Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 804: Thinking too much out of time

Conan walked to the mirror, the moment the game started.

In the corridor outside the door, there were also dense footsteps again.

But so what?

Conan didn't pay attention at all, and rushed straight towards the wall with such big strides.

The entrance to the dark passage and the position of the mirror were coincidentally placed in a straight line.

No matter how fast the NPC broke the door, this time, Conan, who didn't try to find any mechanism controller, pushed open the revolving secret door directly due to the momentum of inertia when his body touched the dark golden wall. Then the whole person disappeared into the room.

The third misunderstanding of the game settings, there are control switches in the secret room...

If I stood in front of the secret door and waited foolishly, I'm afraid it would be cold again.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Conan's mouth.

It's that simple?

In the living room, Dr. A Li, Ai Haibara and the three children all looked at Ye Genyi with strange expressions.

"The vast majority of problems, to put it bluntly, are just like that."

Ye Gengyi didn't care: "Also, the game has only just begun..."

Hearing this, the eyes of several people moved back to the screen again.

Maybe it's because of worry that there are traps in this secret passage.

In the picture, Conan did not act in a hurry, but leaned against the wall with his ear attached, listening carefully to the movement in the room.

He knew very well that if he did this, he would get the following three consequences:

First, the precious escape time was wasted, and the NPC rushed directly into the secret passage of the secret room and killed him again;

Second, NPCs will chat in the room to "accidentally" reveal the plot of the game and the direction of their next investigation;

Third, the NPC does nothing...

There is no doubt that Conan once again felt the greatest malice of the plot designer, Ye Geng, to the detective.

Not only did he not hear anything, but when he was trying to push the secret door, trying to return to the room... the door couldn't be pushed anyway.

In other words, he can only continue to move forward without a clue now.

Conan took a cautious step.


Although it was very light, in the silent dark passage, the sound still spread far.

If nothing else, what will happen next?

While speculating on Ye Gengyi's thoughts when he designed the game, he observed the surrounding environment.

As the exploration deepened, and the adaptability of his pupils to the darkness increased, he vaguely noticed that something was not right. the space getting wider and wider?

He stopped to listen carefully, and at this moment, a rustling sound different from an echo came from behind.

Someone has been following me!

Conan was taken aback and looked behind him.

Just two steps away, he saw a scene that was enough to make people gasp.

It was a pale and thin face, the rough skin was covered with wrinkles, and a pair of bloodshot eyes were watching him quietly.

The atmosphere is no longer flowing like a quagmire. Except for the sound of increasingly rapid breathing, there is no other sound in the entire dark passage.


Conan has no doubts about the lessons learned from NPCs with guns. This is also a setting that can directly end the game.

Although the brain responded in just a few seconds, the action transmitted to the body was still slower than the sickle that cut his throat directly after being pulled out.



On the sofa, Conan opened his eyes abruptly, cold sweat slid down his temples, and after a few heavy breaths, he calmed down a little.

And...died again?

"Conan, are you okay?" Ayumi came over to care.

Dr. Akasa, Haibara Ai, Mitsuhiko, and Genta also had inexplicable expressions on their faces.

What happened?

In the previous broadcast, they only saw Conan standing there for a few seconds, and then quit the game as if scared by something.

Immediately, they all turned their attention to Ye Genyi.

"You'll understand after playing a few times..."

Ye Geng drank the coffee in the cup and left another sentence of "Come on", then got up and walked towards the bedroom.

In fact, all the levels he set up, it is almost impossible to complete the level with one life.

For example, his design ideas are still very simple and rude.

There is no end to the secret passage, whether it is to run, walk, or simply lie down and sleep at the entrance, the exit will naturally appear once the 5-minute time limit is up.

But if the player, that is, a player like Conan who likes to use his brain, starts to think wildly.

The neural somatosensory device will automatically detect the corresponding signal, and generate a new copy of the game, pulling the player into it for beheading.

Of course, since that instance was created and ended relatively quickly, the game screen was interrupted before it was rendered synchronously.

This is also the reason why Dr. Aga and the others don't know what was frightening Conan.

Ye Geng designed the game like this for a while, just to strike a blow. A certain little detective who heard the puzzles and difficult problems could not walk, let him know that the outcome of the game is only between the creator's thoughts, and he wanted to follow the steps. Geocoding?

go dream...


Go back to the room.

Ye Gengyi adjusted the frequency of the hidden earphones to prevent being woken up by several children outside, and slept until Just when he was about to get up to wash and cook, he received a call from Hattori Heiji phone.

"Hey... Brother Gengyi, do you have time tomorrow?"

"No." Ye Geng responded decisively.


There was a noticeable silence on the other end of the phone.

Hattori Heiji said helplessly: "Oh! Don't be so indifferent, I'm already on the train to Mikacho!"

Send plague to your door?

Ye Geng died fisheye, "Tell me, what's the matter this time?"

"It's no surprise to say it now."

Hattori Heiji snorted: "Besides, my father and Kazuya's father also heard about what happened in Fantasyland, because I don't know when you will go to Osaka again, so let me go here. Come and treat you to a meal instead of them."

Treat me to dinner instead?

However, listening to the tone, it doesn't seem like I came here specially for this matter...

Could it be that, like the time when he was kidnapped, he received a request from someone else, so he had to go to another place first?

Ye Geng thought for a while and asked, "Do I need to pick you up at the station?"

"Eh?!" Hattori Heiji was surprised: "Is that okay? You are so busy..."

This reaction has no other destination, so it's going to go straight to me or that little detective...

Ye Geng died fisheye and said, "I'm just being polite, you can reply to me with 'no trouble'."

"Then why are you embarrassed, hehe..."

Hattori Heiji changed the conversation: "I'll be there at 3 o'clock!"

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