Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 1352: error records in books

Is the problem actually in this place...

The police department of Gongchang still couldn't figure out the situation: "So... Expert Ye, how did you coax him?"

You must know that the arsonists searched the criminal police in the group, but after Kairen Sugiura woke up, they tried their best, and even called the nurses to drive them away, but they still didn't ask anything.

Hui Yuan Ai was also distracted by the topic here, and temporarily moved away from his concerns about the organization, and couldn't help complaining:

"I can't imagine it at all."

"It's simple, kids generally love toys and treats..."


"After buying those, please ask Police Officer Sato to go to the hospital with me, just ask casually."

Everyone: "..."

And this trick? !

"Oh, right…"

Ye Gengyi suddenly remembered something, and added: "When Police Officer Zuo Teng and I left the Metropolitan Police Department, we happened to meet Officer Takagi. Seeing his hesitant expression, he probably suspected that Officer Zuo Teng and I were in the same place. Dating. Because we both found it very interesting, we decided not to tell him the truth for the time being, and you don’t let Officer Takagi say anything.”

Everyone: "..."

Are you devils...

"Unexpectedly, you will do such a thing."

Hui Yuanai tugged at Ye Gengyi's sleeve with a speechless expression, motioning for him to take a step to speak.

She had to tell the other party that she felt the atmosphere of organization among the three suspects as soon as possible... Although she didn't know whether Ye Gengyi knew about it, and she didn't seem to feel nervous now.

In the end, before the two of them took a step, Conan leaned over again, "Brother Sagaichi, the Yumisawa police department, I think even with the testimony of Sugiura-san, it would be very difficult for the criminal to admit his crime."

That's right!

After all, Kaito Sugiura didn't explain to Gengichi and the others why he gave Mabe Yin the strange nickname of 'yellow man'.

Taking a step back, even if it is said, before there is no conclusive evidence to prove that Zhenbiyin also had the motive of setting fire, people can completely refute this testimony with the view that children are just talking nonsense.

With Sugiura Kairen's character, it's impossible for a child to confront an adult, right?


Brother Gengichi, my name is Detective Kudo Shinichi, and today I want to let you know that in addition to testimony, evidence is the most important thing in reasoning!

Immediately, he explained the situation he was facing now in a more tactful way.

"Police, I think Conan is right..."

At this time, a police officer who had been listening said: "After all, not everyone is as good at raising children as Maori detectives. Before there is more evidence, it is too much to use the testimony of the children who opened the case." Adventure?"

He hesitated a little, lowered his voice and said:

"In case he heard someone arguing with Mr. Sugiura last night, it was just a dream. Maybe even the red, white and yellow people were all imagined by him."

[In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books, change the source app,]

"It's not imagined!" Ayumi immediately retorted when she heard the conversation between the two.

"That's right!" Mitsuhiko echoed, "Sugiura-san said that there is a tenant who does suspicious things every night."

"Hey! Conan, you bastard! Don't you think Sugiura-san is lying!" Genta glared at a certain detective boy... Relying on the name of living in the famous detective Mori Kogoro's house, he really didn't treat them as Pay attention to these elementary school students!

"I, of course I believe in Sugiura-san, just like a child who does bad things, we usually ask the adults around him what kind of child he is... and the other way around, even if it is a child, Sugiura-san is also because of I usually observe the tenants carefully, so I gave them nicknames based on their characteristics. It's just..."

Conan explained helplessly:

"In order to make his testimony more credible, we should now find evidence as soon as possible."

"Purple Leaf Beech Villa Eucalyptus"

Akai Shuichi came over, bent slightly and took the initiative to talk to Conan, "This is the conversation between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in that book, 'Watson, as a doctor, if you want to master the character of a child, don't you? Will try to start with their parents. Don't you think the reverse is also true?'…Is that right?"

"Oh! Brother, are you a fan of Sherlock Holmes?"

Conan's eyes lit up. Until just now, he was still worrying about how to chat with Shuichi Akai naturally. He didn't expect that the other party would be so good at seizing the opportunity, and came to him just when he was talking about Sherlock Holmes.

"Yes... I have all his books, but unfortunately they were burned by the fire."

Akai Hideichi looked back at the ruins of the apartment.

"Have all of them?" Ye Gengyi suddenly intervened in the conversation between the two, and asked, "Since they are worth collecting, they should all be collector's editions, right?"

"Well, yes." Akai Hideo nodded.

"Have you read the non-collector's edition?" Ye Geng asked.


Akai Shuichi kept smiling.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he had a face-to-face conversation with this Professor Ye, and it seemed that the other party liked to talk about Sherlock Holmes, so if he could use this as an entry point, it would be a good opportunity.

After all, the FBI was too damaged in the last incident.

He knew something about Ye Gengyi's deeds.

If you can win the other party's favor or even a tendency during this period of lurking, it will definitely be a big help for the FBI.

"Oh? So you've read it, what a pity..." Ye Gengyi shook his head slightly, as if regretting something.


Akai Hideichi was stunned, but didn't answer immediately, his brain was running fast, thinking about the subtext of this sentence.

If you just express regret, then you should be regretting the books that were swallowed by the fire, but...why do you add the sentence "so you have read it"?

He was silent for a moment, and asked in a puzzled tone, "Excuse me, were you talking about those books just now?"


Ye Gengyi nodded slightly, and said without denying, "Because of the similarities between "The Hound of the Baskervilles" and Robinson's "Legends of the Western Regions", UU Reading published it back then in order not to fall into endless confusion. In the midst of the lawsuit, only a small number of collector's editions of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" that were printed at the beginning have not been deleted or changed, and it is very difficult to buy the original books afterwards."

"Oh, so that's the case..."

Akai Shuichi smiled and said: "It's okay, some of my friends are also loyal fans of Sherlock Holmes. Although it's a pity that they can't buy the collector's edition books, it's okay to ask them to borrow them and read them for a while."

"I actually think that you don't need to be too sorry," Ye Gengyi said without any shame, "because I made up those words just now."

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Ye Gengyi ignored his silence, patted Conan's head with his hand, continued to look at him, and said:

"Of course, being able to say the lines in "The Case of the Purple Leaf Beech Villa" at least proves that you have indeed read Conan Doyle's novels. However, the way you eavesdropped on our conversation just now was really suspicious, and you suddenly ran over to approach us. The behavior of the child is also quite strange, although this child is called Conan, but he only looks smarter, in fact he often does some stupid things."

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Thought it was just ordinary conversation, it turned out to be a temptation and a warning about hidden verbal traps?

I was really careless, I actually forgot that this Professor Ye is also a good expert in criminal investigation... But at least the other party's attitude is still very clear, and my own performance is not too bad. If I deal with it well, there will be a turning point...

Conan: "..."

It's just that I look smarter, so I have always been a stupid kid who is particularly easy to be deceived in Brother Gengyi's heart? !

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