Lin Feng remembers this plot very clearly!!!

After all, it was in this plot that Gin's Porsche 356A was first exposed to the audience.............

At the same time, it was the first time that Huiyuan Ai drank and recovered to the appearance of Miyano Shiho............

Of course, Bayonetta's first appearance is also in this episode!!!

Including Pisco knowing Haibara Ai's identity, but being silenced by Gin before he could say it out loud, which can be called an undercover performance............

Yes, that's right!!!

The undercover agent is Gin!!!

If Gin had fired a second later than Pisco finished speaking, the anime"Detective Conan" would have come to an early end.............

After all, after knowing the secret of APTX4869, Haibara Ai will definitely be the first to be killed!!!

Then the god of death who has been in contact with Haibara Ai will also be killed.

In this way, the male protagonist is GG, so what else is there to watch?!!!

It can only end with the grand finale..............

Of course.

It was because of Gin's undercover behavior that this anime wasted another twenty years of the lives of Conan fans..............

Speaking of which.

Lin Feng, who knew the plot, couldn't help but smile after hearing this:

"I'll help you!! '!"

"You help me?!! No, this mission is not difficult, and I am just an assistant, not the executor............"

"Maybe I won’t even have to take action in the end!!!"

"Where do I need your help?"

Lin Feng:...........

I just want to get some plot rewards. It has nothing to do with whether you need to help or not.............

But Lin Feng definitely can’t say that, otherwise he will just sleep on the sofa!!!

"cough cough————"

"It's okay, just watch it!!!"

"Why, is it not possible?!!"

Although she didn't know what her man was up to, she insisted on following him!!!

But Vermouth didn't choose to refuse...........

If you want to go with me, then go!

It's not a big deal..............(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Anyway, this guy is surrounded by so many powerful people, and he won't be in any danger.............

"Then don't stick with me, or I'm afraid of being seen by people in our organization..........."

"No, they must stick together and cannot be separated for even a minute!!!"


"Be obedient and stop making trouble, I am doing this for your own good!!!"

"Oh, it’s okay, so what if someone from your organization sees it?!!"

"Then you will come into the sight of our organization, and your peaceful life will be disrupted!!!"

"hehe.......Don't worry, if your organization really dares to reach out to me, I promise to break their hands!!!"

"Aren’t you afraid that your identity will be discovered by the organization?!!!"

"Don't worry, I have many identities, I can just expose one when the time comes..........."

Having said that, Lin Feng took a sip of wine, then shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Anyway, it's enough to let your organization know that I'm not a simple person.........."

"I believe that with your organization's extremely despicable style of doing things, you will definitely not provoke yourself into provoking someone who is difficult to deal with, right?!"

"By then, if I reveal a little bit of my identity, it will be enough to make your organization retreat............"

Hearing this,

Vermouth wanted to refute, but she was powerless!!!

Because she knew that her man was telling the truth!!!

Second update, please subscribe, please subscribe first, please subscribe by yourself, please subscribe to all!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can support me, thank you!!!

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