Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 228 Purple Gold (please subscribe)

There is still an hour to set sail for Xiuxian City under the jurisdiction of Zijin Cave. ɱ

Wu Tao followed the scalpers to live in the bottom cabin. From the price increase and the need to check the identity certificate, we know that his killing of Cao Guang and Zheng Jiu had an impact, which made the city of Yuyu Immortal Cultivation a lot more strict.

"We will set sail in an hour. I hope there will be no more setbacks in this hour."

Wu Tao looked outside through the circular window. He could see the buildings outside the dock and the passing cultivators. Putting down the window, he began to install the soundproof anti-peep circle, and then opened it.

Then, he did not practice immediately, but waited until the flying boat set sail before practicing again.

After half an hour.

The soundproof and anti-peep circle suddenly remembered the sound and someone was knocking on the door outside.

Wu Tao's heart moved, and he began to be on guard. Then he stood up and opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the scalper cultivator at the door of the corridor. He said with an apologetic smile to a cultivator wearing a patrol team: "Master Liu, what are we doing?" You can rest assured that we will not extradite people indiscriminately."

"Old Xu, this time is different. In the past, you secretly extradited casual cultivators to other immortal cultivation cities to make some extra money. We would not care about it, and it is not our responsibility. But this time is different... Something happened to the Beast Control Sect. , the martial law is tight, you should be more careful, you will lose your life if you get involved in this muddy water." said the patrol immortal cultivator.

The scalper cultivator smiled carefully and said: "I know this, so I checked their identity documents. If they have lived for less than thirty years, I will not let them in."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, take out your identity certificate and show it to this adult from the patrol team." The scalper cultivator looked at Wu Tao and said.

"Okay." Wu Tao immediately took out the rental contract he got from the casual cultivator and handed it to the patrol cultivators.

The patrol team's cultivator looked at it and saw that he had lived there for more than fifty years. Then he took out a magic mirror and took a look at Wu Tao before returning the rental contract to him and asked: "Go to Zijin Xiuxian City to do this." What?"

Wu Tao replied respectfully: "Go to Zijin Xiuxian City to visit a fellow Taoist."

After hearing Wu Tao's explanation, the patrol immortal cultivator ignored him and said to the scalper cultivator: "Old Xu, it's no problem. You, at this time, I'm still thinking about earning spiritual stones. I don't know what to do. saying you."

"Master Liu, we can't compare to you..." The Yellow Ox Immortal Cultivator flattered, and then followed the patrol team of Immortal Cultivators away, his voice getting smaller and smaller.

Wu Tao glanced at their backs before closing the door.

After this inspection, half an hour later, Wu Tao felt the bed board he was sitting on shake slightly. He knew that the Feidu Xuzhou had truly set sail.

He opened the window and watched the building fall. Clouds were gradually visible outside, and Wu Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ayao, I'm coming back."

Wu Tao muttered to himself, and Chen Yao's figure appeared in his mind. He is here to compete for the Foundation Establishment Pill. Chen Yao will definitely be worried about him. If he does not return to Lingxu Xiuxian City for one more day, Chen Yao will be worried about him for one more day.

The Beast Controlling Territory and the Purple Gold Territory are not adjacent to each other. Instead, they have to cross the Tianmen Territory to reach the Purple Gold Territory, which takes ten days.

During these ten days, Wu Tao planned to practice using Five Qi Pills for ten days.

Now that I have the Foundation Establishment Pill, I need to quickly cultivate my Qi refining skills to perfection.

If you can build the foundation early, you must build the foundation early.

Cultivation is timeless, and in the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

But it was estimated that there were still a few hours until the Purple Gold Realm, so Wu Tao opened his personal information and checked the progress of his cultivation during this period.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 31/129】

[Realm: Ninth Level of Qi Refining]

[Kung Fu: Three Yang Kung Qi Refining Chapter (ninth level): 30%]

[Spells: Fireball Expert (90%), Cleansing Expert (99%), Bone-Transformation Master (28%), Qingling Sword Sutra Proficient (72%), Blood Escape Secret Technique Proficient (73%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Technique: Xuanyuan Weapon Refining Technique·Grandmaster (28%)

Master the prohibitions: first-order and ninth-level formation-breaking prohibition (28%), first-order and ninth-level Qingxuan prohibition (49%), first-order and ninth-level silver shield prohibition (49%)

[Sub-professional physical training: Dragon Spear Body Tempering Technique: Marrow Refining (88%), Dragon Spear Fire-Plundering Master (100%), Dragon Spear Wind and Thunder Master (100%)]

Wu Tao's eyes were the first to scan the Sanyang Gong, because after getting the news about the appearance of the Foundation Establishment Pill, it took him a month from Lingxu Immortal Cultivation City to Yu Beast Cultivation City to the official auction of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

This month, he has been practicing with the Five Qi Pills. In that month, he has improved the progress of the Three Yang Gong to 27%.

In the past ten days, I have been practicing non-stop throughout the day, improving my progress by three points, reaching 30%.

"According to this calculation, it will take me eight months to use the Five Qi Pills to complete the Qi refining period." Wu Tao calculated.

Eight months later, he would be thirty-two years old.

"Building a foundation at the age of thirty-two is not too bad." Wu Tao's face showed joy.

Originally there was no Five Qi Pill, and if the Foundation Establishment Pill did not appear, his estimated time would be thirty-three or thirty-four to establish the foundation.

Because for more than a month, we have been preparing to snatch the Foundation Establishment Pill, there is no time to practice other spells, but the fireball technique, Qingling Sword Sutra, bone shifting and shape-shifting technique, and the blood escape secret technique are all being used. In the process, I gained some proficiency and improved a bit.

Xuanyuan's weapon refining techniques have also been improved by refining the flame spear and gold-plated clothing.

He was not wearing gold-plated clothes, because the gold-plated clothes were all damaged by Zheng Ji Zhu.

However, he still has a piece of spiritual material left on him to refine the golden gilded clothes. Once he reaches Zijin Xiuxian City, he will refine the golden gilded clothes.

Without a defensive weapon on his body, Wu Tao didn't feel very safe.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao closed his personal information.

Then, Wu Tao began to rest.

These ten days have been basically spent practicing, and practicing requires a certain amount of relaxation. It is not good to practice nervously all the time.

About two hours later, Zijin Xiuxian City arrived.

Wu Tao followed the Yellow Ox Immortal Cultivator off the Feidu Xuzhou. After getting off, the Yellow Ox Immortal Cultivator asked if he wanted a guide. Wu Tao shook his head and said no.

This time, he was just passing through Zijin Xiuxian City, and did not intend to appreciate the scenery of Zijin Xiuxian City.

Therefore, he said goodbye and went to the Feidu Xuzhou office in Zijin Xiuxian City to ask if there was anyone who had gone to Feidu Xuzhou in Lingxu Xiuxian City.

The final answer was that only five days later, there would be a flying boat to Lingxu Xiuxian City.

"We can only wait five days."

Wu Tao walked out of Feidu Xuzhou office and went to look for an inn.

This was his first time in Zijin Xiuxian City and he was not familiar with it, but it was easy to find an inn.

If we were serious about it, he really had an acquaintance in Zijin Xiuxian City, and that was Zhou Yicheng. Zhou Yicheng was in the medicinal business in Zijin Xiuxian City.

However, Wu Tao had no intention of looking for Zhou Yicheng.

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