Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 479 Understanding the True Fire Art (please subscribe)

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Wu Tao, who was practicing in a certain room of Feidu Xuzhou, heard the sound of aftershocks. The aftershocks were emitted through the central warehouse of Feidu Xuzhou, so they could be heard through the soundproof array in the room.

"Hall Master, Fellow Daoist Han, Xuzhou is about to arrive at the sect."

When Wu Tao heard this, he immediately stopped practicing the Liuyang Lihuo Zhenqing, stood up, opened the door, and came to the deck on the second floor. Looking forward, he saw the mountain gate of Lingxu Sect with continuous mountains.

Until the moment he saw the mountain gate of Lingxu Sect, Wu Tao finally calmed down and thought to himself: "Finally, I returned to the sect safely."

Feidu Xuzhou slowly passed through the Lingxu Sect's mountain-protecting formation and entered the Lingxu Sect. There were footsteps behind him. Wu Tao looked back and saw his master Wen Xingrui. He immediately bowed and said: "Master !”

Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and said: "You have worked hard to repair the immortal boat this time. There is no need to follow Feidu Xuzhou to the weapon refining hall. You can return to the cave to rest on your own!"

Wu Tao said: "Yes, master, the disciple will return to the cave first!"

Seeing Wen Xingrui nodding, Wu Tao immediately released the Liuyun Boat, stepped on the Flowing Cloud Boat and flew out of the Feidu Xuzhou, flying towards his cave.

It took four months to leave the sect, two months to go back and forth, and another two months to repair the fairy boat behind the Demon Suppressing Pass.

In these four months, there were only two months. Wu Tao practiced Liuyang Lihuo Zhenqing and Xingchen body training every day. During the two months of repairing the immortal boat, he spent almost the whole day repairing the immortal boat and had no time. Practice.

Even so, Wu Tao also knew that since he now relied on Lingxu Sect, he had to make choices sometimes.

Liu Yunzhou slowly landed outside the cave's magic circle. Wu Tao took out the magic circle token, opened the magic circle, and entered the cave with one step.

Entering the cave, the familiar golden-winged eagle flies to beg for food.

Then Chen Yao, who was practicing, sensed the strange movement of the cave formation and came out. When she saw Chen Wutao, her face showed joy, she ran over and threw a bird into the forest, and said happily: "Brother, you are back! "

Wu Tao caught her steadily, feeling the fullness on his chest, and said, "I'm back, I'm not a child anymore, and I'm still flying here like this."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yao immediately chuckled and said, "Senior brother, do you think I'm old? I'm a foundation builder, and I'm still a young female cultivator at this age."

Wu Tao quickly admitted his mistake.

After saying goodbye to the newlyweds, they had some intimacy with Chen Yao. Chen Yao said that she would cook a sumptuous dinner for him, and Wu Tao came to the main training room.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the main training room, Wu Tao made a mental thought and flew out two talismans from his storage bag.

It was the Thousand Miles Escape Talisman that Master Wen Xingrui gave him when he set out to repair the immortal boat behind the Zhenmo Pass.

These two thousand-mile escape talismans were not used.

"It's better if it doesn't come in handy. I don't want to encounter the golden elixir demon cultivator!"

Saying this to himself, Wu Tao put the two Thousand Miles Escape Talismans back into his storage bag and put them away solemnly.

This time, the mission was specifically to repair the immortal boat. For the sake of safety, Wu Tao did nothing and did not use the boundary token to locate the induction boundary-breaking array.

Now looking at the battle between the righteous path and the demonic path, the righteous path has a greater chance of winning.

Wu Tao's idea is that after the righteous way wins, Lingxu Sect will seize more resources, and he can continue to practice more stably.

Moreover, this world can cultivate to the realm of True Lord Yuanying. He is still far away from the Yuanying stage. = With such a stable cultivation environment, he must cultivate to True Lord Yuanying before considering leaving the Immortal Yuan Realm and looking for a higher immortal. realm.

"Next, plan four short-term goals first. The first is to comprehend the True Fire Art and enter it into personal information; the second is to refine the tangible sword intention into the invisible sword intention; the third is to break through the eighth level of the spiritual body, and the fourth is to create a It belongs to a kind of legal prohibition..."

Wu Tao quickly planned out four short-term goals, then acted quickly, took out the jade slip of the True Fire Jue, and began to comprehend the True Fire Jue.

The True Fire Technique is extremely obscure and profound, and it is more difficult to comprehend than the True Technique of the Invisible Sword. Therefore, from the time I obtained the True Fire Technique to the present, I have not thoroughly understood it and entered it into my personal information.

It took me one and a half hours to understand.

It was dinner time, and Wu Tao immediately came out of the training room to have dinner with Chen Yao.

At the dinner table, Chen Yao said to Wu Tao: "Qi Min from Brother Fan's family has given birth to a baby. It's a boy. He will be one month old in two days."

Hearing Chen Yao's words, Wu Tao was startled. Fan Zhifeng was so fast. Why did he feel like he got on the bus first and then bought the ticket? Thinking about this, he said: "Junior Brother Fan's child is born, then we will wait for two days Go take a look.”

Fan Zhifeng's Taoist companion is named Qimin. He and Chen Yao are both second-level weapon refiner Taoist companions. They have common topics. They met at the Taoist couple formation ceremony last time and got closer.

Two days later.

Wu Tao and Chen Yao took some gifts and headed to Fan Zhifeng's cave.

Seeing Fan Zhifeng's child, Wu Tao placed a refined jade pendant on the child's body. Then Chen Yao and Qi Min went to the side to talk and tease the child, while Wu Tao talked to Fan Zhifeng in the living room.

This scene made Wu Tao dream back to the days when he was cultivating immortals in Wuquan Mountain. At that time, after Gu Mingsheng and Li Feiyao gave birth to Gu An, they also did the same.

While making tea for Wu Tao, Fan Zhifeng said, "Senior Brother Han, I'm sorry to have you come here for such a trivial matter."

Wu Tao shook his head and said, "Having a child is no small matter."

Fan Zhifeng laughed and said: "Why do we immortal cultivators care about this?"

Wu Tao said: "We are said to be immortal cultivators, but after all, we are not immortals. There will always be a day when our life span is approaching. What is the difference between us and mortals?! Fellow Daoist Fan, isn't this child the hope you left behind?"

Fan Zhifeng was silent when he heard the words, and then suddenly said: "Brother Han, these words made me suddenly realize. Brother Han, you are right. After all, we immortal cultivators are not immortals. We are no different from mortals. We just live longer than mortals. It’s just a little more powerful.”

While talking, Fan Zhifeng asked Wu Tao to see his monster again, and then used his monster to show Wu Tao.

Qi Min saw Chen Yao caressing the baby's cheek tenderly, and she asked: "Senior Sister A Yao, when will you and Senior Brother Han plan to have a child?"

Hearing Qi Min's words, Chen Yao stopped teasing the baby, looked at her, slowly shook her head and said, "We have no such plan yet."

Qi Min heard this and said: "That's right. You and Senior Brother Han are in their prime and have a bright future. Now having children has become a burden. It's not like my husband who was cursed by the Demon Sect and lost a lifetime..."

Chen Yao smiled and said, "Why are you talking about this?"

Qi Min's words did touch Chen Yao. She is also a woman. She will inevitably have thoughts when she sees others having sex. However, Chen Yao still respects her senior brother's thoughts and knows that he will never be in this period of the war between good and evil. Want a child.

Visiting Fan Zhifeng's child was just a small interlude. In the following days, Wu Tao began to enter a stable cultivation life again.

The stable life of cultivation always passes by so fast that people only realize it later.

After three months.

"The True Fire Technique has finally been entered into personal information. It's really not easy!"

In the main training room, Wu Tao took off the jade slip of True Fire Jue from his forehead and let out a long sigh.

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Technique: Beginner of Lingxu True Fire Technique (0%)

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