Wu Tao followed Wen Nian through many corridors and finally came to a simple attic.

"Fellow Taoist, please come in. This is my residence and training place!" Wen Nian stretched out his hand and invited Wu Tao to enter with a smile on his face.

Wu Tao had already discovered everything about the Immortal Master Temple before entering it.

This small attic is located in the deepest part of Snake Head Island and under the small attic. There is a first-order spiritual vein.

As for the cultivation of immortals during the Immortal Master's Observation and Qi Refining Period, they only practice with the spiritual energy escaping from this level of spiritual veins.

Wu Tao slightly sensed the spiritual energy concentration of the first-level spiritual veins and found that it was not as high as the spiritual energy concentration he had in the second-level caves of Lingxu Sect.

Thinking about it, Lingxu Sect occupies a territory in the Immortal Realm and has a fourth-level spiritual vein. How can it be compared to a small cultivating force in Panshe Island Immortal Master Temple.

"Fortunately, the boundary-breaking array is connected to a small area in this new world. There are no golden elixirs everywhere and there are as many Nascent Souls as dogs. Otherwise, I might be in danger!"

Appearing in such a small place and a corner is more beneficial to Wu Tao's exploration of the new world.

Thinking of this, he nodded and took the first step into the small attic.

The layout of the hall in the small attic is very simple, with an incense burner filled with thick incense ash, and a burned incense stick inserted quietly.

There is a square coffee table in the middle. Next to the coffee table is a small red clay stove. Black charcoal is placed next to the small stove.

Wen Nian invited Wu Tao to sit down on the futon next to the coffee table. He sat opposite Wu Tao, picked up the charcoal, put it into the small stove, lit it and started boiling water.

While boiling water, Wen Nian looked at Wu Tao, who was sitting quietly, and felt a little pain in his heart. But he quickly made up his mind, stretched out his hand to wipe the storage bag, and something flew out of the storage bag and landed quietly. On the coffee table.

Wu Tao looked around and saw a spiritual stone bag, two jade bottles, and a second-level low-level magic weapon on the coffee table, exuding a faint aura.

Wen Nian's eyelids twitched slightly, and he was extremely reluctant to give up. He said: "This fellow Taoist, the Immortal Master Temple has offended fellow Taoists because it is my Immortal Master Temple. Although I do not have jurisdiction over the affairs of the Immortal Master Temple, I am the Immortal Master after all. Guan's foundation building, if something happens, you still have to be responsible.

These are things to make amends to fellow Taoists. There are 500 low-grade spiritual stones in the spiritual stone bag, 13 medium-grade spiritual stones, and 6 high-grade spiritual stones. There are a total of 20 strands in these two bottles of Dharma Source Qi. And this magic weapon is a forbidden second-level low-level attack magic weapon.

Immortal Master Temple is a barren place of spiritual energy and produces very little. This is already my entire net worth. I ask fellow Taoists to forgive me. "

After saying that, Wen Nian felt another pain in his heart. He had saved these spiritual stones for more than ten years, and he had refined these twenty rays of Dharma Source Qi himself. He was reluctant to use them on weekdays. He originally wanted to wait for the ship from Chaos Island to pass through the waters of the Twelve Celestial Islands again, and then go there. A second-level low-level defensive magic weapon was traded on board.

Nowadays, not only the second-level low-level defensive magic weapon has become a dream, but also the second-level low-level offensive magic weapon that was traded 50 years ago must be made amends for.

Wen Nian felt like his heart was bleeding.

Wu Tao's eyes moved down from Wen Nian's face and looked at the items on the table. He reached for the spirit stone bag and penetrated with his spiritual sense. The quantity inside was indeed what Wen Yan said. Then he picked up two more jade bottles, opened the jade bottles, and confirmed that there were 20 strands of pure source of law energy without attributes inside.

All the mana pills, spirit stones, and magic source energy in his body were gone, and the mana cultivation level in his dantian had only returned to the seventh level of foundation building.

If he stayed on this Coiled Snake Island, with the aura concentration of this Coiled Snake Island, it would probably take several months to return to the eighth level of foundation building.

If there is a large amount of Dharma source energy, the time will be shortened.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao thought, and he put the spirit stone bag and two bottles of Dharma Source Qi into his storage bag.

The moment he put it away in the storage bag, Wu Tao was keenly aware of a throbbing deep in Wen Nian's eyes, which was a painful feeling.

"It seems that Wen Nian really spent a lot of money and sincerely apologized. Such an attitude is understandable." Wu Tao thought to himself, and finally reached out to pick up the second-level low-level magic weapon on the coffee table.

Wu Tao's magic power and spiritual sense penetrated into it, and he felt that there was only one magic ban inside, and the refining did not seem to be perfect. The magic ban circuit was not smooth and uniform enough. It was obvious that the second-level weapon refiner who refined this magic weapon was not good at refining it. Too dishy.

As a second-level advanced weapon refiner, Wu Tao naturally has no shortage of second-level low-level magic weapons. Nor would he use such an inferior second-level low-level magic weapon.

Thinking that Wen Nian's attitude was sincere, he could keep a line, so he put the second-level low-level magic weapon on the table, looked at Wen Nian, shook his head and said, "Fellow Taoist, I don't want this second-level low-level magic weapon."

When Wen Nian heard the words, his heart trembled slightly, and he quickly said with an anxious look: "Fellow Taoist, this is the only second-level low-level magic weapon I have on my body, there are no more. This magic weapon was from Chaos Island 50 years ago. The Dharma ship passed through the waters of the Twelve Islands in the World, and I spent a lot of money to trade it."

Seeing Wen Nian's anxious look, Wu Tao knew that he had misunderstood him.

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, don't worry, you have misunderstood me. To be honest with you, I am a second-level weapon refiner, but I have never been short of magic weapons. Seeing that my Taoist friend has a sincere attitude, the spirit stones and magic weapons I will accept the source of Qi, but as for this magic weapon, I don’t need it any more, fellow Taoist can take it back on his own!”

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Wen Nian's face was startled, and then he became ecstatic. He quickly raised his hands and thanked him: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, thank you so much, fellow Taoist. Wen is deeply grateful."

Then I remembered that Wu Tao said that he was a second-level weapon refiner, and I was extremely shocked and sighed. : "I didn't expect that fellow Taoist is also a second-level weapon refiner, I'm disrespectful! Alas, if we have a second-level weapon refiner on the Twelve Celestial Islands, why do we, the foundation builders of the twelve islands in the world, have to wait for the magic ship of Chaos Island? Only by passing by can you have a chance to trade for a second-level magic weapon."

From Wen Nian's sighs, Wu Tao heard the name of the Twelve Celestial Islands more than once. He motioned to Wen Nian to put away the second-level low-level magic weapons on the table, and asked: "Fellow Taoist, is this the Twelve Celestial Islands? Can you tell me about the conditions of the Twelve Celestial Islands?"

Wen Nian carefully put away the second-level low-level magic weapon on the coffee table. When he heard a gurgling sound coming from the kettle, he quickly picked up the kettle, took out the spiritual tea and made tea while explaining: "Fellow Taoist, yes, the sea area here is convenient." It is the Twelve Celestial Islands, the most fringe area of ​​the entire Star Sea. It is poor in spiritual energy. Only the twelve islands each have a first-order spiritual vein. These 12 islands are Coiling Snake Island, Baoshu Island, Yangjiao Island, Tianniu Island... …”

Wen Nian named the 12 islands in succession and continued: "The island owners of the twelve islands in the world are all first-level foundation-building immortal cultivators like me. They all practice in seclusion on the first-level spiritual veins and rarely go out. Guan, unless something big happens..."

Wu Tao nodded when he heard the words, and quickly grasped the most crucial word and asked: "Fellow Taoist, how big is the Sea of ​​Stars?"

Wen Nian heard the words, shook his head, and said with a bitter smile: "How big the Star Sea is. Even Taoist friends outside the Twelve Celestial Islands don't know how big it is, and how can we, the immortal cultivators trapped in the Twelve Islands in the sky, know how big it is. But, as the saying goes, as big as the sky is, so is the sea of ​​stars!"

Wu Tao's eyes moved slightly. He would definitely not reveal that he was from the Immortal Realm. He secretly wrote down some key words that Wen Nian said.

Then, taking over what Wen Nian said, he sighed: "Yes, the sea of ​​​​stars is too big! I asked the wrong person."

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