming Island will be able to recover. In this way, Island Master, you Then you can concentrate on your cultivation and don’t have to worry about the trivial matters on Nanming Island.”

Wu Tao said: "That's what I meant!"

After saying that, Wu Tao moved his finger forward, and a ray of magic light fell on the magic tool hook that imprisoned Liming He's head, breaking and removing the magic tool hook.

The hook of the magical weapon that imprisoned Liming He was removed, and the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts that had been imprisoned in Liming He gradually came to life. Liming He slowly opened his eyes. The next moment, his whole body trembled, and he jumped forward with a crazy expression, and shouted sternly: "Old thief Si Chen, you must die a happy death!"

"Master Li, Master Li..." Gao Qifeng shouted immediately when he saw the crazy-looking Liming He.

Liming He heard Gao Qifeng's shouting and slowly recovered from his madness. He looked at Gao Qifeng standing next to him with a confused expression. When Gao Qifeng's face slowly reflected in his pupils, he staggered back. Taking a step forward, he chuckled and said, "So it's you, Gao Qifeng. What did old thief Si Chen send you to do?"

The imprisoning hook in his Dantian has not yet been released, so the magic power cannot be used. Even if the spiritual hook is removed, the spiritual mind cannot be used. After being imprisoned for thirty years, the spiritual mind is damaged and has to be cultivated again to recover.

Gao Qifeng said: "Island Master Li and Island Master Sichen are dead!"

"Dead, dead... Hahaha, good death! It's so hateful, I can't kill this thief with my own hands," Liminghe looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling happy and regretful at the same time, then he suddenly rushed towards Gao Qifeng and shouted sternly : "Tell me quickly, who killed this thief, and I must repay him well!"

Gao Qifeng was startled by him and took half a step back in panic. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a voice.

"I killed him!"

It was Wu Tao who spoke.

Liming He was startled when he heard the voice. He turned to look at Wu Tao, only to find that there was another person here.

"It was you who killed Si Chen, the old thief. Okay! Okay! Okay! Thank you fellow Taoist for helping me avenge me. If my fellow Taoist has any request, I, Liming He, will definitely do it..." Liming He said.

Wu Tao looked at Liming Hedao: "You really can help me with everything?"

Liming He said: "Fellow Taoist killed Si Chen, the old thief, and now he plans to save my life. My life is given by fellow Taoist. Fellow Taoist is like my reborn parent. How can Li dare to ask of fellow Taoist reject!"

"Very good!" Wu Tao nodded and said: "Then from now on, you will be the deputy island owner of Nanming Island, recruiting immortal cultivators for me and maintaining the operation of Nanming Island."

"Huh?" Liming He looked stunned.

Upon seeing this, Gao Qifeng immediately explained: "Deputy Island Master Li, this is our new Island Master of Nanming Island, Island Master Si Chen, Island Master Zhu Zheng and Island Master Yang Mei offended the Island Master, so the Island Master punished them Si Chen, Zhu Zheng and Yang Mei... But because of this, all the immortal cultivators on Nanming Island have escaped, and now there are only the island owner, deputy island owner Li and me on Nanming Island..."

After hearing Gao Qifeng's explanation, Liminghe looked silent for a long time before saying, "Let's go. With Si Chen, a thief who lusts after power and has a strong desire for control and possessiveness, why should Nanming Island be in such a disaster!"

"Okay, I, Liming He, will be the deputy island owner of Nanming Island and assist fellow Taoists in running Nanming Island."

"I wonder what the island owner is called?"

"Han Fan!" Wu Tao said.

"Master Han, can you rescue me now?" Liming He looked at the hooks that imprisoned his limbs and Dantian, and said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded, and the magic power bloomed in his hand. Five rays of magic light were directed towards Liming River's limbs, and another ray of magic light flew towards the prison hook of Liming River's Dantian.

The prison hook in the Dantian was removed, and the magical chains of the limbs were cut off. Liming He regained his freedom. Feeling that the magic power in the Dantian was slowly recovering, he took a step forward, knelt down to Wu Tao, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Han, for saving your life. Please Suffer half of it from Li!"

The grace of saving one's life is indeed a great gift, so Wu Tao accepted it standing. After Liming He finished his bow, Wu Tao showed a smile on his face, held up Liming He's arm with both hands, helped Liming He up and said: "Deputy Island Master Li, I have always been used to being free and casual. I only love to practice. For the management of Nanming Island, If you are not good at important things, then the running of Nanming Island will be entrusted to Vice Island Master Li."

Liming He said: "Island owner, please rest assured that Mr. Li will run Nanming Island well. Island owner can just rest assured and practice."

Gao Qifeng looked at this scene. For some reason, he suddenly felt that Nanming Island had a bright future. With Han Island Master, who was so powerful, he could kill three super strong men who had built the ninth floor of the foundation in a moment and was stationed on Nanming Island. The safety of Nanming Island was in danger. No worries.

If Nanming Island is run by Liming He, a deputy island owner who is good at business, Nanming Island's various industries will surely prosper.

Moreover, Island Master Han is still a second-level intermediate weapon refiner. Now, as the master of Nanming Island’s Earth Fire Hall, he is also the master of the weapon refinement hall. If there is a chance, he will definitely be able to ask Island Master Han for advice on how to refine weapons. , maybe he can be promoted to the second level intermediate weapon refiner in his lifetime.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on Liming He and said: "Deputy Island Master Li, please recuperate and recover quickly. Then you can recruit immortal cultivators again and resume the management of the entire Nanming Island."

He suddenly thought that he had taken away all the cultivation elixirs in the alchemy hall, so he took out some foundation-building elixirs from the storage bag and gave them to Liming He to restore his cultivation.

Liming He collected the elixir, bowed and said to Wu Tao: "Island Master, I understand!"

Wu Tao looked at Gao Qifeng again and said: "Junior Brother Gao, Nanming Island is short of manpower now, so you can assist Deputy Island Master Li."

When Gao Qifeng saw Wu Tao calling him junior brother, he felt happy and immediately bowed and said: "Yes, Island Master!"

Wu Tao was very satisfied with the performance of Gao Qifeng and Liming He. He waved and said: "Okay. You go out, I'm going to start practicing!"

"Island Master. I'll take my leave!" Liming He and Gao Qifeng bowed their hands respectfully, then exited the secret room and the Island Master's training hall.

After coming out, Liming He looked at Gao Qifeng and asked, "Junior Brother Gao, how did Si Chen and the other three offend the island owner?"

Gao Qifeng was shocked when he heard this and whispered quickly: "Deputy Island Master Li, don't think too hard. Island Master Han is extremely powerful. He killed Island Master Si Chen in just an instant. You can't be Island Master Han's opponent." of."

When Liming He heard this, he knew that Gao Qifeng had misunderstood. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Junior brother Gao, you misunderstood. My life was saved by Island Master Han. You don't know who I am. How could I do that?" It's about repaying kindness with hatred. I just want to know how the old thief Si Chen was so stupid as to ruin the foundation of Nanming Island."

Hearing this, Gao Qifeng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Vice Island Master Li, I don't know why Island Master Si Chen and the others want to offend Island Master Han. However, a month ago, Island Master Han was invited by Nanming Island Refining magic weapons."

"Refining a magic weapon?" Liming He was startled when he heard this.

Gao Qifeng said: "Just as Deputy Island Master Li thought, Island Master Han is a second-level intermediate weapon refiner. After Island Master Han finished refining the magic weapon, he was taken to the reception hall. I heard that it was Huang Xiuyuan, Zhu Zheng, Deputy Island Leader, and Deputy Island Leader Yang Mei met with Island Leader Han. Then less than half an hour later, a big battle broke out."

When Liming He heard this, his mind started to spin, and he soon came to his senses and said, "I finally understand. The master of Han Island is a second-level intermediate weapon refiner, and my Nanming Island does not have a second-level intermediate weapon refiner. They They wanted to force Island Master Han to stay. Island Master Han refused, and a war broke out."

"It should be like this." Gao Qifeng could only think of this, and he said: "Deputy Island Master Li, I saw the process of Island Master Han fighting Si Chen. The spell used by Island Master Han seemed to be a physical cultivation spell, and his body seemed to be exuding With the power of starlight..."

After hearing Gao Qifeng's story, Liming He's expression changed and he immediately asked: "Junior Brother Gao, please describe in detail the process of the battle between Island Master Han and Si Chen, especially the spells used by Island Master Han..."

Gao Qifeng said: "I also watched it from a distance, but it was not real..." He began to try his best to recall the fighting process between Island Master Han and Si Chen and tell it to Liming He.

After listening to this, Liming He fell into deep thought. Then, his eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "Every movement of his hands and feet is exuding the light of the stars. Every move is very domineering, almost a physical training magic. Could it be... that it is the Star Body Refining of the Seven Stars Immortal Sect?" achievement?"

"Seven Stars Immortal Sect?" When Gao Qifeng heard the name of this sect, he recalled it in his mind. There was no such sect in the waters of 27 Islands.

He immediately asked: "Vice Island Master Li, what sect is the Seven Stars Immortal Sect? Does Island Master Han come from the Seven Stars Immortal Sect? But I have never heard of such a sect in the waters of Twenty-Seven Islands?"

Liming He said: "If your story is correct, then the island master Han must be using the Star Body Training Technique."

"As for the Seven Stars Immortal Sect, it is not in the 27 Island Sea. It is not surprising that you don't know. It is in a wider and farther sea... far, far away from the 27 Island Sea... I was lucky enough to go out of the 27 Island Sea before, and went there A sea area, that sea area is the place closest to the center of the Star Sea, and it is also the place with the most stars... By the way, the old thief Si Chen was also traveling with me at that time..."

"We were fortunate enough to meet a disciple of the Seven Stars Immortal Sect. They practice the Seven Stars Immortal Sect's Zongzong Body Cultivation Technique, which is exactly the Star Body Cultivation Technique. When they move their hands and feet, their bodies will emit light like stars... and they are invincible up close. …”

"The most terrifying thing is... the Seven Stars Immortal Sect is not a corner of our 27-island sea area, but a large sect of immortality guarded by Zhenren Jindan and Zhenjun Yuanying..."

After listening to Liming He's story, Gao Qifeng wondered: "Deputy Island Master Li, you are lucky enough to go to a wider sea, why do you want to come back to the 27-island sea? Isn't there a greater prospect of staying there?"

Hearing this, Liming He seemed to recall bad memories, with a look of fear on his face and a slight tremor all over his body. After a while, he slowly calmed down and sighed:

"Actually, our Dharma boat got lost in the sea of ​​stars and arrived at that sea area. You think we don't want to stay in that sea area, but that sea area is too dangerous. All the cultivators on the Dharma boat died, and only Si Chen and I were lucky enough to return to the waters of 27 Islands."

"If we are given another chance to go to that sea area, maybe Si Chen and I will not be willing to go there again..."

In that sea area, Dawn River's memories were filled with only fear and nothing else.

Gao Qifeng also felt the fear in Liminghe's tone. He couldn't imagine what the people in Liminghe were facing.

He said: "Vice Island Master Li, do you mean that Island Master Han is from the Seven Stars Immortal Sect? How could such disciples of the Immortal Dao Sect come to the edge of our Sea of ​​Stars?"

Liming He shook his head and said: "I don't know. The Star Sea is too big. Sometimes you encounter waves or sea monsters, and you are very likely to get lost in the Star Sea. It is not uncommon to be lost in any sea area."

"But if Island Master Han is really from the Seven Stars Immortal Sect, then he will definitely not stay in this sea area for a long time. Sooner or later, he will find a way back to the Seven Stars Immortal Sect and return to the Seven Stars Immortal Sect."

"How can I be willing to be an insect on the ground after seeing the birds in the sky?"

Liming He thought about it again. This Korean island owner only focused on cultivation and did not care about the industrial management of Zhongnanming Island. This was also in line with the style of the disciples of the Immortal Dao Sect and looked down upon Nanming Island.

After thinking about this, Liming He couldn't help but feel joy again in his heart.

Although he was very grateful for Han Fan's life-saving grace, if Han Fanfang needed him to do anything that required his life, he would be willing to do it.

But after all, he came out as a disciple of Nanming Island, and he has extremely deep feelings for Nanming Island. If Han Fan really leaves the waters of 27 Islands one day, Nanming Island will return to his hands, and he can be regarded as worthy of Nanming Island. Lord.

Gao Qifeng also thought of this, but like Liming He, he just thought about it in his heart and did not say it out loud.

Liming He looked at Gao Qifeng and said, "Junior Brother Gao, I'll restore my cultivation first. You first send a notice to the 27 Island Sea Area and recruit casual cultivators from the 27 Island Sea Area in the name of me and the Korean Island Master!"

Gao Qifeng nodded and said: "I understand, Deputy Island Master Li."

He remembered something again and asked: "Deputy Island Master Li, if the immortal cultivators who escaped from Nanming Island heard that Deputy Island Master Li was still alive, they would definitely want to return to Nanming Island. Then how should we deal with these disciples? Want to take it back?"

Liming He said: "According to what you said, these disciples probably don't know about the feud between the old thief Si Chen and Island Master Han, and have not participated in it. They can take it back, but they still have to ask Island Master Han for permission. , we then made arrangements to recruit him back.”

Gao Qifeng expressed his understanding and said: "Deputy Island Master Li, then I will start issuing notices to the waters of 27 Islands."

"Go!" Liming He waved his hand, and after Gao Qifeng left, he went to the deputy island master's hall and began to practice and restore his cultivation.

In the island owner's training hall, Wu Tao incinerated Si Chen's futon with a fireball technique, took out his own futon, sat down in the cross-legged position, and began to practice.

From then on, he became the owner of Nanming Island, and Nanming Island worshiped him for cultivation.

After that, he no longer needs to refine magic weapons to sell, he only needs to practice wholeheartedly.

"Unexpectedly, I took a trip to Nanming Island to refine weapons and became the owner of Nanming Island. It's a mistake, but it's good. I have a better cultivation environment and don't have to worry about cultivation resources. I can continue to cultivate until I build the foundation. Complete.”

The foundation-building immortal cultivators and Qi-refining immortal cultivators of Nanming Island escaped from Nanming Island and dispersed throughout the 27 islands.


Han Fan's evil reputation spread throughout the 27-island waters.

With the power of one person, he overturned an island. When the other twenty-six island cultivating forces heard this, they were all frightened and rushed to find out its authenticity.

But after finding out the authenticity, they couldn't believe it.

But thinking that such a vicious person would capsize an island for no reason, the cultivating forces on the twenty-six islands were also worried about whether they would attack their own island.

As a result, the 26 islands began to communicate with each other and prepare to form an alliance. If the evil man comes to attack, they must stick together to resist the evil man.

Throughout the 27-island sea area, including Chaos Island, shocking news circulated that a murderer overturned Nanming Island and killed three island owners with nine levels of foundation building with one man's power.

The Lu family on Chaos Island.

"Big brother and second brother, have you heard? A peerless murderer appeared on Nanming Island. He killed the three masters of the nine-story island that built the foundation and occupied the entire Nanming Island." Lu Youqing ran into the Lu family in a hurry and came. Arriving in front of Lu Youde and Lu Youxian, he said excitedly.

Breaking news like this is rare in the entire twenty-seven island waters.

At this time, brothers Lu Youde and Lu Youxian were discussing their next trip to the sea to hunt sea monsters. They were not angry when they saw their little sister rushing in.

Lu Youde looked at his little sister and said, "Little sister, where did you get this news? Could it be false news? How could a murderer be so powerful and kill three island masters of the ninth level of foundation building? Is it possible? Is the golden elixir coming?"

Lu Youqing said: "Brother, there are crazy rumors outside. The murderer is not a golden elixir. I heard that he is also a foundation builder. He should be a nine-level foundation builder.

By the way, eldest and second brothers, do you know the name of the murderer? If I tell you, you will be surprised. "

Lu Youxian smiled and said: "What name can surprise me and my eldest brother? Tell us? Are you and I still afraid of a name?"

Lu Youqing said: "I'm not saying that eldest and second brothers are afraid of that name, but that the murderer actually has the same name as Senior Han from the Xuanyuan Magical Artifact Shop, and is also called Han Fan!"

Sure enough, after hearing Lu Youqing's words, Lu Youde and Lu Youxian suddenly stood up and said in horror: "What, how is that possible?"

But after the shock, both of them felt that they were overthinking. Fellow Daoist Han was an immortal cultivator in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, but the murderous person mentioned by the younger sister was at the ninth level of Foundation Establishment, so he was definitely not Fellow Daoist Han.

Lu Youde smiled and said: "Maybe they have the same name. The sea area of ​​​​Twenty-Seven Islands is so big, there are many people named Han Fan, and there are also many people named Lu Youde."

Lu Youqing chuckled. : "I must be the only one named Lu Youqing."

Lu Youxian smiled evilly and said, "Next time I will find someone with the same name as you."

Lu Youde said at this time: "Second brother, little sister, it just so happens that we haven't visited fellow Taoist Han for a long time. Let's just go and visit today. By the way, we can take a look at the suitable magical artifacts in Daoist Han's magical artifact shop and buy the last one. So that we can prepare for going out to sea to hunt the Kraken beast in a few days.”

Lu Youxian nodded and said, "That's fine. At the same time, I want to find out the news from my little sister. I'm also very curious about what kind of vicious person can overturn an island with one person's power."

"When we arrive at the Xuanyuan Magical Artifact Shop later, we will see Fellow Daoist Han and tell Fellow Daoist Han about this news. I think Fellow Daoist Han will also be surprised."

Lu Youqing seemed to have thought of Senior Han's shocked expression when he heard the news, and couldn't help showing excitement on his face, and said: "Okay, eldest brother and second brother, let's go to the Xuanyuan Magical Artifact Shop now. I also want to see Han." Senior's shocked expression."

When Lu Youde saw his second brother and younger sister being so distracted, he shook his head and said, "Second brother and younger sister, the Xuanyuan Magical Artifact Shop is located in a central location on Zhongyi Street in the main city of Chaos Island. This shocking news must have been announced by fellow Taoist Han earlier. If you already know it, how can you be shocked?"

When Lu Youqing heard this, he was stunned and said, "Wouldn't it be a pity that we can't see Senior Han's shocked expression?"

"Let's go, second brother, go pick up some spiritual fruits and spiritual tea and go visit fellow Taoist Han!" Lu Youde said to Lu Youxian.

Lu Youxian nodded and quickly went to pick up the spiritual tea and spiritual fruits. Then the three brothers and sisters walked out of the Lu family and went to the Xuanyuan Magical Artifact Shop on the 1st Street in the main city of Chaos Island to visit Han Fan.

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