Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 865: The posture that ordinary people should have when listening to music

Ye Geng only acted as Haibara Ai, who was obsessively learning about his lack of return all night, as well as the progress of the investigation into the Domoto Conservatory of Music bombing.

The matter of Kaito and Mingmei naturally cannot be exposed.

Therefore, after Ye Genyi selectively expressed that he did not want to go to the concert hall to do meaningless things, he was about to hang up the phone and return to Mihua Town.

As a result, I heard Haibara Ai continue to say:

"I suggest you better go."

"Oh? What's the reason?" Ye Geng asked.

"Because Edogawa will also go, yesterday he came to the doctor to discuss secretly..."

Haibara Ai suddenly lowered her voice:

"He seems to want to find someone with an absolute sense of sound to help you listen to the key tone... And speaking of invitations, why do you think I'm calling you?"

"You continue." Ye Gengyi really didn't understand.

This girl can go to the rehearsal, isn't she also a guest, no matter how she thinks, she can't have the right to pull people, right?

"It was said that it was intended as a surprise, but Kudo had a quarrel with the guy from his family because he couldn't come, so the eldest lady of the Suzuki consortium was directly dragged to play tennis all afternoon. She was so tired that she couldn't lift her arms. As a result of the relationship, the original plan to call everyone to invite them one by one came to nothing, so I asked the doctor to do this."

Haibara Ai tried her best to use summarizing words to retell the general process of the incident.

"Oh? So wonderful?"

Ye Gengyi casually agreed, and his thoughts flowed quickly.

If you go as a guest, you can switch to the status of a technical association expert when necessary, but you can save a lot of trouble. Well, it's time to go back to Mihua Town anyway... It doesn't matter what the key tone is, the key is There will definitely be cases where Conan is there. If you can seize the opportunity, maybe you can test the mark on the palm of your hand...

"Got it, I'll be there later."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Is it an illusion? Why does it feel like this person is here to listen to gossip?


After leaving Kuroba Kuito's house, he took a bus from Egutian back to Mikacho, and the time came to 10 o'clock in the morning.

Don Ben Concert Hall.

Walking through the spacious corridor, Ye Genyi saw this traditional European-style oval building facing south.

View from above.

The concert hall in the center occupies more than a quarter of the entire building.

In addition to being accessible from the main door, three similar corridors have also been opened on the east, west and north sides.

Is this the so-called symmetrical aesthetic?

Ye Gengyi controlled the drone to land in the grass, and after recovering it, he walked to the thick wooden door.

Gently push it open and then close it, and the outside noise is also isolated at this moment.

The interior decoration is still classic.

A chandelier cast in the shape of vines and petals hangs from the ceiling, and the ingenious and delicate design gives a gorgeous but unobtrusive impression.

The marble floor was covered with a dark red carpet, and the soles of the shoes were very soft on it, and there would be no unnecessary noise.

A room with only breathing and heartbeat sounds unexpectedly calming.

Ye Gengyi continued to walk inside, passed through two soundproof rooms, pushed the door to the main hall of the concert, and this impression was also broken by the loud and rich sound of the pipe organ.

I really don't like this kind of situation...

Ye Geng rubbed his eyebrows and asked Xiaobai to modify the settings of the hidden earphones. After selectively pulling out the audio tracks in the hall, he went straight to the seat of the protagonist and sat down.

Since Domoto Kazuki was playing a piece of music, neither of them spoke.

After saying hello with eyes.

Ye Gengyi set his eyes on the west side of the main hall, where Mu Mu Shisan and his group were. can't even sit, and while investigating the case, you must always be on guard against someone breaking in and committing murder.

The saddest thing is that the person you want to protect is backed by the big tree of capital and power, and will not give you a good face at all.

But it's not bad. Since they are not good people, then these people accidentally lost their lives in their own "tests", so there should be no complaints...


Ye Geng first looked at the stage and the performers sitting in the first row of the auditorium.

There were four men and three women in total.

Qiuting Lianzi, Qiancao Lala, Yamane Ziyin...

Apart from Domoto Ikki, Ye Geng only recognized the three women among them.

Qiu Ting Lianzi is famous enough, as for the remaining two, he has seen photos from the information passed by Shiratori Ren Saburo.

Like Domoto Ikki, both of them are suspected of planting bombs in the Domoto Academy's practice room.

Then the so-called medium, shouldn't it be the Stradivarius again?

Ye Gengyi looked around, and finally landed on Shangen Ziyin and the violin in her hand.

Just as he was considering how to approach the piano.

Ikki Domoto's performance also just ended.

There was a round of applause from the audience in the first row.

Among them, a bald European with short brown hair and a pot belly, speaking with a crappy accent no less than Judy Sterling, walked towards the stage while clapping:

"It's amazing, it's amazing, Mr. Donmoto!"

"Yes, as expected, the organ has a completely different charm from the piano." Another old man with gray hair and black-rimmed glasses also followed.

"Oh, as expected of Ikki Domoto, what a wonderful performance..."

On the seat in the middle row, Mauri Kogoro couldn't help but praise, and then turned to Ye Gengyi who had nothing to say:

"Hey, Genyi, you must know something, right..."

"Oh?" Ye Geng looked sideways, "Mr. Maori, are you asking about Toccata and Fugue in D minor?"

"Ah? What's wrong with Kata?"

Maori Kogoro was He originally wanted to ask about the explosion of the Domoto Conservatory of Music, because in his impression, Ye Genyi mentioned the name Hebian Zuozi to Mu Mu Shisan when he was setting up a music house. .

"The "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor" mentioned by Gengyi is the piece that Mr. Domoto played on the organ just now..."

Conan couldn't help but say from the sidelines:

"It was one of the masterpieces of Bach's youth, which was characterized by fast speed and tight rhythm, and had high requirements for the skill of the instrument player."

"Uh..." Mouri Kogoro's face was embarrassed, "Is it such a powerful song? I just think it sounds good..."

"Enough is enough."

Ye Genyi explained his opinion:

"Whether it's palace-level music or a melody minor humming at will, for most listeners, as long as there is no music score for reference, no one will notice even if they play a few wrong scales in the middle."

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