Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 1291: extra exercise after meals

It was noon.

The noisy long street of Mihua Town was crowded with people.

Amidst the din of the car engine, Ye Gengyi walked out of the ramen shop, went to the nearest vending machine, and bought a can of instant coffee with coins.

Although I rejected Little Radar's invitation to go out for a buffet together, I still have to eat.

In addition, if he is alone, some people don't want to waste time cleaning up kitchen waste.

Simply, I might as well eat out these few days, and by the way, take a walk to soothe my spirit.

In fact, he had completed the data collection on wind speed two days ago.

Coincidentally, on the same day, Little Radar, who was complaining about the decline in food quality in the past few days, also called Ye Gengyi to ask about the progress of scientific research, when he would be back.

However, he still procrastinated until today on the grounds that the subject was not over yet.

The reason is not complicated... Youbi came to Mihua Town.

The news came from Gin.

It is said that "that one" seems to be very concerned about the progress of the matter, of course... the focus of attention is naturally Bi, more precisely, the loyalty of "Kiel".

Did bi come to Mihua Town?

In other words, people from the organization also came... Although Ye Gengyi planned to analyze it this way at first, but then, when he saw words like "secret investigation" in the email content, he suddenly replied this time. god.

It turned out that the so-called organizer was himself.

Well, to be precise, he is still the commander of this 'secret investigation' operation.

What would you like them to do today?

Ye Gengyi fumbled for the phone in his pocket, and suddenly saw a familiar figure scratching his head, with 'I'm useless' written all over his face.

Japan is really small... He sighed in his heart, and continued to walk forward without haste.

"Huh?" Gao Mushe's eyes lit up, and he greeted first, "Mr. Ye! What a coincidence."

"Well, coincidence." Ye Geng nodded, stood there and paused for a few seconds, then walked past him naturally, "Goodbye."

Do you want to be so efficient!

Gao Mushe sweated a little, turned around and caught up quickly, and said, "Wait a minute, Mr. Ye, did you find any suspicious people nearby before?"

"Suspicious person?"

Ye Gengyi stood still again, glanced at the police officer in gray suit in front of him, and said:

"The buttons on the cuffs are unbuttoned, and there are obvious wrinkles at the collar, but the hair is not messed up, and the face and stubble are also trimmed cleanly, which means that it is not caused by sleepiness. There are traces of being trampled on one of the leather shoes, But you are not out of breath, and you don't see too much sweat on your forehead, and you look around in a daze... you were arresting someone before, and then the other party broke away and escaped?"


Takagi Tsubasa opened his mouth in surprise.

Because it's all been said.

"You can catch the other party to show that there is no problem with the ability. The fault lies in the fact that you didn't use handcuffs to restrict the other party's actions in the first place..."

Ye Gengyi patted Gao Mushe on the shoulder: " are so careless, which means that the possibility of that person is a murderer is very low, so take your time looking for it."

"Mr. Ye, you are so powerful, you will definitely not delay for too long, please help me!"

Takagi Tsutomu grabs someone's arm and doesn't let him go.

"Tell me what happened first?" Ye Geng asked with fishy eyes.

As a cadre who is carrying out organizational tasks, he can encounter incidents whenever he goes out for lunch. Sure enough, Mihua Town, a criminal city, is still somewhat evil.

"Oh, it's like this..."

Seeing this, Takagi She hurriedly recounted what happened.

About a few minutes ago.

He happened to pass by that section of the road and saw a group of people gathered together. When he got closer, he found that it was two men arguing.

One said the other was caught red-handed stealing from him.

But the other person refused to admit it, and refused the other party's body search.

So Takagi revealed his identity as a policeman, the thief was shocked on the spot, and then...

"Then, he broke free from my hand and ran away."

"At that time, when you grabbed him, was it as tight as you grabbed me?" Ye Geng looked at his arm pointingly.

"Ah! Sorry..."

Gao Mushe blushed, quickly let go, and said embarrassingly: "...I chased all the way here, but I still lost track. When I was at a loss, I saw you, Mr. Ye, coming from here. .”

"That's it..."

Ye Geng turned his head to look at the intersection, roughly estimated the distance, and asked, "What about the appearance, do you remember?"

"Uh," Takagi She hesitated, "Because he was wearing a hat and a big scarf around his neck, so I..."

"Don't hesitate, Officer Takagi, you are a criminal police officer, so be decisive and straightforward! Just say you don't remember next time."

Ye Geng interrupted directly, turning his gaze from the intersection to the store on the side of the street, "Come with me."

Not long.

He and Takagi came to the door of a video store.

Ye Gengyi said, "You go in, I'll wait outside."

"Huh? Did that person run into here?"

Takagi was surprised, "Why? How did you know Mr. Ye?"

"I don't know. Look at the top..." Ye Gengyi pointed to the camera on the door frame, "It knows."

Takagi Wataru: "..."

After a few minutes.

Takagi came out of the store and said that he saw the man in the hat and scarf running past on the surveillance screen.

The scope of the search was shortened again.

Afterwards, Ye Gengichi, who had been paying attention to the road section, asked Takagi Tsutomu to check the ramen shops starting from the video shop one by one.

Then he successfully found the thief in the toilet of a convenience store who was in a panic because he was being chased by the police.

It turned out to be so simple...

Gao Mushe didn't dare to be careless this time, and hurriedly contacted the nearby police car, and after escorting the thief up, he realized with belatedness that in fact, this problem can be solved by himself.

Of course, an afterthought is not advisable.

After some sincere thanks.

Just when Takagi was about to return to the Metropolitan Police Department in a police car, the call from the podium came out again on the radio:

"Attention the police officers near the New Mihua Building. The main station received a report that someone was shot on the 39th floor of the building. Please go to support immediately and wait for the Criminal Search Division to investigate..."


Ye Geng frowned, and quietly moved to the side of the police car.

Takagi She who just sat in the co-pilot seat also picked up the walkie-talkie and replied:

"I'm Takagi Tsubasa from the Investigation Section 1 of the Criminal Department. I happened to be investigating cases nearby. Please tell me if you have anything to do!"

"Ah? Officer Takagi, the situation is like this..." The operator of the walkie-talkie was startled, and after recovering, he hurriedly explained the situation in detail.

The person who called the police, that is, the lady who found the body, was the secretary of a scouting company located on the 39th floor of the Xinmihua Building.

The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here..】

Just a few minutes ago, she returned to the office to find the president sitting on the office chair covered in blood, with multiple gunshot wounds on the torso of his body.

According to her, the deceased originally planned to meet a reserve artist today, but the strange thing was that the reserve artist was picked up by the deceased himself while wandering in the street, so the secretary did not know the appearance and name of the other party.

"I see, go now!"

Takagi replied, put down the walkie-talkie, turned his head to look out of the car, and was about to ask Ye Gengyi to go to the Xinmihua Building together, but the other party was nowhere to be seen.

Oh, why did Mr. Ye leave...

He secretly said depressed, and before he had time to think about it, he knew that there would be no delay at the scene of the accident, so he quickly put on his seat belt and directed the police officer in the driver's seat to take him there first.

Wait until the police car flies away.

Only then did Ye Gengyi walk out of a shop without haste.

The new Mihua building?

If I remember correctly, the doctor and Little Radar are planning to go there for a buffet at noon today.

Sure enough, my prediction was not wrong...

If you go out with Conan, you must be mentally prepared to die wherever you go.

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