"Xuanyuan Magical Artifact Shop, this is the shop opened by fellow Taoist Han.

At the door of Xuanyuan's magic weapon shop, brothers Lu Youde and Lu Youxian stood at the door, looking up at the store name plaque above the door. There was a female nun beside them, who looked like she was in her mid-twenties and good-looking. She also looked up at the plaque.

Wu Tao kept his promise and sent a letter to the Lu family after opening the Xuanyuan Magical Artifact Shop, so Lu Youde and Lu Youxian came to visit with their younger sister Lu Youqing.

Lu Youqing's sharp eyes saw the wooden sign beside the door and said in surprise: "Big brother and second brother, you see here it says that we will undertake the refining of magic weapons. Could it be that the senior Han you are talking about is a second-level weapon refiner? "

When Lu Youde and Lu Youxian heard what their little sister said, they immediately looked over. The two looked at each other and both shook their heads and said, "Fellow Daoist Han did not say that he was a second-level weapon refiner."

"But it's also possible that Fellow Daoist Han seems to be hiding something."

Just as the three brothers and sisters were talking at the door, footsteps suddenly sounded in the store. Wu Tao came out, looked at the three of them and said with a smile: "I thought the voices sounded so familiar. It turned out to be two Taoist friends from Lu."

Then he looked at Lu Youqing and asked, "Is this the little girl of the Lu family?"

Lu Youqing looked at Wu Tao and marveled at Wu Tao's face. He was only in his early 20s, even younger than her, but he was a middle-stage foundation-building immortal cultivator and possibly a second-level weapon refiner. But she also knows that immortal cultivators cannot calculate their true age based on their facial appearance.

After being amazed, Lu Youqing immediately raised his hands and saluted, "Lu Youqing of the Lu family has met Senior Han."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "You three, stop sitting at the door and go into the shop to chat!"

Then the Lu family brothers and sisters were invited into the store, and they boiled water and made tea for the three of them on the coffee table in the lobby.

At this time, the battle for the sea area mentioned by Lu Youde had passed. Wu Tao remembered this matter and while pouring tea for the three people of the Lu family, he casually asked: "Friend Lu, how was the battle for the sea area?"

Lu Youde's face showed joy and he said: "We hired a 5th-level foundation builder, and we finally saved our sea area from being fought over by the Mohist family."

Lu Youxian and Lu Youqing also looked happy.

Lu Youxian looked at Wu Tao and said in his heart: "Fortunately, Fellow Daoist Han rejected Big Brother. If Fellow Daoist Han really agreed to fight, then the Mo family actually invited 5th level of Foundation Establishment to assist, but Fellow Daoist Han only had 4th level of Foundation Establishment. I am afraid that our Lu family will lose That sea area.”

Wu Tao smiled when he heard this and said, "That's good!"

Lu Youqing took a sip of tea, looked at Wu Tao and asked, "Senior Han, I see that the sign at the door of your store says that you will undertake the refining of magic weapons. Senior Han, are you a second-level weapon refiner?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Exactly. If the Lu family needs to refine a second-level magic weapon, you can ask me to refine it, and I will give Fellow Daoist Lu a discount!"

Seeing Wu Tao admitting, the three people from the Lu family looked at each other with envy in their hearts. A second-level weapon refiner could earn more cultivation resources faster than the Lu family. The Lu family could hunt monsters in the sea and fight them to death. Much more.

Lu Youde thought to himself: "No wonder Fellow Daoist Han refused to fight for my Lu family. As Fellow Daoist Han is a second-level weapon refiner, it is enough to just refine a magic weapon. There is no need to take risks to participate in the sea battle."

The Lu family is considered to be the first familiar immortal cultivator Wu Tao met on Chaos Island, and after getting along with them, he has a good impression of the Lu family's behavior.

Wu Tao doesn't mind slowly getting in touch and becoming friends.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao sent the three Lu brothers and sisters out of the Xuanyuan Magical Artifact Shop.

Not long after I gave it away, another acquaintance came to visit.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, I haven't seen you for six days. Is it possible that there are magic weapons that need to be refined?" Wu Tao looked towards Huang Xiuyuan, cupped his hands and smiled.

Huang Xiuyuan also responded with his hand, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Han is right. I went back to Nanming Island and talked about Friend Han's talent in refining weapons. It happened that I had a batch of second-level intermediate magic weapons to be refined on Nanming Island, and I wanted to invite Friend Daoist Han to come. Refining characters on Nanming Island."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao pondered for a moment and said, "I wonder how many intermediate magic weapons need to be refined on Nanming Island? If it is possible, it can also be refined at the Earth Fire Management Office of Chaos Island."

Huang Xiuyuan shook his head and said: "I also wanted to refine it at the Fire Management Office of Chaos Island, but I went to see it. Recently, I have been booked by the refiners from other islands on Chaos Island... My Nanming Island has the same strength as them. , it’s not good to keep them delayed again and again... So I’d like to ask Fellow Daoist Han to accompany Huang to Nanming Island for the refining of magic weapons..."

"This time Nanming Island needs to refine 9 second-level intermediate magic weapons... Regarding the remuneration, please don't worry, Fellow Daoist Han!"

Wu Tao thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "In that case, Han will go to Nanming Island with Daoist Huang!"

Huang Xiuyuan was overjoyed when he heard this and said, "That matter should not be delayed. Please ask Fellow Daoist Han to tidy up and follow Huang to Nanming Island!"

Wu Tao immediately put the magical artifacts on the shelves into storage bags, then closed the Xuanyuan Magical Instrument Shop, followed Huang Xiuyuan to the Chaos Island Pier, and took the Nanming Island's magical boat to Nanming Island.

Three days later.

Wu Tao, who was practicing in the Dharma boat, heard Huang Xiuyuan's voice.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Nanming Island has arrived."

Wu Tao immediately stopped practicing, stood up and walked out of the room in the Dharma boat, came to the deck, and looked side by side at a huge island in front of Huang Xiuyuan.

The island is very big.

There is a continuous palace on the island that exudes Dharma light.

Huang Xiuyuan stretched out his hand and signaled: "Fellow Daoist Han, this is my Nanming Island. Friend Daoist Han please come."

Saying that, he jumped off the Dharma boat.

Wu Tao also got off the Dharma boat. Huang Xiuyuan led him to the island protection array of Nanming Island. Huang Xiuyuan introduced him: "Fellow Daoist Han, this is the island protection array of our Nanming Island. It is a second-level advanced array that can resist 30 foundation builders from the 9th floor attacked together."

Wu Tao looked at the looming island-protecting formation in front of him and pretended to be surprised: "So strong? What if the golden elixir attacks?"

Huang Xiuyuan laughed when he heard this and said: "Fellow Daoist Han is joking, there are no Jindan cultivators in the 27-island sea area. Besides, with the resources for cultivating immortals in the 27-island sea area, Jindan doesn't like it either. He will not come to this sea area to attack our Nanming Island for no reason. . This island protection formation is to protect other island cultivating sects."

"I see."

Huang Xiuyuan took out the token, opened the island protection array, took Wu Tao into the island protection array, and said to Wu Tao. =: "Fellow Daoist Han has worked hard all the way. Do you need to rest for two days before refining the magic weapon?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "I have rested on the Dharma boat for three days, so let's start refining it directly!"

Mainly, he wanted to take a look at the ground fire on Nanming Island now.

Huang Xiuyuan heard this and said: "Okay, then I will make arrangements for fellow Taoist Han. Fellow Taoist Han will come with me."

Huang Xiuyuan immediately took Wu Tao to the fire on Nanming Island.

On the top of a small hill, the ground fire mouth was as big as a pond, and several refining rooms were built around it.

Wu Tao also met the second-level low-level weapon refiner from Nanming Island. After learning that Wu Tao was a second-level intermediate weapon refiner, the second-level low-level weapon refiner immediately respectfully said that he was willing to help Wu Tao during this period.

Wu Tao declined.

This made this second-level low-level weapon refiner from Nanming Island a little disappointed.

It seems that Nanming Island has been prepared for a long time. The jade slips and spiritual materials for the magic weapon refining secrets have been prepared, and they can be refined as soon as Wu Tao arrives.

Wu Tao felt the hot breath of the Earth Fire. If he practiced here, it would indeed increase the speed of his Six Yang Lihuo True Skill.

So Wu Tao said to Huang Xiuyuan: "Fellow Daoist Huang, then I will start refining!"

Huang Xiuyuan said: "Okay, Fellow Daoist Han, please excuse me. The disciples of the Earth Fire Hall will stay away from here so as not to disturb Fellow Daoist Han's refining."

Wu Tao nodded and entered the weapon refining room.

Huang Xiuyuan saw Wu Tao enter the refining room, dismissed the disciples of Dihuo Hall, and then went to the training place of the three island masters.

"I'm informing the three island owners that Han Fan has already started refining the magic weapon." Huang Xiuyuan reported with his hands in hand.

The island owner said: "Very good, let Han Fan refine all the magic weapons first, and let us take a look at his weapon refining skills."

The beautiful woman giggled and said, "I finally have a second-level intermediate weapon refiner on Nanming Island."

The sixth update is here, please vote for me! Thanks to book friend 2017***5271 for the 100 starting coin reward. Tomorrow, we will start ordering large chapters, so there will be chapters with 30, 40, or 50 starting coins, but the word count will also be 6,000, 8,000, or 10,000 words. No extra points will be charged, all will be charged based on the number of words.

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