Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 207 Temptation (please subscribe)

After returning home, Wu Tao told Chen Yao about the Foundation Establishment Pill.

When Chen Yao heard this, he knew that his senior brother was currently at the ninth level of Qi Refining. In order to build the foundation, he must bid for the foundation building pill, which would inevitably be accompanied by risks.

"Senior brother, when will you set off?"

Wu Tao said: "In three days, there will be a flying boat that will go directly to the Beast Controlling Immortal City. When the time comes, I will take this flying boat to go there."

"However, Ayao, the Foundation Establishment Pill is too dangerous, so I won't take you with me. You will stay in Lingxu Immortal Cultivation City and wait for my return." Wu Tao finally said.

Chen Yao nodded and said: "I can't help you now, senior brother. I just hope that you can come back safely. Senior brother, don't worry, I will take good care of myself and wait for you to come back."

Wu Tao smiled, stretched his hand out of his storage bag, and the Three-pole Water-Fire Sword Formation appeared in his hand. He handed it over and said: "Ayao, you are now at the sixth level of Qi refining. You can practice with Five Qi Pills. In a few more Yue, if you swallow the last red fruit, you can reach the later stage of Qi refining."

"You have refined the three-pole water-fire sword formation and arranged it at home. I will prepare enough Qi Restoration Pills for you. You can practice at home with peace of mind until I come back."

Chen Yao took over the Three-pole Water-Fire Sword Formation and said, "Everything depends on senior brother."

With the Three-pole Water-Fire Sword Formation, Wu Tao is almost relieved, because he has no enemies in Lingxu Immortal Cultivation City, so he doesn't have to worry about enemies, and the order in the city is relatively stable. As long as Chen Yao can stay at home and practice with peace of mind. , it is basically impossible for anything to happen. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Ayao, speaking of which, I bought this with my master's savings. I bought it with your dowry at the time. Now, I can give it back to you."

Hearing his senior brother's joke, Chen Yao blushed and said, "Senior brother, you are making fun of me again."

"Haha!" Wu Tao laughed loudly, and then said: "Without further delay, I will leave in three days. You go to the training room to refine the three-pole water and fire sword formation first. After refining it in three days, I will go Get ready..."

"Yes, senior brother." Chen Yao immediately took the three-pole water-fire sword array and went to the training room to start refining it.

Wu Tao also went out to buy enough Qi Recovery Pills for Chen Yao. As for his storage bag, there were actually more than a hundred bottles of Qi Recovery Pills, but he prepared them for himself.

When he came to the street, in just an hour, Wu Tao could hear the casual cultivators on the street, all of whom seemed to be discussing the auction of Foundation Establishment Pills in the Beast Cultivation Immortal City in a month.

"It spreads so fast!"

Wu Tao sighed and decided to be cautious this time, although he was confident that he was invincible during the Qi refining period.

But as the saying goes, if many ants kill an elephant, he will not be conceited.

No matter how strong you are, you can't lose your cautious and low-key heart, and you can't lose your old-fashioned heart.

Wu Tao came to the elixir shop and bought fifty bottles of Qi Restoration Pills. Then he returned home and began to practice the body tempering technique in the weapon refining room.

In the training room, Chen Yao is still refining the formation disk.

On the second day, Wu Tao went to Feidu Xuzhou to register his identity. This time, he was not escaping, nor was he going to the territory of Wuquan Mountain in the Wuling Domain. Therefore, Wu Tao did not have to live in the bottom cabin, but he registered for another person openly and honestly. A vest identity.

In the blink of an eye, one more night will pass and it will be the day to fly across the void and set sail.

As soon as Wu Tao entered the training room, Chen Yao opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Brother, I have refined this three-pole water and fire sword formation."

Wu Tao said: "Okay, you can decorate it at home now."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yao immediately arranged the formation. After she arranged the formation, Wu Tao handed fifty bottles of Qi Recovery Pills and three bottles of Five Qi Pills into Chen Yao's hands and said, "This is the Qi Recovery Pill, and there are also Five Qi Pills." Pill, after I get the Foundation Establishment Pill, I will come back immediately on the Feidu Xuzhou."

Chen Yao said: "Brother, you are a weapon refiner after all. If you can't get the foundation-building pill, don't be brave. Saving your life is the most important thing."

Wu Tao touched her milk bag and said: "Don't worry, you are not ignorant. Senior brother always puts stability as the first factor when doing things. If this trip is too risky, then I will definitely not force it."

"After all, I promised Master that I would take good care of you."

"Senior brother, I'm waiting for you to come back." Chen Yao nestled in Wu Tao's arms.

Early tomorrow morning, Wu Tao will set off and take a flying boat to the Beast Controlling Immortal City. Therefore, this night, the two senior brothers and sisters spent a good night together.

Under all kinds of role-playing, Wu Tao lost even a drop of his character.

The next day, Wu Tao unexpectedly felt a rare pain in his back. He frowned slightly and said to himself: "I am an immortal cultivator. It is impossible for this kind of thing to happen. This must be an illusion. I have also practiced the body tempering technique. This is a battle. For me, it's all water... By the end of last night, it was indeed watery..."

With this in mind, Wu Tao said goodbye to Chen Yao, then left home and headed to the dock where he took the Feidu Xuzhou.

When he arrived at the pier, Wu Tao took out his ticket and started to check the tickets. After the check-in was completed, he was taken to the elevator and asked to go by himself, and his room number was also told to him.

Wu Tao looked at the ticket gate. Many casual cultivators were checking tickets. There was no doubt that these casual cultivators were his competitors.

Following the flow of people up the flight ladder, and standing on the deck, he looked down and found that each deck was engraved with restrictions, and these decks were all smelted with high-grade spiritual materials.

It is estimated to be a second-level spiritual material.

Otherwise, how could Feidu Xuzhou resist the attack of the Immortal Cultivation Foundation Builder.

His room was on the first floor. He found his room and opened the door with the jade token he had just received when checking in. This room actually had a soundproof anti-peep circle, a bed, and a bathroom. Gong house.

The layout is small but spacious.

Wu Tao put a spiritual stone on the soundproof anti-peep circle, turned it on, and then sat cross-legged on the bed. There was a book beside the bed. He picked it up and looked at it. The first sentence on it read - "Welcome Take the Lingxu and fly across the Xuzhou."

After opening it, there were various spiritual wines, spiritual teas, and dishes made from monster meat, all with prices marked on them.

"It's quite comprehensive."

Wu Tao murmured and turned the page again, and then his expression changed slightly... Because there were portraits of female nuns on it, along with prices.

"This... is advanced!"

"What a temptation...but I am like a sage now, so don't think about messing with my Taoist mind!"

Wu Tao couldn't help but sigh, then he closed the book and started practicing.

For these ten days, he planned to remain silent in cultivation.

To this end, he also purchased a bottle of Bigu Pill.

It was enough for him to practice for ten days without feeling hungry.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the bed, took out a bottle of Five Qi Pills, and started practicing.

Ever since he got the news about the Foundation Establishment Pill, Wu Tao overturned his previous plan. He didn't use the Five Qi Pill before because he felt that he was invincible during the Qi refining period and would be invincible when he reached perfection. Without the Foundation Establishment Pill for a while, he let time take care of his cultivation. Grind it on.

But now that the Foundation Establishment Pill has appeared, he will definitely start using the Five Qi Pills to practice to perfection and obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill. First, build the Foundation.

If you can quickly increase your strength, of course you should choose to increase your strength.

This is something that doesn't need to be considered.

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