Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 404 Acceleration of Cultivation (Please subscribe)

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the personal information. When he saw the life span column, he couldn't help but sigh:

"It turns out that I have been in this world of immortality for twenty years.

Cultivation does not know how many years have passed, and Wu Tao had to lament that time flies very quickly for those who cultivate immortality.

As a mortal now, he knew what twenty years was like to a mortal.

Nowadays, because of his cultivation, he still looks like he is in his early twenties, handsome and handsome, which makes him ignore that he is now forty-five years old.

"As long as I keep making breakthroughs, maybe I will still have the same face when I am a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand years old, or maybe I will become more and more handsome due to the improvement of my cultivation level."

Wu Tao thought in his heart.

The fifth level of Liuyang Lihuo Zhenqing has reached 49% of the progress, and there is still half of the progress to break through the sixth level of foundation building.

Before breaking through the fifth level of the spirit body, the progress was made four times a month. According to this stable progress, it would take another year to break through the sixth level of the foundation building.

However, breaking through the fifth level of the spirit body, according to past experience, will definitely speed up the cultivation of the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill.

"Goal: Break through the sixth level of foundation building within one year."

Wu Tao has set a recent small goal.

Turn off personal information.

Wu Tao stood up and sensed his spiritual thoughts. With this breakthrough, his spiritual thoughts also increased by two miles, reaching a length of eighty-three miles.

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao began to practice magic.

Since refining the five-handled Five Elements Sword, Wu Tao's speed in practicing the Lingxu Five Elements Sword Sutra has also increased accordingly.

After practicing the Lingxu Five Elements Sword Sutra for two hours, Wu Tao returned to the cave, went to his room, rested for an hour, then got up and went to the Earth Fire Hall of the Artifact Refining Hall to refine the second-order immortal boat components.

It is also because he only sleeps for one hour a day, so he can cultivate both body and law and understand the art of refining weapons faster than others.

All of this was due to him sacrificing his rest time, and he was even more troublesome than the workers in his previous life.

They are all the results of his hard work.

the next day.

Wu Tao went to the Earth Fire Hall of the Artifact Refining Hall. Since he came back to refine the second-level intermediate immortal boat components, he and Zhao Zhen and Fan Zhifeng could often meet in front of the Earth Fire Hall again.

Said hello to each other.

Wu Tao and the others returned to their refining room and prepared to start refining the components of the fairy boat.

As time went by, the refining of fairy boat parts in the refining room seemed to be more urgent. Gao Xing came forward and told the three of them that they should refine more fairy boat parts every day.

Wu Tao has a feeling that Master Jin Dan will end soon.

One year at the latest.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the refining seat, and then realized that the spiritual materials for refining the immortal boat components had been consumed, and he still needed to wait for He Wen to deliver the refining spiritual materials.

He Wen is his current weapon refining assistant and a first-level and ninth-level weapon refining master.

Perhaps it was because Meng Haoting took over the job well, but He Wen was also very mature and meticulous in his work, just like the second Meng Haoting.

Therefore, Wu Tao also likes He Wen, a considerate assistant, and will give some advice when he has time.

"According to past times, He Wen should have sent the spiritual materials over early. Is there something that delayed it today?"

Wu Tao thought in his heart.

However, he is not harsh in his work. People always have accidents, so it's not surprising.

Probably less than five minutes passed.

The one who delivered the spiritual materials came, but it was not He Wen, but Meng Haoting.

Meng Haoting had successfully established a foundation more than five months ago and became a foundation-building immortal cultivator.

Seeing Meng Haoting, Wu Tao was slightly surprised and said, "Why is Junior Brother Meng here to deliver spiritual materials?"

The native weapon refiners like Meng Haoting, who were born and raised in the weapon refining hall, began to exchange the weapon refining techniques and begin to understand them when they were first-level and ninth-level weapon refiners. After establishing the foundation, they will be ready to start to advance to the second-level low-level weapon refiners. It’s the matter of the weapon master.

Therefore, as soon as the weapon refiners in the weapon refining hall build their foundation, they will be given a period of leave to prepare for their promotion to the second-level low-level weapon refiner.

Meng Haoting became the same generation as Wu Tao as soon as he established the foundation.

In the Weapon Refining Hall, unless you accept a disciple, such as Wu Tao and Chen Shan, even if the apprentice has established a foundation, you still have to call him master, because the master is a generation higher than him.

However, Meng Haoting and Wu Tao did not have the status of master and apprentice, they were just Wu Tao's weapon refining assistants.

After Meng Haoting put the spiritual materials away, he said respectfully: "Senior Han, I came here this time because I want to ask Senior Han for help with something."

Although Meng Haoting succeeded in building the foundation, he thought that he could become his assistant by Senior Han's side and get his guidance to successfully build the foundation so quickly, so he still respected Han Fan as a senior in his heart.

Therefore, Meng Haoting never changed his name to Senior Brother Han.

Wu Tao knew his character and corrected him several times without success, so he simply stopped correcting him.

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Junior Brother Meng, it doesn't matter if you say it."

Meng Haoting said: "Senior Han, in one month, I plan to be officially promoted to the second-level low-level weapon refiner. I would like to ask Senior Han to sit in my place and point out my mistakes at any time."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "It turns out that this is the case. It's easy to talk about. Just come and find me in a month."

Meng Haoting was overjoyed and bowed to express his thanks: "Thank you, Senior Han."

After that, Meng Haoting stopped disturbing Wu Tao's refining of the second-order immortal boat components and said goodbye.

Wu Tao waited for Meng Haoting to leave, and immediately started the refining work. The refining hall had to increase the amount, so he had to seize the time and race against time, so as not to shorten his training time.

Two and a half hours later.

Wu Tao finished the work of refining the components of the immortal boat and immediately recovered his condition. Then he took out the mana pill and the energy of the source of law, and began to practice the true skill of Liuyang Lihuo.

Three hours later.

Wu Tao stopped operating the Liuyang Lihuo True Skill, with a hint of joy on his face, and said: "The speed of cultivation has really accelerated. At this speed, we will definitely be able to break through the sixth level of foundation building within a year."

Dual cultivation of law and body, one belt and one, since he established the foundation, he has broken through to a small level in two years.

He broke through the sixth level of foundation building and was 46 years old.

Then the seventh level of foundation building is 48 years old.

At the age of 52, the nine-story foundation was built.

"I wonder if I can make a golden elixir at the age of 53?"

In this world of cultivating immortals, Nascent Soul Lord rarely takes action, so the golden elixir cultivators are already the top people in these thirteen realms.

Wu Tao is very yearning for golden elixir.

Once you enter Jindan, you will be considered a high-level figure in the sect and will be in charge of various powers in the sect.

The Nascent Soul Lord is in seclusion all year round and basically ignores the affairs of the sect and interferes with the sect's rights.

Wu Tao tidied up the refining room and kept it tidy and clean so that the refining work could proceed more smoothly the next day. This was a good habit.

After cleaning up, Wu Tao left the weapon refining room and went to the magic weapon secret book building to study the second-level advanced weapon refining knowledge for an hour before going back.

Eight months have passed since I came into contact with the knowledge of second-level advanced weapon refining.

In eight months, Wu Tao only comprehended the second-level advanced Five Elements Taboo, and he had already achieved 40% of the progress.

Wu Tao plans to only understand this one forbidden law now.

In this way, he can be promoted to the second-level senior weapon refiner and obtain the ancient prohibition runes from Wen Xingrui.

The reason why he wanted to get the ancient prohibition runes.

It's because the ancient ban rune is related to the nameless token, or this token can leave the Xianyuan world.

Wu Tao wanted to open up a way out.

If the Six Demonic Sects defeat the Seven Righteous Sects, he can also use the World Breaking Token to leave this world.

Of course, the premise of all this is to find the boundary-breaking magic circle.

"I hope the boundary-breaking magic circle has not been completely destroyed by the Immortal Palace."

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