Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 230: Transformation (please subscribe)

Wu Tao heard Chen Yao's words and quickly comforted him: "Ayao, it doesn't matter. Clear your mind, get rid of distracting thoughts, and slowly sense the bottleneck."

The Qi refining period is not just as simple as accumulating spiritual energy. There are actually small bottlenecks at each small level, but they are not big in the early and middle stages of Qi refining.

But once you reach the later stage of Qi refining, which is the watershed in the Qi refining period, the bottleneck becomes larger and requires a certain amount of Qi refining talent, character, and precipitation.

The dual precipitation of aura and state of mind.

Chen Yao heard Wu Tao's words and stopped talking. She dispelled the anxiety of not being able to sense the bottleneck and the distracting thoughts in her heart. She concentrated on refining the Zhu Guo and carefully sensed the small bottleneck in the later stage of Qi refining.

Another half hour passed.

Zhu Guo has been completely refined, and the spiritual energy in Chen Yao's dantian is full, but it still has not broken through to the seventh level of Qi refining.

Obviously, there was no chance for her to break through.

Wu Tao lowered his hand against Chen Yao's back, looked at Chen Yao who was slightly depressed, touched her milk bag, and said: "Ayao, don't be anxious. If you settle for a while, you will feel the opportunity for a breakthrough. .”

Ever since Chen Yao started practicing with Five Qi Pills and Zhu Guo, it was not a strange thing that his cultivation was very fast and he did not accumulate enough energy. He did not break through to the late stage of Qi refining.

You just need to calm down and settle down for a while, and you will definitely be able to break through.

Hearing Wu Tao's comfort, Chen Yao swept away her frustration and said, "Well, I will adjust my mentality and I will definitely be able to break through the seventh level of Qi refining.

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Okay, then you can rest for a while. I'm tired from looking for opportunities to break through just now."

Chen Yao shook her head and said: "Senior brother, I'm not tired. Senior brother, you haven't been home for two months..."

Wu Tao knew that Chen Yao was being considerate of him, but Chen Yao was indeed tired just now looking for opportunities for breakthrough. He also wanted to be considerate of Chen Yao, so he said, "Let's take it tomorrow, so you can rest."

Chen Yao smiled and nodded.

Wu Tao went to the training room.

Start practicing the body tempering technique.

He is now about to temper the spinal cord to the final stage. After tempering the spinal cord, it is the brain. This is the last level, and it is also the slowest and most difficult level.

When there were no Five Qi Pills and Foundation Establishment Pills, Wu Tao felt that he might achieve a spiritual body first. From this point of view, he might build a foundation first and then condense a spiritual body.

Returning to Lingxu Xiuxian City, Wu Tao started practicing and felt extremely at ease.

He knew that his stable cultivation life was coming again.

The next day, Wu Tao went to the Magic Array Shop, intending to buy a small spirit-turning array.

According to the notes on cultivating the golden-winged eagle in the foundation building of the Beast Control Sect, the golden-winged eagle must be placed in a place filled with spiritual energy, so that it can absorb the spiritual energy and break out of its shell.

And Wu Tao is not a disciple of the Immortal Dao sect, so he does not have such conditions as spiritual veins and spiritual springs.

Finally, I thought of a magic circle called the Spirit Transformation Magic Circle. When arranged, it can also provide abundant spiritual energy to nourish the golden-winged eagle's elixir, although the conditions are not as good as the spiritual veins and spiritual springs.

But that’s all.

Wu Tao not only wanted to buy a small spirit-turning array, but also a breath-concealing array.

The golden-winged eagle's monster egg is a monster after all, and it will definitely have the aura of the monster. It is best to use the breath-concealing magic circle to block out the aura of the monster.

It is not strange to raise monster beasts, some casual cultivators also raise them, but they are ordinary, ordinary monster beasts, and the golden-winged eagle is a monster beast that even the foundation of the Beast Control Sect is moved by, so it cannot be exposed.

Otherwise, it will be another trouble when the time comes.

When he came to the array shop, Wu Tao bought the spirit-turning array and the breath-concealing array, and then returned home.

Wu Tao took out the spirit-turning array and the breath-concealing array. These two arrays were both first- and seventh-level arrays. He arranged these two arrays in the weapon refining room and refined them with spiritual materials. A huge bird's nest.

Finally, he took out the golden-winged eagle's monster egg.

After seeing the golden-winged eagle monster egg, Chen Yao exclaimed: "What a big monster egg, senior brother, this is the golden-winged eagle you mentioned..."

Wu Tao placed the golden-winged eagle's monster egg on the bird's nest, nodded and said, "Yes, this is the golden-winged eagle's monster egg. If you touch it, you can feel its life beating."

Chen Yao immediately reached out and touched it cautiously, and really felt that there seemed to be a heartbeat inside.

Wu Tao also embedded spirit stones into the grooves of the spirit-turning magic circle. The spirit-turning magic circle would transform the spirit energy in the spirit stones, and then spread it around the golden-winged eagle monster egg, creating a nurturing environment full of spirit energy for it. .

Then, Wu Tao also opened the breath-concealing array.

"Okay, when this golden-winged eagle grows up, I will let it follow you." Wu Tao said to Chen Yao.

Chen Yao said happily: "Okay."

The day passed quickly. During this day, Wu Tao watched the "Book of Strange Insects" and the notes left by Cao Guang on cultivating Soul-Eating Insects, and then he had a better understanding of Soul-Eating Insects.

The Soul-eating Insect is indeed a strange insect. It ranks thirty-sixth on the list of strange insects. It is a strange insect targeting divine souls.

The Book of Strange Insects also introduces other strange insects with various characteristics, such as alchemy and the like. It is the favorite of weapon refiners. This strange insect eats ores and then secretes pure iron. .

As a weapon refiner, Wu Tao is naturally interested in this kind of strange insect, but unfortunately, there is none and no way to find it.

From Cao Guang's notes, I learned that Cao Guang had prepared the spiritual materials for Soul-Eating Insects to advance to the second level, but the only thing missing was that nine Soul-eating Insects were required to advance to the second level.

Cao Guang has two options, one is to let seven Soul-Eating Insects mate and get two more Soul-Eating Insects, the other is to find the lost Soul-Eating Insects, so these are the two lost Soul-Eating Insects that Cao Guang sensed The reason why the insect came over immediately.

"The progression of the Soul-Eating Insects ended up with nine Soul-Eating Insects killing each other and eating each other. Only the one that survived in the end could successfully advance to the second level."

"Such a cruel advanced rule."

"Follow the inheritance of bloodline, follow the natural survival of the fittest..."

After reading it, Wu Tao couldn't help but sigh.

"So, if I want to get more second-level soul-eating worms, I must let them breed more soul-eating worms. After all, it takes nine to produce one, and it is not 100% successful."

Wu Tao pondered, put away the notes left by Cao Guang, and looked at the time. It was already Xu Zheng time.

At this time, it should be time to practice with A Yao.

As soon as he got up, the door of the weapon refining room opened.

A Spider-Man walked in.

Spider-Man said: "Brother, let's go into the house with me."

Wu Tao said: "Junior sister, it should be training time now, right?"

Spider-Man said: "Senior brother, I am in a period of precipitation now. Do you have a certain degree of relaxation as you said? Let's just treat today as a day of rest."

Wu Tao thought for a while, then smiled and said: "That's okay!"


Because Wu Tao has been busy working on the Foundation Establishment Pill for the past two months, he naturally has enough savings.

After enough tinkering until the right time.

Too full.

Chen Yao used spiritual energy to force him out three times before he could continue.

There should be more. Thanks to book friend 2022***9542 for the 100 starting coin reward.

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