Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 277 Broken River (please subscribe)

Zhao Zhen didn't know what Wu Tao was thinking.

After he explained to Wu Tao the concept of knowledge about legal prohibitions, he said to Wu Tao, "Junior brother Han, you can take a good look at the second-level low-level weapon refining knowledge here. I will come back to you in the afternoon."

Wu Tao quickly bowed to see him off and said, "Senior Brother Zhao, please walk slowly."

After watching Zhao Zhen leave the library, Wu Tao sat back on the futon beside the desk, his eyes fell on the dozen books, he reached out and picked them up and started to read.

These books contain the knowledge about the forbidden arts that Zhao Zhen just talked about. If he can fully understand all these knowledge and practice all the classified forbidden arts, then he will be a true second-level low-level weapon refiner.

In the future, when refining second-level low-level magic weapons, you can directly use these learned magic rules to deduce the magic rules that need to be used.

In theory, all second-level low-level magic weapons can be refined, including 1 to 9 forbidden magic weapons.

Wu Tao was very interested in defense and flight, so he looked at the covers of these weapon refining books, and then took out two forbidden weapon refining books on defense and flight.

The knowledge of weapon refining at the second level is much more advanced than that at the first level, so Wu Tao reads more slowly.

Soon it was afternoon.

Wu Tao was immersed in absorbing the knowledge of weapon refining and did not hear the footsteps of Zhao Zhen coming in. It was not until Zhao Zhen called him "Junior Brother Han" softly that Wu Tao raised his head and looked at Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen was very satisfied with Wu Tao's attitude towards serious study. He said, "Junior brother Han, our second-level weapon refiners usually have a first-level ninth-level weapon refiner to do some chores on the side, so that we have more time to Learn more about weapon refining."

Wu Tao nodded when he heard this. He had already learned about this matter. Every second-level weapon refiner in the weapon refining hall has a ninth-level weapon refiner working beside him.

Just dealing with some simple chores, but it can also save a second-level weapon refiner a lot of time.

The configuration of the Qi Refining Hall is also to allow the first-level and ninth-level weapon refiners to study next to the second-level weapon refiners, so that they can have the opportunity to learn more knowledge about weapon refinement, and maybe be promoted to the second-level weapon refiner. Make greater contributions to the future of the sect.

This is just an assistant, not a disciple, so Wu Tao has no objection to this.

In fact, at that time, he also thought about taking Yu Hai with him to be his subordinate, but Yu Hai was not an weapon refiner, and his cultivation level was only at the seventh level of Qi refining, so he was not qualified for the job, so Wu Tao did not decide where Yu Hai would go. .

So Wu Tao said to Zhao Zhen, "Everything must be obeyed by senior brother."

Zhao Zhendao said, "I have selected three more senior first-level and ninth-level weapon trainers for you. They are already waiting outside the door. I will call them in now. You can use whichever one you want."

When Wu Tao heard this, he smiled and said, "Senior Brother Zhao, do you only choose based on your eyesight?"

Zhao Zhen chuckled and said, "That's natural, the first impression is also very important. We cultivators sometimes have to follow our own hearts.

Wu Tao couldn't refute this, so he had to say: "Senior Brother Zhao, please ask them to come in."

Zhao Zhen said loudly, "Come in."

Then three footsteps walked in softly. They all bowed to Zhao Zhen and Wu Tao and said respectfully: "I've seen Uncle Zhao and Uncle Han."

Before these three first-level and ninth-level weapon refiners came out, Zhao Zhen had already told them that they would have an opportunity to follow the second-level weapon refiner, so they were very excited at the moment, with great expectations on their faces. I hope Wu Tao can choose himself.

As long as you choose yourself, you will avoid many detours.

Wu Tao's eyes swept across the three expectant faces, then pointed to the one on the left and said, "It's him."

The two weapon refiners who were not pointed out were extremely disappointed, while the super weapon refiner who was pointed out was ecstatic. He immediately bent 90 degrees and said very excitedly: "Thank you, Uncle Han, for choosing me. I will definitely do it in the future." Work well for Uncle Han."

Zhao Zhen waved his hand and asked the two weapon refiners who were not selected to go out, and then said to the remaining weapon refiner, "Xiao Meng, from now on, you must do your job well in front of Junior Brother Han. More Learn from Junior Brother Han and seize this hard-won opportunity."

Meng Haoting cupped his hands and said, "Remember Master Zhao's teachings."

Zhao Zhen nodded, then stood up and said goodbye to Wu Tao, leaving space for him to have a good contact with Meng Haoting.

Wu Tao looked at Meng Haoting, who was slightly nervous, and said, "Xiao Meng, don't be nervous. There are not so many rules when you work around me, as long as you do things well."

"Also, thank you for helping me go to Lingxu Xiuxian City before."

Wu Tao chose Meng Haoting because Meng Haoting helped him run through Lingxu Immortal Cultivation City to bring Zhou Jinquan to the Weapon Refining Hall, so among the three, he naturally chose Meng Haoting first.

Meng Haoting was overjoyed and bowed, "Uncle Han, I will do my best and I will not let Uncle Han down."

Wu Tao nodded.

He is still studying, and there are not many things that Meng Haoting needs to do.

So for the rest of the time, Meng Haoting practiced by himself in the room next door, and only when Wu Tao had something to do did he come over to take orders.

On this day, after studying in the library until dusk, Wu Tao returned to his cave.

After returning to the cave, Wu Tao came to the training room.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, reached out and touched the storage bag, and a book appeared in his hand, which was the Dragon Spear Body Tempering Technique.

This book of Dragon Spear Body Tempering Technique has three moves of body cultivation and spear technique. He has perfected the first two moves of Wind Thunder and Sweeping Fire, and there is still one last move left to break the river. The book says that you cannot practice until you have condensed your spirit body. If you practice forcefully, your body will explode.

Now that Wu Tao has gathered his spirit body, it's time to practice this move to break the river.

Wu Tao opened the secret book and began to understand this style of breaking the river.

Five days later, Wu Tao thoroughly understood the Duanjiang style and successfully included it in his personal information.

Wu Tao closed his personal information, stood up from the futon, and with a thought, the flame gun appeared in his hand. He closed his eyes slightly, and then his mind seemed to be playing the river-breaking ceremony he had understood, and he practiced it repeatedly until he reached the moment. At the right moment, Wu Tao opened his eyes, and lightning seemed to flash in the depths of his eyes. His aura suddenly reached a peak, and then he let out a light drink of "Duanjiang".

A shot comes out by itself.

The momentum can cut off the flow of the river.

The training room of the second-class cave equipped by Lingxu Sect is very large, allowing him to freely move around in the training room to practice the dragon spear technique.

But after Wu Tao practiced the art of breaking the river, he always felt that it was a bit lacking.

Holding the flame gun in his hand, he stood quietly in the practice room. After a moment, Wu Tao had a flash of inspiration and suddenly said: "Cut the river, cut off the river, it is the river flow. My practice room is a dry land, how could it be possible?" Cultivate the essence of Duanjiang."

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