Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 462 The Immortal Boat is completed and the Nascent Soul appears! (Please subscribe)

One month later.

Ning Qiudao's figure appeared in the sky, his eyes lowered, watching the refining process below.

After watching for a moment, he turned his attention to Wu Tao and other second-level senior weapon refiners. Seeing that they were also concentrating on watching the process of the third-level weapon refiners refining the immortal boat, he withdrew his gaze and stood up. Shen disappeared over the Earth Fire Peak.

After a few breaths.

Ning Qiudao's figure appeared deep in the Lingxu Immortal Peak, the retreat place of True Lord Yuanying.

That's where Senior Brother Lao was when he came last time.

"Senior Brother Lao, am I here?" Ning Qiudao stood outside Senior Brother Lao's cave and said softly.

Senior Brother Lao, who was practicing with his eyes closed inside, heard Ning Qiudao's voice, slowly opened his eyes, and said leisurely: "Come in, Junior Brother Ning."

After hearing the words, Ning Qiudao stepped out and stood in front of Senior Brother Lao. Then he smoothly took out a futon and sat opposite Senior Brother Lao, saying: "Senior Brother Lao, the fairy boat has been assembled and refined for a month. According to the It is recorded in the fairy boat refining secret book that it only takes three months to assemble and refine it successfully. Then I will bother my senior brother to test the power of the fairy boat."

The Immortal Boat can compete with the Nascent Soul Lord. After it is refined, it will definitely need Senior Brother Lao, the Nascent Soul Lord, to compete with it.

Only then can the true power of the immortal boat be tested, so that we can be more prepared for the decisive battle in the future.

Hearing Ning Qiudao's words, Senior Brother Lao couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, looked at Ning Qiudao and said, "Junior Brother Ning, you can just try it yourself, why do you need me to go?"

Ning Qiudao smiled and said: "Senior Brother Lao, I am at the ninth level of the Golden Core. How can I compete with the Immortal Boat that is comparable to the Nascent Soul Lord? Only a Supreme Lord like Senior Brother Lao can test the true power of the Immortal Boat. .

Senior Brother Lao looked at Ning Qiudao speechlessly and said, "Junior Brother Ning, you are joking again! That sword move you made a month ago made me stand out in admiration. You can move mountains with one sword. You are worthy of Junior Brother Ning."

Ning Qiudao said humbly: "Senior Brother Lao is laughing at me. Although my sword can move mountains, it is not one ten thousandth as good as that of senior brother! Two months later, I still bothered senior brother to go out and test the power of the fairy boat." .”

"As for me, junior brother, when the time comes at the Demon Suppression Pass, the sect masters of each sect will fight. Junior brother, I will also participate in the battle and compete with the sect masters of the six demon sects. It will be difficult to take action at this time!"

After listening to Ning Qiudao's words, Senior Brother Lao cursed in his heart: "What an old cunt!"

However, Ning Qiudao was the head of the same sect and was a fellow disciple with him. He still wanted to listen to his words, so he nodded and said: "Okay, after two months, the immortal boat is successfully refined, and I will leave." Test the power of Xianzhou."

"Senior Brother Lao Nao, I won't bother senior brother to continue practicing in seclusion. After all, once all the immortal boats are successfully refined, they will enter the decisive battle between good and evil, and then Senior Brother Lao Nao will have to take action."

Ning Qiudao stood up, slightly bowed his hands to Senior Brother Lao, and then bent down to put away the futon. Senior Brother Lao stopped him: "Junior Brother Ning, I have sat on this futon for hundreds of years and it has become worn out. Why don't you just sit on this futon?" Give it to me, senior brother."

Ning Qiudao looked at Senior Brother Lao, then at the futon in his hand, and said with a bit of reluctance: "Senior Brother Lao, my futon is a third-level futon. It is a real thing. It has the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind after sitting on it!"

Senior Brother Lao stretched out his hand, pulled the futon in Ning Qiudao's hand hard, lifted his buttocks and put it under his buttocks, saying, "Thank you, Junior Brother Ning, for the gift of the treasure.

Ning Qiudao felt a pang in his heart when he saw that the futon had been placed under Senior Brother Lao's buttocks that had not been moved for hundreds of years. He thought to himself: "Senior Brother Lao has been in seclusion for hundreds of years, and his buttocks have not been washed for hundreds of years. Alas, let's just give this futon to him." , I can’t sit down even if I come back.”

After a second thought, I would rather be relieved and said to Senior Brother Lao generously: "Okay, Senior Brother Lao and I are a family. A futon doesn't mean anything, so just give it to Senior Brother Lao!"

After saying that, he disappeared in front of Senior Brother Lao and returned to the main hall of Lingxu Immortal Peak.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye it was another two months.

In the center of the eight third-level weapon refiners, real fire and earth fire surged into the giant fairy boat in the sky.

After three months of assembling and refining the characters, it seems to be coming to an end. All the items of the fairy boat have been assembled, and the whole picture of the fairy boat has been revealed.

Wu Tao and others have been watching for three months, watching the fairy boat transform from one part to its current complete form.

It is three thousand meters long, one thousand meters wide, and 900 meters high. It exudes powerful aura, and the transformation tubes that transform the aura into attacks are spread all over the body of the fairy boat. There is also a tube on the deck of the fairy boat. The attack transformation tube blocked the sky and sun, shrouded everyone's heads, and was extremely depressing.

Wu Tao looked at the fairy boat taking shape above his head and was extremely shocked. The first thought in his mind was to think of something from his previous life.

"aircraft carrier!"

But the fairy boat is a more powerful killer weapon than an aircraft carrier.

"None of the 100 second-level warships are as big as this fairy boat, but the second-level warship is also a gold-swallowing beast, which consumes a lot of spiritual stones and magic source energy. If this fairy boat is activated..."

Wu Tao could almost imagine how many spiritual stones and magic source energy were needed for each of Xianzhou's attacks.

"Sure enough, no matter what world you are in, fighting a war is all about fighting for money and resources!"

"Fellow Taoists, this is the last step!" Wen Xingrui's voice echoed around Dihuo Peak, still full of energy.

At this point, the other third-level weapon refiners are already a little tired, and their mana and spiritual energy are very seriously consumed.

Anyone who can grow into a third-level weapon refiner is not a person who can be underestimated, and they all have extremely firm willpower.

Hearing Wen Xingrui's words, Yang Kaiji and the other seven third-level weapon refiners nodded silently in their hearts, and then the weapon refinement techniques in their hands changed, and the runes appeared in the void one after another as their techniques changed.

The moment the runes appeared, Wu Tao and other people watching felt shocked. Because the eight third-level weapon refiners' techniques changed, the runes appeared quickly. The eight people's runes combined together to form a complete The runes instantly enveloped the fairy boat in the center of the sky like a big net.

As soon as the rune net came into contact with the fairy boat, it immediately emitted a bright light, and then quickly restrained itself, like a brand.




As Wen Xingrui's three low shouts sounded, the fairy boat in the center suddenly burst out with bursts of bright light. The rune network connected all the parts of the fairy boat. The powerful spiritual charm of the magic weapon gradually bloom.

After a moment, the bright magic light slowly dissipated, and the rune net was refined into the immortal boat.

The eight third-level weapon refiners below, headed by Wen Xingrui, immediately let out a long breath, retracted the real fire, retracted the earth fire, and revealed the complete immortal boat.

"Finally it worked!"

Wen Xingrui's face showed a look of joy, and the other weapon refiners present also looked happy.

After three months of refining without any gaps, the fairy boat was finally assembled and refined successfully.

Wu Tao and others immediately stood up and came to their respective hall masters. They looked up at the immortal boat that had been successfully refined in the air and felt the aura coming from the immortal boat.

In the final analysis, this fairy boat is a magical weapon, but it is just a magical weapon, but it brings a sense of oppression to them.

"very good!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the crowd, floating quietly, it was Senior Brother Lao.

When Wen Xingrui saw Senior Brother Lao, his heart trembled, and he immediately saluted respectfully: "I have met the Supreme Lord!"

When the weapon refiners from other sects around saw Wen Xingrui bowing and saluting, their expressions became serious and they saluted Senior Brother Lao:

"I have met the Supreme Lord!"

True Monarch Nascent Soul, as the top immortal cultivator in the Thirteen Domains, any immortal cultivator who sees him must bow respectfully and cannot be ignored.

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