Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 265 Initiation Ceremony (please subscribe)

Wu Tao was already familiar with the four second-level weapon refiners in Lingxu Sect, as well as the hall master Wen Xingrui, except for Jiang Lian and Han Zhen who had left the weapon refinement hall and gone to Tianmen Domain.

After becoming familiar with each other, these weapon trainers all had important matters to attend to, so they stopped staying for a long time. After a while, only Zhao Zhen and Wu Tao were still in the hall.

Zhao Zhen said: "Junior Brother Han, please come with me."

Wu Tao immediately followed Zhao Zhen's footsteps and came to the library of the Refining Hall.

Zhao Zhen asked Wu Tao to sit and wait at the desk by the window, and then he entered the bookshelf himself. After a while, Zhao Zhen held books higher than his head in his hands, estimated to be fifty or sixty books.


The books were placed on the desk in front of Wu Tao by Zhao Zhen, making a sound. Zhao Zhen said: "Junior brother Han, these books are all about the knowledge of first-level weapon refining. They are very comprehensive and systematic. They just make up for your first-level weapon refining." The background of the book. Of course, these books are all original books. If you don’t understand, the row of bookshelves are full of annotations.”

Zhao Zhen pointed to a row of bookshelves. There were only a few hundred books on that row of bookshelves.

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Senior Brother Zhao, I understand."

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "Junior brother Han, don't be anxious. You are now a second-level weapon refiner. From a high position, these books will only last a few months. After you read these books and understand them thoroughly, I will Let me explain to you in detail what the difference is between the second level and the first level.

Wu Tao cupped his hands and thanked, "Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao."

Zhao Zhen waved his hand and said, "Since you have joined Lingxu Sect, we are brothers, so there is no need to be so polite."

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhao."

Zhao Zhen thought for a while, then took out a small finger sword magic weapon from his storage bag and said, "Junior Brother Han, this is a sword book. It is a communication tool that can be used for Baili Communication. If Junior Brother Han has If you have any questions, you can call me."

Wu Tao took the sword and calligraphy instrument and was very curious. He wanted to ask Zhao Zhen how to refine the sword and calligraphy instrument, but after thinking about it, now was not the best time to ask. He had to read these books first. Ask again.

"I understand, Senior Brother Zhao!"

"Then junior brother, just take your time and watch, I still have something to do."

"Senior Brother Zhao, walk slowly."

Wu Tao watched Zhao Zhen leave, then he turned his gaze, landed on the pile of books, and began to read.

This is the learning strategy formulated for him by the third-level weapon refiner. Wu Tao will not underestimate it and must pay more attention to it.

Reading was very fast, and Wu Tao truly realized that his own knowledge was insufficient. There was a lot of knowledge about Qi training that he had never read.

Lunch was brought to him by a first-level weapon refiner from the weapon refining hall.

The person who delivered the meal was none other than Zhang Ming.

Zhang Ming looked at Wu Tao, who was reading carefully at the desk by the window, and felt extremely complicated. He walked over with a light hand carrying the food box and said, "Senior Han, it's time for lunch."

When Wu Tao heard this, he was startled. He was building a foundation now, and there would be no problem if he skipped lunch. He had never thought that the Weapon Refining Hall was so user-friendly and even had a special lunch delivered to him.

But when I heard the voice was very familiar, I looked up and saw that it was Zhang Ming.

Seeing an old friend again, his identity has undergone a big change. Wu Tao felt that this taste was quite good in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face. He asked, "Xiao Zhang, does the weapon refining hall still provide lunch?"

Zhang Ming smiled and said, "I prepared this specially for Senior Han."

Looking at Wu Tao, and then thinking about the scenes in the past, he was a little Han, but now he thought it was a bit ridiculous, like a clown. After calming down his emotions slightly, Zhang Ming said, "Senior Han, he was a second-level weapon refiner before. Teacher?"

Wu Tao said, "That's not true. When I joined the Xiuxian City Artifact Refining Hall, I was only a first-level and ninth-level casual weapon refining master. Zhang... Xiao Zhang, it's not like you don't know."

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Zhang Ming's heart became even more complicated, "Senior Han's talent in weapon refining is astonishing. I am not as good as him. I will have to rely on Senior Han more in the future."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Xiao Zhang, don't worry about this. You and I are old friends. If anything happens, you can come and see me."

What Wu Tao said is true.

Zhang Ming helped him a lot in the Xiuxian City Weapon Refining Hall and answered many questions for him. He was not a person who never repaid his kindness. If it was a request regarding weapon refining, Wu Tao would be very willing to help Zhang Ming.

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Zhang Ming's complicated emotions disappeared at this moment. He said happily, "Thank you so much, Senior Han."

After Wu Tao finished his lunch, Zhang Ming said goodbye.

Wu Tao continued to read these books on weapon refining.

When it was almost time to reach Youzheng, Zhao Zhen came over.

"Senior Brother Zhao." Seeing Zhao Zhen, Wu Tao put down the book in his hand and saluted.

Zhao Zhen said, "How do you feel?"

Wu Tao said, "Not bad. After reading two books, I discovered that I have many shortcomings. Hall Master Wen is indeed a third-level weapon refiner. He can see my shortcomings at a glance."

Zhao Zhendao, "That's it for today. I heard that Junior Brother Han is still studying the Kung Fu Pavilion. Comprehending the Kung Fu is equally important. Cultivation is the foundation of everything and the cornerstone of weapon refining. So, Junior Brother Han, you You have to allocate your time.”

Wu Tao cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Senior Brother Zhao, I will definitely allocate my training time."

Wu Tao suddenly remembered something, that is, he promised Zhou Chongguan to send his seventh son Zhou Jinquan to study in the weapon refining hall. Zhao Zhen happened to be here and he might as well ask.

Wu Tao then told Zhao Zhen the ins and outs of obtaining the second-level magic weapon refining secret book.

Zhao Zhen smiled when he heard this and said, "This matter is simple. I will call a disciple from the Weapon Refining Hall to come over. You can just ask him to pick up Zhou Jinquan."

Wu Tao was overjoyed. He never thought it would be so simple. He hurriedly bowed and thanked, "Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao."

Soon Zhao Zhen called a first-level weapon refiner disciple from the Weapon Refining Hall and asked Wu Tao to tell him to do it. Wu Tao informed the Weapon Refining Hall disciple of Zhou Jinquan’s home and asked him to bring Zhou Jinquan to the Weapon Refining Hall. , and arranged for him to learn the knowledge of weapon refining in the weapon refining hall.

After the matter was settled, Wu Tao left the library and returned to his cave.

Wu Tao stepped on the green leaf boat and arrived in front of his cave a short time later. Before he landed, he heard someone shouting from behind: "Junior Brother Han, what a coincidence, you came back as soon as I arrived."

The voice was Hong Tiebao. Wu Tao turned around and said, "I have met Senior Brother Hong. I wonder if Senior Brother Hong is here for something important? Please come into the cave and tell me."

Hong Tiebao landed in front of him and said with a smile, "There is no need to enter the cave. I just want to inform you that the General Affairs Hall will arrange an initiation ceremony for you in one month. Well, it will be held at Lingxu Immortal Peak."

Having said this, Hong Tiebao solemnly said to Wu Tao: "When the time comes, you can tidy things up, and the leader may attend your initiation ceremony. This is a great honor, something that no casual cultivator has ever had before."

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