Dong Qiang and Liang Yi were extremely interested in hearing Cao Guang talk about such interesting things. Even Yan Hua, who was from the Beast Control Sect with Cao Guang and did not participate in the discussion, was extremely interested and looked attentively. Waiting for Senior Brother Cao to continue.

But when Cao Guang got to the key point, he stopped talking. Instead, his eyes turned cold and he looked down at a street.

Dong Qiang asked quickly: "Fellow Daoist Cao, what's wrong?"

Cao Guang snorted coldly and said: "Fellow Daoist Dong, Fellow Daoist Liang, you still remember that I came to your Wuquan Mountain many years ago, and I showed you the Soul-Eating Insects, but the Soul-Eating Insects got out of control. In the end, although the Soul-Eating Insects were recalled, there were still two missing. Something?"

Hearing this, Dong Qiang and Liang Yi nodded repeatedly and said, "That's indeed what happened. We even designed a plan that time and used the "Book of Strange Insects" as bait, but no fish took the bait. Fellow Taoist Cao, you said that the Soul-Eating Insect should be If you escape, you can't be captured by casual cultivators. After all, casual cultivators don't have that ability."

Cao Guang showed a hint of joy on his face and said: "I didn't expect that after so many years, those two soul-eating insects would appear again, among the casual cultivators competing for the Foundation Establishment Pill."

The two soul-eating worms he lost were of the same bloodline and the same egg as the seven soul-eating worms he currently had in the beast's bag. Therefore, as soon as the two lost soul-eating worms appeared, the beast The Soul-Eating Insects in the bag were ready to move. He merged with the soul-eating Insects, and naturally sensed the two missing Soul-Eating Insects.

Dong Qiang, Liang Yi, and Yan Hua quickly congratulated: "Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Cao (Senior Brother Cao) for being lost and recovered."

Cao Guang was also extremely happy. He thought to himself: "In the past few years, I have cultivated seven soul-eating insects to the first level. I am preparing to cultivate the second-level spiritual materials. I will find the two lost soul-eating insects. I broke through the foundation building again and had a second-level soul-eating insect. Even in the early stage of foundation building, I was not considered weak.

But he said: "Fellow Daoist Dong, Fellow Daoist Liang, and Junior Brother Yan, please help me capture the Soul-eating Insect."

Cao Guang handed over to the three of them.

Dong Qiang and Liang Yi smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Cao, I am very happy."

Yan Hua curled his lips and said: "Senior Brother Cao, the other party is just a casual cultivator, is it worth the four of us to attack together... Even if the other party has two soul-eating worms, senior brother you have seven soul-eating worms. "

Hearing Yan Hua's words, Cao Guang's face suddenly dropped, and he sternly admonished: "Junior brother Yan, the other party is a casual cultivator, but he can snatch away two soul-eating insects from me under my nose, can you do it? Such casual cultivators are certainly capable. We can usually underestimate and despise the casual cultivators, but the other party has already shown us his strength. If we continue to underestimate him, we are joking with our own lives, which is extremely dangerous. stupid……"

Yan Hua was stunned for a moment, and then respectfully bowed his hand to Cao Guang: "Thank you, Senior Brother Cao, for teaching me. Junior Brother realizes that he was wrong."

Dong Qiang and Liang Yi looked at each other and said to themselves: "Yan Hua is still a bit young, not as experienced as Cao Guang."

Cao Guang saw that he accepted the teaching humbly and said: "Junior Brother Yan, if you follow me, I will naturally take good care of you... No matter if you are facing the casual cultivators who are weaker than us or the disciples of the big sect with the same background as us. , once the murderous intention arises, you must go all out, don't be careless, killing it with thunder is the right way."

After that, he said to Dong Qiang and Liang Yi: "Fellow Daoist Dong, Friend Daoist Liang, please come with me. That casual cultivator still has some ability and has escaped from the whirlpool of chaos..."

When Dong Qiang and Liang Yi nodded, Cao Guang immediately flew out of the window, followed by Dong Liangyan and the others.

Cao Guang sensed the direction in which the Soul-Eating Insect was leaving and flew all the way.

Dong Qiang said: "Fellow Daoist Cao, you should tell me, what did Senior Brother Zhou of your sect say?"

Cao Guang always sensed the other party's Soul-eating Insect and was chasing after it, but it still took a moment, but he had time to answer Dong Qiang's words, so he replied: "Senior Brother Zhou talked about the development of immortal cultivators in our seven major regions. history."


None of Dong, Liangyan, and Liangyan were interested in the history of immortal cultivators, so they all listened carefully.

Cao Guangdao: "Ten thousand years ago, there were no seven realms, nor were there seven sects of our righteous way. Other sects controlled the seven realms. At that time, the seven sects were also casual cultivators, but at that time, casual cultivators could also become second-level alchemists. Second-level weapon refiners can build foundations and become golden elixirs, but there are very few because most of the resources are controlled by those sects..."

"However, later, seven teams of casual cultivators gathered together to challenge those sects in order to obtain more resources and more living space..."

"In the end, it was successful. Seven teams created seven major sects and were divided into seven major domains."

"As the saying goes, be prepared for danger in times of peace. The success of the Seven Sects is that they held the resources in their own hands, holding them tighter and tighter, slowly refusing to let a drop of it go to the bottom-level casual cultivators. For the sake of resources, the casual cultivators will naturally work together to overthrow the Seven Sects... "

"So, the seven sects and one combined, this will not work. The road to success we have walked must be blocked one by one. The reason why we succeeded is because the powerful power was not controlled. At that time, the casual cultivators had the foundation , there is a golden elixir..."

"If there is no foundation building and no golden elixir... it means that the casual cultivators will no longer have strong power... From now on, we can sit back and relax. The casual cultivators will no longer be able to overthrow us like before..."

"Because...the power disparity is too, over thousands of years, slowly, such an unbreakable situation has been formed."

"That's it..." Dong Qiang, Liang Yi, and Yan Hua all nodded after hearing this and praised: "The wisdom of our ancestors is beyond our reach."

Cao Guang said: "This person has entered the shanty town. Come with me, three of you. If you encounter him, don't say anything. The four of you and I will attack immediately and kill this person immediately."

Dong Qiang, Liang Yi, and Yan Hua nodded and immediately gathered their momentum. Once they met the casual cultivator, they would immediately attack him with their strongest attack.

Wu Tao came to the shanty town of Yushou Xiuxian City.

If we talk about the safest place, it is the shanty town.

The shanty town is equivalent to the darkness under the lamp of a Xiuxian City.

Along the way, he killed seven casual cultivators at the ninth level of Qi Refining and took away seven storage bags. Only then did he escape from the whirlpool of chaos and arrived at the shanty town. After arriving at the shanty town, he found another place. Take off the tiger mask and tiger robe and put it in the storage bag.

He took out a relatively shabby low-level robe and used the bone-transformation technique. As soon as he turned around, he became a low-level casual cultivator in a shanty town.

"I am now a low-level casual cultivator, a casual cultivator in a shantytown. No one can find me..." Wu Tao came from a low-level casual cultivator, so he naturally knows how to act as a low-level casual cultivator without being discovered.

"The next step is to wait. When the storm subsides, we will find an opportunity to take the flying boat back to Lingxu Immortal City..." Wu Taosi said, and his spiritual mind communicated with the invisible Soul-Eating Insect to return it to its place.

The soul-eating worm flew back into his mind, and Wu Tao walked timidly in the cramped alley filled with the smell of urine and feces.

Suddenly, his eyes moved and he saw four figures walking towards him, wearing gorgeous robes.

He quickly pretended to be a shrunken low-level casual cultivator and stood aside to make way for the four of them. He was suspicious in his heart: "Why would a cultivator of this status come to the shanty town?"

"Could it be that you are here for me?"

"No, I am now a master-level bone-transformer and will not be discovered."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao was still full of vigilance, and his hand had unconsciously touched the storage bag under the low-level robe. As soon as the other party made any move, he would take action immediately.

With his head lowered, he secretly looked at the four people with his peripheral vision, getting closer and closer. The four people seemed to ignore him, but walked straight towards him, and then passed him by.

Wu Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and then, the blazing gun suddenly appeared in his hand. The force of the gun rose up by itself. He suddenly used the wind and thunder style. The blazing gun, the fire cloud pattern on the gun body seemed to be burning with flames, and there was also a flame on the tip of the gun. Accompanied by wind and thunder, they blasted towards Cao Guang...

Almost at the same time as Wu Tao took action, Cao Guang also turned around and took action, as well as Dong Qiang, Liang Yi, and Yan Hua.

The four disciples of the Immortal Dao Sect were no slower to react than Wu Tao, and they all attacked Wu Tao.

One more update. writing

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