Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 427 Business trip (please subscribe)

After returning to the cave, Wu Tao mentioned this matter when chatting with Chen Yao. He asked: "Ayao, do you think it would be disrespectful for me, senior brother, to ride on a second-level low-level purple wing boat?"

Chen Yao wondered: "Brother, why do you think so?"

Wu Tao said to Chen Yao: "I just met Junior Brother Zhao and Junior Brother Fan. They also said that they would like to exchange my merits for the second-level advanced flying magic weapon refining secret book, and asked me to exchange it for a second-level advanced flying magic weapon.

Hearing this, Chen Yao smiled and said: "I think Senior Brother Zhao and Senior Brother Fan have a good idea. Senior Brother, you are now the only second-level senior weapon refiner in the Artifact Refining Hall, representing the highest level of weapon refining strength in the Artifact Refining Hall. , I definitely need a second-level advanced flying magic weapon to complement my senior brother. In this way, when we leave the sect and go to other sects' weapon refining halls to negotiate and cooperate, we can show the style of our Lingxu Sect's weapon refining hall."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Ayao, you are right."

Just as Chen Yao said, it was also what Wu Tao thought.

The matter of the second-level advanced flying magic weapon is not just as simple as the second-level high-level flying magic weapon. It also includes all factors such as human connections, the strength of the sect's appearance, and so on.

Only by demonstrating strength can people be convinced.

Even if a powerful person says something wrong, many people will flock to him and blindly praise him.

the next day.

When Wu Tao arrived at the Earth Fire Hall, he found Gao Xing already waiting for him.

There was still no light in Gao Xing's eyes, but he was not as depressed as before. Apparently he had found something of his own, and he began to walk out slowly.

"Fellow Daoist Gao, are you looking for me?"

Gao Xing reached out and touched the storage bag, and a jade slip appeared in his hand. He said to Wu Tao: "Fellow Daoist Han, this is my insight note on weapon refining. It has no use keeping it with me now, so I will give it to Friend Daoist Han." Well, I wish fellow Taoist Han to reach a higher level in the art of weapon refining."

Having said this, he smiled bitterly and continued: "Originally, I thought that after I broke through the golden elixir, I would also give the insights of breaking through the golden elixir to you, Taoist Han. Now that I have learned from the past, how can I harm fellow Taoist Han?" Made the same mistake again.”

Wu Tao took the jade slip from Gao Xing's hand and said seriously: "Fellow Taoist Gao, please don't say that. I am very grateful to you, Taoist Gao, and I will accept this note on the refining of weapons."

Gao Xing said: "I'm busy with matters regarding the Immortal Boat, so I won't disturb Fellow Daoist Han."

After saying that, Gao Xing turned around and left.

Wu Tao watched Gao Xing leave. After the other party's back disappeared, Wu Tao lowered his eyes and looked at the jade slip in his hand. This jade slip looked like the original jade slip at first glance. It was Gao Xing's insight into refining the weapon bit by bit. .

"Well, I'd better burn a copy myself and return this jade slip to fellow Taoist Gao. To him, after all, what he recorded bit by bit is his hard work in the art of weapon refining."

With this in mind, Wu Tao temporarily put the jade slips into his storage bag and began the day's refining work.

The following days.

Wu Tao started to be busy and fulfilled again.

However, no matter how busy and fulfilling he was, Wu Tao could not squeeze out the time for him to practice the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill and the Star Body Training Skill.

As for the large and small affairs of the Refining Hall, Wu Tao has already let go of some things.

In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

This day.

West Hall, in the Refining Room No. 2.

Wu Tao had just finished practicing the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill, and felt that the mana in his Dantian had increased a little more, so he opened his personal information and checked the growth in strength in the past six months.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 47/459】

[Realm: Sixth level of foundation building]

[Kung Fu: Sixth Level of the Six Yang Lihuo True Kung Fu (78%)]

[Spells: abbreviated, Grandmaster of the One-Factor Sword Technique (Perfect), Master of the Qi-Wang Technique (Perfect), Yin Shen Zhen Ninth Level (Perfect), Lingxu Five Elements Sword Scripture Expert (70%), Contracted Spirit Beast Taming Technique Introduction to the first level of Jue (62%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Technique: Xuanyuan Weapon Refining Technique·Grandmaster (Perfect)

Mastery of prohibitions: slightly, second-level advanced five-element magic ban (100%), second-level advanced defense magic ban (22%), second-level advanced flight magic ban (20%), advanced attack magic ban (21%), Ancient Forbidden Rune · Legend (8%)]

[Sub-professional physical training: Star Body Training: Sixth Level (40%), Dragon Spear·Breaking River Grandmaster (Perfect), Flashing Star Fist Grandmaster (Perfect), Tianluo Falling Star Hand Grandmaster (Perfect), Broken Star Master of Legs (Perfect), Master of Ten Miles of Stars (98%), Expert of Fifty Miles of Star Steps (78%), Expert of Star Strength (82%)]

The sixth level of Liuyang Lihuo Zhenqing has reached 78% progress. At the age of 48, Wu Tao is sure to reach the seventh level of foundation building.

In the past six months, Wu Tao has also begun to comprehend other second-level advanced magic bans.

However, the time for enlightenment is divided into three types of magic prohibitions, so the improvement progress is evenly divided and appears to be relatively slow.

In the eyes of Wu Tao, it is relatively slow, but in the eyes of other second-level weapon refiners, it is incredibly fast and inhuman.

What surprised Wu Tao the most was that after six months of studying the ancient ban rune, he finally studied it last month and began to comprehend it. As long as he understood this ancient ban rune, he could Completely refine that nameless token.

After this rune was included in the personal information, it was automatically named the World Transmission Token, so Wu Tao also named the unnamed token the World Transmission Token.

In conjunction with the boundary-breaking magic circle, as the name suggests, it means teleporting to another world.

The Star Body Training Technique and other body training spells are also improving in an orderly manner.

Knowing it well, Wu Tao turned off his personal information and planned to leave the weapon refining room and go to the magic weapon secret book building.

As soon as he came out of the Dihuo Palace, Zhou Chongwen came up to him. He seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time and said to him: "Uncle Han, the hall master invites you to come over."

Wu Tao nodded when he heard this, and then let Zhou Chongwen do his own thing. He went to Wen Xingrui's office alone.

Boom, boom, boom.

He gently knocked on the door of Wen Xingrui's office, and Wen Xingrui let him in.

Wen Xingrui was writing with a pen in front of the table, not knowing what he was writing.

Wu Tao bowed and cupped his hands: "Master, are you looking for me?"

Wen Xingrui stopped the pen in his hand, his eyes fell on Wu Tao, and said: "Get ready, follow me out of the sect in half a month, to Zijin Cave and Wuquan Mountain."

When Wu Tao heard this, he thought to himself that he was going to take me on a business trip.

Although Wu Tao didn't want to leave the sect, Wen Xingrui spoke and he couldn't refuse, so he had to hold his hands and said: "Okay, Hall Master Wen, I will start preparations now."

Wen Xingrui waved his hand and said: "Go ahead, it's just this matter and nothing else."

Wu Tao handed over his hands and turned to leave.

You have to be well prepared when you leave the sect this time. After all, you may encounter danger when you leave the sect!


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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