Zhao Zhen said: "Fellow Daoist Han is right. It will be beneficial for Zhongzong to improve his strength. But Junior Brother Fan..."

He looked at Fan Zhifeng again: "How can I have time to practice the beast control techniques now? Besides, our weapon refiners are all providing magic weapon assistance from the rear. We basically don't go to the battlefield, and there is no need to control the monster beasts to kill the enemy. So as to distract your energy, it is better to concentrate on the art of refining weapons."

After saying this, Zhao Zhen couldn't help but sigh: "Master Ning is really a talented person. Maybe under his leadership, our Lingxu Sect can reach a higher level."

Regarding Zhao Zhen's evaluation of Ning Qiudao, Wu Tao and Fan Zhifeng both nodded, expressing strong agreement.

Ning Qiudao is not only extremely talented in cultivation, he is also extremely sophisticated in human relations. As the leader, all plans for Lingxu Sect are stable and good, and he wants and needs more.

Fan Zhifeng said with a smile: "What Fellow Daoist Zhao said is absolutely true, but I don't know how long it will take to be promoted to the second-level senior weapon refiner. If you want to be bored, it's good to command a monster to guard the cave. This is also a good idea." It’s just a facade.”

Fan Zhifeng is very face-saving!

Zhao Zhen and Wu Tao would not interfere with Zhao Zhifeng's desire to also practice beast control techniques.

The chat ends here.

Wu Tao had to go to the Magical Weapon Secret Book Building to learn about the second-level advanced weapon refining knowledge, so he said goodbye to the two of them.

Arriving at the Magical Weapon Secrets Building, Wu Tao went directly to the second floor. As soon as he walked up the stairs, he saw Gao Xing coming downstairs. He immediately stepped aside to make way, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Gao, why do you have time to come to the magic book today?" The weapon secret book building?"

Gao Xing said: "Come here to find some information on weapon refining. By the way, Junior Brother Han, how is your understanding of the second-level advanced weapon refining knowledge going?"

Wu Tao replied: "Senior Brother Gao, the second-level advanced weapon-refining knowledge is several levels more difficult than the second-level intermediate weapon-refining knowledge. It is estimated that it will take another year or two to complete the understanding of a single forbidden law. "

Hearing this, Gao Xing smiled and said, "Junior Brother Han, you don't have to be too anxious. Sometimes haste makes waste. You can't just think about taking over the position for me and rush for success. I'm not that anxious either."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "I understand, Senior Brother Gao."

Gao Xing nodded and said, "Then you go up and study. I'll leave first."

"Senior Brother Gao, walk slowly." Wu Tao watched Gao Xing leave. He immediately walked to the second floor, came to the meditation room, and started to comprehend.

He estimated that after breaking through to the sixth level of foundation building, he would be able to fully and completely describe the second-level advanced five-element magic prohibition. At that time, he could choose a simpler one in the magic weapon secret book building that only included the five elements magic prohibition. The second-level advanced magic weapon refining secret book is used as a promotion magic weapon to be promoted to the second-level advanced weapon refiner.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao sat down cross-legged, picked up a jade slip on the desk in front of him, put it on his forehead, and began to read and comprehend.

This jade slip is a second-level advanced five-element forbidden jade slip.

After completing his enlightenment, Wu Tao looked at the time and then drove the purple-winged boat to the Kung Fu Pavilion. He went to see how many feats were required for the beast control technique in the Kung Fu catalogue.

However, he is not worried about merit. He is responsible for the second-level warship project alone. There are many merits on the identity plate. And because of the reward from the Refining Hall this time, he does not need to use the merits to get the magic weapon secret book. Floor to exchange for second-level advanced weapon refining knowledge.

This is how this batch of accumulated merits came from.

When I arrived at the Gongfa Pavilion, I found that Liu Sishu was not in the Gongfa Pavilion. So Wu Tao asked the disciples of the Gongfa Pavilion here to show him the jade slips of the Gongfa roster and catalog.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao returned the jade slip.

Then he left the Kung Fu Pavilion. He had just checked the catalog of beast-controlling techniques. There were five beast-controlling techniques for second-level monsters. Wu Tao already knew it, and when Chen Yao broke through the foundation building stage, he would transfer the merit to her and ask her to redeem it.

After returning to the cave, Wu Tao told Chen Yao about the beast control technique.

Chen Yao said: "Okay, I feel that Xiao Jin is getting more and more naughty."

Animal nature is difficult to train.

Because the Golden-winged Eagle grew up in the cave, it is still within control, but when he reaches adulthood, it will be difficult to control, so he will need the assistance of the beast control technique.

Wu Tao said: "Maybe after you build the foundation, the Golden-winged Eagle has not yet been promoted to the second-level monster, so it will not be of much help to you, but I have already prepared a more powerful second-level monster for you to control."

Chen Yao heard this and asked curiously: "Senior brother, what kind of monster is it?"

Wu Tao said: "You will know then."

Chen Yao said with a speechless face: "Senior brother is now giving me a shot."

After talking to Chen Yao for a while, Wu Tao returned to the main training room.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, his mind sinking into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts.

In his mind sea, the golden pages and coffin nails equally divided the territory, and the second-order soul-eating insect fell into a deep sleep next to the coffin nails.

When Lingxu was cultivating the Immortal City, the Soul-Eating Insects gnawed too many ghosts. Many of them were second-level intermediate-level shadows, which were higher than the level of the Soul-Eating Insects. If not for the Soul-eating Insects, they were specialized in restraining the Yin Souls. Monster beasts cannot be the opponent of second-level intermediate ghosts.

"I wonder when the Soul-Eating Insect will wake up?"

Wu Tao was pondering in his heart, but he knew that as long as the soul-eating insect wakes up, it can advance to the second-level intermediate monster level.

He has Yin Shen Zhen, which overlaps with the soul-eating insect's ability.

That's why he thought of handing the Soul-Eating Insect to Chen Yao as Chen Yao's trump card to protect Chen Yao.

Later, he will also teach Chen Yao to practice such spells as Qi Watching and Yin Shen Zhen. However, after all, practicing spells takes a long time and cannot be achieved overnight. During this period of training to improve strength, the Soul-Eating Insect can do it. to a substitute role.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao withdrew his spiritual thoughts and began to practice.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye.

In this month's practice of the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill, Wu Tao has calculated the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill, and now the monthly progress is 5.

However, the Xingchen Body Training Technique still steadily maintains 5 progresses and improves every month.

Follow this schedule. It will take him 9 months to break through the sixth level of foundation building.

"By the way, today is the moment when Meng Haoting is promoted to the second level of low-level weapon refiner. I have to go to Earth Fire Peak to take charge of him."

Wu Tao stood on the purple-winged boat. The purple-winged boat turned into a purple light and flew towards the weapon refining hall. He would go to the tool refining hall first, and then meet up with Meng Haoting and head to Earth Fire Peak together.

As soon as he landed on the take-off and landing square in front of the weapon refining hall, Wu Tao put away the purple wing boat and walked to the small gathering hall to wait for Meng Haoting. Today he did not have to go to the earth fire hall's weapon refining room to refine the fairy boat components.

Just when Wu Tao arrived at the small gathering hall and just sat on the chair, something suddenly moved in his heart.

"The Soul-Eating Insect is about to wake up."

Wu Tao sensed the strange movement in his mind, and immediately his mind sank into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. His spiritual thoughts fell next to the coffin nails, and he sensed that the aura of the Soul-Eating Insect next to the coffin nails began to fluctuate.

This is a sign that it is about to wake up. As soon as the soul-eating insect wakes up, it means that it has advanced to the second level of advanced monster beast.

"The timing of waking up is really a coincidence."

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