
He took a deep breath and slightly adjusted his emotions after being scolded.

Gin said coldly:

"The boss has ordered that one person needs to be killed at the Beihu Hotel tomorrow evening."

After hearing this, Vermouth thought for a moment and came up with a rough answer:

"Is it the Tsuchiguchi Shigehiko who was involved in a corruption scandal?!!"

"Yes, that guy knows too many secrets about the organization and must be eliminated!!!"

"Got it, who else is on this mission?!!"

"Pisco is in charge of the execution, you help provide cover, Vodka and I will be outside to meet them.........."


After hanging up the phone,

Vermouth thought about it and guessed that the boss probably wanted to deal with Pisco this time.

After all, over the years, Pisco relied on his status as a veteran of the organization and did a lot of things that crossed the line!!!

Originally, the boss did not compare with him because he had served in the organization for a long time..........

But as they crossed the line again and again, it was obvious that the boss had already started to kill them...........

This time, maybe they will eliminate him in passing!

Otherwise, why would Gin be involved?

Isn’t this the job of the executioner and the organization’s scavenger?

However, Vermouth will not feel any grief for Pisco’s death.............

First of all, this guy is asking for death!!!

He has no idea where he is.............

If such a person were in the organization, he should have died long ago!!!

(bbfj) He is lucky to have lived so long, he should be content............

Of course, in addition to Pisco seeking death himself, the identities of the two are different!!!

The special relationship between Vermouth and the organization's boss alone is destined to make it impossible for Vermouth to die!!!

At least that person will never allow others to kill him!!!

Even if he is seeking death again, it will be the same...........

At most, he would be imprisoned, but his life would not be in danger!!! It is for this reason that Vermouth has no feelings for Gin, the scavenger that almost all members of the organization fear...........

Because she knew that Gin couldn't kill her at all!!! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even if he hated herself, it would still be the same............

If Gin was not so loyal to the organization, Vermouth might still worry that he would kill her in a rage.

But it is precisely because she knows that Gin is absolutely loyal to the organization and the boss, and will never disobey the orders of that person!!!

Vermouth is so unscrupulous in front of him............

Speaking of which.

Just as Vermouth finished his last sip of wine and stood up to prepare for the mission tomorrow night, suddenly, a man stood in front of him.

Vermouth, who was subconsciously preparing to fight back, relaxed immediately after smelling the scent of the man in front of him............

"What are you doing here?!!"

Even though she relaxed, Vermouth's tone was still very bad!!!

"I came to see my wife. What are you doing here? This is a really strange question............"

"I don't need you to come and see me, just get out of the way, as far away as you can!!!"

"Okay, stop it, your subconscious muscle reaction just now can't lie........."

Lin Feng, who had grabbed the woman in front of him, looked directly at her and said word by word:

"Also, you didn't show any disgust when I called you your wife, need I say anything more?!!!"

Second update, please subscribe, please subscribe first, please subscribe, please subscribe to all!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!.

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