When he understood the restriction of breaking the formation, Wu Tao would habitually open his personal information every day to see if the restriction of breaking the formation was included in the personal information.

But for five consecutive days, the personal information of breaking the formation restriction was not included.

During this period, I also attended Zhou Shen's small gathering of casual weapon masters, and met three first- and eighth-level weapon refiners, all of whom were the same as Zhou Shen. There were no first-level or ninth-level casual weapon masters.

That's why we get closer, it's the same for everyone.

It has not been included for five days, which also intuitively shows that breaking the formation restriction is indeed very challenging.

However, on the fifth day, the hired casual cultivators in Zhou Chongguan's shop sent him the spiritual materials he lacked for refining gold-plated clothes.

Wu Tao began to refine gold gilt clothes.

The golden armor is a first-order and ninth-level defensive weapon. Wu Tao is still wearing the diamond inner armor refined by his master Chen Shan, which is only a first-order and seventh-level weapon.

Although he also has a defensive weapon, the Black Mysterious Shield, the Black Mysterious Shield is not a personal weapon after all. It requires an extra step, which is to take it out from the storage bag and activate the defense.

The gold-plated clothing is worn on the body, eliminating the need to take it out from the storage bag, and can directly stimulate defense. This is extremely important, as it saves a breath of time.

When cultivators fight, every breath and every breath is extremely crucial, so don't be careless.

Wu Tao refined the gold-plated clothes and gave one to Chen Yao for self-defense. Although Chen Yao had his own protection and basically stayed in the orderly and relatively safe Xiuxian City, it was still relative.

Sometimes, a defensive robe is really crucial and can save lives.

Without any surprises or even failures, Wu Tao refined the golden gilded clothes and the master-level Xuanyuan weapon refining techniques. If they still failed, Wu Tao should find a piece of tofu and kill the calculation ball.

Two pieces, one for him and Chen Yao. Now that he doesn't open a shop so quickly, he won't be able to refine more.

After refining the gold-plated clothes, Wu Tao began to comprehend and break the formation restrictions with a higher intensity.

It wasn't until the fifteenth day that the personal information finally included the formation-breaking ban.

Master the restrictions: Level 1 and Level 9 Flame Restriction, Level 1 and Level 9 Gold Gilded Clothes Restriction, Level 1 and Level 9 Breaking Formation Restriction (0%)

"It took fifteen days to comprehend and allow personal information to be included. Are you telling me that this is only a first-level and ninth-level ban?" Wu Tao was speechless when he looked at the level of the formation-breaking ban on his personal information.

He is an official first-level and ninth-level weapon refining master, and possesses the master-level Xuanyuan weapon refining method. Understanding a first-level and ninth-level prohibition should be stable and does not need to take as long as half a month.

"Yes, there is no record that this refining method requires the use of earth fire for refining. It must be a first-level and ninth-level ban. However, even if it is a first-level and ninth-level ban, it is infinitely close to the second-level ban. Otherwise, it would not be possible. It will be so difficult to understand.”

Wu Tao thought this way.

"It has been included in the personal information. The next time is to brush up the proficiency and start using the forbidden practice spirit board to practice this restriction."

"Of course, I also need to buy several first-level and ninth-level magic weapon refining secret books. The golden clothes and the flame gun are all magic weapons that my master and I learned from the Wuquan Mountain Artifact Refining Hall. If they are discovered, they will not be found. Okay. It’s better to buy magic weapon refining secrets in Lingxu Immortal City, and wait until the restrictions are drawn before officially opening the shop."

Wu Tao would definitely open a shop. Open a shop and find someone to hire casual cultivators to sell it, so that he and Chen Yao would have more time to practice.

Selling it yourself will waste a lot of time.

Wu Tao already has a preliminary plan in mind. Now that he has no shortage of spiritual stones, he will sell off all the unnecessary magical weapons during this period.

Then refine a new first-level and ninth-level magic weapon and open a shop.

During this period of time, he also wanted to get acquainted with Lingxu Immortal City.

Cultivation of immortality is a matter of human nature and worldliness, not something done behind closed doors.

He had to build his own network in Lingxu Xiuxian City.

For example, Zhang Ming showed his kindness to him. Wu Tao had not forgotten the smell of other flames on his body. He guessed that it was the smell of earthly fire. If he got in touch with Zhang Ming, if he got along well, he might be able to use Zhang Ming's scent in the future. Due to the high-level relationship, he entered Lingxu Sect to borrow earth fire.

There is also Zhou Chongguan who monopolizes the first-level and ninth-level spiritual material business. This person can monopolize the business, which means that this person has a huge background. It is okay to have more contact with him. After all, all spiritual materials for refining magical weapons in the future must also be used. Purchase it from his spiritual material store.

Zhou Shen can also be contacted.

You don’t have to win over yourself to make friends, the most important thing is to make friends that suit you.

Cultivation of immortality also involves cultivating the heart.

Now that the preliminary plan for establishing an immortal city in Lingxu had been decided, Wu Tao looked for opportunities to visit Zhang Ming in the following days and also invited Zhou Shen in return.

After several contacts, Zhou Shen is also a good person, but he cannot be involved in interests. He can just be a fellow Taoist with no interest entanglements.

After visiting Zhang Ming several times, Wu Tao breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Ming did not have a daughter, but only two sons. One son was a first-level and eighth-level weapon refiner, studying and working in the Lingxu Sect's weapon refinement hall.

There is also a son who is an ordinary disciple of Lingxu Sect, with a ninth-level cultivation of Qi refining, but no talent for refining weapons.

The reason why Zhang Ming admired Wu Tao was gradually discovered by Wu Tao. Every time he complimented him or flattered him, he showed an expression of enjoyment and often hinted that if he could speak, he would speak more.

Of course, Zhang Ming also told Wu Tao that Wu Tao has good talent in weapon refining. When he is promoted to the first-level and ninth-level casual weapon refining master, he can come to the weapon refining hall to work. The people in Xiuxian City are not from the sect.

Wu Tao took the opportunity to prevaricate, and then found an opportunity to ask Zhang Ming how a casual weapon refiner could become a second-level weapon refiner.

Just like that, three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Wu Tao is basically familiar with Lingxu Immortal Cultivation City. He is already familiar with Zhou Chongguan, Zhang Ming, and Zhou Shen. He also has a basic understanding of many situations in Lingxu Immortal Cultivation City.

The circle of casual weapon masters also knew that there was a first-level and eighth-level casual weapon master named Han Fan, who was very close to senior Zhang Ming in the weapon refining hall of Lingxu City.

There’s a lot to be done!

This day.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon in the training room, opened his personal information, and checked his three-month strength progress.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 31/129】

[Realm: Ninth Level of Qi Refining]

[Kung Fu: Three Yang Kung Qi Refining Chapter (ninth level): 19%]

[Spells: Fireball Expert (89%), Cleansing Expert (99%), Bone-Transformation Master (25%), Qingling Sword Sutra Proficient (68%), Blood Escape Secret Technique Proficient (69%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Technique: Xuanyuan Weapon Refining Technique·Grandmaster (25%)

Master the prohibitions: first-order and ninth-level formation-breaking prohibition (28%), first-order and ninth-level Qingxuan prohibition (49%), first-order and ninth-level silver shield prohibition (49%)

[Sub-professional physical training: Dragon Spear Body Tempering Technique: Marrow Refining (88%), Dragon Spear Fire-Plundering Master (100%), Dragon Spear Wind and Thunder Master (100%)]

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