Feeling the looming gaze of death behind him,

Lin Feng was about to break apart............

"This guy is really like an annoying fly, it makes me mad!!!"

"No, I have to find a way to teach him a lesson!!!"

Unable to bear it any longer, Lin Feng decided to take action!!!

He secretly called Ah Fu and prepared to have him slap the god of death again!!!

By the way, draw some blood and get some samples, perfect.............

But at this moment,

Lin Feng finally found the beautiful figure in the crowd.

""Nine Zero Seven" picked up a glass of wine and walked straight up:

"Beautiful lady, are you waiting for your husband?!!!"


"Oh, no, you got the wrong person?!! I'm single............"

Lin Feng: ???

You are single?!!

Then what am I?!!

"Hahahaha, I see. Sorry, I think I recognized the wrong person.

Just when Belmode was relieved and wanted to tell him to go away, the next sentence completely left Belmode speechless...............

"Since this beautiful lady is single, may I have the honor of having a drink with you?!!"

"Of course, I wouldn't mind if we could get to know each other better.........."

Vermouth: ??????


Shameless man!!!

"hehe..........I'm not interested, bye!!!"

Seeing that free and easy back, Lin Feng smacked his lips.

Miss Chris, she is still as bad-tempered as ever!!!

People around looked at Lin Feng and thought that this guy was a bit 1sp.


Some women subconsciously stayed away from him.

Even some men didn't want to get close to him.

For a moment.

There was no one within a two-meter radius of Lin Feng.

Oh, no, there are still people!!!

That is the little loli Huiyuan Ai and today's bodyguard Boomerang Captain!!!

No one paid much attention to a small episode. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Only the four eyes of the Grim Reaper stared at Lin Feng and the person he just teased.

"If I remember correctly, that woman seemed to be a famous female star in the Lighthouse Country. Her name was.........."

"What was her name?!!"

After thinking for a long time, the God of Death still couldn't remember.

But he was sure that he had some impression of this woman. But he couldn't remember where the impression came from.............

""Forget it, forget it, I'll just keep an eye on this guy, and I'll ignore that woman for now!!!"

Just then, there was a sudden noise at the entrance of the hall.

It turned out that Shigehiko Tunkou entered the memorial service under the protection of the police.

The moment Conan saw this man, he knew that he was the target that the Black Organization wanted to assassinate!!!

Thinking of this, Conan looked back at Lin Feng again.

But he found that he just glanced in that direction subconsciously, and then retracted his gaze and continued to talk to the girl with brown hair...

This reaction was completely unlike someone who targeted Shigehiko Tunkou!!!

It can even be said that the man's subconscious action just now was just because of the noise coming from the entrance of the hall, which disturbed him.

Because of this, he took a look, and then turned his head and continued the conversation as if nothing had happened.

If the man's eyes had stayed on Shigehiko Tunkou for one more second, or if he had ignored it completely,

Conan would have regarded Lin Feng as a major suspect!!!

But in this situation, he himself couldn't do it.................

First update, please subscribe, please first order, please subscribe, please subscribe!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!.

Added by: Thienphongxyz

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