Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 232 Buying the formation (please subscribe)

If he became a first-level and ninth-level weapon refiner, Zhang Ming would probably value him more.

Once you take it seriously, it is easier to ask for advice on some things.

Therefore, Wu Tao has been carefully describing the restrictions of Qingxuan Sword and Xuanyin Shield in the past three months, and finally completely painted them. He plans to refine these two refining secrets purchased from Lingxu Xiuxian City tomorrow, and then Find time to go to the Weapon Refining Hall to get the first-level and ninth-level Weapon Refiner certificate.

By then, his fair and honorable status in Lingxu Immortal City will be Han Fan, the first-level and ninth-level casual weapon master, Han Weapon Master, and he will also be among the top group of casual weapon masters.

In fact, one person in Lingxu Immortal Cultivation City knew about Wu Tao's identity as a first-level and ninth-level magic weapon master, and that was Zhou Chongguan, who monopolized the first-level and ninth-level spiritual materials. However, after contacting him, he discovered...

Zhou Chongguan is a very strict person. Until now, no one knows that he is a first-level and ninth-level Sanshu weapon master.

This made Wu Tao couldn't help but take a high look at Zhou Chongguan.

Wu Tao had a certain intention towards Zhou Chongguan, that is, he wanted to find out whether Zhou Chongguan had any second-level magic weapon refining secrets left by his ancestors, so as to make a deal with him.

Therefore, he would go to drink tea and drink water with Zhou Chongguan from time to time to get closer to each other.

This way it won't seem so abrupt when asked in the future.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao stopped thinking about it and looked at personal information again.

Needless to say, other spells, the Blood Escape Secret Technique and Qingling Sword Sutra have reached the expert level, and the wall penetration and invisibility techniques have reached the entry level after three months of practice.

Wall penetration and invisibility may sound like basic spells like fireball, but in fact they are not. These two spells are much more difficult to practice than fireball.

He was able to practice to the basic level in three months, and was about to reach the point of proficiency. That was because Wu Tao was at the ninth level of Qi refining and had experience in practicing spells, so he could do it so quickly.

If it were at the early stage of Qi refining in the past, it would not take more than a year to get started.

"It's not enough. Even at the entry level, you can easily detect it in the late stage of Qi refining. It seems that you have to be proficient in the levels to avoid being discovered by the cultivators at the seventh level of Qi refining." Wu Tao thought to himself.

His invisibility technique just now, when he was invisible, his spiritual energy was not restrained enough, and Chen Yao sensed it instantly.

"The Xuanyuan Weapon Refining Technique still has 50% to be perfected by the master. Only after establishing the foundation can one become a second-level weapon refiner. So when I get the second-level weapon refining secret book, I can complete the Xuanyuan Weapon Refining Technique." Once the magic formula is complete, then I will be confident when I go to get the earth fire to refine the second-level magic weapon."

Finally, Wu Tao looked at the body tempering technique.

When the body tempering technique reaches 90%, the brain tempering begins.

When Wu Tao was tempering his brain, he discovered that it was indeed the most difficult stage, and he had to be careful. If he was not careful, it would lead to serious consequences. He once accidentally hit his head like a heavy hammer.

He was furious on the spot.

Fortunately, he is an immortal cultivator. If he were a mortal, he would probably be in a vegetative state due to concussion.

Therefore, tempering the brain is very important and critical.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

Moreover, there are surprises in tempering the brain. Wu Tao was pleasantly surprised to find that as the progress of his brain improved, his spiritual thoughts were also tempered and the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts was expanded.

Therefore, after three months of tempering, he had an intuition that perhaps, soon, he would be able to break through the limits of his spiritual thoughts during the Qi refining period and break through the shackles.

He was looking forward to that day.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao closed his personal information and his spiritual thoughts sank into his mind.

There were nine soul-eating insects flying in his mind, two of which were relatively weak and were his soul-eating insects, while the remaining seven had stronger auras and were those that Cao Guang had been cultivating.

Ten days after returning, the nail in the coffin turned these seven Soul-Eating Insects into Wu Tao's Soul-Eating Insects.

Wu Tao can control these seven soul-eating insects at will.

In the past three months, Wu Tao has also stepped up his efforts to refine his spiritual thoughts.

In the past, he exercised about four times a month, but now he exercises eight times a month, which has doubled. That is because he has entered the stage of tempering his brain and his spiritual consciousness recovers faster.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts fell on Coffin Nail. Ever since he was chased by Zheng Zhuji of the Beast Control Sect, he once thought that Coffin Nail had fallen into a deep sleep and would not care about him anymore, but unexpectedly, he asked for Coffin Nail's help. His thoughts of tempering his spiritual thoughts fell, and the nail in the coffin responded to him again.

"Could it be that Mr. Ding is confident that I can survive the hands of a foundation-building immortal cultivator?"

Wu Tao guessed so.

However, after this incident, Wu Tao really no longer relied on the nail in the coffin. He had to rely on himself. His own strength was the foundation of everything.

Wu Tao withdrew his spiritual thoughts. As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved, nine soul-eating insects flew out of his mind and flew around his body. He took out a beast bag from his waist and let the soul-eating insects fly into the beast bag. middle.

But the Soul-eating Insect doesn't seem to like the beast sac, and prefers to stay in Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts.

"Is it because of the nails in the coffin?"

Thinking about it this way, this was really possible, so Wu Tao no longer let the soul-eating insects enter the beast's bag, but let the soul-eating insects continue to fly into his mind.

In the afternoon, Wu Tao wanted to go out.

He told Chen Yao and went out.

This time I went out to Zhou Chongguan's spiritual materials shop, and bought a first-level and ninth-level magic circle, which I could always use when I went to the wild.

He had already given the Three-pole Water-Fire Sword Formation to Chen Yao. Since then, Chen Yao has been the master of the Three-pole Water-Fire Sword Formation, and he also has a first-order nine-level magic formation on his body, which he obtained from Luo Changshan.

However, the earth flow formation inside has been destroyed by him, and Lingxu Xiuxian City has first-level and ninth-level talismans, weapon refining, and alchemy refining, except for the formation mages, there are only two first-level and eighth-level formation mages.

It can be seen that the Array Master is much more difficult than the other three paths.

There is no first-level ninth-level magic circle, but there is a first-level ninth-level magic circle, which flows out from the Lingxu Sect.

Wu Tao came to the largest formation shop in Lingxu Xiuxian City. Behind this shop, there was the shadow of the Lingxu Sect's formation hall, so the first and ninth level formations were sold.

As soon as he came in, a cultivator came up and asked enthusiastically: "Welcome, fellow Taoist, do you want to buy the magic circle or repair the magic circle?"

"Is there any service for repairing the magic circle?" Wu Tao asked subconsciously.

The other party replied: "Of course there is. If it is a first-order or lower-level magic circle, the two casual cultivators in the city can repair it. If it is a first-order or ninth-level magic circle, it must be repaired more slowly and sent to the Lingxu Sect for repair." The formation master there repairs it.”

Repairing it would definitely be cheaper than selling it, but Wu Tao would definitely not choose to repair Luo Changshan's magic circle.

He has no shortage of spiritual stones now. During his trip to the Foundation Establishment Pill, many casual cultivators gave him many spiritual stones. Therefore, Wu Tao said: "I want to buy a first-level and ninth-level magic circle. It is best to use the trapped killing method." integrated."

Two quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao walked out of the array shop with satisfaction and purchased the array he needed.

Then, he went to Zhou Chongguan's spiritual materials shop.

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