Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 1240: When the contemporary name becomes the name, it has more spreading power.

A dialog box that is being deleted caught everyone's eyes.

"Make it stop!" Conan yelled.

"Huh? What happened over there?"

Haibara Ai, who could only hear voices, couldn't understand.

"Well..." Ye Gengyi hesitated for a moment, then said, "Xiao Ai, otherwise you won't listen to the content that follows."

"Ah?" Hai Yuanai was startled and even more at a loss.

Here, Xijun Zongbing finally realized what his friend was doing from the string of familiar file names above the progress bar, and hurriedly clicked cancel frantically, scolding:

"Hey! Duohu! What are you doing!"

"This, I... Zongbing, I'm sorry, I have no ill intentions!"

Perhaps thinking that the empty vernacular explanation was too pale, Duohu thumped and knelt on the floor, "Don't worry, I have backed up all these photos. I originally planned to delete one of them, and then secretly give it to him. I restored it back, but I didn't expect you, who was supposed to go to the gym, to come back so early..."


Hearing what the other party said, Xijun Zongbing was even more at a loss: "So, what photo do you want to delete? I don't remember taking anything shameful."

"It's just a model..."

Duohu sighed helplessly, "The photo I want to delete is the German iv H-type chariot that I showed you before."


Conan looked stunned. Are you thinking too much?

Here, Ye Gengyi, who was about to adjust the eavesdropping signal to the hidden earphone, stopped his movements and let the inquiries of the Xijun Zongbing continue to be heard from the speaker:

To tell the truth, recently I have been using reading books to keep up with updates, switching sources, and reading aloud tones. It can be used for both Android and Apple. 】

"Oh? You said that chariot. Isn't that a great job? Why did you delete its photo?"

"It, in fact... that was not made by me, but bought by me."

Duohu could only helplessly continue to explain: "In order to scare you guys, I changed the brand name to my own name, but who would have thought that you would all believe it and even took a photo and said it would be put on the 'Society'. show, that's why I'm going to delete that photo..."

"So that's how it is... Haha, are you an idiot!"

Xijun Zongbing couldn't hold back, and suddenly burst out laughing, "We just pretended to be fooled. With the sophistication of the model, we can see that it is impossible for you to make it well! So we will discuss it in private, before you confess. Just pretend you don't know."


Duohu was a little stunned, "You... you guys actually know it and hide it from me, it's too much!"

"It's you who is too much!" Xijun Zongbing retorted.

"Cough, cough, cough, sorry..."

Seeing that the two of them were chattering, Dr. Li had no choice but to interrupt: "Since the photos are backed up, can you lend us a look first?"

"Uh, yes, this time it was because of your call, old man, that I temporarily decided not to go to the gym."

Xijun Zongbing came back to his senses and turned to Duohu: "Okay, you quickly take out the album, I want to find a photo from it."

"Which one are you talking about?" Duohu asked.

"It's the customer who is very close to my grandfather and often brings his son to the assorted yaki shop."

Xijun Zongbing recalled: "You should have the impression that he and his friends especially like to wear black clothes."

"Oh, you said him..." Duohu seemed to remember the other party too.

Conan adjusted his mentality, heard the words, and immediately asked, "Excuse me, do you both know that guest?"

"Well, because I went to the same university in Osaka as Zongbing, I remember that person..."

Duohu pondered for a moment: "It seems that you are playing diving, right?"

"You said before that he was a member of the Maritime Self-Defense Force." Xijun Zongbing pouted, obviously quite immune to his friend's character who ran the train with his mouth full.


Why dive?

Conan was not distracted, and according to Ye Gengyi's expectations, he continued to ask, "Did that person say it himself?"

"No, because he's cold and hard to approach."

Duohu felt a little cold on his back, and he couldn't help shivering, and said, "I also happened to accidentally drop the change on the ground once, and when I walked over to pick it up, I heard what the other party said, 'Finally, I'm going to dive in. 'some type of…"



"Could it be that Hondo Yingyou's father is an undercover agent lurking somewhere."

In the passenger seat of the car, Haibara Ai, who heard this information, couldn't hide her astonishment.

Because of this, that Hondo Yingyou is very likely to be a very dangerous person too! And the impulsive detective in Edogawa is investigating him...


Ye Gengyi calmly made a silent gesture, "Listen first."

Haibara Ai hurriedly covered her mouth and nodded silently.

Just listen to Duohu continue:

"Because I have been addicted to making models of warships and chariots since I was a child. When I heard 'Dive down', I immediately thought he was talking about submarines. Later, I heard Zongbing's grandfather said that the man was just an ordinary office worker, so I would have guessed that he was discussing diving with his colleagues in the company at that time."

"His colleagues?" Conan extracted the point of the question.

"Ah... I remember that there are three or four foreign men. It always feels like he is ready to challenge some dangerous sea area."

Duohu said with emotion: "Because the atmosphere at the table was very solemn, and that person's colleagues kept saying things like 'goodluopainnogain'..."

Good hard work pays a dignified atmosphere.

Conan digested this amazing information for a moment, took a deep breath, and continued to ask: "When they talked about diving, was that person's son present?"

If Yingyou Hondo is also there, it means that the group of people did not... or did not intend to avoid the other's family members when discussing related topics.

The possibility of being held hostage is very low, after all, children are likely to talk nonsense.

Although it is not absolute, the answer to this question may be related to the position of Yingyou Hondo!

On and off the field, only Ye Genyi and Conan were able to realize this.

"No. When he brought his son to visit, no colleagues were there." Xijun Zongbing said.

"Ah! Yes, right here..."

Duohu pulled out the photo from the place where he hid his photo album, UU reading, "Hey, look, with such a close shot, the child must have accidentally hit the shutter when he was looking at the camera. key."

"Well, I only found out when I developed the photo."

Xijun Zongbing looked at the photo and said with emotion, "Speaking of which, this child looks really cute, especially his eyes..."


Conan hurriedly changed the subject, "Big brother, do you know anything else about that man's occupation?"

"There seems to be nothing else."

Xijun Zongbing handed the photo to Conan and said, "I knew he was an office worker hired by a pany, but I don't know what the pany is."

"Can we take this photo?" Conan asked.

"Well, yes." Xijun Zongbing didn't care about this.

After all, this photo is just like what he just said, just accidentally washed out.

Anyway, there is an electronic version of the archive, and he doesn't care much about the paper version.

"It's a worthwhile trip."

In addition to the eavesdropping on Dr. Akasa, Ye Geng commented on the tracking operation this time, recovered all the electronic equipment, and prepared to drive back to Mikancho 2-chome.

Wearing a black cap and a mask, Hui Yuanai sat back in the back seat and pondered, "Brother Geng, are they talking about paelligency?"

"Well, thepany, theagency... were originally used for secrecy, but I don't know when it became the name of cia widely."

Ye Geng drove the car calmly and said in a calm tone, "It's really a big news."

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