Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 856: seconds before the event

The latest website: Look over there, Mumu Shisan and Maori Kogoro are still discussing the whereabouts of the Stradivarius.

Ye Gengyi knew that Yuga Xiangsuke couldn't get away for a while and implemented the plan to kill Shiraku Tiaoyilang.

So what is he going to do in this situation?

Ye Geng brought in the perspective of an ordinary person and began to analyze.

Without a doubt, the easiest and least interesting method is to wait.

Wait for the police to investigate, wait for the police to leave, and wait for the music to die.

In this way, as long as Yuga Kosuke can clear his suspicions tonight, he will still be the talented arranger with infinite glory in the future.

But will he really do it?

Obviously, when he killed Shilexian Sanlang, as long as he didn't rush into the fire for rescue, he could solve the two targets of revenge once and for all, and after the fire was characterized as an accident, he didn't have to worry about the follow-up killing methods being discovered by detectives.

Are you confident in your ability to kill?

should not...

At least in Ye Gengyi's view, Yuga Xiangsuke was too obsessed with alibi and secret rooms, so he missed so many clues at the scene.

He thought quietly.

He also heard movement in the room behind him.

"It's so strange, when did the prisoner give away the real thing?" Mu Mu Shisan was still wondering.

"Otherwise, let's look inside the villa."

Mouri Kogoro suggested: "Being able to enter this locked room without leaving a trace, I think it is very likely that an insider committed the crime."

"Search or something... I don't think it's necessary."

An old voice sounded.

Set music tone Yilang walked over with a slow pace, "This piano is hidden behind the curtains... This person, Xuanyin, still likes to mess around like this."

This, is this the Stradivarius? !

Is it so easy to find?

Compared to Conan's confusion.

Yuga Kosuke, who was still wondering if he was hiding the piano too secretly, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He leaned over and looked at it a few times, and said:

"Looking at the label, it is indeed a Stradivarius. There should be nothing wrong with the genuine one. Do you need me to play a piece and try it out? Let you hear the sound of this violin..."

Now you are not afraid of being cursed?

Ye Gengyi couldn't understand why Yuga Xiangsuke wanted to talk about this topic.

"There's no need for that."

Mu Mu Shisan also hurriedly waved his hand to refuse, "And compared to that, do you know who bought the broken imitation?"

"Could it be that she wanted to surprise everyone, so she secretly bought another Stradivarius?"

Maori Kogoro had a serious face and gave a guess: "When I took it out again, I found it was a counterfeit, so I smashed it in a fit of anger?"

"Did you commit suicide because of shame?" Mu Mu Shisan rested his chin with one hand, "If you have to say that, it's not impossible... After all, the real product has not been stolen."

"Not at all!"

Conan interrupted eagerly, "When we entered this room, we also looked behind the curtains, but there was nothing there, someone must have used the imitation to drop the bag, and then after the door was opened, they sneaked in to hide the real one. there!"

Look, this is the flaw... Ye Geng watched with a cold eye.

Sure enough, although the police did not pay too much attention to the loss and recovery of the Stradivarius, Conan's persistence still induced him to let Kogoro Mouri say the hypothesis that this might be a serial murder case.

Immediately, Mu Mu Shisan asked everyone who set up Lejia to go back to their rooms first, and prepared to arrange for police officers to follow them all the way.

There's no chance now, or in other words, waiting for Ichiro to die from illness is part of Yuga Kyousuke's murder plan.

Ye Geng shook his head nonchalantly, and had no interest in continuing to wait and see about this murder case. Gu Yan

Seeing that the police were about to set up a cordon, after a detailed search of Shile Lianxi's bedroom.

Ye Gengyi was no longer silent and said directly:

"Police, you don't need to be so troublesome. If you want to know who the murderer is, you just need to 'ask' this Stradivarius."


ask... ask the piano?

"Yi, what are you talking about?"

Mouri Kogoro was stunned, "Have you already found evidence that this is a serial murder case?"

Hearing this, Conan, who was about to take the opportunity to run to the fire scene to collect clues, slipped on the bottom of his feet and almost fell to the ground.

He turned back dumbfounded.

what's the situation……

Brother Geng broke the case again? ?

Looking around the eyes of everyone, Ye Gengyi finally set his eyes on Yu He Xiangsuke and said:

"Mr. Xiangsuke, are you going to say it yourself or let me say it?"


Yuga Xiangsuke had been in an uneasy mood until it finally landed like a big rock.

Sure enough, this person already knows something, but it's enough...

He was about to confess, but was interrupted by Shelelianxi emotionally:

"Liar! You're lying, right! How could Uncle Xiangfu be a murderer! Have you forgotten that when the other building was on fire, Uncle He rushed into the fire without thinking of his life to save Grandma out. Why did he kill her after the fact?"

"Lianxi, don't say any more..."

Yu He Xiangfu patted Le Lianxi on the shoulder: "Yes, the fire in the annex used the sound of the piano to induce Aunt Xuanyin to jump off the building, and I was the one who pushed your father downstairs a year ago. "

"As for why you went to the fire to save Aunt Xuanyin..."

Yu He Xiangfu explained softly, "It's because I don't like the appearance of dissonant scales."

"Difficult, could it be..." Mao Lilan was shocked: "You rescued Mrs. Xuanyin from the fire scene just because you didn't want 'g' and 'a' to die at the same time?"

"Yes..." Yu He Xiangsuke nodded, "I have such a weird personality."

" could..."

Shele Lianxi froze in place, as if she had suffered an unbearable blow deep inside her heart.

The cousin she likes and admires most is her own enemy who killed her father...

"Bastard! Just for this reason?!" Mu Mu Shisan asked, "What do you think of human life!"

"Haha... Tuning Uncle Lang, doesn't it sound harsh? You should be more suitable to answer this question, right?"

Yu He Xiangfu asked in a mocking tone: "Or you used despicable means to take this Stradivarius from my father 30 years ago. already?"

"Huchi, Huchi... Huchi..."

Set music tone Yilang bowed his holding the Stradivarius tightly in both hands, but couldn't even utter a word.

Also at this time.

In the field, only Ye Gengyi noticed that a silk thread so thin that it was almost invisible to the naked eye suddenly spewed out from the palm of his hand, ignoring all obstacles, and pierced directly into the heart of Shi Le Tiao Yilang. .

cough cough...

I saw the old man reaching out and grabbing his throat, as if drowning.

After a few seconds.

With a clatter, the Stradivari fell from his hand and fell to the floor with him.


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