Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 810: If you are safe, a thunderbolt

"Speaking of strange, too."

Conan knelt down in front of the fixed line of corpse traces and pointed to the blood that had splattered:

"You have to look carefully to find out that the front edge seems to be cut off by something, right?"

"Huh? That's right..." Hattori Heiji leaned over to observe, "Did you put something here before?"

"Probably a surveillance camera."

A quiet voice suddenly sounded beside the two of them.

! ! !

Conan: "..."

Heiji: "..."

Is it an illusion? Why does my back feel cold...

"What happened to you?" Ye Geng stared at the two detectives, one black and one small, and continued, "If you use that to monitor the actions of the deceased, you don't have to show up, and you can kill him directly after leaving a pre-death message. It also explains why this bottle of ink was intentionally knocked over."

"So it is!" Conan and Hattori Heiji suddenly.

By misleading the deceased and letting the deceased leave a message before death, then these unreasonable clues left at the scene can make sense!

……Wait a moment.

Why does it feel a little wrong?

Has Brother Geng been taking the two of us to discuss the details of the case today?

Conan and Hattori Heiji looked at each other strangely.

So... wanting to outperform others in reasoning is just their own conjecture. After finding clues, they have said it directly and honestly!

Just... After I figured out the reason, I didn't have the motivation to compete at all...

However, the case has not yet been solved, and the relevant clues still need to be confirmed again.

Thinking, Conan directly picked up the remote control on the table to confirm whether the signal source interface of the TV supports audio and video input.

Hattori Heiji suggested before Megumi Thirteen could stop him:

"Mr. Police Officer, the clues we have now basically confirm that an acquaintance committed the crime. Why don't we just call the four employees who found the president's body and ask them about the situation that day."

"Oh... well, I'll contact them right away." Mu Mu Shisan glanced at a few people helplessly, nodded at the end, and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Brother Gengyi and Heiji are really amazing. Not long after they came here, they have already deduced so many clues." Mao Lilan, who was watching on the sidelines, couldn't help but sigh.

"Right, right, as expected of Heiji..."

Yuan Shan and Ye Gang wanted to agree, but suddenly became alert, and their faces collapsed immediately, and said, "No! Xiaolan, how can you praise them! This is the competition between Jiaziyuan and Takarazuka!"

"But we have absolutely no clue."

Mao Lilan was ashamed, "Brother Geng said, the code on that building block was probably left by the deceased after being misled."

"People are just a little unwilling, because if they lose, they won't be able to see Takarazuka." Yuan Shan and Ye's eyes were red, and they were a little helpless when they stood there.

"Huh? What about losing and watching Takarazuka?"

At this time, Mu Mu Shisan passed by the two of them, and when he heard the conversation, he asked blankly, "Is it a clue related to the case?"

"Ah no, it's actually one of us..."

"It's a little reasoning trick, hehehe," Hattori Heiji leaned over and covered Yuanshan and Ye behind him: "Officer, you should contact those four witnesses as soon as possible, it's getting late now."

"Ah? Oh..." Mu Mu Shisan scratched his head, not knowing why.

Hattori Heiji laughed dryly again, turned his head with an embarrassed face, and said in a low voice, "Idiot! Tell the police that we take homicide as a bet, what if we get kicked out directly?"

"Hmph," Yuan Shan and Ye took a deep breath, adjusted their emotions, and said, "What does it matter, you are about to solve the case anyway."

"No, if you want to know who the murderer is, you also need to know their motives for the crime," Conan also came over, "and it's not so much that we lost to us, to be able to quickly pinpoint the clues that the murderer is an acquaintance committing the crime, almost all of them are more My brother found it..."

"That is to say," Hattori Heiji's temples slid a few drops of cold sweat, "I used to think that Brother Geng was able to solve the case so quickly because of his unique method. Now it seems that even if he is able to find clues step by step, he is also terrifyingly strong... …”

"so what……"

Yuan Shan and Ye Banyueyan said, "You won't win in the end."

"But wouldn't that make me cheat? I don't want to be said that I won because of the first brother."

Hattori Heiji also looked back with half-moon eyes, "Hei, since the clues are the same now, and the murderer should be among those 4 people, let's keep the same starting point, how about we compare it again? This time I will definitely find it out first. Murderer!"


Yuan Shan and Ye blinked strangely.

Is this consolation? Why does it feel like there is something strange called 'the desire to win'...

"If that's the case, then put Conan in our group."

Mao Lilan glanced aside, the tool man father who was thinking, and said, "Because Conan can find a lot of unexpected things every time, if you tell Dad, maybe he can solve the case sooner."

"Ah, this..." Conan was a little moved.

Anyway, the alliance of three people also let the black skin take the initiative to release, if you and Xiaolan are in a team, you can use the identity of 'sleeping Xiaogoro' to reason...

Is this preparation for me to deal with Kudo and challenge Genichi?

Hattori Heiji raised his brows and refused very decisively: "No, kicking Gengyi is my biggest concession. This kid belongs to my team, and it is absolutely impossible to give it to you!"

Saying he directly picked up a certain elementary school student, walked towards the corner, and reminded in a low voice:

"Hey, don't you want to be ignorant? I remember that you were the first to mention that you want to compare with Geng Yi to see who can solve the case faster."

"You are the one who threatened me to vote to see Koshien with the words 'high school student' at the dining table?" Conan Banyue squinted.

"Forget it, I won't tell you, no matter what, I will definitely defeat Genichi-ge, and then take you to see Koshien happily." Hattori Heiji clenched his fist and swore.

So Xiaolan and He Ye were directly ignored by you? Hehe, I think you may have misunderstood Gao Xinxing... Conan couldn't help but slander.


the other side.

Waiting for the suspect to be summoned to the scene.

Ye Gengyi briefly asked Takagi Shibuya about the names of the four employees and their alibi on the day of the murder.

"Oh...going to the racetrack, golf course, fishing and watching videos at home?"

Hattori Heiji and Conan didn't know when they came over again.

"It's discussed? So now it's a group of five of you to deal with me?" Ye Geng glanced sideways at the two traitors.

"Uh... You heard it all, Ichigo," Hattori Heiji looked embarrassed, "Then don't misunderstand and listen to my explanation..."

"No." Ye Geng interrupted with a wave of his hand.

For him, Koshien or Takarazuka is a trip of chance. As long as Conan, Heiji, and Mouri Kogoro are there, it will be a case wherever he goes.

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