Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 402 Everything is ready (please subscribe)

In the cave.

Wu Tao returned to the task of refining the components of the Immortal Boat, and his cultivation life became more stable, because compared to the task of the second-level war boat, the Immortal Boat was a big project.

It is a longer-term and more stable major project.

According to this progress, Wu Tao estimates that it will take several years to complete the refining of the immortal boat.

Of course this is all just speculation.

Wu Tao is not the main person in charge of Xianzhou. The main people in charge are the third-level weapon refiners from the Seven Immortal Sects. Second-level weapon refiners like Wu Tao only assist in the refining work.

This day.

Xu Zheng hour.

After Wu Tao and Chen Yao finished having fun, Chen Yao went to her assistant training room to practice, while Wu Tao came out of the cave and looked at the stars in the sky and the waning moon, preparing to start practicing the Ten Star Dharma Scriptures and Star Body Refining achievement.

Shili Xingluo is a boxing technique. Once a punch is released, it seems to affect the stars in the sky, and the stars fall down, as if it has a special effect.

Wu Tao stood under the big tree in front of the cave and began to practice the Shili Xingluo move.

With the fourth level of the spirit body, Wu Tao has accumulated more and more star power in his body, and it can already fill his limbs.


The current state is decentralized.

Now the progress of the fourth level of his star body training has reached 69%. Counting the days, he will be able to break through the fifth level of the spiritual body in half a year.

By then, breaking through the fifth level of the spirit body will definitely increase the speed of practicing Liuyang Lihuo Zhenqi one by one, increase its speed of practice, and greatly shorten the time for breakthrough.

Now, with the fate of those cultivating immortals in the later stages of foundation building, Wu Tao feels that Jin Dan will soon be put behind him.

Jin Dan is already regarded as the top combat power in the sect.

The fight between Jin Dan at the end shows that the war between good and evil has entered the middle and late stages and is almost heating up.

Of course, the winner or loser still depends on True Lord Nascent Soul.

The True Lord Nascent Soul is the source of everything.

If a sect has the True Lord Nascent Soul, it means that the sect has not perished.

Just like Tianmen Mountain.

Even though Tianmen Mountain has now been renamed the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, Wu Tao has talked with the sect's foundation-building immortal cultivators several times, and there is a True Lord Nascent Soul in Tianmen Mountain.

As long as the True Lord Nascent Soul of Tianmen Mountain is immortal, then the Taoism of Tianmen Mountain will not be destroyed.

If you want to restore the flag, it is within the thought of the Nascent Soul Lord.

The reason why Tianmen Mountain is not restored is that when I chatted with the foundation-building immortal cultivators in the sect, I found out that some of the immortal cultivators came back from the Demon-Suppressing Pass to cultivate. They speculated that there were many foundation-building cultivators from the Demon-Suppressing Pass casual cultivator alliance. They are all foundation builders from the casual cultivator alliance, and the original Tianmen Mountain foundation builders rarely go out to fight against demonic cultivators.

This is consuming the scattered cultivators to build the foundation. The scattered cultivators only have foundation-building immortal cultivators. The time is too short and they are not allowed to develop golden elixir cultivators.

And these foundation-building immortal cultivators were also supported by the other six sects.

If you don't recover, you just want to consume the power of casual cultivators.

The Loose Cultivators Alliance also sent representatives to meet with representatives of the Six Sects, hoping that the Six Sects would put pressure on the Tianmenshan elements, but the Six Sects ignored them. In this matter, the foundation-building immortal cultivator in the sect did not know why he did not allow the casual cultivators to put pressure on the Tianmen Mountain forces, but judging from his origins in the orthodox Lingxu Sect, he said that he did not care.

It's right not to care, but why don't you care.

Wu Tao could still guess a thing or two in his mind, because he was involved in the refining of the Immortal Boat. He also learned the origin of the Immortal Boat secret book from the Refining Hall. He knew it because Tianmen Mountain did not want to take out the Immortal Boat Refining. As part of the secret book, the six sects united to stimulate internal conflicts in Tianmen Mountain and pretended to support the puppet forces of casual cultivators. This behavior was probably an eyesore on Tianmen Mountain.

The key to the union of the six sects was that the True Lord Yuanying of Tianmen Mountain did not dare to act rashly, so he could only break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

Now that the Six Sects' plan has succeeded and the Immortal Boat Plan is proceeding smoothly, the casual cultivator alliance that was supported casually at that time no longer cares.

Because the inherent concepts of the six sects also look down on casual cultivators.

Of course, it's not that I look down on capable casual cultivators like Wu Tao. A capable casual cultivator who joins the Immortal Dao sect and whose stance has changed has become one of our own.

The butt determines the head. If you enjoy the benefits, you will naturally protect them.

"When the Rogue Cultivators Alliance consumes all its foundations, perhaps the Rogue Cultivators Alliance will no longer exist." Wu Tao was thinking like this at the time.

He couldn't help but think of the family member, and finally sighed in his heart. Everyone has their own choice, and everyone's choice is destined to take a different path.

Perhaps, in the near future, he will hear the news of the restoration of the flag in Tianmen Mountain and the death of that person.

One night passed, and both Shili Xingluo and Xingchen's physical training skills had made slight progress.

The next day.

Wu Tao continued to go to the refining room of the Earth Fire Palace to refine the components of the fairy boat.

Next, he will practice with peace of mind. The current stage of war is still stable and unaffected for him, a second-level weapon refiner.

Therefore, he must cherish his current stable cultivation life.

Recent target.

Breaking through the fifth level of the spiritual body.

After refining the components of the Immortal Boat, Wu Tao would refine it for three hours, and then spend another three hours practicing the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill. After coming out of the weapon refining room, you have to go to the magic weapon secret book building to learn about the second-level advanced weapon refining knowledge and the second-level advanced magic prohibition.

"Uncle Han, I'm here to deliver the spiritual materials." Meng Haoting's voice sounded outside the weapon refining room.

Wu Tao said: "Come in."

Meng Haoting came in, took out the spiritual materials from the storage bag, and placed them on the shelf where the spiritual materials are placed. Then he said to Wu Tao: "Uncle Han, starting from tomorrow, the disciple will not come to deliver the spiritual materials for the time being. But the disciple has already After handing over the other disciples, come and deliver it to Master Han."

"Okay, I understand." Wu Tao nodded, and then asked with concern: "Xiao Meng, do you have other tasks?"

Meng Haoting showed joy on his face and said: "Uncle Han, I have sensed an opportunity to build the foundation, and I am ready to retreat to break through the foundation building period."

Wu Tao immediately said after hearing this: "I see, congratulations to you, Xiao Meng, then I am here to wish you success in building the foundation."

Meng Haoting bowed and thanked: "Thank you, Master Han, for your guidance during this period. Without Master Han's guidance during this period, I would not have been able to sense the foundation-building opportunity so quickly."

Meng Haoting left with joy.

Wu Tao was really happy for him. As his assistant, Meng Haoting was very considerate in his work, which saved him a lot of thought and energy.

If Meng Haoting succeeds in building the foundation, he will prepare for promotion to the second-level low-level weapon refiner, and will no longer be able to serve as his assistant. It is really uncomfortable to say that.

But you have to get used to it.

Meng Haoting also handed over new assistants to follow him.

The day passed quickly. When Wu Tao came out of the magic weapon secret book building, it was already dark, but there were stars and moonlight shining in the sky. In addition, he was a foundation-building immortal cultivator and could see at night, so it didn't matter to him. Influence.

As soon as he drove the purple-winged boat within a hundred miles of his cave, Wu Tao's telepathy activated, and he transformed into Wu Xuan and was waiting for him outside the cave.

"Wu Xuan came back from the Demon Suppressing Pass. Could it be that...he killed ten Demonic Foundation Establishers in exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill?"

This thought flashed through Wu Tao's mind.

"If Wu Xuan really brings back the Foundation Building Pill, then everything is ready. As long as Ayao's Qi refining period is complete and she senses the opportunity to build the Foundation, she can start building the Foundation!"

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