Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 842: Details that need to be prepared before doing

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Shiratori Ren Saburo, Takagi Shibu was startled.

Is it... the resentment caused by the failure to handle the case because the search warrant could not be approved?

After the two came to this conclusion, they almost burst into tears.

And to a certain technical association expert who had no basis and was simply complaining, Qi Qi cast a sympathetic look.


are you crazy?

Ye Geng felt a little hairy when he was seen, and his muscles tightened instantly. He controlled the subconscious reaction of taking a half step back, and looked at the two with dead fish eyes, doubting in his heart:

Doben Concert Hall closed down, is it necessary to make you so excited?


Cursed Domoto Ikki died, Prophecy Hall's concert hall closed down or something, Shiratori Ren Saburo and Takagi Shibu were criminal policemen, even if they were willing to complain about this, it would be inconvenient to agree.

Ye Gengyi didn't plan to talk about this topic again after seeing the strange reaction of the two of them, lest something really happen to the Tangben Concert Hall in a few days.

Of course, he is not worried that he will be suspected, mainly because he does not want the police to put the hat of the **** of plague or the **** of curse on his head when they review the clues.

Take the phone and toolbox.

After a brief observation of this evidence and the accompanying X-ray perspective, Ye Genyi also understood the forensic officer's concerns.

The plastic shell melted by the high temperature of the explosion has almost been integrated with components such as the motherboard of the mobile phone.

Shiratori Ren Saburo's sentence "If you force it open, it may destroy the memory card inside" is really subtle. If Ye Geng said it, this thing may have been broken long ago.

No wonder he called himself, I am afraid that repairing the data in the mobile phone is just an incidental reason. The real purpose should be to let himself help investigate this case without a search warrant.

In this way, it does not go against the wishes of the high-level police, and maybe it can also bring in the "famous detective" of Kogoro Mouri.

Mumu Police Department, you have learned badly...

Ye Geng thought and acted synchronously, and in just a few minutes, he cut the phone in the middle, and took out the phone card and memory card attached to the plastic.

The preservation is fairly complete, otherwise, if these two items are directly destroyed into powder when they explode, then there is really no way.

After Ye Gengyi used plastic sheets to fix them together, he put them into his pockets, but actually put them into the storage space. He was going to use the function of repairing the volume of cubic centimeters on the items every hour to realize the Traceability of mobile phone data.

Because this matter must not be exposed, before deciding whether to use this method, Ye Genyi still needs to get a promise from Ren Saburo Shiratori.


"Whether the data can be extracted or not, the calling card and memory card will be broken?"

"Well, if you have a better way, you can try it first, I'm not in a hurry."

"No need, Mr. Ye," Shiratori Ren Saburo waved his hand, "I think other methods have already been tried in the forensics class."

"it is good."

Ye Geng nodded and was about to find a reason, such as:

Needing an undisturbed work environment for restoration work, the phone in my pocket suddenly rang.

It's a small radar...

Ye Geng picked it up, "Hello? Are you back?"

"Well, I have something to tell you, only myself..."

Haibara Ai calmly emphasized the key points of the topic, and then asked:

"Where are you?"

"Domoto Conservatory of Music."

Ye Geng hung up the phone and said to Shiratori Ren Saburo and Takagi Shibu who were looking at him asking questions:

"That little girl from Dr. Li's house, she cried when I wasn't home, so she insisted on coming to find me."

Dr. A Li's family...

Oh! It must be the little girl who doesn't look like a primary school student at all.

In the minds of the two, the appearance of Haibara Ai appeared.

However, when he saw that Mr. Ye was not at home, he cried and called to find someone. It seems that no matter how mature he usually behaves, he still has a cute side.

On the other side, Haibara Ai, who secretly finished the phone call, sneezed as soon as she went out.

She looked up at the bright sun and clear sky, and blinked a little strangely.

It's not cold either. Could it be that you have a cold?


Data recovery takes about 1 hour.

Come here, Shiratori Ren Saburo and Takagi Shibu, simply wandered around the academy and continued to look for evidence and clues.

Ye Geng came to Haiyuan Ai first, and together they went to an empty classroom, and prepared to use the materials in the toolbox to make a simple card reader.

After all, he can't wait to take out two brand-new calling cards and memory cards, put them directly into the phone, and tell others that this is the result of his one-hour repair.

After Haibara Ai finished telling the information she overheard, she sat in the chair next to her and waited quietly.

In the end, seeing that Ye Gengyi didn't seem to care much about that matter, he finally couldn't help but ask:

"What are you going to do next?"

"What?" Ye Geng asked back, "It's not like you haven't used it before, that '0858' is a wrong reasoning."

"But..." Hai Yuanai hesitated, "I always think that he can deduce something sooner or later."

"Sooner or later?" Ye Geng said with a 'hehe', "You are too confident in that little detective, can you actually hear the voice of loneliness and nostalgia? I'm afraid it won't be long before he can deduce the correct one. Number."

"You're not worried at all?" Huiyuan asked sadly.

"Why should I worry?"

Ye was even more surprised, "That woman caused the disaster, and the little detective shouldn't be too idiot to think that just a string of numbers can make a lot of waves? Otherwise, those undercover agents wouldn't have turned upside down long ago. "

"If..." Hai Yuanai lowered her head and pondered for a moment, "It's really reached that point, what do you do?"

"I don't like giving meaningless answers, and..."

Ye Geng patted Hai Yuanai's head, "Did you come out today without washing up?"

"Ah?" Hai Yuanai was startled.

Ye Gengyi said: "Although the hair is not tangled, it is a little greasy, and the dirt on the corner of the eye has not been wiped. Is there saliva on the right cheek? Did you sleep on the way back from Gunma?"

"you you you……"

Haiyuan Ai was angry and ashamed, she shook off the opponent's hand on her head, took two steps back and said angrily, "Don't think I don't know you're changing the subject!"

"I think too much," Ye Genyi shook his head slightly, "I just want to remind you that you can wash your face before going out next time you encounter this kind of thing."

"Since you're so strong in observation! Then tell me what to do next! Don't just say sarcastic words over there every time you ask a question you don't want to say!" Haiyuan grieved.

"Do you want to make it more obvious?"

Ye Geng paused and said:

"When there is no danger for the time It's best not to show too much difference from usual, you also said... The reason for eavesdropping on their conversation is to take a shower, but now this It looks like this, if the detective boy accidentally sees it, what do you think he will think of..."

"I..." Hai Yuanai opened his mouth and found that he really couldn't find a reason to refute.

"Although it's not a serious problem, remember that details determine success or failure, okay..."

Ye Gengyi installed the data in the phone card and memory card into the card reader to extract the data, then stood up and stretched, and said:

"get out of class."

Haibara Ai:"……"

I'm going to wash my face...

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