Seeing this guy in front of me starting to cheat again.......

Vermouth took a deep breath, showing her helplessness.

However, the big waves that rose and fell due to her deep breathing gave Lin Feng a feast for the eyes!!!



Seeing her man's naked gaze, even an icy beauty like Vermouth couldn't help but feel shy.

It was hard to imagine that a cold-blooded killer like Vermouth would have such a little girl's attitude.

However, although she was very dissatisfied and disgusted with Lin Feng's gaze, in her heart, Vermouth"490" Mode still enjoyed the malicious gaze of her man.............

At least this proves that his charm is still there and has not diminished because of clapping too many times with Lin Feng..............

In fact, women still care about this aspect.

The more beautiful the woman is, the more she cares!!!

Even a cold-blooded killer like Vermouth who kills countless people is the same...............

Of course, this complex emotion will only be reflected when facing your lover..............

If it was another man with bad intentions, Vermouth would probably just give him a peanut.

Don't doubt it!!!

This is the style of the Thousand-Faced Witch!!!

Being killed for looking at her for a second is not a very unbelievable thing...........

At least in the past, Vermouth had killed more than once those men who had evil intentions towards her..........

Anyway, the organization will clean up her mess in the end, so she only needs to feel good at the moment of killing and that's it!!!

Gin: Oh my god!!!

Speaking of which, when Lin Feng was flirting with Vermouth,

Pisco was watching all this silently............

"This come?!!"

"Why does the young lady treat him so strangely?!!"

"Not only did she not ignore him, but she even started a conversation with him?!!!"

"This is not right!!!"

"And judging from the young lady's appearance, she seems to be quite fond of this man?!!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oh my god, my eyes are not so old that they are blurry, right?!!"

"But why is the scene before my eyes so unimaginable?!!"

After thinking for a while, a ridiculous idea suddenly flashed through Pisco's mind............

"Could this man be the young lady's male lover?!!"

"this......Isn’t this too tragic?!!"

"Alas, poor man, I wish you good luck!!!"

In Pisco's opinion, Lin Feng should be the male lover that his eldest daughter kept outside...........

It is specially used for venting!!!

After all, as a grown-up, it is normal for her to need to satisfy her physiological needs............

Pisco didn’t find it strange!!!

Of course, he only thought about this. He didn’t go a step further and thought that Lin Feng might be the young lady’s boyfriend or even husband!!!

This was very absurd in his opinion!!! He had watched his young lady grow up, how could she fall in love with a man?!!!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!!!

Thinking of this, Pisco didn’t pay too much attention to it.

After all, this was his young lady’s private matter, and he, a working man, didn’t have the right and courage to interfere...........

As for our short and fat death god Conan, his four eyes never left Lin Feng.

So naturally he also paid attention to Vermouth who was chatting happily with Lin Feng...........

For a time, the Grim Reaper successfully classified his godmother as one of Pisco's major suspects............

Vermouth: Sure enough, they are not my biological children!!!

Second update, please subscribe, please subscribe first, please subscribe by yourself, please subscribe to all books!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!.

Added by: Thienphongxyz

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