Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 210 Dan appears (please subscribe)

The next day, Wu Tao looked at the twenty explosive poison beads made from immortal cakes suspended in front of him, feeling extremely satisfied.

He also refined a hundred non-poisonous Explosive Poison Beads, which only had an explosive function and were completely innocuous to those cultivators in the late stages of Qi refining. However, these ordinary Explosive Poison Beads were used to hide the Hundred Poison Beads.

After refining, Wu Tao began to practice and quietly waited for the auction of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

However, after being poisoned by Immortal Cake, Wu Tao became more cautious about everything.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the Foundation Establishment Pill auction.

This month, whether he was in Feidu Xuzhou or in the inn, he was practicing with Five Qi Pills. Therefore, this month, he improved by eight points and directly reached 27%. schedule.

On this day, Wu Tao walked out of the inn and planned to go to the spirit beast auction.

Walking on the street, he found a deserted alley. Wu Tao put on the tiger robe and tiger mask that cost 200 medium-grade spiritual stones at the auction. He also used the bone-transformation technique to change his appearance. , which is regarded as the second guarantee.

Then, he walked towards the spirit beast auction site. On the way, Wu Tao discovered that there were many casual cultivators, all wearing tiger robes and tiger masks, and they were exactly the same.

Finally, when I walked into the main hall of the Spiritual Beast Auction, I discovered that all the casual cultivators who came to bid for the Foundation Establishment Pill were all wearing this set of robes and masks that looked both aggressive and aggressive.

Wu Tao thought in his heart: This spirit beast auction is really damn good at doing business.

He was also glad that he bought this tiger robe and tiger mask. Otherwise, in the whole hall, he would be the only one wearing something different. It would be too conspicuous. Once they compete for the Foundation Establishment Pill, he will definitely become the target of public criticism, even if he is not the one who took the photo. The Foundation Establishment Pill is useless.

Just because it's so different.

Once chaos breaks out, everyone will look like a walking Foundation Establishment Pill.

Every casual cultivator who came in found a place to sit in the main hall, waiting for the auction to begin.

This auction also has private rooms.

But private rooms are expensive and rare. Moreover, in a private room, you are more likely to become the object of suspicion and be easily noticed and attacked by others. Therefore, over time, all the auctions of foundation-building pills were held in the main hall.

Everyone is the same, their aura is covered, and there is no need to shout out the price. You can bid based on the numbers on the bidding jade tokens in your hands. No one will know that you have bought the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Very secretive.

But it's not completely secret.

Wu Tao sat on a chair, his hands covered by his robe, holding the bidding jade plaque in his hand, quietly waiting for the auction to begin.

Last time, the black-clothed and masked casual cultivator brought him spiritual stones. He felt that he had a high chance of bidding for the Foundation Establishment Pill. Because he is a weapon refiner, other casual cultivators are not as good at earning spiritual stones as he is, and their net worth is definitely not as rich as his.

Moreover, he has the bone-transformation technique, so he should not attract the attention of others.

Maybe you can quietly take the Foundation Establishment Pill and leave.

This is the best state.

Wu Tao didn't want to fight if he could.

But once someone else gets it, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Everyone looks like the Foundation Establishment Pill. You have to kill a lot of people to find the Foundation Establishment Pill.

"Why do I feel that this scene seems to have been designed?" Wu Tao frowned slightly under his mask. He always felt that there seemed to be an invisible big hand controlling the auction of the Foundation Establishment Pill, causing the casual cultivators to fall into competition with each other. , a situation of killing each other.

And the only ones who can do it are the Immortal Sect.

Just as Wu Tao was thinking, the auction began.

An old man walked up to the second floor and sat down. On the auction stage on the first floor, the immortal cultivator who presided over the auction also walked up. He first greeted the old man on the second floor respectfully and said, "Thank you, Senior Zheng, for coming to the spirit beast auction." field."

Mr. Zheng nodded, and a hint of aura could not help but leak out. The casual cultivators present were all shocked. This was a foundation-building immortal cultivator.

Seeing that the crowd was slightly strange, the person in charge of the Immortal Cultivation smiled slightly and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Zheng of the Beast Control Sect, a foundation-building senior. He usually guards the Beast Control Cultivation City. This time, he is here to guard the city. The venue."

"Everyone, the Foundation Establishment Pill is at the spirit beast auction. You have to bid with the spirit stone. After the auction, you can fight for it however you like."

This is to set rules for casual cultivators.

All the casual cultivators present remained silent.

Wu Tao was also silent. He clearly felt the aura of Mr. Zheng, which was very powerful. Even if he was invincible in the Qi Refining Stage, if he faced him, there would be only death!

Unless Master Ding takes action, he doesn't want to become dependent on Master Ding.

Moreover, Mr. Ding was injured at first glance and was recuperating in his mind. Otherwise, he would not be interested in the Yin Qi on the coffin of Xiaoxiao Digging Road.

On the road of cultivating immortality and realizing immortality, you still have to rely on yourself after all.

After carrying out the foundation-building immortal cultivators, the casual cultivators were suppressed to death. The presiding cultivator was very satisfied. He smiled and said: "In that case, our auction will officially begin."

"The first lot..."

Usually at auctions like this, the Foundation Establishment Pill is the highlight.

Although everyone is here to auction the Foundation Establishment Pill, some people may only have enough money for the entry fee. They want the Foundation Establishment Pill because they want to have a chance to win the Foundation Establishment Pill, rather than relying on bidding.

Therefore, for these previous auction items, there will still be casual cultivators who start bidding.

For these auctions, casual cultivators who feel they have the ability to bid for the Foundation Establishment Pill will not be tempted, but will save the spirit stones and wait for the bid for the Foundation Establishment Pill, such as Wu Tao.

Time passed slowly, and each item was auctioned slowly, but the bidding price was not high. It would take two or three rounds of bidding at most before it would be auctioned off.

The last item was auctioned away, leaving only the Queen of Foundation Establishment Pills. The immortal cultivator who presided over the auction said: "Congratulations to the fellow Taoists in front of you for successfully bidding. After the auction is over, someone will come and take you to deliver the spiritual stones for auction. Taste."

Hearing this sentence, all the casual cultivators were slightly moved in their hearts. The successful bidder will be taken away by the people at the auction house. Isn't that an opportunity to be screened?

At that time, the immortal cultivators who bid for the Foundation Establishment Pill will also be screened out in this way.

All they have to do is squat outside the auction house after the auction ends, watch who comes out last, and rob them.

Those casual cultivators who had successfully bid in the auction before could not express their sorrow. Wasn't the auction a trap for them?

The presiding cultivator smiled slightly and continued: "Okay, let's auction the final item. I think all the fellow Taoists present are here for this... That is the Foundation Establishment Pill..."

A female cultivator brought a wooden box with both hands. The person in charge of cultivating immortals opened the wooden box, and a blue pill appeared in front of everyone, which was the Foundation Establishment Pill.

"Without further ado, let's start the auction for the Foundation Establishment Pill. The starting price is ten pieces of high-grade spiritual stones. Each time the price is increased, it must not be lower than one high-grade spiritual stone."

"Start bidding!"

There may only be two updates today, but I have written 190,000 words this month, which is considered a struggle. Next month’s goal is 200,000 words. See you next month.

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