Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 476 Mission, go to the Demon Suppression Pass (please subscribe)

Master Wen Xingrui's words made Wu Tao fall into deep thought. His mind began to spin, recalling everything he had done since he entered the art of weapon refining.

The aroma of tea filled the air, Wen Xingrui sipped the tea gently and looked at Wu Tao.

Wu Tao turned the tea cup with one hand and continued to meditate. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said to Wen Xingrui: "Master, I seem to understand!"

Wen Xingrui said: "Tell me about it!"

Wu Tao said: "Master, since I stepped into the art of refining, I have started to learn the secrets of refining various magic weapons step by step, and learned various restrictions. Each restriction is fixed, and every magic weapon is fixed." There are also corresponding prohibitions for the refining of magic weapons. When you reach the second-level weapon refiner, you also learn the law prohibitions step by step. The refining of each type of magic weapon, the law prohibitions can also be analyzed from the learned law prohibitions. It’s not just me, it’s the same for all first-level weapon refiners and second-level weapon refiners. Everything we learn is all from books, or things that don’t belong to us…”

"To be promoted to the third-level weapon refining master, you need to create magic bans. Although the magic bans created by your seniors are based on the original weapon refining methods... but my disciple makes a bold guess..."

"The prerequisite for promotion to the third-level weapon refiner does not mean that you must create a new kind of forbidden law, but it lies in one word..."

Wen Xingrui asked: "What's the word?"

Wu Tao's eyes sparkled with starlight, and he said decisively: "It's the word 'change'."

"Before, the third-level weapon refiner learned the restrictions and refined the magic weapon step by step, without any 'change' in his thinking. So if I want to become a third-level weapon refiner, I can't be limited to the previous thinking mode, but Pursuing the word 'change', integrating the previously learned knowledge of the art of weapon refining and turning it into your own, this is the key to being promoted to a third-level weapon refining master!"

After Wen Xingrui listened to Wu Tao's words, although he felt that the word "thinking mode" mentioned by Wu Tao was unfamiliar, he could still understand it. There was a look of admiration on his face, as if he was a teachable child, and he smiled and said:

"Yes, as you guessed, to become a third-level weapon refiner, you must have your own ideas, learn to break through yourself, and cannot be stuck in the inherent method of weapon refinement. Just as you guessed, the pursuit of It’s the word ‘change’!”

"The word "change" is related to the state of mind. Only by trying to break through the inherent cognition can we open up a broader world in the way of weapon refining.

Wu Tao was delighted, and his previous confusion suddenly became clear. He immediately stood up and thanked his master Wen Xingrui: "Thank you, master, for your guidance."

This is the advantage of having a master. With a little help, he can find a breakthrough point.

Wen Xingrui said: "Han Fan, your talent in weapon refining has allowed me to break through my inherent knowledge. In a short period of time, you have only seen the forbidden jade slips of less than 10 senior weapon refiners, and you can understand it." At this point, you can find the essence of things with just a few hints from me... It is my greatest luck to have a disciple like you in this life."

"Han Fan, the art of weapon refining is very suitable for you. Don't let it down. You will definitely achieve great success in the future. It is impossible to break the shackles of a weapon refiner in this world and be promoted to a fourth-level weapon refiner."

Wu Tao immediately said with a solemn expression: "Master, I will definitely work hard in the art of refining weapons. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞"

Wen Xingrui was very satisfied with Wu Tao, and talked to Wu Tao for a while, and finally asked Wu Tao to learn more about the jade slips used to repair the immortal boat. Next, the righteous side will give a big one to the demonic side.

Wu Tao left Wen Xingrui's office and returned to the cave with his imperial boat.

The streamer boat turned into a stream of light, flying at high speed in the air, and landed outside his cave a moment later. Wu Tao took out the magic array token to open the cave and entered the cave.

As soon as he stepped into the cave, he heard a cry in the air, and a golden shadow exuded the aura of a second-level monster and shot towards Wu Tao, landing steadily on Wu Tao's shoulder.

It is the golden-winged eagle that has successfully been promoted to the second level of low-level monster.

Wu Tao took out a bottle of Spiritual Source Pill from his storage bag, poured it into the palm of his hand, and placed it next to the beak of the golden-winged eagle.

The golden-winged eagle smelled the scent of the Soul Source Pill in Wu Tao's palm, and then turned away in disgust.

Wu Tao smiled and said: "I forgot that you have advanced to the second level of low-level monsters and look down on this spiritual source pill."

Saying this, Wu Tao replaced the Spiritual Source Pill with the Mana Pill. The golden-winged eagle then took the Mana Pill in its mouth and flew to the sky above the spiritual field with its wings.

Wu Tao walked into the cave and did not see Chen Yao busy in the kitchen. He thought to himself: "Did you go to Lu Feixue's place?"

Chen Yao was very close to Lu Feixue in Lingxu Sect. Sometimes Chen Yao would go to Lu Feixue's cave to sit there.

Chen Yao has her own circle of friends in Lingxu Sect, which Wu Tao is very pleased about.

With this in mind, Wu Tao went to his main training room. When he passed by the auxiliary training room, he found that the door of the auxiliary training room was closed and there was a reminder that it was in use. With a thought, Wu Tao easily entered the auxiliary training room.

Under the perception of his spiritual mind, Chen Yao was sitting cross-legged next to the spirit gathering array in the auxiliary training room, with mana fluctuating on his body. When he saw this situation, he knew that Chen Yao was breaking through the second floor of the foundation building.

Moreover, it was already at the end of the breakthrough. Chen Yao's aura had climbed to the second level of foundation building. Now was the time to consolidate his cultivation.

After a slight induction, Wu Tao immediately withdrew his spiritual thoughts to prevent his spiritual thoughts from interfering with Chen Yao's breakthrough. He did not go to the training room, but came to the kitchen and started cooking.

An hour later.

Chen Yao walked out of the assistant training room with a look of joy on her face. With a movement of her mind, she sensed Wu Tao in the kitchen. She immediately came to the kitchen and said happily: "Brother, I have broken through the second level of foundation building!"

A smile appeared on Wu Tao's face and he said: "Awesome, Ayao, to celebrate your breakthrough, I specially made your favorite braised monster meat and barbecue monster meat for you."

Chen Yao took a look, and sure enough, she happily held Wu Tao's arm and said, "Thank you, senior brother!"

Chen Yao broke through the second floor of the foundation building and celebrated for an hour that night.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

In the past month, Wu Tao also received news about the Demon Suppression Pass from the Lingxu Sect.

Half a month ago.

The Seven Sects of the Righteous Way and the Sixth Sect of the Demonic Way had another Nascent Soul melee. Two Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators died on the Demonic Sect, and one Nascent Soul Lord was severely injured on the Righteous Way.

The Nascent Soul Lord who was severely injured was the Nascent Soul Lord of Tianmen Mountain.

The two Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators who died on the other side of the Demonic Path were the Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators who were awakened through the Blood Ingestion and Destruction Technique.

"We've only lost two people, so we still have a long way to go..." Wu Tao sighed in the weapon refining room No. 2. This also shows how difficult it is to cultivate the Nascent Soul awakened by the Dafa without relying on blood within the normal lifespan. Kill.

After this month, Wu Tao also learned that after he broke through the eighth level of foundation building, the speed of practicing Liuyang Lihuo True Skill increased by three levels in a month.

Wu Tao got up from the futon in the refining room and walked out of the Earth Fire Palace. Then he saw Zhou Chongwen standing outside the Earth Fire Palace, seemingly waiting for him for a long time.

When Zhou Chongwen heard the footsteps, he turned around and saw Wu Tao coming out. He immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: "Uncle Han, the hall master has something to ask you and asks you to go to his office."

Wu Tao nodded, then went to Wen Xingrui's office and met Wen Xingrui.

"Han Fan, get ready. We will set off for the Demon Suppression Pass in three days!"

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