Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 875: you are doing he is watching

Latest website: Corridor of Hatanaka Respiratory Medicine Hospital.

It took more than two hours for Yiying's examination in total, before Ye Gengyi took Yuantai out of the consultation room.

Mao Lilan and Hui Yuanai immediately surrounded them, "Brother Geng, what did the doctor say?"

"It's not a big deal," Ye Geng said. "It's just that some small amounts of stimulant drugs caused inflammation of the tonsils. It can be recovered after two to three days of proper maintenance."

"Huh...that's really good." Several people let out a sigh of relief.

Qiu Ting Lianzi leaned against the corner, holding his thermos cup with a thoughtful look on his face.

This time, it was a child who naughty and secretly drank the tea inside, but if he drank it himself, his life would definitely be fine, but the concert the day after tomorrow was impossible to participate in anyway.

...Who the **** would do such a thing.

Conan watched Qiu Ting Reiko's reaction.

The priority of tracing the incident that happened in front of him is obviously more important than asking about the number 0858, so he did not deliberately avoid others, and asked directly:

"Miss Qiu Ting, when was the last time you drank that bottle of tea?"

"After noon..."

Qiuting Lianzi recalled:

"After lunch, I borrowed a music classroom in Doben College to practice singing. Before leaving for Didan Elementary School, I went to the bathroom. During that time, the thermos cups and other things were placed in the singing practice classroom. "

"If something is added to the water, I'm afraid that's the only time. It seems that the prisoner wants to prevent Miss Qiu Ting from participating in the concert the day after tomorrow..."

Conan looked at Ye Gengyi and suggested, "Brother Gengyi, although you helped Yuan Tai wash his stomach in time, I still care a little bit. Because you happened to be driving here, can I trouble you to take the water bottle to the Metropolitan Police Department? , let them investigate what the substance inside is..."

"What do you say?" Ye Gengyi looked at Qiu Ting Lianzi.

"Ah?" A certain soprano was startled.

"Do not misunderstand."

As soon as Ye Geng said, he did not forget to draw the key points, "Just to let you think about the people you have offended, are there any types of people who have a strong sense of revenge and like to implicate others?"

" suddenly made me think..." Qiu Ting Lianzi was also full of distress.

"You are actually worried that after you leave, we will be attacked by that prisoner, right?" Ai Haibara helped translate.

"Part of it, I'm not so worried." Ye Geng told the truth.

With Conan and Maurilan around, the easy-going prisoners might not necessarily be able to get benefits in front of them, at least the chances of success are not high.

Moreover, if it is jealousy or hatred, it is enough to put poison such as cyanide directly in the cup, and use irritating drugs just to prevent Qiu Ting Lianzi from performing on stage the day after tomorrow?


According to this angle of analysis, although the last Hebian Zouzi still lost his memory in the hospital, he did not die after all.

Could it be that there is also a psychological blow?

Wait... am I ignoring those two big bad guys who were killed by the bomb? Or maybe the prisoner is a psychopath who likes to kill the ugly ones, and then slowly torture the good-looking ones?

Hmm... I'll ask Officer Shiratori later to see if he has investigated the connection between the two dead and the concert.

"That, Gengyi brother..."

Conan looked at a few people but didn't speak. For clues, he had to urge again: "It's daytime after all. If the prisoner dared to blatantly commit murder, he wouldn't choose to use drugs, right?"

"Yes, Conan is right, we will protect ourselves, and we will also protect Yuan Tai and Miss Qiuting!"

Yuan Tai and Ayumi vowed to slap their chests to make sure that they would pay.

"I'll go with me too. Mine made it clear to the parents of this child, how can they drink other people's things without authorization! I really don't know how they... uh, what is this?"

Before Qiu Ting Lian Zi finished speaking, his eyes fell on a piece of paper that Ye Geng Yi reached out and handed over.

"The medicine prescribed by the doctor, the outpatient fee is also included. Since you are willing to go, then these will be handed over to you." Ye Gengyi said.

Qiu Ting Lianzi: "..."

Mao Lilan: "..."

Conan: "..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Three children: "..."


Several people parted in front of the hospital.

As soon as Ye Geng drove away, he actually detoured to the intersection of the shopping street ahead of time, which was the only way to go to the Kojima Yuantai's shop.

Get out of the car and walk.

Although investigating the additions in the water glass and analyzing the ingredients as soon as possible is also a way to identify suspects to some extent.

But since Conan is there, and Qiu Ting Lianzi chooses to go with them, although he is not fully sure, no matter how he thinks the probability of an incident here is still quite large, so Ye Gengyi will naturally not go to the police. Hall missed the opportunity.

It's just that this kind of thing is a bit troublesome to explain, and he also considers that the prisoner who may be hiding in the dark will not take risks when he finds out that he is an adult male walking with a few people, so he simply follows Conan's instructions. It is recommended to come here in advance to ambush and track.

Will it come?

The sun sets in the west, in the long street in the evening.

Ye Geng once located Yuan Tai's detective armband, and after turning on the microphone remotely, he followed the detour while eavesdropping on the conversation over there.

"Cheer up."

Ayumi's voice came from the hidden earphones.

"Don't worry too much. Keeping a good mood can help you recover." Mao Lilan reassured.

"Yeah Yuantai," Mitsuhiko said, "As long as you take medicine and cultivate well, two or three days will pass in the blink of an eye..."

Maybe two or three quarters will pass in the blink of an eye, and of course, it's just repeated horizontal jumps during the year...

Ye Gengyi spit out a slot silently, and saw the figure of the group in his sight.

Because Yuan Tai couldn't speak, he could only keep gesticulating what he wanted to express with his hands.

"I want to take Grandpa's pills too."

Ayumi translated from the side.

"Unexpectedly, it has really become the same puzzle as the doctor's puzzle."

Seeing this, Hai Yuanai couldn't help but sigh.

You must know that when she and Ye Geng went out, the inventor was still depressed by the blow that his puzzle was a cold joke.

However, if you really want to connect this matter with the prisoner, I am afraid that the good old doctor will be even more depressed...

Just thinking about it, a truck happened to be driving behind them.

Qiu Ting Lianzi heard the voice and reminded several people: "Everyone, stand by the side of the road."

Strange, this section of road should not allow trucks to pass through, right?

Do the criminals really dare to commit murder!

Conan realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "It's not right! Everyone, run!"

Just a few seconds after his voice fell.

The large truck suddenly accelerated and slammed into the crowd.

Fortunately, the telephone poles on both sides of the road act as a barrier, making it impossible for large trucks to travel in a straight line.

In this way, it also provides time for Conan and his party to escape.

But safety is only The road in front of this residential building is obviously much wider.

Seeing this, Qiu Ting Lianzi did not hesitate, and chose to lead the chase away by himself.

Trucks are also getting faster and faster.

Finally, Qiu Ting Lianzi's feet were unstable, and he rolled and fell in front of an approaching taxi.

The two sides meet on a narrow road, and the scene of "Soprano Traveling to Another World" can be staged in the next instant.

However, the driver of the big truck did not want to cause a fatal accident, and even stepped on the brakes.

Ye Gengyi recovered it by mimicking it as a nano-robot that was different from the 'Poker Gun' of the Phantom Thief Kid's model.

Oh, little old man, I caught you.


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