Time passed slowly.

Three quarters of an hour later.

Wu Tao put down the jade slip attached to his forehead and turned his eyes. Starlight seemed to bloom deep in his eyes, and then turned into infinite darkness.

He calculated in his mind: "This Lingxu Sect has a total of 73 true arts. In this jade slip, there is a senior expert who has set the difficulty of practicing these 73 true arts, as well as the level of the true arts."

"Eight top real arts, twelve high-level real arts, sixteen intermediate real arts, and the rest are low-level real arts... As for the difficulty of cultivation, it is not that the higher the level of the real arts, the higher the difficulty of cultivation, but It also depends on the adaptation of the technique and the real technique. The more closely the training difficulty matches, the easier it will be."

"It's like Lingxu's natal Golden Sword Technique, a high-level true art, but the difficulty of practicing it is only average. This is because if you practice the Lingxu Foundation Building Chapter of Lingxu Sect, the difficulty of practicing this true art will be average. If you practice other side techniques, , the difficulty of cultivation will be greatly increased."

"Ayao is practicing the Lingxu Qi Refining Chapter and the Lingxu Foundation Building Chapter. After Ayao builds the ninth level of the Foundation, he may choose this true skill as the true skill of the golden elixir."

"Although it is only high-level, not among the top, only the one that suits you best is good."

"As for me, what I am practicing is the Liuyang Lihuo True Skill, and it is not the Zhenzong Cultivation Technique of Lingxu Sect. It has no connection with those top true techniques. However, there is a top true technique that can be practiced with side sect techniques. of……"

"That's a little invisible sword. This true technique is among the top, and the comments left by the senior masters, since it can only be practiced by cultivating geniuses, although I am not a practicing genius, as long as I get started with this true technique, I can see Progress, as long as you can see the progress and use your time to work hard, nothing will be a problem."

What made Wu Tao most determined to practice this top true skill was the following evaluation.

"With an invisible sword in your heart, all souls will bow their heads and become immortals!"

The meaning of this comment is that as long as you practice this invisible sword, you can make all spirits bow their heads and not become immortals. Under the invisible sword, they can only become ghosts and die. This shows how powerful the invisible sword is.

Wu Tao looked at the merit points needed to redeem the Invisible Sword, and it turned out that a full 168,888 merit points were needed to redeem this top true technique.

"Setting such a high exchange for merit is probably to set a threshold to prevent mediocre people from practicing rashly, and only allows geniuses to choose, because even for geniuses, this merit is easily obtained."

Wu Tao looked at his identity token. The mana injection revealed that the number of meritorious deeds had reached 180,000. It was easy to exchange for this one-point invisible sword.

The reason why he was able to accumulate so many meritorious deeds was because the sect's rewards allowed him to save a lot of meritorious deeds.

"That's it."

Wu Tao got up and took the jade slip to look for Liu Sixu.

"Friend Daoist Liu, I have already selected it, and I would like to trouble you to take me to redeem it.

Liu Sishu immediately stopped the sorting work he was doing, walked out and said to Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Han, please come with me!"

Wu Tao immediately followed Liu Sishu to the third floor of the Gongfa Pavilion. After arriving on the third floor of the Gongfa Pavilion, Liu Sishu took him to a third-level formation.

He saw jade slips floating in the third-level formation, but there were not many, only 73, which obviously included the 73 true arts of Lingxu Sect.

Liu Sishu said: "Fellow Daoist Han, the process of exchanging exercises is still the same as before!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately took out his identity plate and stuck it on the formation light screen. Then he stretched out his finger and with a thought, imprinted a serial number on the formation light screen, which was the serial number of the invisible sword.

The formation light screen emits a spiritual light, and then in the eyes of Liu Sishu and Wu Tao, the merit numbers on Wu Tao's identity token suddenly fall back quickly.

Liu Sishu took a surprised look and saw the number of meritorious deeds on Wu Tao's identity token. He took a breath of air in his heart and was shocked. He thought to himself: As expected of a second-level senior weapon refiner, there are so many meritorious deeds. I wonder when I will earn so much merit?

Liu Sishu was filled with envy in his heart. As expected, the immortal cultivators who embarked on the Four Arts of Immortality were all wealthy and wealthy.

The merit points were deducted, and a jade slip flew out of the light curtain and flew towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao immediately reached out to catch it and then took off the identity token.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, I have completed the exchange!" Wu Tao said to Liu Sishu on the side.

Liu Sishu calmed down the emotions in his heart, with a bright smile on his face again, and said: "Fellow Taoist Han, according to the old rules, the jade slips cannot be taken out of the Kung Fu Pavilion, so you can find a practice room in the Kung Fu Pavilion to meditate. "

Wu Tao nodded, then said goodbye to Liu Sishu, found a free training room on the second floor of the Kung Fu Pavilion, and then swiped his identity token to enter the training room.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the training room.

Wu Tao dispersed the distracting thoughts in his mind, immersed himself in his mind, then put the jade slip on his forehead and began to read and comprehend.

An hour later.

Wu Tao took off the jade slip on his forehead, exhaled a long breath, and said to himself: "It is indeed a top true technique, and it is worthy of the comment that a genius cannot be cultivated. I have been meditating for an hour, and I can't even scratch the surface." I haven’t even touched it, it’s just in the clouds and mist…”

"But don't worry, I have just entered the seventh level of foundation building, and I still have at least six or seven years to practice."

"Furthermore, I have been practicing the Liuyang Lihuo True Skill for three hours in the weapon refining room during the day. As expected, once I enter the later stage of foundation building, the difficulty of practice increases greatly. I have just practiced for three hours, and I feel that the gain in mana is extremely small."

"The only hope is to quickly break through the spiritual body cultivation to the late stage of the spiritual body, so that we can once again promote the cultivation of the Six Yang Lihuo true skill. Otherwise, it will be absolutely impossible to break through to a small level in two years."

Wu Tao thought like this, then stood up and walked out of the practice room, returning the jade slip to the third-level formation.

When walking out of the Gongfa Pavilion, Wu Tao thought in his heart: "I will be very busy from now on. Comprehending the second-level advanced ban must also be put on the agenda, and I must also comprehend the true technique. Time is tight and cannot be wasted."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao has arrived at the take-off and landing square of the Gongfa Pavilion. Immediately with a thought, the purple-winged boat appeared at his feet, carrying Wu Tao to fly towards his cave.

Not long after, the Purple Wing Boat landed outside the Cave Mansion Array. Wu Tao put away the Purple Wing Boat, took out the token, opened the Cave Mansion Array, and entered the Cave Mansion.

As soon as he entered the cave, he sensed through the cave token that in addition to Ayao's aura and the golden-winged eagle's aura, there was also a very familiar and powerful aura in the cave.

"Uncle Ji Lingxu's aura, why did he come to my cave?" Wu Tao knew what happened to the Jindan of Suppressing Demon Pass. Ji Lingxu also went to Suppressing Demon Pass. When he appeared in his cave at this time, he should have come from Suppressing Demon Pass. Guan is back.

He was confused, and then walked to the living room.

Just before he got to the door, Chen Yao came out and whispered to Wu Tao: "Brother, Uncle Ji is here to see you!"

Wu Tao also asked in a low voice: "Why did Uncle Ji come to see me?"

Chen Yao shook her head and said, "I don't know either."

Although Chen Yao was in the living room, making tea for Ji Lingxu, Ji Lingxu never spoke, so Chen Yao didn't know why Ji Lingxu came to see his senior brother?

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