Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 484 The Immortal Boat disintegrates, protected by golden elixir (please subscribe)

Wu Tao came to Wen Xingrui's office and knocked gently on the door. After hearing Wen Xingrui's voice, he opened the door and entered.

"Master, are you going to leave the sect again and go to the Demon-Suppressing Pass to repair the immortal boat?" Wu Tao asked straight to the point.

Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "Yes, the news from the Demon Suppressing Pass is that the three immortal boats played a vital role in breaking through the Tianyin Sect's mountain gate and occupying the entire Tianyin domain."

"According to the news coming back, the three immortal boats were seriously damaged, and two of them have disintegrated and crashed in the Tianyin Domain, so this time we will have more things to do."

Wu Tao asked: "Master, when will we set off?"

"This situation is urgent. We will leave tomorrow." Wen Xingrui said.

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Master, then I will go and make some simple preparations."

After leaving Wen Xingrui's office, Wu Tao returned to the cave and told Chen Yao that he would go to the Demon-Suppressing Pass again tomorrow.

Chen Yao looked at Wu Tao and said, "Senior brother, I wonder when the war between good and evil will end?"

Wu Tao touched her milk bag and said, "It will end one day."

Chen Yao snuggled into his arms and whispered: "I really hope it ends soon, so that senior brother doesn't have to run around like this, and I can be with senior brother all day long."

Listening to Chen Yao's words, Wu Tao remembered that when Fan Zhifeng's child was one month old, Chen Yao seemed to have some thoughts after coming back. He also understood that Chen Yao was moved by the situation and wanted a child of his own, but Chen Yao was sensible after all. He knew that he wouldn't want it now, and he was still in the period of the war between good and evil, so his cultivation was not stable.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao said to Chen Yao: "Ayao, when the situation stabilizes, we will have a child!"

When Chen Yao heard this, her face lit up, she looked up at her senior brother and said, "Senior brother, do you mean that after the war between good and evil is over, we will have children?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said, "Maybe it will take longer."

Because he already knew Ning Qiudao's ambition. He didn't just want to destroy the six demon sects, she also wanted to unify the entire Xianyuan world.

After the war between good and evil is over, there may be friction with other immortal sects, and the situation is even less likely to be stable.

If Lingxu Sect annexes other Immortal Sects and becomes the only Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm.

At that time, the situation will be truly stable, and as a Lingxu Sect weapon refiner, he can naturally practice peacefully without any worries, and it doesn't matter if he has a child.

Chen Yao did not feel disappointed after hearing her senior brother's words. At least this time, her senior brother took the initiative to mention this matter, and she was extremely happy.

"Senior brother, I'm waiting for that day." Chen Yao said with her eyes turned into crescent moons.

The next day.

Outside the magic circle of the cave, Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao and said helplessly: "Ayao, you don't have to follow me to the weapon refining hall to see me off, just stay here. I will return to the sect after repairing the immortal boat like last time.

Chen Yao smiled and said: "Senior brother, your trip to the Demon Suppression Pass this time is not a secret mission. Let me accompany you to the weapon refining hall and watch you fly across the virtual boat and leave the sect. Let's talk about it later."

"I have never sent my senior brother off before!"

Seeing this, Wu Tao said no more and asked Chen Yao to get on the light boat and fly to the weapon refining hall together.

Flying to the peak of the Refining Hall, the Feidu Xuzhou was already anchored here. Wen Xingrui was also standing on the second floor deck, looking at Wu Tao and saying: "Han Fan, come down quickly and prepare to set off."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao turned to Chen Yao and said, "Ayao, I'll go first!"

Chen Yao obediently flew out of the Flowing Light Boat and flew quietly in the air. She watched her senior brother make the Flowing Light Boat land on the second floor deck of Feidu Xuzhou and stood side by side with Wen Xingrui. Then, Feidu Xuzhou started. In the blink of an eye, he had already flown out of the sect.

"Senior brother, I'm waiting for you to come back!" Chen Yao watched Feidu Xuzhou disappear from her eyes. She didn't know why. She just wanted to see her brother off today and watch him board Feidu Xuzhou and leave the sect with her own eyes.

After staying in mid-air for a moment, Chen Yao took out the flying magic weapon and sent it back to the cave to start practicing.

One month later.

Fly across the virtual boat and enter the Tianyin domain.

At this time, the defense line of Zhenmo Pass has advanced to the boundary between Tianyin Territory and Blood Dao Sect territory.

Therefore, the entire Tianyin Domain is now behind the Demon Suppressing Pass.

This was the first time Wu Tao set foot in the territory of the Demonic Sect, and found that the territory of the Demonic Sect was quite different from that of the Righteous Sect.

He followed Wen Xingrui and soon came to the place where the fairy boat was parked.

Only one tattered immortal boat was seen, even worse than before, and two immortal boats were missing.

A foundation-building immortal cultivator from the Seven Righteous Sects who received them said: "Master Wen, Senior Brother Han, the other two immortal boats disintegrated during the battle with the Yuan Ying Demon Cultivator of the Demon Sect, and fell into the central area of ​​Tianyin Domain and Tianyin Region respectively. The western area of ​​the Yin Territory... We must first collect the parts of an immortal boat in the central area of ​​the Tianyin Territory, and then Hall Master Wen will lead the third-level weapon refiners of the six sects to repair, assemble and refine it first, and quickly put it into the battlefield. Senior Brother Han and other second-level senior weapon refiners continued to collect the disintegrated parts of the last fairy boat in the western area of ​​Tianyin Territory."

Next, all the weapon refiners from the six sects collected the dismantled parts of the immortal boat everywhere in the central area of ​​Tianyin Domain.

Because it was still at war, and the Immortal Cultivators of the Seven Righteous Sects were still fighting with the Immortal Cultivators of the Demonic Sect, so only the weapon refiners and some separated Immortal Cultivators of the Seven Sects were collecting the dismantled parts of the Immortal Boat.

Wu Tao followed his master Wen Xingrui and went everywhere to collect the dismantled parts of the fairy boat.

Half a month later.

Finally, all the dismantled parts of the fairy boat in the central area were collected.

Then Wen Xingrui will lead the third-level weapon refiner to reassemble and refine the collected disassembled parts of the fairy boat.

Next, it will be up to Wu Tao, a second-level senior weapon refiner from the Sixth Sect, to lead the immortal cultivators to collect the dismantled parts of the immortal boat in the western region.

After a decision, the entire western region was divided into several areas. Each area was divided into two groups by two second-level seniors, who led two early-stage foundation-building immortal cultivators to collect.

Wu Tao and his acquaintance Zhou Qinghe led the two foundation-building immortal cultivators to the selected area to collect immortal boat parts.

Before departure, Wu Tao unexpectedly met Yao Guangsheng.

"I've met Master Yao. Isn't Master Yao on the front line?" Wu Tao first paid homage to Yao Guangsheng and then asked.

Yao Guangsheng said: "The master sent me here to protect you."

Wu Tao was startled when he heard this, but then he felt happy. It would be great to have a golden elixir accompanying him for protection. However, he still had doubts in his heart: "Uncle Yao, haven't the demon cultivators in Tianyin Domain been thoroughly searched and wiped out? Are there no more demon cultivators?”

Yao Guangsheng said: "The demon cultivator is cunning and cunning. For the sake of safety, the leader still asked me to come over and protect you. He said your life is very important."

Yao Guangsheng was also puzzled in his heart. He didn't know why the leader asked him to protect this nephew Han Fan.

I wonder what’s so special about Senior Nephew Han Fan?

He stared at Wu Tao carefully. Wu Tao's face at this time was also in his early twenties. He compared Wu Tao's appearance with Ning Qiudao, and quickly overturned the speculation that this nephew Han was the illegitimate son of Ning's head.

Wu Tao felt warm in his heart, never expecting that Ning Qiudao valued him so much. From this point of view, joining Lingxu Sect is a correct choice. Of course, the premise of this choice is that Lingxu Sect has a leader like Ning Qiudao who understands righteousness.

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