Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 282 Returning to the Way (please subscribe)

For example.

If you go to send him home, it means that you recognize this friend. So, should his descendants take care of them more for the sake of their good friend?

It also contains such human sophistication.

But in Lingxu Sect, there were only a few casual cultivators. If Wu Tao didn't go to see him off, he would feel very sorry, and it would also make his reputation bad.

Lingxu Sect is not independent from the world, but is still full of human feelings and sophistication.

Wu Tao also knew that the heirs of fellow Taoist Ming were all in the period of refining their Qi, so it was easy for him to take care of them. Therefore, there is almost no need to weigh it, Wu Tao has to send off fellow Taoist Ming.

When Feng Yuan heard that Wu Tao took the initiative to see off fellow Taoist Ming, he stood up and said, "That's great. Fellow Taoist Ming must be extremely happy when he sees fellow Taoist Han coming to see him off."

'Han Fan''s identity is different after all. In fact, Feng Yuan and the others all understand that he is a second-level weapon refiner, so he is different from them after all. But considering that the other party is also a casual cultivator, he must maintain this friendship no matter what.

Without further ado, Wu Tao and Feng Yuan immediately went to the cave of fellow Taoist Ming.

Similar to Fellow Daoist Ming, casual cultivators like Feng Yuan were in the early stages of foundation building and only lived in caves such as Ding and others, which were the worst caves for foundation building.

Arriving at the cave, Wu Tao met fellow Taoist Ming.

Fellow Taoist Ming's name was "Yao". At this moment, Wu Tao looked at him. All his cultivation was gone and he had completely returned to heaven and earth. When he saw Wu Tao coming, his pale face showed joy and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, ,You came.

Wu Tao looked at him and said softly: "I'm here to see off fellow Taoist Ming."

At this time, except for Qin Yi who did not come. It is said that he went to Tianmen Domain to do sect tasks and did not come. The other two casual cultivators of foundation building came, and they were both at the second level of foundation building.

Looking at Fellow Daoist Ming, Feng Yuan and other casual cultivators, they seemed to have seen their own ending in the future, and their faces could not help but reveal the sad expressions of a rabbit dying and a fox pitiful.

Mingyao's lifeless gaze fell on Wu Tao, Feng Yuan and others, and then he didn't see a Lingxu Sect foundation builder. He sighed: "Hey, we casual cultivators thought we had established a foundation, so we joined the Immortal Dao Sect. We are no longer casual cultivators. But, in fact, we are all wrong. We joined as casual cultivators. In the eyes of the great Immortal Dao sect, Foundation Establishment, we are still casual cultivators..."

Feng Yuan also sighed and said: "Fellow Daoist Ming, please look away. It's just our fault for not living up to expectations. If we can be like Senior Brother Qin, people might look at us more."

He and the other two casual cultivators could deeply understand Mingyao's state of mind at this time, but when he looked at Wu Tao out of the corner of his eye, he felt that this fellow Daoist Han would not be able to understand the hardships of the casual cultivators.

After all, the other party is a second-level weapon refiner, and his life will not be as difficult as theirs.

Mingyao smiled bitterly and said, "I'm going to die. If I don't look away, what can I do?"

"Thank you to the four fellow Taoists for coming to see me off. Mingyao is deeply grateful. Fellow Taoist Han, I have something to ask Fellow Daoist Han. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Han is willing to help?" After thanking him, Mingyao looked at Wu Tao.

Wu Tao did not expect that Mingyao would suddenly request him, but then he thought that among the four here, he had the highest status. He must be Mingyao's best requester, so he said: "Fellow Taoist Ming, I am also a casual cultivator, so I might as well just He said, if someone from Han can do it, I will definitely promise Fellow Taoist Ming."

There was no need for him to keep his words. If he could fulfill Mingyao's request, he wouldn't mind helping. If it involved life and death danger, he would definitely refuse without hesitation.

Mingyao shouted softly: "Mingsong, come in."

Ming Song, who was waiting outside the cave, heard his father's shout and immediately came in. He first greeted Wu Tao and the other four people, then looked at his father Mingyao and said sadly: "Father!"

Mingsong knew that once his father passed away, this cave could only be kept for ten years. If no descendants broke through and built the foundation within ten years, the cave would be taken back.

Moreover, without the backing of foundation building, it will definitely be more difficult to earn cultivation resources.

Mingyao stretched out his hand to introduce Wu Tao and said: "Mingsong, this is Master Han Fan. Please pay your respects to Master Han again."

Wu Tao didn't know what medicine he bought in Mingyao's gourd. He looked at Mingsong and heard his father's words. He immediately turned to him, bowed to him, and said respectfully: "Mingsong, meet Uncle Han."

Wu Tao nodded gently: "A good nephew doesn't need to be polite."

In fact, Mingsong is much older than Wu Tao. He looks to be in his fifties. However, in the world of cultivators, seniority is not based on age, but on cultivation level, so there is nothing wrong with Wu Tao being worshiped by Mingsong. .

Ming Yao waited for Ming Chan to finish paying his respects, and then said to Wu Tao, "Fellow Daoist Han, actually, I didn't intend to trouble you about this matter, but I planned to trouble Senior Brother Qin, but Senior Brother Qin has gone to Tianmen Territory at this time and is not in the sect. . And here, only fellow Taoist Ming is the most suitable..."

Having said this, Mingyao paused, took out a wooden box from his arms, and continued: "This is the foundation building pill I prepared for Mingsong. Mingsong has just entered the ninth level of Qi training. If you give it to him, he will definitely It’s not safe, for fear of attracting other people’s plans.”

"So, I would like to ask fellow Daoist Han to keep this Foundation Building Pill for me for a while. When Senior Brother Qin comes back, you can hand over this Foundation Building Pill to Senior Brother Qin for safekeeping. When Ming Song senses the opportunity to build the Foundation, Senior Brother Qin will I will give the foundation building pill to Ming Chan to build the foundation."

After listening to Mingyao's words, Wu Tao pondered for a moment and then asked: "Fellow Taoist Ming, you and I have just met each other, so just give this thing to me and don't worry..."

Mingyao said: "Fellow Daoist Han, you are a casual cultivator. You understand the sufferings of a casual cultivator. In Lingxu Sect, if we non-commercial cultivators don't stick together, there will really be no room for survival. Moreover, Friend Daoist Han is a second-level weapon refiner. , in the final analysis, your status is higher than ours, and you will not be as miserable as us. It is precisely because of your identity as fellow Taoist Han that I dare to hand over the Foundation Establishment Pill to you with confidence. With the ability of Fellow Daoist Han, there will be no shortage of Foundation Establishment Pills. . Other Foundation Establishers who want to take advantage of this Foundation Establishment Pill will also consider the identity of Fellow Daoist Han. As for Fellow Daoist Feng and others, leaving it to them for safekeeping would be harming them. How could I do such a thing. "

After listening to Mingyao's words, Wu Tao knew that he had no reason to refuse.

As Mingyao said, leaving it to him for safekeeping temporarily is the best choice. As a weapon refiner, Wu Tao basically does not need to go out of the sect to do tasks, but Feng Yuan and others have to go out to do tasks in order to cultivate resources. .

Thinking of this, Wu Tao said: "Okay, I will keep it for a while. When Senior Brother Qin comes back, I will hand it over to Senior Brother Qin for safekeeping."

Qin Yi is on the sixth level of foundation building. If he wants to take this foundation building pill, he must weigh whether it is worth it.

Seeing Wu Tao's agreement, Mingyao quickly said: "Thank you so much, fellow Taoist Han. Fellow Taoist Han cares about the morality of Sanxiu, which makes Mingyao admire..." After saying that, he handed the Foundation Establishment Pill to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao put the Foundation Building Pill into the storage bag.

Mingyao said apologetically: "Four fellow Taoists, I still have some things to tell Mingsong. I also ask the fellow Taoists to move outside the cave first."

When Wu Tao and others heard this, they bowed their hands to Mingyao and walked out of the cave.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Ming..." Feng Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Not long after, Wu Tao and others heard Ming Chan's cries in the cave, and with a spiritual thought, they sensed Ming Yao's breath, but they could no longer sense Ming Yao's breath.

Mingyao, come back!

Building the foundation and dying naturally is called returning to the path.

Wu Tao and the four of them looked at each other and could see the heaviness on each other's faces. Then, the four of them bowed slightly towards the cave and held their hands:

"Send fellow Taoist Ming brothers back!"

Thanks to Yijie Wensheng for the 100 starting coin reward.

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